Group Publications
Contents: 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, pre 2000
"Role of photonic bandgaps in polarization-independent grating waveguide structures," E. Grinvald, T. Katchalski, S. Soria, S. Levit, and A. A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25, 1435-1443 (2008) PDF
"Mode-matched phase diffractive optical element for detecting laser modes with spiral phases," M. A. Golub, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson, and A. A. Friesem, Appl. Opt. 46, 7823-7828 (2007) PDF"Broadband sum-frequency generation as an efficient two-photon detector for optical tomography", A. Pe’er, Y. Bromberg, B. Dayan, Y. Silberberg and A. A. Friesem, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 15, 8760-8769 (2007). PDF
"Analytic design and solutions for resonance domain diffractive optical elements", M. A. Golub and A. A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 24, 687-695, (2007). PDF
"Increasing output energy from a passively Q-switched Er:glass laser", Ronen Rabinovici, Amiel A. Ishaaya, Idit Peer, Liran Shimshi, Nir Davidson, and Asher A. Friesem, Appl. Opt. 46, 7426-7431, (2007). PDF
"Anisotropic Poisson's Ratio and Compression Modulus of Cortical Bone Determined by Speckle Interferometry", R. Shahar, P. Zaslansky, M. Barak, A.A. Friesem, J.D. Currey and S. Weiner, J Biomech., (Epub 2006), 40, 252 (2007).
“Free-space coherent addition of fiber lasers,” M. Fridman, V. Eckhouse, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 1, 790-792 (2007). PDF
"Upscaling coherent addition of laser distributions," L. Shimshi, A. A. Ishaaya, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, in press, Opt. commun. (2007). PDF
"Design of a high-power continuous source of broadband down-converted light," Avi Pe'er, Yaron Silberberg, Barak Dayan, and Asher A. Friesem, Phys. Rev. A 74, 053805 (2006). PDF
"Suppression of thermal lensing effects in intra-cavity coherent combining of lasers," S. Sedghani, V. Eckhouse, A. A. Friesem, and N. Davidson ,submitted to Opt. commun. (Oct. 2006). PDF
"Relations Between Shape, Materials Properties, and Function in Biological Materials Using Laser Speckle Interferometry: In situ Tooth Deformatio", P. Zaslansky, R. Shahar, A. A. Friesem, and S. Weiner, Adv. Func. Mater 16(15), 1925 (2006).
"Tooth and bone deformation: structure and material properties by ESPI" Paul Zaslansky, Ron Shahar, Meir M. Barak, Asher A. Friesem, and Steve Weiner, Proc. SPIE 6341, 634109 in: "Speckle, from Grains to Flowers" P. Slangen, C. Cerruti eds, Nimes, France (2006).
“Passive Intracavity Coherent Addition of Nine Laser Distributions”, L. Shimshi, A.A. Ishaaya, V.Ekhouse, N. Davidson, and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 041103 1-3 (2006). PDF
“Intracavity Coherent Addition of 16 Laser Distributions”, V. Eckhouse, A. A. Ishaaya, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson, A. A. Friesem, Optics Letters, Vol. 31, 50 (2006). PDF
"Total Internal Reflection Diffraction Grating in Conical Mounting", L. Eisen, M. Golub and A. Friesem, Opt. Commun. 261, 13-18 (2006). PDF
"Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Soft Zone Separating Bulk Dentin and Enamel in Crowns of Human Teeth: Insight into Tooth Function", P. Zaslansky, A.A. Friesem and S. Weiner, J Struct Biol. 153, 188-99 (2006). PDF
"Planar Configuration for Image Projection", L. Eisen, M. Meyklyar, M. Golub, A. A. Friesem, I. Gurwich and V. Weiss, Appl. Opt. 45, 4005-4011 (2006). PDF
“Passive Intra-cavity Phase Locking of Laser Channels,” L. Shimshi, A.A. Ishaaya, V. Ekhouse, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Commun., 263, 60 (2006). PDF
"Color Correction in Planar Optics Configurations", L. Eisen, A. A. Friesem, M. Meyklyar and M. Golub, Opt. Lett., 31, 1522-1524 (2006). PDF
“Two Photon Fluorescence Sensors Based on Resonant Grating Waveguide Structures”, T. Katchalski, S. Soria, E. Teitelbaum, A.A. Friesem and G. Marowsky, Sensors and Actuators B. 107, 121-125 (2005). PDF
“Temporal Shaping of Entangled Photons”, A. Pe'er, B. Dayan, A.A. Friesem, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 073601 (2005). PDF
"Light-Guided Virtual Image Projection Display", L. Eisen, M. Meyklyar, M. A. Golub, A. A. Friesem, J. Gurwich and V. Weiss, Proc. of the 25th International Display Research Conference "EuroDisplay 2005", SID, 550-551 (2005).
"Characterization of Resonance Domain Diffractive Optical Elements", M. A. Golub, L. Eisen, A. A. Friesem and M. Meyklyar, invited paper in Proc. SPIE 5965, 50-59 (2005).
