Instrument Specification
- Closed Loop on all available scanners
- Smena AFM head for working in scanning tip mode with a 100 x 100 x 15 micron scanner.
- SU005 head for working under ambient conditions with 10 x 10 x 9 micron and 90 x 90 x 15 micron scanners.
- Possibility to operate the bottom 100 micron scanner with the Smena head to achieve a combined scan range of 200 microns.
- Contact mode, semicontact mode, SKPM, and EFM are offered on all the above set-ups.
- Possibility to work with samples up to 10 cm diameter (possibly larger –contact us)
- Works in contact and semicontact modes, as well as SKPM, EFM, and MFM.
Staff Contacts
Dr. Sidney Cohen
Extended Service Senior Research Fellow -
Dr. Irit Rosenhek-Goldian
Staff Scientist