Theoretical Perspectives on Studying Mathematics Teacher Collaboration
da Ponte J. P., Miyakawa T., Bannister N., Koichu B. & Pepin B. (2024), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups. p. 25-67
Tensions as springboards to actions in a partnership between mathematics teachers and mathematics education researchers
Widder M., Tabach M. & Koichu B. (2024), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Rethinking learning progressions for energy
Fortus D. & Nordine J. (2024), Handbook of Research on Science Learning Progressions. Yan D., Jin H. & Krajcik J. (eds.). 1st ed. p. 219-232
Roles, Identities and Interactions of Various Participants in Mathematics Teacher Collaboration
Karsenty R., Dole S., Clivaz S., Griese B. & Pöhler B. (2024), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups. Potari D. & Borko H. (eds.). p. 135-202
Advances in research on mathematical problem posing: Focus on task variables
Cai J., Koichu B., Rott B. & Jiang C. (2024), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 76, 101186
The secret life of mathematical problems through the lens of research-practice partnerships
Koichu B. (2024), PME-47. Leach G., Hunter J., Jhagroo J., Marmur O. & Evans T. (eds.). Vol. 1. p. 14-29
The Art of Being Specific While Theorising for and from Practice of Mathematics Teachers Collaboration
Koichu B. (2024), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups. Potari D. & Borko H. (eds.). p. 301-315
Unveiling prospective teachers' concerns: Using a guided reflection process as part of mathematics teacher education
Nagari-Haddif G., Karsenty R. & Arcavi A. (2024), PME-47. Leach G., Hunter J., Jhagroo J., Marmur O. & Evans T. (eds.). Vol. 3. p. 249-256
Opportunities and hindrances for promoting interdisciplinary learning in schools
Schwarz B., Heyd-Metzuyanim E., Koichu B., Tabach M. & Yarden A. (2024), Journal of the Learning Sciences. 33, 2, p. 242-283
Learning to leverage teachers ideas: facilitators growth in moderation practices with simultaneously strong goal focus and participant focus
Pöhler-Friedrich B., Prediger S., Schwarts G. & Karsenty R. (2024), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Paths of Justification in Israeli 7<sup>th</sup> Grade Mathematics Textbooks
Even R. & Silverman B. (2024), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 22, 3, p. 609-631
Voluntary Math Clubs - A sustainable Model For Implementing Educational innovation?
Cooper J. & Badarne A. (2024), PME-47. Leach G., Hunter J., Jhagroo J., Marmur O. & Evans T. (eds.). Vol. 1. p. 124
Designing Guiding Principles for Twenty-First Century Curricula: Navigating Knowledge, Thinking Skills, and Pedagogical Autonomy in the Israeli Curriculum
Zohar A., Gilead T., Barzilai S. & Arcavi A. (2024), Interchange
Motivational shifts when moving from face-to-face to distance learning
Passentin S. & Fortus D. (2024), International Journal of Science Education
Middle school students' use of the energy concept to engage in new learning: What ideas matter?
Nordine J., Kubsch M., Fortus D., Krajcik J. & Neumann K. (2024), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 61, 9, p. 2191-2222
Schwarts G., Herbst P. & Brown A. (2024), Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). 4, p. 89-96
Multi-variable narratives in qualitative research on mathematical problem posing
Koichu B. & Cooper J. (2024), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 74, 101157
Navigating the journey from professional development to the classroom: Accountable talk implementation in primary mathematics classes
Deri M., Karsenty R. & Schwarz B. B. (2024), Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). 2, p. 176-183
The role of representations of practice in bridging the gap between research and practice when discussing teaching
Weingarden M. & Ehrenfeld N. (2024), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 2024).
From knowledge acquired at academic mathematics courses to significant changes in instructional practices
Even R. & Mytlis Y. (2024), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 75, 101172
Bridging the mathematical and social dimensions of undergraduate calculus: Students perspectives on a program of weekly guided collaborative problems solving
Ehrenfeld N. & Mark A. (2024), Proceedings of the Research of Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME 2024).
Policies and Implementation of Digital Resources: Theoretical Considerations and Illustrative Cases from Greece, Israel, and the USA
Koichu B., Papadopoulos I., Cooper J., Buchbinder O. & McCrone S. (2024), Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education. Pepin B., Gueudet G. & Choppin J. (eds.). p. 1307-1330
Editorial reflections on internationality
Misfeldt M., Aguilar M. S., Jankvist U. T. & Koichu B. (2024), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 4, 1, p. 1-13
Mathematics teacher educators navigational expertise when designing multimodal representations of practice: a semiotic analysis
Schwarts G., Herbst P., Chazan D., Buchbinder O., Clark L. M., Wieman R. & Zahner W. (2024), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Pedagogical mediators for mathematics teacher learning: comparing four representations of practice and conceptual frameworks
Ehrenfeld N. & Weingarden M. (2024), Proceedings AERA 2024.
Submitted Version -
Herbst P., Schwarts G. & Brown A. (2024), Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). 3, p. 25-32
Olsher S., Abrahamson D., Arcavi A., Arzarello F., Chazan D., Clark-Wilson A., Leikin R., Sinclair N. & Yerushalmy M. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 134-158
The servants of two discourses: how novice facilitators draw on their mathematics teaching experience
Schwarts G., Elbaum-Cohen A., Pohler B., Prediger S., Arcavi A. & Karsenty R. (2023), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 112, p. 247-266
Teachers, Resources, Assessment Practices: Role and Impact on the Curricular Implementation Process
Coles A., Rodríguez-Muñiz L. J., Mok I. A. C., Ruiz Á., Karsenty R., Martignone F., Osta I., Ferretti F. & Nguyen T. T. A. (2023), Mathematics Curriculum Reforms Around the World. Vithal R. & Shimizu Y. (eds.). p. 291-321
Mytlis Y. & Pinto A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 298
The mutual contribution between mathematics and other fields: Mathematicians and teachers views
Hoffmann A. & Even R. (2023), ZDM - Mathematics Education
Boundary Crossing in Curriculum Reform
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2023), Mathematics Curriculum Reforms Around the World. Vithal R. & Shimizu Y. (eds.). p. 445-453
Contemporary Dialogues on Implementation Research at CERME13
Sánchez Aguilar M., Ahl L. M., Koichu B., Misfeldt M. & Jankvist U. T. (2023), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 3, 2, p. 123-134
Lesson study and improvisation: Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Nagari-Haddif G., Karsenty R. & Arcavi A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 371-378
Diverse perspectives and experiences of university mathematics teachers on improving the secondary-tertiary transition
Pinto A. & Koichu B. (2023), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 113, 1, p. 147-164
What do mathematicians wish to teach teachers about the discipline of mathematics?
