Pulse Program Information and Properties

Pulse Program Information and Properties

The nomenclature of parameters as described in Pulprog.info.

For a pulseprogram the first characters (usually up to 6, but sometimes more) specify the type of experiment, e.g. DEPT, COSY,NOESY etc..
Further properties of the pulseprogram are indicated by a two-character code, which is added to the name in alphabetical order.

For 2D experiments the mode (absolute value,phase sensitive or echo-antischo) is always indicated. H- or X-decoupling is assumed to be default for heteronuclear experiments,but not for homonuclear ones (except inad).
In case of redundant information some two-character codes may be ommitted.

The two-character codes used are the following

ar     experiment for aromatic residues
at     adiabatic TOCSY
bi     with bird pulse for homonuclear J-decoupling
bp     using bipolar gradients
cc     cross correlation experiment
cp     with composite pulse
ct     constant time
cw     decoupling using cw command
cx     using CLEANEX_PM
dc     decoupling using cpd command
df     double quantum filter
di     with DIPSI mixing sequence
dh     homonuclear decoupling in indirect dimension
dw     decoupling using cpd command only during wet sequence
dq     double quantum coherence
ea     phase sensitive using Echo/Antiecho method
ec     with E.COSY transfer
ed     with multiplicity editing
es     excitation sculpting
et     phase sensitive using Echo/Antiecho-TPPI method
fb     using f2 - and f3 - channel
fd     using f1 - and f3 - channel (for presaturation)
fr     with presaturation using a frequency list
ft     using f1 -, f2 - and f3 - channel (for presaturation)
fh     F-19 observe with H-1 decoupling
fp     using a flip-back pulse
fl     for F-19 ecoupler
f2     using f2 - channel (for presaturation)
f3     using f3 - instead of f2 - channel
f4     using f4 - instead of f2 - channel
gd     gated decoupling using cpd command
ge     gradient echo experiment
gp     coherence selection using gradients with ":gp" syntax
gr     coherence selection using gradients
gs     coherence selection using shaped gradients
hb     hydrogen bond experiment
hc     homodecoupling of a region using a cpd-sequence
hd     homodecoupling
hf     H-1 observe with F-19 decoupling
hs     with homospoil pulse
ia     InPhase-AntiPhase (IPAP) experiment
ig     inverse gated
ii     using inverse (invi/HSQC) sequence
im     with incremented mixing time
i4     using inverse (inv4/HMQC) sequence
jc     for determination of J coupling constant
jd     homonuclear J-decoupled
jr     with jump-return pulse
lp     with low-pass J-filter
lq     with Q-switching (low Q)
lr     for long-range couplings
l2     with two-fold low-pass J-filter
mf     multiple quantum filter
ml     with MLEV mixing sequence
mq     using multiple quantum
nd     no decoupling
no     with NOESY mixing sequence
pc     with presaturation and composite pulse
pg     power-gated
ph     phase sensitive using States-TPPI, TPPI, States or QSEC
pl     preparing a frequency list
pn     with presaturation using a 1D NOESY sequence
pp     using purge pulses
pr     with presaturation
ps     with presaturation using a shaped pulse
qf     absolute value mode
qn     for QNP-operation
qs     phase sensitive using qseq-mode
rd     refocussed
rl     with relay transfer
rs     with radiation damping suppression using gradients
ru     using radiation damping compensation unit
rv     with random variation
r2     with 2 step relay transfer
r3     with 3 step relay transfer
se     spin echo experiment
sh     phase sensitive using States et al. method
si     sensitivity improved
sm     simultaneous evolution of X and Y chemical shift
sp     using a shaped pulse
sq     using single quantum
ss     spin-state selective experiment
st     phase sensitive using States-TPPI method
sy     symmetric sequence
s3     S3E experiment
tf     triple quantum filter
tp     phase sensitive using TPPI
tr     using TROSY sequence
tz     zeroquantum (ZQ) TROSY
ul     using a frequency list
us     updating shapes
wg     watergate using a soft-hard-soft sequence
wt     with WET watersuppression
w5     watergate using W5 pulse
xf     x-filter experiments
xy     with XY CPMG sequence
x1     x-filter in F1
x2     x-filter in F2
x3     x-filter in F3
zf     with z-filter
zq     zero quantum coherence
zs     using a gradient/rf spoil pulse
1d     1D version
1s     using 1 spoil gradients
11     using 1-1 pulse
19     using 3-9-19 pulse
2h     using 2H lockswitch unit
2s     using 2 spoil gradients
3d     3D sequence
3s     using 3 spoil gradients
30     using a 30 degree flip angle
45     using a 45 degree flip angle
90     using a 90 degree flip angle
135    using a 135 degree flip angle

Typical experiment names would be:
   cosy, dept, dipsi2, hmbc, hmqc, hoesy, hsqc, inad, inept, mlev, noesy, roesy or trosy.

Inverse correlations are denoted as hmbc, hmqc or hsqc.
   Experiments with a BIRD sequence in the beginning also contain a bi in the name.

1D experiments, which are analogues of 2D experiments by virtue of a selective pulse, start with sel.


Semiselective 2D experiments have the same name as the unselective version but with an s at the beginning:
   scosyph <-> cosyph.

A phase-sensitive (States-TPPI, TPPI etc.) NOESY experiment with presaturation would then be:

    noesy + ph + pr  =    noesyphpr.

In the other direction the pulseprogram hmbcgplpndqf would be

        hmbc + gp + lp + nd + qf

    and therefor an:

    inverse correlation for long-range couplings (HMBC) with coherence selection using gradients with ":gp" syntax,
          low-pass J-filter,
          no decoupling
          in absolute value mode.

Comments like:

    ;begin ____
    ;end ____  

    with (____ = MLEV17, DIPSI2, ...)

are evaluated by NMRSIM for the pulseprogram display and should therefor not be removed. The syntax for begin/end statements allows characters, numbers and '_'. Arithmetic operators must not be used.

The comments:

are also evaluated to identify flags used in the pulseprogram and must also not be removed.