
  1. Ziv M., Galanti E., Howard S., Guillot T. & Kaspi Y. (2024) Astronomy and Astrophysics. 692, A251.  Abstract
  2. Ziv M., Galanti E., Sheffer A., Howard S., Guillot T. & Kaspi Y. (2024) Astronomy and Astrophysics. 686, L7.  Abstract
  3. Duer K., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 6, e2023GL107.  Abstract
  4. Raiter D., Galanti E., Chemke R. & Kaspi Y. (2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 6, e2023GL106.  Abstract
  5. Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Park R. S. et al. (2023) Nature Astronomy. 7, 12, p. 1463-1472  Abstract [All authors]
  6. Duer K., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2023) AGU Advances. 4, 6, e2023AV000.  Abstract
  7. Fletcher L. N., Cavalié T., Grassi D. et al. (2023) Space Science Reviews. 219, 7, 53.  Abstract [All authors]
  8. Howard S., Guillot T., Bazot M. et al. (2023) Astronomy and Astrophysics. 672, A33.  Abstract [All authors]
  9. Galanti E., Kaspi Y. & Guillot T. (2023) Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 6, e2022GL102.  Abstract
  10. Durante D., Guillot T., Iess L. et al. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 4632.  Abstract [All authors]
  11. Militzer B., Hubbard W. B., Wahl S. et al. (2022) Planetary Science Journal. 3, 8, 185.  Abstract [All authors]
  12. Miguel Y., Bazot M., Guillot T. et al. (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics. 662, A18.  Abstract [All authors]
  13. Galanti E., Raiter D., Kaspi Y. & Tziperman E. (2022) Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres. 127, 2, e2021JD035.  Abstract
  14. Duer K., Gavriel N., Galanti E. et al. (2021) Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 23, e2021GL095.  Abstract [All authors]
  15. Nettelmann N., Movshovitz N., Ni D., Fortney J., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Helled R., Mankovich C. R. & Bolton S. J. (2021) The Planetary Science Journal. 2, 6, 241.  Abstract
  16. Bolton S. J., Levin S. M., Guillot T. et al. (2021) Science. 374, 6570, p. 968-972  Abstract [All authors]
  17. Fletcher L. N., Oyafuso F. A., Allison M. et al. (2021) Journal of geophysical research. Planets. 126, 10, e2021JE006.  Abstract [All authors]
  18. Parisi M., Kaspi Y., Galanti E. et al. (2021) Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 374, 6570, eabf1396.  Abstract [All authors]
  19. Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Duer K. et al. (2021) Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 9, e2021GL092.  Abstract [All authors]
  20. Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2021) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501, 2, p. 2352-2362  Abstract
  21. Parisi M., Galanti E., Folkner W. M., Kaspi Y. & Buccino D. R. (2020) Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 125, 11, 2020JE0064.  Abstract
  22. Duer K., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2020) Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 125, 8, e2019JE006.  Abstract
  23. Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Showman A. P., Stevenson D. J., Guillot T., Iess L. & Bolton S. J. (2020) Space Science Reviews. 216, 5, 84.  Abstract
  24. Raiter D., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2020) Geophysical Research Letters. 47, 10, e2019GL086.  Abstract
  25. Parisi M., Folkner W. M., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Buccino D. R., Oudrhiri K. & Bolton S. J. (2020) Planetary and Space Science. 181, 104781.  Abstract
  26. Duer K., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2019) Astrophysical Journal Letters. 879, 2, 22.  Abstract
  27. Iess L., Militzer B., Kaspi Y. et al. (2019) Science. 364, 6445, eaat2965.  Abstract [All authors]
  28. Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Simons F. J., Durante D., Parisi M. & Bolton S. J. (2019) Astrophysical Journal Letters. 874, 2, 24.  Abstract