Hoffmann A. & Even R. (2023), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 27, 3, p. 479-497
"This cannot be"-refutation feedback and its potential affordances for proof comprehension
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2023), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 113, p. 287-306
Types and features of dialogical tasks from mathematics teachers' perspective
Parasha R. & Koichu B. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 19-26
Between expert and student perspectives: on the intersection of affect and heuristic-didactic discourse in the undergraduate classroom
Marmur O. & Koichu B. (2023), Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 25, 1, p. 115-144
Marco N., Elbaum-Cohen A. & Arcavi A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 197
Arcavi A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 3-16
Mathematics teacher educators in an unknowable world: Teaching mathematics for climate justice
Helliwell T. & Schwarts G. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 35-42
Cross-community collaborative task design
Eraky A., Karsenty R. & Pinto A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 299-306
The interplay between students' motivational profiles and science learning
Kubsch M., Fortus D., Neumann K., Nordine J. & Krajcik J. (2023), Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 60, 1, p. 3-25
How do mathematics teachers learn to create a mathematical storyline in problem-based lessons?
Schwarts G., Herbst P. & Brown A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 187-194
Researching \u201cwhat went wrong\u201d in professional development (PD) for mathematics teachers: What makes it so important, and so difficult?
Karsenty R. & Brodie K. (2023), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 26, 5, p. 573-580
Pinto A., Buchbinder O. & Wasserman N. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 199
The role of mathematics teachers' previous professional experiences in their collaborative sensemaking: An ecological perspective
Ehrenfeld N. (2023), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
What Happens after Implementation? Post-Implementation as Framing of Implementation Research in Mathematics Education
Misfeldt M., Jankvist U. T., Aguilar M. S. & Koichu B. (2023), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 3, 1, p. 1-13
The connection between mathematics and other fields: The discipline of mathematics vs. mathematics education
Hoffmann A. & Even R. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 67-74
Using monitoring traces to support teacher sensemaking about groupwork monitoring routines
Ehrenfeld N., Horn I. & Jasien L. (2023), American Educational Research Association (AERA 2023).
Goor M. & Pinto A. (2023), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2023. Koichu B., Rubel L., Ayalon M., Tabach M. & Leikin R. (eds.). p. 250
"But this is not mathematics!"-mathematicians and secondary teachers explore the affordances of tertiary mathematics for teaching secondary probability
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2023), ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 55, p. 883-896
Using scaffolds in support of teachers as task designers in geometry: a case study
Rachamim M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2022), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 55, 8, p. 1875-1895
Keller N., Koichu B. & Kohen Z. (2022), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2022. Gutiérrez ?., Fernández C., Planas N. & Llinares S. (eds.). p. 19-26
Design practices and principles for promoting dialogic argumentation via interdisciplinarity
Koichu B., Schwarz B. B., Heyd-Metzuyanim E., Tabach M. & Yarden A. (2022), Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 37, 100657
On Explaining, Explanations and Second Graders
Hershkowitz R. & Arcavi A. (2022), Special Issues in Early Childhood Mathematics Education Research. p. 209-226
Implementation of Problem Solving in School: From Intended to Experienced
Koichu B., Cooper J. & Widder M. (2022), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 2, 1, p. 76-106
How about Fidelity?
Jankvist U. T., Aguilar M. S., Misfeldt M. & Koichu B. (2022), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 2, 2, p. 131-148
Teachers' qualitative replication of research
Cooper J. & Hershkowitz R. (2022), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2022. Gutiérrez ?., Fernández C., Planas N. & Llinares S. (eds.). p. 193
Visual Thinking and Visual Language for Young Children: The Agam Program
Markovits Z., Hershkowitz R., Rosenfeld S., Ilani L. & Eylon B. S. (2022), Special Issues in Early Childhood Mathematics Education Research: Learning, Teaching and Thinking. p. 132-152
The road not takenInvestigating affordances of infinitesimal calculus for enriching the repertoire of secondary mathematics teachers
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2022), International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 8, 2, p. 318-338
Scaffolding or Filtering: A Review of Studies on the Diverse Roles of Calculus Courses for Students, Professionals and Teachers
Biza I., González-Martín A. S. & Pinto A. (2022), International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 8, 2, p. 389-418
When the Problem Seems Answerable yet the Solution is Unavailable: Affective Reactions Around an Impasse in Mathematical Discourse
Heyd-Metzuyanim E. & Cooper J. (2022), International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 9, p. 605-631
Calculus at the intersection of institutions, disciplines and communities: a special issue Guest Editorial
Biza I., González-Martín A. S. & Pinto A. (2022), International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 8, 2, p. 217-221
Professional Learning Communities Across Science Teachers' Careers: The Importance of Differentiating Learning
Blonder R. & Vescio V. (2022), Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education. p. 300-312
Recent Discussions on Implementation Research at CERME12
Ahl L. M., Aguilar M. S., Misfeldt M., Koichu B. & Jankvist U. T. (2022), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 2, 1, p. 1-19
Zaks R. & Koichu B. (2022), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2022. Gutiérrez ?., Fernández C., Planas N. & Llinares S. (eds.). p. 147-154
Leading Mathematics Teacher Discussions during Professional Development: Challenges, Opportunities, and Discussion Sense
Schwarts G., Coles A. & Arcavi A. (2022), For the Learning of Mathematics. 42, 2, p. 53-59
Cai J., Koichu B., Rott B., Zazkis R. & Jiang C. (2022), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2022. Gutiérrez ?., Fernández C., Planas N. & Llinares S. (eds.). p. 119-145
Implementing professional development programs for mathematics teachers at scale: what counts as success?
