
Teacher Learning

Research topics in the lab under the umbrella of teacher learning include (1) Teacher learning ecologies; (2) Teacher collaborative sensemaking; and (3) Conceptual frameworks and representations for teacher learning. Please use the "read more" button for more information and sample publications. 

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Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Research topics in the lab under the umbrella of mathematics classroom teaching & learning include (1) Ambitious mathematics teaching; (2) Undergraduate mathematics; and (3) Mathematics classroom interaction. Please use the "read more" button for more information and illustrative publications. 

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Learning, Culture, and Identity

This strand of research examines how students' learning ecologies, including their cultural background and identities, play an active role in their learning, including (1) Adult ultra-Orthodox studying math for the first time; (2) Palestinian/Arab Israeli women within the context of undergraduate math / math education; (3) Teachers of displaced students as a consequence of the Israel-Hamas war. Please use the "read more" button for more information and examples of publications.

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