"Very high-order pure Laguerre-Gaussian mode selection in a passive Q-switched Nd:YAG laser", A. A. Ishaaya, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Express, 13, 4952-4962 (2005). PDF
"Intra-cavity coherent addition of single high order modes", A. A. Ishaaya, V. Eckhouse, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 30, 1770 (2005). PDF
"Improving the output beam quality of multimode laser resonators", A. A. Ishaaya, V. Eckhouse, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, Optics Express 13, 2722 (2005). PDF
"Imposing a Gaussian distribution in multichannel laser resonators", V. Eckhouse, A. A. Ishaaya, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson and A. A. Friesem, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 41, 686 (2005). PDF
"Phase shifting speckle interferometry for determinationof strain and Young’s modulus of mineralized biological materials: a study of tooth dentin compression in water", Paul Zaslansky, John D. Currey, Asher A. Friesem and Steve Weiner, Journal of biomedical optics, 10, 024020 (2005) PDF
"Effective grating theory for resonance domain surface-relief diffraction grating", Michael A. Golub and Asher A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 22, 1115-1126 (2005). PDF
"Light modulation with electro-optic polymer-based resonant grating waveguide structures", T. Katchalski, G. Levy-Yurista, A.A. Friesem, G. Martin, R. Hierle and J. Zyss, Opt. Express. 13, 4645 (2005) PDF
"Nonlinear interactions with an ultrahigh flux of broadband entangled photons", Barak Dayan, Avi Pe'er, Asher A Friesem & Yaron Silberberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 043602 (2005). PDF
"Static and dynamic interferometric measurements used to determine mechanical properties of cortical bone", P. Zaslansky, G. Pedrini, I Alexeenko, W. Osten, A. Friesem, S. Weiner and R. Shahara, Proc. ICEM12 (2004)
“Polarization Optics”, J. Turunen , A.A. Friesem and A.T. Friberg , J. Opt.A-Pure and Appl. Opt. 6, S1-S1 (2004). PDF
“Coherent Addition of Spatially Incoherent Laser Beams”, A. A. Ishaaya, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson, and A. A. Friesem, Optics Express 12, 4929 (2004). PDF
"Quantum lithography by coherent control of classical light pulses", Avi Pe'er, Barak Dayan, Marija Vucelja, Yaron Silberberg and Asher A. Friesem, Opt. Express 12,6600 (2004). PDF
“Enhanced Two-Photon Fluorescence by Resonant Grating Waveguide Structures”, S. Soria, T. Katchalski, E. Teitelbaum, A.A. Friesem and G. Marowsky, Opt. Lett. 29, 1089 (2004). PDF
“Intra-cavity Coherent Addition of Gaussian Beam Distributions using a Planar Interferometric Coupler”, A. A. Ishaaya, L. Shimshi, N. Davidson, and A. A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, 2187 (2004). PDF
“Improvement of the Laser Mode Stability using Intra-cavity Phase Element", G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, A. Ishaaya , and A. A. Friesem, Optics Communications 239, 147 (2004).
“Improving the Stability of Longitudinal and Transverse Laser Modes”, G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, A. A. Ishaaya, and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Comm. 239, 147-151 (2004). PDF
“Two Photon Absorption and Coherent Control with Broadband Down-converted Light”, B. Dayan, A. Pe'er, A.A. Friesem and Y. Silberberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, Art. No. 023005 (2004). PDF
“Optical Code-Division Multiple Access Using Broad-Band Parametrically Generated Light”, A. Pe'er, B. Dayan, Y. Silberberg and A.A. Friesem, J. Lightwave Technol. 22, 1463-71 (2004). PDF
“Bragg Properties of Efficient Surface Relief Gratings in the Resonance Domain”, M.A. Golub, A.A. Friesem and L. Eisen, Opt. Comm., 235, (261-267) 2004. PDF
“Analytical Theory for Efficient Surface Relief Gratings in the Resonance Domain”, M.A. Golub and A.A. Friesem, In monograph: The Art and Science of Holography: A tribute to Emmett Leith and Yuri Denisyuk, H. John Caulfield, ed., Chapter 19, SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, (307-328) 2004.
“Efficient Mode Transformations of Degenerate Laguerre-Gaussian Bbeams”, G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, A. Ishaaya , and A. A. Friesem, Appl. Opt. 43, 2561-2567 (2004). PDF
“Towards Ultra Narrow Bandwidth Polymer-based Resonant Grating Waveguide Structures”, T. Katchalski, E. Teitelbaum and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 472-474 (2004). PDF
“Design and Experiments of Planar Optical Light Guides for Virtual Image Displays”, I. Gurwich, V. Weiss, L. Eisen, M. Meyklyar and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 5182, 212 (2003).
“Volume Phase Transmission Gratings and Comact Configurations for Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Demultiplexing”, W.H. Huang, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Rev. 10, 8-12 (2003). PDF
“Conversion of a High-order Mode Beam into a Nearly Gaussian Beam by Use of a Single Interferometric Element”, A.A. Ishaaya, G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 28, 504 – 506, (2003). PDF
“Efficient Selection of High-order Laguerre-Gaussian Modes in a Q-Switched Nd : YAG Laser”, A.A. Ishaaya, N. Davidson, G. Machavariani, E. Hasman and A.A. Friesem, IEEE Quantum Electronics 39, 74 – 82 (2003). PDF
“Formation of a Planar Coarse Wavelength-division Multiplexer and Demultiplexer with Reflection Volume Phase Gratings”, W.H. Huang, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl Opt. 41, 5851-5856 (2002). PDF
“Compact Wavelength Division Multiplexers and Demultiplexers”, R. Shechter, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl Opt. 41, 1256-1261) (2002). PDF
“Compact Beam Expander with Linear Gratings”, R. Shechter, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt. 41, 1236-1240 (2002). PDF
“Compact Red-green-blue Beam Illuminator and Expander”, R. Shechter, N. Bokor, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl Opt. 41, 1229-1235 (2002). PDF
“Efficient Mode Conversion of Laser Beams”, A. A. Ishaaya, R. Oron, N. Davidson, E. Hasman and A. A. Friesem, Opt. Phot. News.- Optics in '2002, 13 (12), 43 (2002). PDF
“Efficient Formation of a High Quality Beam from a Pure High Order HG Mode”, G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, A. Ishaaya, A.A. Friesem, E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 27, (2002). PDF
Efficient Conversion of a Gaussian Beam to a High Purity Helical Beam”, G. Machavariani, N. Davidson, E. Hasman, S. Blit, A.A. Ishaaya and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm. 209, 265-271 (2002). PDF
“Laser Operation with Two Orthogonally Polarized Transverse Modes”, R. Oron, L. Shimshi, S. Blit, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Opt. 41, 3634 – 3637, (2002). PDF
“Novel Polymer-based Resonant Grating-waveguide Structures”,A. Donval, E. Toussaere, J. Zyss, G. Levy-Yurista, E. Jonsson and A.A. Friesem, Synthetic Metals, 124, 19-22 ( 2001). PDF
“Improving the Beam Quality of High-order Laser Modes”, A. Ishaaya, R. Oron, N. Davidson, E. Hasman, A.A. Friesem (Optics in 2001), OPN, Optics and Photonics News, 12 (2001).