Karsenty R. (2021), ZDM. 53, 5, p. 1021-1033
Launching Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education (IRME)
Jankvist U. T., Aguilar M. S., Misfeldt M. & Koichu B. (2021), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 1, p. 1-19
Cooper J., Gamlieli H. L., Koichu B., Karsenty R. & Pinto A. (2021), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2021. Inprasitha M., Changsri N. & Boonsena N. (eds.). p. 169-176
Finding Common Ground: A Synthesis of Science and Mathematics Teacher Educators Experiences with Professional Growth
Park Rogers M., Berry A., Krainer K. & Even R. (2021), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, p. 167-180
Contribution of academic mathematics studies to teaching topics from the High-school curriculum
Mytlis Y. & Even R. (2021), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2021. Inprasitha M., Changsri N. & Boonsena N. (eds.). Vol. 3. p. 301-308
What do teachers learn about the discipline of mathematics in academic mathematics courses?
Hoffmann A. & Even R. (2021), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2021. Inprasitha M., Changsri N. & Boonsena N. (eds.). p. 40-47
Empirical reconstruction of learning progressions based on teachers tagging of didactic metadata
Cooper J., Olsher S. & Yerushalmy M. (2021), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 61, 100833
Understanding mathematics teachers collaborative learning in the context of teachers learning ecologies
Ehrenfeld N. (2021), Proceedings of the forty-third annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Olanoff D., Johnson K. & Spitzer S. M. (eds.). p. 623-632
Novice facilitators changes in practices: From launching to managing discussions about mathematics teaching
Schwarts G., Pöhler B., Elbaum-Cohen A., Karsenty R., Arcavi A. & Prediger S. (2021), The Journal of mathematical behavior. 64, 100901
Using assessment to inform instructional decisions: The story of a three-decade research and development journey
Even R. (2021), Long-term Research and Development in Science Education: What Have We Learned?. Arcavi A., Hofstein A., Yarden A. & Eylon BS. (eds.). Vol. 21. p. 191-214
What to Replicate?
Jankvist U. T., Aguilar M. S., Misfeldt M. & Koichu B. (2021), Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 1, 2, p. 141-153
Bridging incommensurable discourses A commognitive look at instructional design in the zone of proximal development
Cooper J. & Lavie I. (2021), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 61, 100822
שגרות הנחייה של עבודה בקבוצות בשיעור מתמטיקה
Ehrenfeld N. & Horn I. (2021), כנס ירושלים התשיעי למחקר בחינוך מתמטי. p. 90-94
Science and mathematics teacher educators and their professional growth: special issue
Park Rogers M., Even R., Krainer K. & Berry A. (2021)
Research on Learners and Teachers of Mathematics and Science: Forerunners to a Focus on Teacher Educator Professional Growth
Krainer K., Even R., Park Rogers M. & Berry A. (2021), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, Suppl 1, p. 1-19
Expressing the Voice of the Textbook-Insights Gained from Tagging Didactic Metadata
Olsher S. & Cooper J. (2021), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, 8, p. 1635-1653
Long-term research and development in science education: what have we learned?
Hofstein A., Arcavi A., Eylon B. & Yarden A. (2021)
Processes of decision-making by mathematics PD facilitators: the role of resources, orientations, goals, and identities
Karsenty R., Pöhler B., Schwarts G., Prediger S. & Arcavi A. (2021), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 26, p. 27-51
Implementation-related research in mathematics education: the search for identity
Koichu B., Aguilar M. S. & Misfeldt M. (2021), ZDM. 53, 5, p. 975-989
Who-Is-Right tasks as a means for supporting collective looking-back practices
Koichu B., Parasha R. & Tabach M. (2021), ZDM - Mathematics Education. 53, 4, p. 831-846
Implementation of mathematics education research as crossing the boundary between disciplined inquiry and teacher inquiry
Pinto A. & Koichu B. (2021), ZDM. 53, 5, p. 1085-1096
Boundary Objects in Mathematics Education and Their Role across Communities of Teachers and Researchers in Interaction
Robutti O., Aldon G., Cusi A., Olsher S., Panero M., Cooper J., Carante P. & Prodromou T. (2020), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education. Lloyd G. M. & Chapman O. (eds.). Second Edition ed. Vol. 3. p. 211-240 (trueThe International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education)
Engagement and Communication Features of Scientifically Successful Citizen Science Projects
Golumbic Y. N., Baram-Tsabari A. & Koichu B. (2020), Environmental Communication. 14, 4, p. 465-480
Problem posing in the context of teaching for advanced problem solving
Koichu B. (2020), International Journal of Educational Research. 102, 101428
Mathematics teachers edit textbooks: Opportunities and challenges
Even R. (2020), STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Digital Era:Professional Expectations and Advancement in the 21st Century Schools. p. 37-52
Implementation through participation: theoretical considerations and an illustrative case
Koichu B. & Pinto A. (2019), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 4413-4420
Variability in the formal and informal content instructors convey in lectures
Pinto A. (2019), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 54, 100680
Didactic metadata informing teachers selection of learning resources: boundary crossing in professional development
Cooper J., Olsher S. & Yerushalmy M. (2019), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 23, 4, p. 363-384
Norms of proof in different pedagogical contexts
Pinto A. & Karsenty R. (2019), For the Learning of Mathematics
Creating and Sustaining Online Problem Solving Forums: Two Perspectives
Koichu B. & Keller N. (2019), Mathematical Problem Solving. Santos-Trigo M. & Liljedahl P. (eds.). Cham p. 263-287
Learning: The Microgenetic Analysis of One Students Evolving Understanding of a Complex Subject Matter Domain
Schoenfeld A. H., Smith J. P. & Arcavi A. (2019), Advances in instructional Psychology. Vol. 4. p. 55-175
Organizing Tools Suggested by Teachers in the Mathematics Textbook They Use in Class
Olsher S. & Even R. (2019), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 17, 7, p. 1381-1399
Flashes of Creativity
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2019), For the Learning of Mathematics. 39, 2, p. 8-12
Submitted Version -
From tools to resources in the professional development of mathematics teachers: General perspectives and crosscutting issues
Arcavi A. (2019), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education. Chapman O. & Llinares S. (eds.). 2nd ed. Leiden, The Netherlands Vol. 2. p. 421-440
The secondary-tertiary transition in mathematics: what are our current challenges and what can we do about it?
