There are some important safety considerations which one should know before using the NMR spectrometer. These concern the use of (a) strong magnetic fields, and (b) cryogenic liquids.
- People with medical implants (such as cardiac implants pacemakers, aneurysm clips, surgical clips, or prostheses) should check with the NMR Facility Manager before entering the NMR room.
- All magnetic objects should be kept outside the NMR magnet room. This includes keys, wallets, mechanical watches, tools, etc. ASSUME ANY PIECE OF METAL IS MAGNETIC UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.
- Keep electronics, credit cards and magnetic storage media outside of the NMR magnet room.
- Use only non-magnetic tools inside the NMR magnet room.
- In case a metallic object strikes the magnet, get NMR Facility staff immediately. Do NOT attempt to pull the object off yourself.
- In the event of a magnet quench (sudden and rapid boil-off of the magnets cryogens (helium and nitrogen) that can be detected by visible (and/or audible) emission of cryogenic gas from the magnet), the magnet cryogens that vaporizes displace air and can result in asphyxiation. If a quench occurs, immediately evacuate the NMR room!