“Achromatic Phase Retarder by Slanted Illumination of a Dielectric Grating with Period Comparable with the Wavelength”, N. Bokor, R. Shechter, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Applied Opt., 40, 2076-2080, (2001). PDF
“Active Semiconductor-based Grating Waveguide Structures”, N. Dudovich, G. Levy-Yurista, A. Sharon, A.A. Friesem, H.G. Weber, IEEE J. Quantum Elect. 37, (8) 1030-1039, (2001). PDF
“Transverse Mode Shaping and Selection in Laser Resonators”, R. Oron, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem, E. Hasman, E. Wolf, Progress in Optics 42, 325-386, (2001).
“Flatland Optics III. Achromatic Diffraction”, A.W. Lohmann, A. Pe'er, D. Wang, A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 18, (9) 2095-2097, (2001). PDF
“Dual Spectral Filters with Multi-layered Grating Waveguide Structures,” G. Levy-Yurista and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys., B72, 921-925, (2001). PDF
“Manipulating the Wigner Distribution of High Order Laser Modes”, R. Oron, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Comm. , 193, 227-232, (2001). PDF
“Hybrid Semiconductor Polymer Resonant Grating Waveguide Structures”, G. Levy-Yurista, A.A. Friesem , E. Pawlowski, L. Kuller, R. Ludwig, H.G. Weber, A. Donval, E. Toussaere and J. Zyss, Opt. Mat. , 17, 149-154, (2001). PDF
“Hybrid Polymer-on-glass Iintegrated Optical Diffractive Structures for Wavelength Discrimination”, R. Schechter, E. Millul, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and V. Weiss, Opt. Mat. , 17, 165-167, (2001). PDF
“Flatland Optics II. Basic Experiments”, A.W. Lohmann, D. Wang, A. Pe'er, A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 18, (5) 1056-1061, (2001). PDF
“Concentration of Diffuse Light at the Thermodynamic Limit with an Aplanatic Curved Diffractive Element”, N. Bokor, R. Schechter, A.A. Friesem and N. Davidson, Opt. Comm., 191, 141-147, (2001). PDF
“Wigner Formulation of Optical Processing with Light of Abitrary Coherence”, A. Pe'er, D. Wang, A.W. Lohmann, A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt. 42, (2) 249-256, (2001). PDF
“Continuous Phase Elements Can Improve Laser Beam Quality”, R. Oron, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 25, 939-941 (2000). PDF
“Wigner Algebra as a Tool for the Design of Achromatic Optical Processing Systems”, D. Wang, A. Pe’er, A.W. Lohmann and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Eng. 39 (11) 3104-3024, (2000). PDF
“Planar Diffractive Elements for Compact Optics”, Y. Amitai, R. Shechter, S. Reinhorn and A.A. Friesem, in Unconventional Optical Elements for Information Storage, Processing and Communications, 61-72, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherland, 2000.
“Materials for the Recording of Thin Holograpic Grating Couplers”, V. Weiss, E. Millul, E. Jonnson, R. Shechter, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 3, 413-418, (2000).
“The Formation of Laser Beams with Pure Azimuthal or Radial Polarization”, R. Oron, S. Blit, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem, Z. Bomzon and E. Hasman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77, 21 3322-3324, (2000). PDF
“Compact and Dynamic Optical Bypass-exchange Switch”, R. Oron, W.H. Huang, E. Jonnson, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 3 455-458 (2000). PDF
“General Linear Optical Coordinate Transformations Fundamentals”, D. Wang , A. Pe'er, A.A. Friesem and A.W. Lohmann, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 1864-1869 (2000).
“Flatland Optics : Fundamentals”, A.W. Lohmann, A. Pe'er, D. Wang and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 1755-1762 (2000). PDF
“Very Narrow Spectral Filters with Multilayered Grating Waveguide Structures”, G. Levy-Yurista and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77, 11, 1596-1598 (2000). PDF
“Apochromatic Optical Correlation”, A. Pe'er, D. Wang, A.W. Lohmann and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 25, 11, 776-778, (2000). PDF
“Efficient Formation of Pure Helical Laser Beams”, R. Oron, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Comm. 182, 205-208 (2000). PDF
“Resonant Structures for Optical Processing and Communication”, A.A. Friesem, G.Levy Yurista. N. Dudovich, D. Rosenblatt, A. Sharon, H.G. Weber, H. Engel, R. Steingruber, H. Brukhard, C. Greus, B. Kemp, and E. Kuphal, Optical Elements for Information, Storage, Processing and Communications, 205-215, (2000).
“Anomaly in a High-numerical-aperture Diffractive Focusing Lens”, R. Oron, J.L. Guedalia, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 25, 7, 439-441, (2000). PDF
Pre 2000
“High-power Single Mode Laser Operation with Intractivity Phase Elements”, R. Oron, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, OPN, Optics and Photonics News, 10, 19-20 (1999).
“Updatable Phase Filters for Correlation with Incoherent Light”, E. Frumker and A.A. Friesem, Ann. Phys. Fr. 24, 85-99 (1999).
“Three-dimensional Optical Metrology with Color-Coded Extended Depth of Focus”, E. Hasman, S. Keren, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett. 24, 439-441 (1999). PDF
“Laser Mode Discrimination with Intra-cavity Spiral Phase Elements”, R. Oron, Y. Danziger, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Comm. 169, 115-121 (1999). PDF
“Discontinuous Phase Elements for Transverse Mode Selection in Laser Resonators”, R. Oron, Y. Danziger, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 74, 1373-1375 (1999). PDF
“Planar Optical Dynamic Crossbar Switch”, S. Reinhorn, R. Oron, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem, K. Vinokur and N. Pilossof, Opt. Eng., 38, 1396-1401 (1999). PDF
“Optical Correlation with Totally Incoherent Light”, A. Pe’er, D. Wang, A.W. Lohmann and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett. 24, 1469-1471 (1999).