Koichu B. & Pinto A. (2019), Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Newsletter). 112, p. 34-35
An a priori measure of visual difficulty of 2-d sketches depicting 3-D objects
Widder M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2019), Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 50, 5, p. 489-528
Learning to Look at the World Through Mathematical SpectaclesA Personal Tribute to Realistic Mathematics Education
Arcavi A. (2019), International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics : Visions on and Experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. (eds.). Cham p. 83-95
Towards transition-oriented pedagogies in university calculus courses
Pinto A. (2019), Calculus in upper secondary and beginning university mathematics. p. 116-119
Formative assessment of proof comprehension in undergraduate mathematics: affordances of iterative lecturer feedback
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2019), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 2630-2637
Who is right?: Theoretical analysis of representational activities
Tabach M. & Koichu B. (2019), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 4593-4600
Problem Solving in Mathematics Instruction and Teacher Professional Development
Felmer P., Liljedahl P. & Koichu B. (2019)
From judgmental evaluations to productive conversations: Mathematics teachers' shifts in communication within a video club
Karsenty R., Peretz Y. & Heyd-Metzuyanim E. (2019), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 3400-3407
Reconciling tensions between lecturing and active learning in professional learning communities
Cooper J. & Koichu B. (2019), Proceedings of the 43th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Essien A., Venkat H., Graven M. & Vale P. (eds.). Vol. 2. p. 169-176
Mathematicians and teachers sharing perspectives on teaching whole number arithmetic: boundary-crossing in professional development
Cooper J. (2019), ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 51, 1, p. 69-80
Problem-Solving Forums on Social Networks that Accompany the Learning of Mathematics in Israeli High Schools
Koichu B., Biton Y., Gendler O. & Keller N. (2018), K-12 Mathematics Education in Israel. Vol. Volume 13. p. 199-208 (trueSeries on Mathematics Education)
Mathematics at the virtual school: Why? Why not? Who? What? And So What?
Biton Y., Fellus O., Raviv D., Feilchenfeld D. & Koichu B. (2018), K-12 Mathematics Education In Israel. Vol. 13. p. 145-153
Boundary crossing in design based research: Lessons learned from tagging didactic metadata
Cooper J. & Olsher S. (2018)
Reflecting on didactic metadata of learning sequences
Cooper J., Olsher S. & Yerushalmy M. (2018)
Classroom-Based Issues Related to Proofs and Proving
Even R. (2018), Advances in Mathematics Education Research on Proof and Proving: An International Perspective. p. 145-151
The What and Why of Whole Number Arithmetic: Foundational Ideas from History, Language and Societal Changes
Sun X. H., Chambris C., Sayers J., Siu M. K., Cooper J., Dorier J., de Lora Sued S. I. G., Thanheiser E., Azrou N., McGarvey L., Houdement C. & Ejersbo L. R. (2018), Building the Foundation. Bartolini Bussi M. G. & Sun X. H. (eds.). Cham p. 91-124 (trueNew ICMI Study Series)
On making epistemological inferences based on linguistic observations: a commentary on Shinno et al.
Koichu B. (2018), For the Learning of Mathematics. 38, 2, p. 25-26
Mathematical Problem Solving in Choice-Affluent Environments
Koichu B. (2018), INVITED LECTURES FROM THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. Kuzniak A., Xu B., Simmt E., Kaiser G., Forgasz H. & Graven M. (eds.). p. 307-324 (trueICME-13 Monographs)
Mathematicians and Primary School Teachers Learning From Each Other
Cooper J. & Arcavi A. (2018), Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Newsletter). 2018, 107, p. 46-51
Hacia una visión integradora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas
Arcavi A. (2018), Educación Matemática. 30, 2, p. 33-48
אפיון אסטרטגיות פעולה בסביבה גיאומטרית דינאמית תלת-ממדית
Widder M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2018), 13th Chais Conference for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies. Caspi A., Blau I., Geri N., Etgar S., Silber-Varod V., Eshet-Alkalai Y. & Kalman Y. (eds.). Ra'anana p. 53-61
Jourdain and Dienes effects revisited - Playing Tic Tac Toe or learning non-Euclidean geometry?
Cooper J. & Pinto A. (2018), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Granberg C., Bergqvist E., Sumpter L. & Österholm M. (eds.). Vol. 2. p. 307-314
Can teachers and mathematicians communicate productively? The case of division with remainder
Coopers J. & Karsenty R. (2018), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 21, 3, p. 237-261
Which key memorable events are experienced by students during calculus tutorials?
Marmur O. & Koichu B. (2018), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Granberg C., Bergqvist E., Sumpter L. & Österholm M. (eds.). Vol. 3. p. 347-354
A reformed mathematics curriculum for low-track students in Israel: What lessons can be learned?
Karsenty R. (2018), School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities. p. 365-372
Developing Education Research Competencies in Mathematics Teachers Through TRAIL: Teacher-Researcher Alliance for Investigating Learning.
