

Creating order in chaotic environments: Teachers coping strategies in provisional schools

Gilead T., Marco N., Ehrenfeld N. & Nurik Y. (2024) European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2024) .

The role of representations of practice in bridging the gap between research and practice when discussing teaching

Weingarden M. & Ehrenfeld N. (2024) Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 2024) .

Pedagogical mediators for mathematics teacher learning: comparing four representations of practice and conceptual frameworks

Ehrenfeld N. & Weingarden M. (2024) Proceedings AERA 2024 .

Bridging the mathematical and social dimensions of undergraduate calculus: Students perspectives on a program of weekly guided collaborative problems solving

Ehrenfeld N. & Mark A. (2024) Proceedings of the Research of Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME 2024) .


Beyond mere persistence: a conceptual framework for bridging perseverance and mathematical sensemaking in teaching and teacher learning

Buenrostro P. & Ehrenfeld N. (2023) Educational Studies in Mathematics. 114, p. 199-221

Using the adaptive cycles framework to conceptualize the temporal dimension of teacher learning

Ehrenfeld N. & Stengel B. (2023) Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences : Building knowledge and sustaining our community . Charles E. S. & Slotta J. D.(eds.). p. 433-440

Using monitoring traces to support teacher sensemaking about groupwork monitoring routines

Ehrenfeld N., Horn I. & Jasien L. (2023) American Educational Research Association (AERA 2023) .

Where (or who) is the mathematics in socio-ecological mathematics education research?

Chen G. A. & Ehrenfeld N. (2023) Proceedings of the ICMI Symposium on Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological . p. 119-121

Meaningful professional development: A learning sciences perspective

Horn I., Marshall S., Chen G. A., Ehrenfeld N., Garner B., Jasien L., Metts E. & McGugan K. S. (2023) Handbook of Education Policy Research . Vol. 2.


Framing an Ecological Perspective on Teacher Professional Development

Ehrenfeld N. (2022) Educational Researcher. 51, 7, p. 489-495

Learning about teaching over time

Horn I., Garner B., Ehrenfeld N. & Metts E. (2022) Teacher Learning of Ambitious and Equitable Mathematics Instruction : A Sociocultural Approach . Garne B. & Horn I.(eds.). p. 183-219


Understanding mathematics teachers collaborative learning in the context of teachers learning ecologies

Ehrenfeld N. (2021) Proceedings of the forty-third annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education . Olanoff D., Johnson K. & Spitzer S. M.(eds.). p. 623-632

שגרות הנחייה של עבודה בקבוצות בשיעור מתמטיקה

Ehrenfeld N. & Horn I. (2021) כנס ירושלים התשיעי למחקר בחינוך מתמטי : ספר מאמרי הכנס . p. 90-94

Towards a Theory of Mathematics Teacher Learning Ecologies

Ehrenfeld N. (2021) ISLS Annual Meeting 2021 Reflecting the Past and Embracing the Future - 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2021 . de Vries E., Ahn J. & Hod Y.(eds.). p. 929-930


Palestinian/Arab Israeli women's experiences in mathematics education: An intersectional analysis

Rubel L. H. & Ehrenfeld N. (2020) International Journal of Educational Research. 102, 101616.

Initiation-entry-focus-exit and participation: a framework for understanding teacher groupwork monitoring routines

Ehrenfeld N. & Horn I. S. (2020) Educational Studies in Mathematics. 103, 3, p. 251-272

Together building a theory of teacher learning: Learning to listen closely: experienced mathematics teachers instructional tuning via video feedback

Horn I., Garner B. & Ehrenfeld N. (2020) 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2020 - Conference Proceedings . Horn I. S. & Gresalfi M.(eds.). p. 2167-2174

Teacher groupwork monitoring routines and the nature of students' conversation in small groups

Ehrenfeld N., Horn I., Moses J. & Garner B. (2020) 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2020 - Conference Proceedings . Horn I. S. & Gresalfi M.(eds.). p. 1863-1870

Analytical designs Goodwins substrates as a tool for studying learning: Teacher sense-making with and about external conceptual resources

Keifert D., Hall R., Enyedy N., Vogelstein L., Pierson A., Ehrenfeld N., Marshall S., McGugan K. S., Marin A., Orellana Faulstich E. N., Bordeaux C., Clark H., Gravell J., Lindberg L., Morales D., Rodriguez L., Eyes R. W., Flood V. J., Sharma G., DeLiema D., Valerie J., Cabrera A., Smith S., Xiao S., Xiao C., Wang X., Garner B., Smith M. S., Harrer B. W. & Clark D. (2020) 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2020 - Conference Proceedings . Horn I. S. & Gresalfi M.(eds.). p. 1471-1478

Reconciling local contexts and external conceptual resources in mathematics teachers collaborative sensemaking

Ehrenfeld N., McGugan K. S., Marshall S. & Garner B. (2020) Mathematics Education Across Cultures : Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education . Sacristan A. I., Cortes-Zavala J. C. & Ruiz-Arias P. M.(eds.). p. 1800-1808


Intellective Identities in the Construction of a Hybrid Discourse: the Case of an Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Mathematics Classroom

Ehrenfeld N. & Heyd-Metzuyanim E. (2019) International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 17, 4, p. 739-757

Teacher monitoring routines: Understanding pedagogical judgments during students collaborative learning

Ehrenfeld N. & Horn I. S. (2019) A Wide Lens : Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2019 - Conference Proceedings . Hmelo-Silver C., Lavoue E., Gweon G., Niccolai G. P., Lund K. & Baker M.(eds.). p. 120-127

Math teachers sensemaking and enactment of the Discourse of \u201cperseverance\u201d

Buenrostro P. & Ehrenfeld N. (2019) Proceedings of the Forthy-First Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : against a new horizon . Candela A. G., Haines C., Munter C., Otten S. & de Araujo Z.(eds.). p. 451-459

Conceptual resources in teacher professional conversations

Ehrenfeld N. & Marshall S. (2019) LSGS Conference 2019 : Contexts, complexity, and communities: reflecting on and reshaping research on learning . p. 58-59


Productive framing of pedagogical failure: How teacher framings can facilitate or impede learning from problems of practice

Vedder-Weiss D., Ehrenfeld N., Ram-Menashe M. & Pollak I. (2018) Thinking Skills and Creativity. 30, p. 31-41

Rituals, explorations, and cultural resources in the mathematics classroom: When arguing does not help learning

Ehrenfeld N. & Heyd-Metzuyanim E. (2018) 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2018 : Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count . Kay J. & Luckin R.(eds.). 2018-June ed. Vol. 3. p. 1627-1628


The ritual vs. exploration conceptual dyad affordances and open questions.

Heyd-Metzuyanim E., Nachlieli T., Graven M. & Ehrenfeld N. (2017) Proceedings of the 5rd Jerusalem Conference for Research in Mathematics Education, Jerusalem, Israel .


ניתוח שיח מתמטי במכינה קדם-אקדמית חרדית

Ehrenfeld N., Heyd-Metzuyanim E. & Onn U. (2016) כנס ירושלים הרביעי למחקר בחינוך מתמטי : ספר מאמרי הכנס . p. 34-36

The ritual vs. exploration conceptual dyad affordances and open questions.

Heyd-Metzuyanim E., Nachlieli T., Graven M. & Ehrenfeld N. (2016) Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education . Vol. 1. p. 453-454


Between Mathematics and Talmud the construction of a hybrid discourse in an ultra-orthodox classroom

Ehrenfeld N., Heyd-Metzuyanim E. & Onn U. (2015) Proceedings of 39th Psychology of Mathematics Education conference . Vol. 2. p. 257-264