“Computer-OriginatedPlanarHolographicOpticalElements”, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt., 37, 3031-3037 (1998). PDF
“SpectralShiftsandLine-ShapesAsymmetries intheResonantResponseofGratingWaveguideStructures”, S. Glasberg, A. Sharon, D. Rosenblatt and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm. 145, 291-299 (1998). PDF
“ResonantGrating-WaveguideStructuresforVisibleandInfra-RedRadiation”, A. Sharon, D. Rosenblatt, A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 14, 2985-299 (1997).
“Resonant Grating-WaveguideStructures”, D. Rosenblatt, A. Sharon A.A. Friesem, IEEE J. of Quantum Elect., 33, 2038-2059 (1997).
“CompactUpdatableOpticalCorrelator”, D. Malka, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE on Optical Engineering, Jerusalem, (1997).
“PlanarOpticalCorrelatorwithCoherentLight”, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai A.A. Friesem and D. Malka, Proc. SPIE on Optical Engineering, Jerusalem, (1997).
“OrganicMaterialsforReal-TimeHolographicRecording”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and V. A. Krongauz, J. Imaging Sci. and Techn. 41, 371-382 (1997).
“InorganicMaterialsforArchivalHolographicRecording”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and A. Peled, J. Imaging Sci. and Techn. 41, 355-371 (1997).
“CompactPlanarOpticalCorrelator”, S. Reinhom, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett. 22, 925-927 (1997).
“Metal-BasedResonantGratingWaveguideStructures”, A. Sharon, S. Glasberg, D. Rosenblatt and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 14, 588-595 (1997).
“ModelingSupra-MolecularHelices:ExtensionoftheMolecularSurfaceRecognitionAlgorithmandApplicationtotheProteinCoatoftheTobaccoMosaicVirus”, M. Eisenstein, I. Shariv, G. Koren, A.A. Friesem and E. Katchalski-Katzir, J. Mol. Biol. 266,135-143 (1997).
“Long-RangeSurfacePlasmonResonancesinGrating-WaveguideStructures”, S. Glasberg, A. Sharon, D. R.Rosenblatt and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1210-1212 (1997).
“CompactOpticalCrossbarSwitch”, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem, A.W. Lohmann and S. Gorodeisky, Appl. Opt., 36, 1039-1044 (1997).
“DiffractiveOptics : Design,RealizationandApplications”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson, Y. Danziger and A.A. Friesem, Fiber and Integrated Optics, 16, 1-25, (1997).
“NovelResonantStructuresforLaserLightModulation”, A. Sharon, D. Rosenblattand A.A. Friesem) Optics and Photonics News 7, 31-32 (1996).
“PlanarHolographicConfigurationforEfficientImaging”, R. Shechter, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and S. Reinhorn, Opt. Comm. 132, 221-226 (1996).
“PlanarHolographicElementswithUniformDiffractionEfficiency”, R. Shechter, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Surface Sci. 106, 369-373 (1996).
“NarrowSpectralBandwidthswithGratingWaveguideStructures”, A. Sharon, D. Rosenblatt and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 4154-4156 (1996).
“InvestigationsofWrite\EraseFeaturesbyPhotodepositionTechnique”, A. Peled, L. Grantman, M. Ochayon and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Surface Sci. 106, 306-310 (1996).
“LightModulationwithResonantGrating-Waveguide.Structures”, A. Sharon, D. Rosenblatt, A.A. Friesem, H.G. Weber, H. Engel and R. Steingrueber, Opt. Lett. 21,1564-1566 (1996).
“PlanarDiffractiveElementiforCompactOptics”, A.A.Friesem and Y. Amitai, in Trends in Optics, ed. A. Consortini, 125-144 (1996).
“ControlofGratingAnomaliesinPhotoactivePolymers”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and E. Millul, Proc. SPIE 2851, 110-117 (1996).
“MultilevelDiffractiveElementsforGeneralizedWavefrontShaping”, Y. Danziger, E. Hasman, A.A.Friesem and A.W. Lohmann. Opt. Eng. 35, 2556-2565 (1996).
“PhotopolymericHolographicRecordingMedia:In-SituandRealTimeCharacterization”, V. Weiss. E. Millul and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 2688, 11-20
“VisorDisplaywithPlanarHolographicOpticalElements“, S. Reinhorn, Y. Amitai and A. A.A. Friesem, SPIE Newsletter, 5, (1995).
“PlanarOpticalConfigurationsforImagingandDataProcessing”, A.A. Friesem, S.Reinhorn, Y, Amitai and R. Shechter, Proc. SPIE, (1995).
“CompensationoftheWavelengthDependenceinDiffractiveStarCouplers”, M. Schwab, N. Lindlein, J. Schwider, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and S. Reinhorn, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 12, 1290-1297 (1995).
“CharacterizationofPhotodepositedSeleniumPlanarStructuresbyScanningForceMicroscopy”, A. Peled, V. Baranauskas, C. Rodrigues, D. A-Weisman, L. Grantman and A.A. Friesem, J. Appl. Phys. 77, 6208-6213 (1995).
“FourierTransformationwithaPlanarHolographicDoublet”, S. Reinhorn, S. Gorodeisky, A.A. Friesem and Y.Amitai, Opt. Lett. 20, 495-497 (1995).
“VisorDisplayDesignBasedonPlanarHolographicOptics”, Y. Amitai, S. Reinhorn and A.A. Friesem, App. Opt., 34, 1352-1356 (1995).
“TemporalHolographicResponseinPhotochromicPolymerFilms”, V. Weiss, V. A. Kronghaus and A.A. Friesem, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 248, 367-370 (1994).
“ExactFourierTransformationwithSubstrateModeHolographicElements”, S. Reinhorn, S. Gorodiesky, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 2426, 269 (1994).
“SpatialFrequencyResponseofHolographicGratingsPhotodepositedfromInorganicColliods”, V. Weiss, A. Peled and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt., 33, 4988-4992 (1994).
