The Feinberg Graduate School, the degree-granting institution at the Weizmann Institute of Science, was founded in 1958. The Weizmann Institute is recognized as an institution of higher education by the Council for Higher Education in Israel. The Scientific Council of the Institute may grant only advanced degrees (MSc and PhD degrees) in physics, chemistry, life sciences, mathematics, computer science, and science teaching. The Feinberg Graduate School is also responsible for postdoctoral fellowships at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Feinberg advocates full equality for all students, including students with disabilities, as detailed below.


Accessibility at the David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies

Access to the Feinberg Graduate School meets the accessibility requirement for buildings. There are two disabled parking spaces opposite the building and a ramp from the road to the sidewalk. At the building’s entrance are accessible washrooms for men and women and a wheelchair stair lift. There are solutions for height differences throughout the building, as well as suitable lighting, and directive and warning signs.


Graduate School Offices

The offices and reception area are accessible.



The classrooms and seminar rooms have been adapted for people with disabilities. They are easily accessible, with dedicated wheelchair-accessible spaces. Students with hearing impairments can request amplification and audio loop systems.


Open Spaces

There is an accessible wooden deck at the entrance to the building with benches and other seating options.