Common Bruker Commands and Nomenclature
- edc- edit current data set (can be used to copy current data set parameters into a new name)
- eda- edit acquisition parameters
- edp- edit processing parameters
- edo- edit output device (printer/plotter)
- edg- edit graphics, the plotting parameters
- acqu [a]- go to the acquisition menu
- ased- edit acquisition parameters relevant to the current pp
- edasp- edit the rf routing (the channels)
- wobb [w]- starts the frequency sweep of the tune and match of the specified (e.g. 1H) circuit of the probehead.
- atmm- (to be used for those probes equipped with Automatic Tuning & Matching, ATM)- enables maual adjustment of the wobbling (tuning & matching) of the probehead circuit
- atma- (to be used for those probes equipped with Automatic Tuning & Matching, ATM)- enables automatic adjustment of the wobbling (tuning & matching) of the probehead circuit
- d- indicates delays (d1 to d31), given in seconds, and can be given as a parameter in eda/ased or can be written explicitly in the pulse program (e.g. 20µ, 15m, “d4=d2+p13*2-2µ”).
- p- indicates rectangular pulses (p1 to p31) which are given in µsec.
- sp- indicates shaped pulses (sp1 to sp31) given in µsec, and require additional definitions of spnam (the name of the sp), and spoff (the offset of the pulse).
- pl- indicates powerlevels (pl1 to pl31) given in dB units (attenuation), and are set on a specific channel (e.g. pl2:f2).
- o1- the carrier frequency offset (usually) of the 1H pulses, in Hz
- o1p- O1 in ppm units
- sfo1- the spectrometer frequency (SF) + O1, in MHz
- sw- total spectral width, in ppm units
- swh- the equivalent of SW, given in Hz units
- td- time domain size of the acquired FID
- si- size of the frequency-domain spectrum
- ns- number of scans (depends on the phase cycling of the pulse program)
- ds- number of dummy scans
- rg - the receiver gain, can be set automatically by rga
- zg- start running the currently-defined pulse program (regardless of its name).
- expt- experiment time
- ft- the Fourier transformation to the acquired FID
- pk- phase correction using previously set parameters (PH0, PH1)
- fp- performs consecutively ft + pk
- qsin- a sine square window function applied to the FID before ft, controlled by the parameter ssb
- ssb- square sine bell parameter used by qsin
- em- exponential multiplication of the FID, controlled by lb
- lb- the line-broadening parameter used by em, given in Hz
- ef – performs consecutively em + ft
- efp- performs consecutively em + ft + pk
- setti [t]- sets the title one can give to the data set
- gradients- the old nomenclature, GRAD(50 Neg 20), defines the gradients amplitude (50% here), sign (negative here) and its length (in multiplicity of 50msec, means 20X50 msec here). In the present nomenclature, the gradient is defined as a pulse (e.g. p16:gp1), its sign is defined in eda (e.g. GPZ1= -50%) and its shape is defined by gpnam (e.g. GPNAM1= sine.100) .