“Reflective andRefractiveSystemsforGeneralTwoDimensionalBeamTransformations”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Opt, 33, 815 (1994).
“StorageMechanismofVolumePhaseHologramsRecordedinSilverHalideEmulsions”, V. Weiss and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 11, 2004-2010 (1994).
“ResolutionCapabilitiesofPhotodepositedHolographicGratings”, A. Peled, V. Weiss, A. Shalgi, A.A. Friesem, Appl. Surface Sci., 79/80, 393-398 (1994).
“FilterMultiplexingforCorrelatorsbymeansofIncoherentLight”, S. Gorodeisky and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Engg. 33, 932 (1994).
“OpticalRecordingintheMid-IRwithPhotochromicPolymerFilms”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and V. A. Krongauz. Proc. SPIE 1972, 151 (1993).
“HolographicGratingsRecordedbyPhotodepositionofInorganicColloids”, V. Weiss, A. Peled and A.A. Friesem , Proc. SPIE 1732, 131 (1993).
“Recording ofMid-InfraredRadiationinPhotochromicPolymers”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and V.A. Kronghaus, J. Appl. Phys. 74, 4248 (1993).
“CompactHolographicBeamExpander”, I. Shariv. Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem. Opt. Lett. 18, 1268 (1993).
“White-Light HolographicDisplayBasedonPlanarOptics”, Y. Amitai, I. Shariv, M. Kroch, A.A. Friesem and S. Reinhorn, Opt. Lett. 18. 1265 (1993).
“PhaseFiltersforCorrelatorswithIncoherentLight”, S. Gorodeisky and A.A. Friesem, Opt Comm. 100, 421 (1993).
“HolographicRecordingandAll-OpticalModulationinPhotochromic Polymers”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and V. A. Kronghaus, Opt. Lett. 18, 1089 (1993).
“RoleofRankinMatrixRepresentationofOpticalInterconnects”, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 10, 1725 (1993).
“OneDimensionalConcentrationofDiffuseLight”, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm. 99,162 (1993).
“AnalyticDesignofHybridDiffractiveRefractiveAchromats”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Opt. 32, 4770 (1993).
“PhotolyticallyStableBleachedHolographicSilverImages”, V. Weiss, E. Millul, A.A. Friesem, J. Imag. Sci. & Technol. 37, 92 (1993).
“ConcentrationandCollimationofDiffuseLinearLightSources”, N. Davidson andA.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 334 (1993).
“DesignofCompactFourierTransformLensesUsmgSubstrateModeHolographicElements”, Y. Amitai, S. Reinhorn, M. Kroch and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1972, 232 (1992).
“OntheLimitsofOpticalInterconnects”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Opt. 31, 5426 (1992).
“RealizationofPerfectShuffleandInvertPerfectShuffleTransformswithHolographicElements”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Opt., 31, 1810 (1992).
“DiffractiveElementsforAnnularLaserBeamTransformation”, N. Davidson A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 381 (1992).
“ComputerGeneratedReliefGratingsas Space-Variant Polarization Elements”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 17, 1541(1992).
“BlazedHolographicGratingsforPolychromaticand Multi-directional IncidenceLight”, N. Davidson, R. Duer. A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 9,1196 (1992).
“BlazedHolographicGratingsforPolychromaticand Multi-directional IncidenceLight”, N. Davidson, R. Duer. A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 9,1196 (1992).
“Holographic LensesforPerformingCompleteFourierTransformations”, R. Blank and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Eng. 31, 544 (1992).
“Continuos-WaveLaserPhotodeposition of AmorphousSelenium Films”, A. Peled, A.A. Friesem and K. Vinokur, Thin Solid Films, 218, 201-208 (1992).
“Photodeposition ofThinCadmiumFilms fromCdSCoiledSolutions”, V. Weiss, A.A. Friesem and A. Peled, Thin Solids Films, 218, 193-200 (1992).
“Multifunctional HolographsElementsforSurfaceMeasurements”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Eng. 31, 363 (1992).
“OpticalCoordinateTransformations”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Appl. Optics 31, 1067 (1992).
“EfficientFormationofNondiffracting Beams with Uniform Intensity Along the PropagationDirection”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Comm. 88, 326 (1992).
“HolographicRecordingbyPhotodepositionTechniques”, A. Peled, V. Weiss, D. Rosenblatt and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Eng. 31, 70 (1992).
“AsphericHolographicElementsforFarIRRadiation”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm. 89, 306 (1992).
“MolecularSurfaceRecognition:DeterminationofGeometricFitBetweenProteinsandtheirLigandsbyCorrelationTechniques”, E. Katchalski-Ka.tzir, I. Shariv, M. Eisenstein, A.A. Friesem, C. Aflalo and I.A. Vakser, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 2195 (1992).
“All-OpticalBipolarNeuralNetworkwithPolarization-ModulatingNeurons”. I. Shariv, 0. Gila and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett. 16,1692 (1991).
“CurvedHolographicElementsforOpticalCoordinateTransformations”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem, E. Hasman and I. Shariv, Opt. Lett. 16, 1430 (1991).
“HeterostructureMultilevelBinaryOptics”. E, Hasman. N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett. 16, 1460 (1991).
“RotationInvariantCorrelationwithIncoherentLight”, E. Elizur and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt., 30, 4175 (1991).
“NonlinearKerrInteractionsBetweenModulatedWavesPropagatinginaSingleModeFiber”, E. Lichtman, A.A. Friesem, S. Tang and R.G. Waarts, J. Lightwave Technol., 9, 422 (1991).
“DesignofMultipleBeamGratingsforFarIRApplications”, 0. Kinrot and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1442, (1991).
“PatternRecognitionwithIncoherentLightandRotationInvariance”, E. Elizur and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1442, (1991).
“HolographicAxilens-HighResolutionandLongFocalDepth”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett., 16, 523 (1991).
“EfficientMultilevelPhaseHologramsforCO2Lasers”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 16, 423 (1991).