Koichu B. & Pinto A. (2018), Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 18, 1, p. 68-85
Action strategies in spatial geometry problem solving supported by dynamic geometry software
Widder M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2018), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Granberg C., Bergqvist E., Sumpter L. & Österholm M. (eds.). Vol. 4. p. 435-442
A teacher's reflective process in a video-based professional development program
Schwarts G. & Karsenty R. (2018), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Granberg C., Bergqvist E., Sumpter L. & Österholm M. (eds.). Vol. 4. p. 123-130
Highlights in the Development of Education and Mathematics Education in the State of Israel: A Timeline
Fried M. N., Perl H. & Arcavi A. (2018), K-12 Mathematics Education in Israel. Movshovitz-Hadar N. (eds.). Vol. Volume 13. p. 3-19
Diversity in curriculum committees: challenges and opportunities for cross-community collaboration
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2018)
Enhancing Mathematics Teachers' Knowledge and Reflection Through Peer-Discussions of Videotaped Lessons: A Pioneer Program in Israel
Arcavi A. & Karsenty R. (2018), K-12 Mathematics Education in Israel. Movshovitz-Hadar N. (eds.). Vol. Volume 13. p. 303-310
Talking about observed practices: Enhancing novice facilitators' proficiency to steer video-based discussions with mathematics teachers
Karsenty R. (2018)
From course design to presentations of proofs: How mathematics professors attend to student independent proof reading
Pinto A. & Karsenty R. (2018), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 49, p. 129-144
Mathematics, lenses and videotapes: a framework and a language for developing reflective practices of teaching
Karsenty R. & Arcavi A. (2017), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 20, p. 433-455
\u201cI Understand\u201d Talk in Script Writing: A Case from Euclids Elements
Koichu B. & Zazkis R. (2017), Scripting Approaches in Mathematics Education. Herbst P. & Zazkis R. (eds.). Cham p. 163-184 (trueAdvances in Mathematics Education book series (AME))
דו-שיח על שילוב של סביבה כיתתית וסביבה מקוונת בהוראת המתמטיקה
Keller N. & Koichu B. (2017), חומות החינוך נפלו ברשת? מורים, תלמידים ורשתות חברתיות. קריסטינה ?., שוורץ ?. & רוזנברג ?. (eds.). p. 156
Videotaped lessons as means to enhance reflection and knowledge of secondary mathematics teachers
Karsenty R. (2017)
A Mathematics Educator and a Mathematician Co-Teaching Mathematics Affordances for Teacher Education
Cooper J. & Zaslavsky O. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 2025-2032
Submitted Version -
How do mathematics teachers learn from videotaped lessons of unknown peers? Exploring possible mechanisms that contribute to change in teachers' perspectives
Karsenty R. (2017), 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Martinez AL., Torres IC. & Chova LG. (eds.). p. 1718-1728
The Learning and Teaching of Algebra: Ideas, Insights and Activities
Arcavi A., Drijvers P. & Stacey K. (2017)
Heuristic and engagement aspects of learning through long-term collaborative mathematical problem solving and problem posing
Koichu B. (2017)
Tasks and Competencies in the Teaching and Learning of Algebra
Friedlander A. & Arcavi A. (2017)
Introduction to the papers of TWG14: university mathematics education
Gonzalez-Martin A. S., Biza I., Cooper J., Ghedamsi I., Hausberger T., Pinto A., Vandebrouck F. & Viirman O. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T. (eds.). p. 1953-1960
Four-component decomposition of sense making in algebra
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T. (eds.). p. 448-455
Sense making through algebraic activities: A case study
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T.. (eds.).
Submitted Version -
Sense making in the context of algebraic activities
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2017), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 95, 3, p. 245-262
Math teaching as jazz improvisation: Exploring the 'highly principled but not determinate' instructional moves of an expert instructor
Pinto A. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T. (eds.). p. 2217-2224
Developing categories of curricular metadata: lenses for studying relationships between teachers and digital textbooks
Olsher S., Yerushalmy M. & Cooper J. (2017), Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2.
What can calculus students like about and learn from a challenging problem they did not understand?
Marmur O. & Koichu B. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T. (eds.). p. 2193-2200
Stimulating student aesthetic response to mathematical problems by means of manipulating the extent of surprise
Koichu B., Katz E. & Berman A. (2017), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 46, p. 42-57
Problem solving opportunities in frontal classes: Inquiry in teaching practices and learning strategies
Koichu B., Atrash E. & Marmur O. (2017), Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline Conference Proceedings. Kassel, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel p. 281-285
On mathematics with distinction, a learner-centered conceptualization of challenge and choice-based pedagogies
Koichu B. (2017), Mathematics Enthusiast. 14, 1-3, p. 517-540
How are questions that students ask in high level mathematics classes linked to general giftedness?
Leikin R., Koichu B., Berman A. & Dinur S. (2017), ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 49, 1, p. 65-80
In the Pursuit of Relevance Mathematicians Designing Tasks for Elementary School Teachers
Pinto A. & Cooper J. (2017), International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 3, 2, p. 311-337
Implementation enterprise through the lens of a theory of diffusion of innovations: A case of online problem-solving forums
Koichu B. & Keller N. (2017), Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T. (eds.). p. 3841-3848
Mathematical and Pedagogical Perspectives on Warranting: Approximating the Root of 18
Cooper J. & Pinto A. (2017), For the Learning of Mathematics. 37, 2, p. 8-13
A splitting theorem for spaces of Busemann non-positive curvature
Pinto A. (2017), Groups Geometry And Dynamics. 11, 1, p. 1-27
Video as a catalyst for mathematics teachers professional growth
Karsenty R. & Sherin M. G. (2017), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 20, p. 409-413
Dialogues on Dialogues: The Use of Classical Dialogues in Mathematics Teacher Education
Zazkis R. & Koichu B. (2017), Scripting Approaches in Mathematics Education. Herbst P. & Zazkis R. (eds.). Cham p. 365-387 (trueAdvances in Mathematics Education book series (AME))
Surprise and the Aesthetic Experience of University Students: A Design Experiment
Marmur O. & Koichu B. (2016), Journal of humanistic mathematics. 6, 1, p. 127-151
Coming of Age: Time to PonderA Tribute to Jill Adler
Arcavi A. & Karsenty R. (2016), Mathematics Education in a Context of Inequity, Poverty and Language Diversity. Phakeng M. & Lerman S. (eds.). Cham p. 33-42
Paths of Justification in Israeli 7th grade mathematics textbooks
Silverman B. & Even R. (2016), Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Rausch A., Csíkos C. & Szitányi J. (eds.). Vol. 4. p. 203-210
Kontorovich I. & Koichu B. (2016), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 14, 1, p. 81-99
Teachers editing textbooks: Transforming conventional connections among teachers, textbook authors, and mathematicians
Even R., Ayalon M. & Olsher S. (2016), Mathematics Education in a Context of Inequity, Poverty and Language Diversity:Giving Direction and Advancing the Field. p. 127-140
Preparing facilitators to conduct video-based professional development for mathematics teachers: Needs, experiences and challenges
Karsenty R. (2016)
Factors shaping students opportunities to engage in argumentative activity
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2016), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 14, 3, p. 575-601
Promoviendo conversaciones entre docentes acerca de clases filmadas de matemáticas
Arcavi A. (2016), Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática. 11, 15, p. 385-396
Enhancing reflective skills of secondary mathematics teachers through video-based peer discussions: The case of cross-cultural learning
Karsenty R. & Schwarts G. (2016)
Miradas Matemáticas y Pensamiento Numérico
Arcavi A. (2016), Avances de Investigacion en Educacion Matematica. 9, p. 11-19
ממורה מנוסה למתמטיקה למנחה בהכשרת מורים: חקר מקרה של מנחה בסדנאות מבוססות וידאו בהכשרת פרחי הוראה
Rotem S., Karsenty R. & Arcavi A. (2016), כנס ירושלים הרביעי למחקר בחינוך מתמטי. נפתלייב ?. & עדין ?. (eds.). p. 104-105
מה עשויים מורים ישראלים למתמטיקה ללמוד מצפיה ודיון בשיעור יפני?
