Group Members

Prof. Ofer Firstenberg

Prof. Ofer Firstenberg

Principal Investigator
Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Roy Shaham PhD, 2023 Efficient, Coherent Coupling to Noble-Gas Spins
Omri Davidson

PhD, 2023

MSc, 2019

Single-photon generation, storage, and synchronization with highly-excited orbitals in atomic vapor

Designing, building and characterizing a single-photon source

Ohad Yogev MSc, 2023 Photon Synchronization Using Atomic Quantum Memory
Lee Drori

PhD, 2022

MSc, 2018

Quantum vortices of strongly interacting photons mediated by cold Rydberg atoms

Magneto optical trap with Rydberg excitations and laser system with a frequency comb reference

Yahel Horowicz MSc, 2022 Critical dynamics and phase transition of a strongly interacting warm spin-gas
Or Tal MSc, 2022 Light-matter interaction in a high-density alkali gas for quantum memories with lifetimes of hundreds of milliseconds
Eran Reches MSc, 2022 Storage of light on noble-gas spins and hot Rydberg atoms
Chen Avinadav PhD, 2021 Improving the dynamic range and stability of acceleration and rotation sensing atom interferometers
Tomer Zohar MSc, 2021 Attractive photon interactions and bound states mediated by ensemble of cold Rydberg atoms
David Zeev Koplovich MSc, 2021 Coherent interactions between a super-extended nanofiber guided field and hot atoms
Ran Finkelstein PhD, 2021 Coherent atom-photon interfaces with highly-excited thermal atoms
Or Arenfrid MSc, 2020 Light-matter interaction via an extremely-tapered optical fiber in atomic vapor
Gal Winer PhD, 2020 Quantum and nonlinear optics in quasi-one-dimensional systems
Dimitry Yankelev PhD, 2020 Atom interferometry with improved sensitivity, stability, and dynamic range
Yakov Solomons MSc, 2020 Transverse drag of slow light in moving atomic vapor
Ohr Lahad PhD, 2020 Enhancement of atom-photon interaction for quantum nonlinear optics in thermal vapor
Sebastian Duque-Mesa MSc, 2019 Search for New Physics with Rydberg atoms
Or Katz PhD, 2019 Coherent and collective phenomena in dense spin gasses
Yoni Friedman MSc, 2018 Slow light and electromagnetically-induced transparency of moving beams
Ohad Michel MSc, 2017 Enhancement of atom-photon interaction for thermal gas in a ladder system
Dan Levy MSc, 2015 Design of a dense and elongated magneto-optical trap