“An All-OpticalHopfieldNetwork:TheoryandExperiment”, H. Shouval, I. Shariv, T. Grossman, A.A. Friesem and E. Domanv. Int. J. of Neural Systems, 1, 355 (1991).
“HolographicOpticalProfilometer”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1442, (1991).
“ElementwithLongFocalDepthandHighLateralResolution”, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Proc. SPIE 1442, (1991).
“HolographicFocussingElementsforFarIRRadiation”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem, M. Nagler and R. Cohen, selected paper for- Engineering Optics, IOP Publishing Ltd. Bristol, England, May 1990.
“NonlinearEffectsinCoherentMultichannelTransmissionthroughOpticalFibers”, R.G. Waarts. A.A. Friesem, E. Lichtman. H.H. Yaffe and R.P. Braun, Proc. IEEE 78, 1344 (1990).
“OpticalCorrelation-withIncoherentLightandMultipleModels”, S. Gorodeiskv and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1319, 387(1990).
“SpaceVariantHolographicFilters”, N. Davidson. A.A. Friesem. E. Hasman and I. Shariv, Proc. SPIE 1319,303 (1990).
“AdvancesinHolographicOpticalElements”,A.A. Friesem, N. Davidson, E. Hasman and 0. Kinrot, Proc. SPIE 1319, 276 (1990).
“All-OpticalImplementationoftheInverted NeuralNetworkModel”, I. Shariv, T. Grossman, E. Domany and A.A. Friesem. Proc. SPIE 1319, 194 (1990).
“HolographicFocussingElementsforFarIRRadiation”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson, A.A. Friesem, M. Nagler and R. Cohen, Meas, Sci. Technol. 1, 59 (1990).
“DesigningHolographicLenseswithDifferentRecordingandReadoutWavelengths”, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and V. Weiss, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 7, 80 (1990).
“EndoscopicOpticalMetrology-thePossibilitiesofHolographicInterferometry-ApplicationsinExperimentalBiomechanics”, H. Podbielska and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1202, 552 (1990).
“RecentDevelopmentsinHolographicOpticalElements”, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE 1136, 126 (1989).
“Cross-Induced PolarizationChangesinSingle-ModeFibers”, E. Lichtman, R.G. Waarts, A.A. Friesem and S. Tang, Appl. Opt. 28, 4056 (1989).
“Holographic Elements with High Efficiency and Low Aberrations for Helmet Displays”, Y, Amitai, A.A. Friesem and V. Weiss, Appl, Opt. 28, 3405 (1989).
“Holographic Optical Recognition of Multiple Patterns”, S. Gorodesky, M. Cohen, A.A. Friesem, I. Glaser and V. Weiss, Proc. SPIE 1038, 168 (1989).
“Holographic Elements for Coordinate Transformations”, N. Davidson, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and E. Hasman, Proc. SPIE 1038, 162 (1989).
“Silver Halide Sensitized Gelatin Holographic Recording Materials”, V. Weiss, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and E. Millul, Proc. SPIE 1038, 110 (1989).
“All-OpticalNeuralNetworkwith Inhibitory Neurons”, I. Shariv and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 14, 485 (1989).
“Analytic Optimization for Holographic Optical Elements”, E. Hasman and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 6, 62 (1989).
“Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Excited by a Modulated Pump in Single-ModeFibers”, E. Lichtman R.G. Waarts and A.A. Friesem, IEEE J. of Lightwave Technol.. 7, 171 (1989).
“Nonlinear Effects in OpticalFiber Communication”, A.A. Friesem, E. Lichtman, R.G. Waarts and H.H. Yaffe, SPIE 1033, 372 (1989).
“Recursive Design for an Efficient Holographic Optical Element with DifferentRecordingandReadoutWavelenqths”. M. Assenheimer. Y. Amitai and A.A, Friesem, Appl, Opt., 27, 4747 (1988).
“Combining Low Aberrations and High Diffraction Efficiency in Holographic OpticalElements”, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 13, 883 (1988).
“Optimal Design for Holographic Focussing Elements”, E. Hasman, N. Davidson and A.A. Friesem, Rev. Rourn. Phys., 33, 643 (1988).
“New Designs ofHolographic Helmet Displays”, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and V. Weiss, Proc. on Holographic Optics: Design and Applications, SPIE 883, 12 (1988).
“Frequency-ModulatedtoAmplitude-ModulatedSignalConversionbyaBrillouin-InducedPhaseChangeinSingle-ModeFibers”, R.G. Waartss, A.A. Friesem and Y. Hefetz, Opt Lett., 13, 152 (1988).
“DesignofHolographicOpticalElementsbyUsing RecursiveTechniques”, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 5, 702 (1988).
“AMethod for Measuring the Spatial Frequency Response of Phase ModulatingSLMs”, E. Shafir, H. Bernstein, A.A. Friesem and H. Grebel, Opt. Eng., 27, 071 (1988).
“PatternRecognitionwithIncoherentHolographicCorrelators”, I. Glaser, M. Cohen, V. Weiss, H. Bernstein and A.A. Friesem, Proc. on Optics and the lnformation Age, SPIE 813, 19S7.
“Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Excited, by a Multimode Laser inSingle-Mode OpticalFibers”, E. Lichtman and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm., 64, 544 (1987).
“Recursive Design Techniquesfor Fourier Transform Holographic Lenses”, Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Eng., 86, 1133 (1987).
“An Exact Solution of Four Wave Mixing of Copropagating Light Waves ina KerrMedium”, E. Lichtman, A.A. Friesem, R.G. Waarts and H.H. Yaffe, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 4, 1801 (1987).
“StimulatedBrillouin Scattering Excited by Two Pump Waves in Single ModeFibers”, E. Lichtman, A.A. Friesem. R.G. Waarts and H.H. Yaffe, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 4, 1397 (1987).
“MultipleWaveGenerationduetoFour-WaveMixinginaSingle-ModeFiber”, H.H. Yaffe, R.G. Waarts, E. Lichtman and A.A. Friesem, Elect. Letters, 23, 42 (1987).
