Awards And Honors | Scientific Council Prizes

Scientific Personnel

Name Department Prize
Prof. Zvika Brakerski Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Morris L. Levinson Prize in Mathematics Scientific Personnel
Dr. Assaf Gal Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Scientific Council Prize for Life Sciences Scientific Personnel
Dr. Shira Raveh-rubin Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Scientific Council Prize for Chemistry Scientific Personnel
Prof. Yifat Merbl Department of Systems Immunology Morris L. Levinson Prize in Biology Scientific Personnel
Prof. David Mross Department of Condensed Matter Physics Morris L. Levinson Prize in Physics Scientific Personnel

Staff Scientists

Name Department Prize
Dr. Tali Dadosh Department of Chemical Research Support Maxine Singer Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists
Dr. Hagit Shapiro Department of Systems Immunology Scientific Council Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists
Dr. Alon Rubin Department of Brain Sciences Scientific Council Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists
Dr. Michal Schwartz Department of Molecular Genetics Maxine Singer Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists
Dr. Gil Amitai Department of Molecular Genetics Scientific Council Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists
Dr. Rinat Goren Department of Physics of Complex Systems Scientific Council Prize for Outstanding Staff Scientists Staff Scientists