Researchers Search


Name Department Employee category Year
Prof. Michael Bendikov Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science Kimmelman Associate Professor 2013
Dr. Aaron Joseph Gilboa Structural Biology Senior Scientist 2009
Prof. Dov Rabinovich Structural Biology Associate Professor 2008
Prof. Eugene Ghera Organic Chemistry Associate Professor 2007
Dr. Zeev Olami Department of Chemical and Biological Physics Senior Scientist 2002
Prof. Abraham Warshawsky Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science Kimmelman Associate Professor 2001
Dr. Moshe Avramoff Organic Chemistry Research Fellow 2000
Dr. Anatoly Ardashnikov Chemical Physics Special Contract 1999
Prof. Shlomo Alexander Chemical Physics Extension of Service 1998
Dr. Ziva Berkovich-Yellin Structural Biology Associate Professor 1997
Prof. Ernst Fischer Organic Chemistry Professor Emeritus 1997
Prof. Emanuel Gil-Av Organic Chemistry Professor Emeritus 1996
Prof. Fritz Klein Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Professor Emeritus 1996
Prof. Mordeckai Magaritz Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Professor 1993
Prof. Alexander Silberberg Materials and Interfaces Professor Emeritus 1993
Dr. Ze'ev Zaretskii Organic Chemistry Senior Scientist 1993
Prof. William Taub Organic Chemistry Professor Emeritus 1992
Prof. Fred Hirshfeld Structural Biology Professor 1991
Prof. Mendel Cohen Structural Biology Professor 1988
Prof. David Shapiro Organic Chemistry Professor Emeritus 1985
Dr. Yaacov Amiel Plastics Research Senior Scientist 1984
Prof. Dov Elad Organic Chemistry Professor 1979
Prof. Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Polymer Research Professor 1972
Prof. Gerhard Schmidt Structural Biology Professor 1971

Life Sciences

Name Department Employee category Year
Prof. Avihai Danon Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2021
Prof. Dan Tawfik Department of Biomolecular Sciences Professor (Full) 2021
Prof. Nir Friedman Department of Systems Immunology Associate Professor 2021
Prof. Haim Garty Department of Biomolecular Sciences Professor (Full) 2014
Prof. Vivian i. Teichberg Department of Brain Sciences Professor (Full) 2011
Prof. Irith Ginzburg Department of Brain Sciences Professor 2008
Prof. Mordechai Liscovitch Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology Professor (Full) 2008
Prof. Arieh Yaron Membrane Research and Biophysics Associate Professor 2006
Dr. Pnina Spitnik-Elson Biochemistry Senior Scientist 2005
Prof. Ofer Lider Department of Systems Immunology Associate Professor 2004
Prof. Shmuel Shaltiel Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology Professor 2002
Alexander Girshovich Department of Biomolecular Sciences Professor (Full) 2000
Prof. Issac Berenblum Molecular Cell Biology Professor Emeritus 2000
Prof. Violet Daniel Biochemistry Professor on Extension of Services 1997
Prof. Harold Flowers Membrane Research and Biophysics Associate Professor 1996
Dr. Yoav Citri Hormone Research Senior Scientist 1995
Prof. Yosef Aloni Molecular Genetics and Virology Professor 1993
Prof. Mordhay Avron Biochemistry Professor 1991
Prof. David Elson Biochemistry Professor Emeritus 1988
Prof. Hans Lindner Hormone Research Professor 1982
Prof. Ernst Simon Biophysics Professor Emeritus 1973
Prof. Arieh Berger Biophysics Professor 1972

Mathematics and Computer Science

Name Department Employee category Year
Prof. Joseph Gillis Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Professor Emeritus 1993
Prof. Chaim Pekeris Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Professor on Extension of Services 1993


Name Department Employee category Year
Prof. Yaron Silberberg Department of Physics of Complex Systems Professor (Full) 2019
Prof. Tal Alexander Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics Associate Professor 2018
Prof. Joshua Levinson Condensed Matter Physics Special Contract 2008
Prof. Arcadi-girshevich Aronov Department of Condensed Matter Physics Professor (Full) 1994
Prof. Richard Hornreich Department of Physics of Complex Systems Professor (Full) 1994
Prof. Richard Hornreich Physics of Complex Sydtems Professor 1994
Prof. Elhanan Ronat Nuclear Physics Associate Professor 1989
Prof. Amos De-Shalit Nuclear Physics Professor 1969


Name Department Employee category Year
Dr. Yoav Citri Hormone Research Senior Scientist 1995
Prof. Yosef Aloni Molecular Genetics and Virology Professor (Full) 1993
Prof. Mordeckai Magaritz Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Professor (Full) 1993
Prof. Mordhay Avron Biochemistry Professor (Full) 1991
Prof. Fred Hirshfeld Structural Biology Professor (Full) 1991
Prof. Elhanan Ronat Nuclear Physics Associate Professor 1989
Prof. Mendel Cohen Structural Biology Professor (Full) 1988
Prof. Hans "" Lindner Hormone Research Professor (Full) 1982
Prof. Dov Elad Organic Chemistry Professor (Full) 1979
Prof. Arieh Berger Biophysics Professor (Full) 1972
Prof. Aharon Katzir-katchalsky Polymer Research Professor (Full) 1972
Prof. Gerhard Schmidt Structural Chemistry Professor (Full) 1971
Prof. Amos De-shalit Nuclear Physics Professor (Full) 1969