“OptimizedHolographicOpticalElements”, J. Kedmi and A.A. Friesem , J. Opt. Soc. Am., A 3, 2011 (1986).
“ParametricInteractionofaModulated.Waveina SingleModeFiber”, I. Bar-Joseph, A.A. Friesem, R.G. Waarts and H.H. Yaffe, Opt. Lett., 11, 534 (1986).
“RecursiveDesignTechniquesforHolographicFourierTransformLenses”, Y. Amitai and A.A. “, Proc. SPIE on Optical Computing, 700, 185 (1986).
“SpontaneousModeLockingofSingleandMulti-ModePumpedSBSFiberLasers”, I. Bar Joseph, A. Dienes, A”. A.A. Friesem, E. Lichtman, R.G. Waarts and H.H. Yaffe, Optics Comm., 59, 296 (1986).
“HolographicOpticalElementsforImaging”, Y. Amitai, A.A. Friesem and A. Lev, Journal of the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel, Dec. 1985. (Hebrew).
“SteadyandRelaxationOscillationsofStimulatedBrillouinScatteringinSingle-ModeOpticalFibers”, I. Bar-Joseph, A.A. Friesem, E. Lichtman and R.G. Waarts, J. Opt. Soc. Am., B2. 1606 (1985).
“OptimalHolographicFourier-TransformLens”, J. Kedmi and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Opt., 23, 4015 (1984).
“HolographicOpticalElementsforImagingandProcessing”, A.A. Friesem, Proc. on Optics in Modern Science and Technology, ICO Congress, Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 1984.
“OrthogonalIn-PlaneandOut-of-PlaneFringeMapsinHolographicInterferometry”, Y. Katzir, A.A. Friesem and I. Glaser, Opt. Lett., 8, 163 (1983).
“ParallelTransmissionofImagesthroughSingleOpticalFibers”, A.A. Friesem. U. Levy and Y. Silberberg, Proc. IEEE, 71, 208 (1983).
“AutomatedHolographicInterferometry”, Y. Katzir, A.A. Friesem, I. Glaser and B. Sharon, Proc. Israel IEEE Conf., Tel-Aviv, 1983.
“TransmissionofTwo-DimensionalImagesthroughaSingleOpticalFiberbyWavelength-TimeEncoding”, A.M. Tai and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 8, 57 (1983).
“HolographicNon-DestructiveEvaluationwithOn-LineAcquisitionandProcessing”, Y. Katzir, A.A. Friesem, I. Glaser and B. Sharon, Proc. SPIE on. Industrial Applications of Holography, 353, (1982).
“On-LineAcquisitionandAnalysisofHolographicNondestructiveEvaluation”, Y. Katzir, A.A. Friesem and B. Sharon, Opt. Eng., 21, 1016 (1982).
“AngularMultiplexingforMultichannelCommunicationinaSingleFiber”, U. Levy, H. Kobrinskv and A.A. Friesem, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Electronics. JQE, QE-17, 2215 (1981).
“ImageProcessingwithPurePhaseFilters”, D. Peri and A.A, Friesem, Optica, Acta, 28 ,1289 (1981).
“ConvexFresnelLenswithLargeGrooves”, E.M. Kritchman. A.A. Friesem and G. Yekutieli, Solar Energy, 27, 129 (1981).
“HolographicRecordingMechanisminPhotoconductor-ThermoplasticDevices”, Z. Hirshfeld, A.A. Friesem and Z. Rav-Noy, J. Appl. Phys., 52, 605 (1981).
“MulticolorHolographicReadoutSystems”, A. A.A. Friesem. lsrael J. of Tech., 18, 232 (1980).
“Photoconductor-ThermoplasticDevicesforHolographicNonDestructiveTesting”, A.A. Friesem, Y. Katzir, Z. Rav-Noy and B. Sharon, Opt. Eng., 19, 659 (1980).
“DirectPictorialTransmissionThroughOpticalFiber”, A.A. Friesem and U. Levy, Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '79, p.425 STS press, McLean, VA, USA, 1980.
“ParallelImageTransmissionbyUnorderedFiberBundles”, U. Levy, A. A.A. Friesem and B. Sharon, Appl. Opt., 19, 1661 (1980).
“VolumeHologramsforImageRestoration”, D. Peri and A.A. Friesem, J. Opt. Soc. of Am., 70, 515 (1980).
“TheMechanismofVolumeHologramFormationinDichromatedGelatin”, D.M. Samoilovich, A. Zeichner and A.A. Friesem, J. Photographic Science and Eng., 24, 161 (1980).
“HighlyConcentratingFresnelLenses”, E.M. Kritchman, A.A. Friesem and G. Yekutieli, Appl. Opt., 18. 2688 (1979).
“DirectPictureTransmissioninaSingleOpticalFiberwithHolographicFilters”, U. Levy and A. A.A. Friesem, Opt. Comm., 30, 163-165 (1979).
“EfficientFresnelLensforSolarConcentration”, E.M. Kritchman, A.A. Friesem and G. Yekutieli, Solar Energy, 22, 119 (1979).
“DirectTransmissionofPicturesviaaSingleOpticalFiber”, A.A. Friesem and U. Levy, Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the International Commission of Optics (Conference “OpticaHoyyManana”, Sociedad Espanola de Optica), Serrano, Madrid, Spain, 1979.
“ImageRestorationUsingVolumeDiffractionGratings”, D. Peri and A.A. Friesem, Opt. Lett., 5, 124 (1978).
“ParallelImageTransmissionbyaSingleOpticalFiber”, A.A. Friesem and U. Levy, Opt. Lett., 2, 133 (1978).
“ParallelTransmissionofaOne-DimensionalLightDistributionbyaSingleOpticalFiber”. U. Levy and A.A. Friesem. Appl. Phys. Lett., 32, 29 (1978).
“FrostSuppressioninPhotoconductor-ThermoplasticHolographicRecordingDevices”, S. Reich, Z. Rav-Nov and A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 31, 654 (1977).