Schwarts G., Arcavi A. & Karsenty R. (2016), כנס ירושלים הרביעי למחקר בחינוך מתמטי. נפתלייב ?. & עדין ?. (eds.). p. 106-107
Effects of variations in task design on mathematics teachers' learning experiences: a case of a sorting task
Koichu B., Zaslavsky O. & Dolev L. (2016), Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 19, 4, p. 349-370
Four (algorithms) in one (bag): an integrative framework of knowledge for teaching the standard algorithms of the basic arithmetic operations
Raveh I., Koichu B., Peled I. & Zaslavsky O. (2016), Research in Mathematics Education. 18, 1, p. 43-60
Didactique Goes Travelling: Its Actual and Potential Articulations with Other Traditions of Research on the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics
Arcavi A., Boero P., Kilpatrick J., Radford L., Dreyfus T. & Ruthven K. (2016), The Didactics of Mathematics:Approaches and Issues: A Homage to Michèle Artigue. p. 15-41
Proving as problem solving: The role of cognitive decoupling
Koichu B. & Leron U. (2015), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 40B, p. 233-244
Problem solving and choice-based pedagogies
Koichu B. (2015), Electronic Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness. Voica C., Toader F. & Singer F. M. (eds.). Sinaia, Romania p. 68-73
A fictional dialogue on infinitude of primes: introducing virtual duoethnography
Zazkis R. & Koichu B. (2015), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 88, 2, p. 163-181
Exploring insight: Focus on shifts of attention
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2015), For the Learning of Mathematics. 35, 2, p. 9-14
Exploring practices and beliefs that shape the teaching of mathematical ways of thinking and doing at university
Pinto A. (2015)
Textbook explanations: Modes of reasoning in 7th grade Israeli mathematics textbooks
Silverman B. & Even R. (2015), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Krainer K. & Vondrova N. (eds.). p. 205-212
Why different mathematics instructors teach students different lessons about mathematics in lectures
Pinto A. (2015), Didactics of Mathematics in Higher Education as a Scientific Discipline Conference Proceedings. Rück H. G., Biehler R., Göller R. & Hochmuth R. (eds.). p. 236-240
Challenging mathematics for all and choice-based pedagogies: Plenary address
Koichu B. (2015), Electronic Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Greek Association for Research in Mathematics Education. Desli D., Papadopoulus I. & Tzekaki M. (eds.). Thessaloniki, Greece p. 20-34
Revisiting aspects of visualization in mathematics education
Arcavi A. (2015), La Matematica Nella Società e Nella Cultura Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana. 8, 3, p. 143-160
Learning to See: The Viewpoint of the Blind
Figueiras L. & Arcavi A. (2015), Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Cho S. J. (eds.). Cham p. 175-186
הבנה של סרטוטים דו-ממדיים המתארים אובייקטים תלת-ממדיים בהוראת הגאומטריה במרחב
Widder M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2015), Bulletin for Mathematics Teachers (עלון למורי המתמטיקה). 52, p. 19-28
Video-based peer discussions as sources for knowledge growth of secondary teachers
Karsenty R., Arcavi A. & Nurick Y. (2015), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Krainer K. & Vondrova N. (eds.). p. 2825-2832
Submitted Version -
Combining Mathematical and Educational Perspectives in Professional Development
Cooper J. (2015), The Twenty-third ICMI Study. Kaur B., Novotná J. & Sun X. (eds.). Macao, China p. 68-75
Students' Opportunities to Engage in Transformational Algebraic Activity in Different Beginning Algebra Topics and Classes
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2015), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13, p. 285-307
Growth of mathematical knowledge for teaching - the case of long division
Cooper J. (2015), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Krainer K. & Vondrová N. (eds.). p. 2081-2088 (trueProceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education)
What Do High School Teachers Mean by Saying \u201cI Pose My Own Problems\u201d?
Klinshtern M., Koichu B. & Berman A. (2015), Mathematical Problem Posing. Singer F. M., Cai J. & F. Ellerton N. (eds.). New York, NY p. 449-467 (true Research in Mathematics Education book series (RME))
Justifications and Explanations in Israeli 7th Grade Math Textbooks.
Dolev S. & Even R. (2015), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13, p. 309-327
Reconstruction of one mathematical invention: Focus on structures of attention
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2014), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nicol C., Allan D., Liljedahl P. & Oesterle S. (eds.). Vol. 4. p. 377-384
What counts for being creative? A mathematically gifted students perspective
Palatnik A. & Koichu B. (2014), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of the Gifted Students. Denver, USA p. 96-103
Teachers editing textbooks: Changes suggested by teachers to the math textbook they use in class
Olsher S. & Even R. (2014), International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2014 (ICMT-2014). Bokhove C., Howson G., Jones K. & Fan L. (eds.).
The interplay of empirical and deductive reasoning in proving \u201cif\u201d and \u201conly if\u201d statements in a Dynamic Geometry environment
Lachmy R. & Koichu B. (2014), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 36, p. 150-165
Dismantling visual obstacles to comprehension of 2-D sketches depicting 3-D objects
Widder M., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2014), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada Vol. 5. p. 369-376
Teachers editing textbooks: transforming conventional connections among teachers, curriculum developers, mathematicians, and researchers.
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2014), International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2014 (ICMT-2014). Bokhove C., Howson G., Jones K. & Fan L. (eds.).
