Nadav Ehrenfeld's Lab

Teaching and Learning Ecologies


We study mathematics teaching and learning; teacher learning and professional development; and the relationship between learning, culture and identity. Committed to partnerships with PD leaders, schools, and higher education programs, we aim to support and design learning environments for both teachers and students. We do so by studying learning at different scopes: for example, we explore moments of classroom interaction or teacher conversations, where students make sense of mathematical ideas, or where teachers negotiate problems of teaching. On top of local learning interactions, we research the broader webs of teaching and learning ecologies, studying ongoing learning across time, settings, and sociopolitical contexts. Our scholarship is informed by and located at the intersection of the mathematics education and the learning sciences research communities. 

Research page

Selected Publications

Using the adaptive cycles framework to conceptualize the temporal dimension of teacher learning

Ehrenfeld N. & Stengel B. (2023) Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences : Building knowledge and sustaining our community . Charles E. S. & Slotta J. D.(eds.). p. 433-440

Framing an Ecological Perspective on Teacher Professional Development

Ehrenfeld N. (2022) Educational Researcher. 51, 7, p. 489-495
All Publications