“ImagingwithSingleOpticalFiberbyOneDimensionalScanning”, U. Levy, A.A. Friesem and D. Peri, Proc. Annual IEEE Convention in Israel, Oct. 1977.
“ComputerAidedImageDeblurring”, D, Peri and A.A. Friesem, Proc. Annual IEEE Convention in Israel, Oct. 1977.
“SpatialMultiplexTomography”, A.A. Friesem and 1. Glaser, Appl, Opt., 16, 2263 (1977).
“ImagingPropertiesofHolographicStereograms”, 1. Glaser and A.A. Friesem, Proc. SPIE on Three Dimensional Imaging. San Diego, California, August 1977.
“HologramFormationMechanisminsomePhotodielectricMaterials”, S. Reich, A.A. Friesem and Z. Rav-Noy, in Applications of Holography and Optical Data Processing, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1977.
“RealandNon-RealTimeHolographicNonDestructiveTesting”, Y. Katzir, A.A, Friesem and Z. Rav-Noy, in Applications of Holography and Optical Data, Processing, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1977.
“ImagingbySampling”, I. Glaser and A.A. Friesem, in Application of Holography and Optical Data Processing, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1977.
“PhotodielectricPolymersforHolographicRecording”, A.A. Friesem, Z. Rav-Noy and S. Reich, Appl. Optics, 16, 427 (1977).
“FringeFormationinTwoWavelengthContourHolography”, A.A. Friesem and U. Levy, Appl. Opt., 15, 3009 (1976).
“CoherentOpticalImageDeblurringUsingComputerGeneratedHolograms”, A.A. Friesem and D. Peri, Optics Comm., 382 (1976).
“ExperimentalAspectsofPhotoconductor-ThermoplasticDevicesforHolographicRecording”, A.A. Friesem and K. Stadler, Scientia Electrica, 22, 72 (1976).
“Real-TimeHolographicContourMappingwithDyeLasers”, A.A. Friesem, U. Levy and Y. Silberberg, in the Engineering Uses of Coherent Optics, Cambridge University Press, Oxford, England, 1976.
“RecentDevelopmentsinPhotoconductor-ThermoplasticDevicesforHolographicRecording”, A.A. Friesem, Z. Rav-Noy and K. Stadler, in Advanced Signal Processing Technology, J. D'Electonique, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1975.
“A TunableDyeLaserwithCompositeHolographicWavelengthSelector”, A.A. Friesem, U. Ganiel, G. Neumann and D. Peri, Opt. Comm., 9, 149 (1973).
“SimultaneousMultipleWavelengthOperationofaTunableDyeLaser”, A.A. Friesem, U. Ganiel and G. Neumann, Appl, Phys. Lett., 23, 249 (1973).
“PhotoplasticRecordingMaterialsinHolographicMemories”,A.A. Friesem and E.N. Tompkins, Proc. .Conf. on Holography and Optical Filtering, Huntsville, Ala., May 1971.
“HolographicDetectionofMicrocraks”, C. Vest, E.L. McKague and A.A. Friesem, J. of Basic Eng., Transaction of the ASME, 1971.
“OpticalSimulationofRadarAmbiguities”, E.N. Leith, A.A. Friesem and A. Funkhouser, IEEE Transactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 6, 832 (1970).
“HolographicApplicationinHighDensityDocumentStorageandRetrieval”, A.A. Friesem, E.N. Tompkins and G. Hoffman, Proc. SPIE Technical Symposium, Anaheim, California., September 1970.
“InvestigationofOpticalMemoryTechniques”, A.A. Friesem and H.N. Roberts, Proceedings NASA Holographic Instrumentation Seminar, NASA SP-248 Applications, Ames Research Center, California, January 1970.
“Thick-AbsorptionRecordingMediainHolography”, A.A. Friesem and J. Walker, Appl. Opt., 9, 201 (1970).
"Holographyand.itsApplications”, A.A. Friesem, in Applied Solid State Physics, Plenum Press, New York, Weizmann Science Press of Israel, Jerusalem (1970).
“ExperimentalInvestigationofSomeAnomaliesinPhotographicPlates”, A.A. Friesem and J. Walker, Appl, Opt., 5, 1504 (1969).
“DetectionofMicroFracturesbyHolographicInterferometry”, A.A. Friesem and C. Vest, Appl. Opt., 8, 1253 (1969).
“Three-DimensionalRecordingMediainHolography”, A.A. Friesem, University Microfilm, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1968).
“HolographicDataStorageinThickRecordingMedia”, A.A. Friesem, J. Upatnieks, J. Walker and C. Leonard, Proc. Northeast Electronics Research Engineering Meeting (NEREM), Boston) Mass., November 1968.
“Three-DimensionalRecordingMediainHolography”, A.A. Friesem and J. Walker, Proc. Symposium on Applications of Coherent Light, Florence) Italy, September 1968.
“MulticolorHolography”, A.A. Friesem and R.I. Fredericks, Proc. SPIE Seminar-in-Depth (Holography), San Francisco, California, May 1968.
“EffectsofFilmNonlinearitiesinHolography”, A.A. Friesem and J.S. Zelenka, Appl. Opt., 6, 1755 (1967).
“RecordingParametersof SpatiallyModulatedCoherentWavefronts”, A.A. Friesem, A. Kozma and G. Adams, Appl. Opt., 6, 851 (1967).
“MulticolorWavefrontReconstructions”, A.A. Friesem and R.J. Fedorowicz, Appl. Opt., 6, 529 (1967).
“RecentAdvancesinMulticolorWavefrontReconstruction”, A.A. Friesem and R.J. Fedorowicz, Appl. Opt., 5, 1085 (1966).
“Holograms with Nonpseudoscopic RealImages”, F.B. Rotz and A.A Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 8, 146 (1966).
“OpticalSimulationofRadarReturns”, A.A. Friesem and E.N. Leith, 11th Annual Radar Symposium Record, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1965.
“HologramsonThickEmulsions”, A.A. Friesem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 7, 102 (1965)