ידע מתמטי ייחודי להוראה בנושא האלגוריתמים החישוביים הסטנדרטיים בארבע פעולות החשבון
Raveh I. & Koichu B. (2014), Mispar Hazak 2000 (מספר חזק 2000). 25, p. 51-61
Bridging intuitive and analytical thinking:: Four looks at the 2-glass puzzle
EJERSBO L. R., LERON U. & ARCAVI A. (2014), For the Learning of Mathematics. 34, 3, p. 2-7
Reflections on Problem-Solving
Koichu B. (2014), Mathematics & Mathematics Education: Searching for Common Ground. Fried M. N. & Dreyfus T. (eds.). Dordrecht p. 113-135 (trueAdvances in Mathematics Education book series (AME))
Networking theories by iterative unpacking
Koichu B. (2014), PNA. 8, 4, p. 151-161
A touch of mathematics: coming to our senses by observing the visually impaired
Figueiras L. & Arcavi A. (2014), ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 46, 1, p. 123-133
Mathematical discourse for teaching: A discursive framework for analyzing professional development
Cooper J. (2014), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nicol C., Allan D., Liljedahl P. & Oesterle S. (eds.). Vol. 2. p. 337-344
The Interplay of Factors Involved in Shaping Students' Opportunities to Learn Mathematics
Even R. (2014), Transforming Mathematics Instruction. p. 459-474
Teachers' beliefs about knowledge for teaching: an indirect approach
Cooper J. & Touitou I. (2013), Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Ubuz B., Haser ?. & Mariotti M. A. (eds.). p. 3005-3014
A reference framework for teaching the standard algorithms of the four basic arithmetic operations: From theoretical analysis to task design
Raveh I. & Koichu B. (2013), Electronic Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Antalya, Turkey
Mathematicians and Elementary School Mathematics Teachers Meetings and Bridges
Cooper J. & Arcavi A. (2013), Proficiency and Beliefs in Learning and Teaching Mathematics. Moschkovich J. N. & Li Y. (eds.). Rotterdam p. 179-200
A dialogic method of presenting proofs: Focus on Fermat's Little Theorem
Koichu B. & Zazkis R. (2013), the 15th Conference of SIGMAA on RUME. Denver, Colorado
Variability in university mathematics teaching: a tale of two Instructors
Pinto A. (2013), Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 2416-2425
Ways of thinking associated with mathematics teachers' problem posing in the context of division of fractions
Koichu B., Harel G. & Manaster A. (2013), Instructional Science. 41, 4, p. 681-698
Effects of variations in task design using different representations of mathematical objects on learning: A case of a sorting task
Koichu B., Zaslavsky O. & Dolev L. (2013), Task Design in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22. Margolinas C. (eds.). p. 463 - 471
Decoding a proof of Fermat's Little Theorem via script writing
Koichu B. & Zazkis R. (2013), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 32, 3, p. 364-376
Dissecting success stories on mathematical problem posing: a case of the Billiard Task
Koichu B. & Kontorovich I. (2013), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 83, 1, p. 71-86
Visualization as an epistemological learning tool: an introduction
Rivera F. D., Steinbring H. & Arcavi A. (2013), ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 46, 1, p. 1-2
Understanding understanding equivalence of matrices
Berman A., Koichu B. & Shvartsman L. (2013), Electronic Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Antalya, Turkey
Enhancing an intellectual need for defining and proving: A case of impossible objects
Koichu B. (2012), For the Learning of Mathematics. 32, 1, p. 2-7
Some gold is found - much more is in the mine: A commentary on Gilah Leders chapter \u201cLooking for gold: Catering for mathematically gifted students within and beyond ZDM\u201d
Koichu B. (2012), Advances in Mathematics Education series, p. 407-410
An exploratory framework for handling the complexity of mathematical problem posing in small groups
Kontorovich I., Koichu B., Leikin R. & Berman A. (2012), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 31, 1, p. 149-161
Cognitive Development of Proof
Tall D., Yevdokimov O., Koichu B., Whiteley W., Kondratieva M. & Cheng Y. (2012), Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. Hanna G. & de Villiers M. (eds.). Dordrecht p. 13-49 (true New ICMI Study Series book series)
Submitted Version -
On attaining devolution in an inquiry-based activity focused on defining and proving
Koichu B. (2012), International Colloquium "The didactics of mathematics: approaches and issues" in honor of Prof. Michele Artigue. Paris, France
Achieving the feeling of innovation in expert problem posing
Kontorovich I. & Koichu B. (2012), the 17th MAVI (Mathematical Views) Conference. Helsinki: Finland
Feeling of innovation in expert problem posing
Kontorovich I. & Koichu B. (2012), Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education. 17, 3-4, p. 199-212
On the role of basic assumptions in the debate on the equity issue in gifted education: A commentary on the Gagnés paper
Koichu B. (2011), Talent Development and Excellence. 3, 1, p. 79-81
Exploring mathematical thinking and giftedness of high achievers who learn mathematics in different types of classes
Leikin R., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2011)
Exploring impossible objects: On the way from Escher to deductive proof in 3-D geometry
Koichu B. (2011), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of the Gifted Students. Bonka D., Velikova E., Meissnera H., Ramana L., Sheffield L. & Avotina M. (eds.). University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia p. 115-120
Mathematicians teaching elementary school teachers A case study
Cooper J. (2011)
Overcoming a Pitfall of Circularity in Research on Problem Solving by Mathematically Gifted Schoolchildren
Koichu B. (2011), Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 11, 1, p. 67-77
Indicators of creativity in mathematical problem posing: How indicative are they?
Kontorovich I., Koichu B., Leikin R. & Berman A. (2011), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of the Gifted Students. Bonka D., Velikova E., Meissnera H., Ramana L., Sheffield L. & Avotina M. (eds.). p. 120-125
Peer assessment and mathematical creativity
Biton Y. & Koichu B. (2011), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of the Gifted Students. Bonka D., Velikova E., Meissnera H., Ramana L., Sheffield L. & Avotina M. (eds.). University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia p. 30-34
Three on-going studies on (authentic) problem posing for different educational needs
Koichu B. (2011), Newsletter of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG Newsletter). 1, p. 13-16
Responding to students: Enabling a significant role for students in the class discourse
Even R. & Gottlib O. (2011), Expertise in Mathematics Instruction. p. 109-129
On the relationships between (relatively) advanced mathematical knowledge and (relatively) advanced problem-solving behaviours
Koichu B. (2010), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 41, 2, p. 257-275
An operational definition of learning
Harel G. & Koichu B. (2010), Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 29, 3, p. 115-124
Mathematics Educators' Views on the Role of Mathematics Learning in Developing Deductive Reasoning
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2010), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 8, 6, p. 1131-1154
Nonprofessional mathematics tutoring for low-achieving students in secondary schools: A case study
Karsenty R. (2010), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 74, 1, p. 1-21
Mathematical competitions and creativity: The cases of Latvia and Israel
Andžāns A., Berman A. & Koichu B. (2010), Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 9, 2, p. 107-117
Creativity or ignorance: Inquiry in calculation strategies of mathematically disadvantaged (immigrant) high school students
Koichu B. & Orey D. (2010), Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 9, 2, p. 75-92
What mathematics do teachers with contrasting teaching approaches address in probability lessons?