  29. Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Durante D., Racioppa P. & Iess L. (2019) Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 2, p. 616-624  Abstract
  30. Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Hubbard W. B. et al. (2018) Nature. 555, 7695, p. 223-226  Abstract [All authors]
  31. Guillot T., Miguel Y., Militzer B. et al. (2018) Nature. 555, 7695, p. 227-230  Abstract [All authors]
  32. Iess L., Folkner W. M., Durante D. et al. (2018) Nature. 555, 7695, p. 220-222  Abstract [All authors]
  33. Galanti E., Cao H. & Kaspi Y. (2017) Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 16, p. 8173-8181  Abstract
  34. Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2017) Astrophysical Journal Letters. 843, 2, L25.  Abstract
  35. Galanti E., Durante D., Finocchiaro S., Iess L. & Kaspi Y. (2017) Astronomical Journal. 154, 1, 2.  Abstract
  36. Kaspi Y., Guillot T., Galanti E. et al. (2017) Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 12, p. 5960-5968  Abstract
    [All authors]
  37. Wahl S. M., Hubbard W. B., Militzer B. et al. (2017) Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 10, p. 4649-4659  Abstract [All authors]
  38. Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2017) Icarus. 286, p. 46-55  Abstract
  39. Galanti E., Kaspi Y. & Tziperman E. (2017) Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 810, p. 175-195  Abstract
  40. Kaspi Y., Davighi J. E., Galanti E. & Hubbard W. B. (2016) Icarus. 276, p. 170-181  Abstract
  41. Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2016) Astrophysical Journal. 820, 2, 91.  Abstract
  42. Parisi M., Galanti E., Finocchiaro S., Iess L. & Kaspi Y. (2016) Icarus. 267, p. 232-242  Abstract
  43. Haikin N., Galanti E., Reisin T. G., Mahrer Y. & Alpert P. (2015) Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 156, 3, p. 471-487  Abstract
  44. Silber I., Price C., Galanti E. & Shuval A. (2015) Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics. 120, 7, p. 6036-6044  Abstract
  45. Helled R., Galanti E. & Kaspi Y. (2015) Nature. 520, 7546, p. 202-204  Abstract
  46. Mezuman K., Price C. & Galanti E. (2014) Environmental Research Letters. 9, 12, 124023.  Abstract
  47. Harnik N., Galanti E., Martius O. & Adam O. (2014) Journal of Climate. 27, 19, p. 7319-7334  Abstract
  48. Price C., Yair Y., Mugnai A. et al. (2011) Surveys in Geophysics. 32, 6, p. 733-751  Abstract
    [All authors]
  49. Price C., Yair Y., Mugnai A. et al. (2011) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY. 14, 7, p. 898-911  Abstract
    [All authors]
  50. Kohn M., Galanti E., Price C., Lagouvardos K. & Kotroni V. (2011) Atmospheric Research. 100, 4, p. 489-502  Abstract
  51. A high resolution study of Atmospheric dispersion over a coastal urban area with complex terrain
    Haikin N., Mahrer Y., Reisin T., Galanti E. & Alpert P. (2010) Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XX. p. 75-80  Abstract
  52. Galanti E., Tziperman E., Harrison M., Rosati A. & Sirkes Z. (2003) Monthly Weather Review. 131, 11, p. 2748-2764  Abstract
  53. Galanti E. & Tziperman E. (2003) Journal of Physical Oceanography. 33, 9, p. 1877-1888  Abstract
  54. Galanti E., Tziperman E., Harrison M., Rosati A., Giering R. & Sirkes Z. (2002) Journal of Climate. 15, 19, p. 2721-2739  Abstract
  55. Harrison M., Rosati A., Soden B., Galanti E. & Tziperman E. (2002) Monthly Weather Review. 130, 3, p. 723-732  Abstract
  56. Dynamics and predictability of ENSO -a study using a hybrid-coupled model and the adjoint method
    Eli Galanti (2002) PhD. Thesis, Weizmann Institute of Science.
  57. Galanti E. & Tziperman E. (2000) Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences. 57, 17, p. 2936-2950  Abstract