Even R. & Kvatinsky T. (2010), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 74, 3, p. 207-222
Focusing on educators of practicing teachers of mathematics: An Israeli perspective on scalability and sustainability
Even R. (2010)
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2009), Pme 33: Proceedings Of The 33Rd Conference Of The International Group For The Psychology Of Mathematics Education, Vol 2. 2, p. 81-88
Karsenty R. (2009), Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). 3, p. 281-288
Success in mathematics within a challenged minority: The case of students of Ethiopian origin in Israel (SEO)
Mulat T. & Arcavi A. (2009), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 72, 1, p. 77-92
Strengthening Practice in and Research on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics: Next Steps
Ball D. L. & Even R. (2009), New ICMI Study Series. p. 255-259
Setting the Stage for the ICMI Study on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics
Even R. & Ball D. L. (2009), New ICMI Study Series. p. 1-9
Similarities and Differences in the Types of Algebraic Activities in Two Classes Taught by the Same Teacher
Eisenmann T. & Even R. (2009), Mathematics Teachers At Work: Connecting Curriculum Materials And Classroom Instruction. p. 152-170
The impact of a web-based research simulation in bioinformatics on students' understanding of genetics
Gelbart H., Brill G. & Yarden A. (2009), Research in Science Education. 39, 5, p. 725-751
Deductive reasoning: In the eye of the beholder
Ayalon M. & Even R. (2008), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 69, 3, p. 235-247
Koichu B. (2008), PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT MEETING OF PME 32 AND PME-NA XXX, VOL 3. Sepulveda A., Cortina JL., Figueras O., Alatorre S. & Rojano T. (eds.). p. 273-280 (truePME Conference Proceedings)
Games Kids Play: A Course in Game Theory
Cooper J. (2008)
Research opportunities in out-of-school activities for mathematically gifted students
Koichu B. (2008), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students. Leikin R. (eds.). Haifa, Israel. p. 437-439
On composing multiple-choice tasks, thought experimentation and algebra teachers' knowledge base
Koichu B. (2008), the Proceedings of 5th International Colloquium on the Didactics of Mathematics. the University of Crete, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Mathematical creativity and giftedness in out-of-school activities
Koichu B. & Andžāns A. (2008), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students. Leikin R. (eds.). Haifa, Israel p. 415-417
If not, what yes?
Koichu B. (2008), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 39, 4, p. 443-454
Theoretical framework for characterizing responses to multiple problem posing tasks
Koichu B. (2008), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multiple Solution Connecting Tasks. Haifa, Israel p. 45-52
Heuristic literacy development and its relation to mathematical achievements of middle school students
Koichu B., Berman A. & Moore M. (2007), Instructional Science. 35, 2, p. 99-139
The effect of promoting heuristic literacy on the mathematical aptitude of middle-school students
Koichu B., Berman A. & Moore M. (2007), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 38, 1, p. 1-17
Triadic interaction in clinical task-based interviews with mathematics teachers
Koichu B. & Harel G. (2007), Educational Studies in Mathematics. 65, 3, p. 349-365
Koichu B., Katz E. & Berman A. (2007), Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Seo DY., Lew HC., Woo JH. & Park KS. (eds.). Seoul, Korea Vol. 3. p. 113-120 (truePME Conference Proceedings)
Harel G., Koichu B. & Manaster A. (2006), Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Moraova H., Novotna J., Kratka M. & Stehlikova N. (eds.). Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University Vol. 3. p. 241-248 (truePME Conference Proceedings)
Koichu B., Berman A. & Moore M. (2006), Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the psychology of Mathematics Education. Moraova H., Novotna J., Kratka M. & Stehlikova N. (eds.). Vol. 3. p. 457-464 (truePME Conference Proceedings)
Karsenty R. (2006), Pme 30: Proceedings Of The 30Th Conference Of The International Group For The Psychology Of Mathematics Education, Vol 3, p. 409-416
On usefulness of unfortunate \u201ctheorems\u201d or If not, what yes?
Koichu B. (2006), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students. Hospelova A., Chavalina J., Hora J., Simsa M., Pech P. & Tlusty P. (eds.). p. 77-80
Good Research Conducted by Talented High School Students: The Case of Sci-Tech
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When Do Gifted High School Students Use Geometry to Solve Geometry Problems?
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3-D dynamic geometry: Ceva's theorem in space
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Very able students think aloud: An attempt at heuristic microanalysis
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The contribution of MANOR to the solution of important practical problems in mathematics education (1993-2003)
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Mathematical research work of talented high school students
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הערכת ההשכלה המתמטית בכיתות של מכון מופ"ת
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Teachers interpretations of students mathematics thinking
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The decimal point situation: A close look at the use of mathematics-classroom-situations in teacher education
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Application of psychological trainings for creativity development in high school students
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The development of teacher-leaders and in-service teacher educators
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Teachers' and students' views on student reasoning
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Robustness extension of the rule for testing statistical hypotheses
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[title in Ukrainian]
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Subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge: prospective secondary teachers and the function concept
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Desperately Looking for the Focus
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A Parallel Representation of Linear Functions Using a Microcomputer-Based Environment
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Prospective secondary mathematics teachers' thinking about teaching the concept of function
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Functional pedagogical knowledge
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The Didactical De Morgan: a Selection of Augustus De Morgan's Thoughts on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
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Large Numbers and Calculators: A Classroom Activity
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On the Meaning of Variable
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Geometrical Adventures in Functionland
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History of Mathematics for Teachers: The Case of Irrational Numbers
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Students preferences for industrial case studies
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Maybe a Mathematics Teacher Can Profit from the Study of the History of Mathematics
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How Shall We Teach the Multiplication of Negative Numbers?
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