The group is concentrating on measurements that reveal characteristics of coherent mesoscopic systems that are not easily measured by ubiquitous conductance measurements. Conductance measurements are directly related to the absolute value of the transmission coefficient of the system, hiding the transmission phase and temporal behavior of the particles. Moreover, energy maybe carried also by neutral (chargeless) particles – not visible by conductance measurements. We overcome these deficiencies by performing the following types of experiments: Phase evolution of particles in novel electron interferometers; observing decoherence via neutral modes (topological and due to edge-reconstruction; charge and statistics of particles deduced from delicate measurements of quantum shot noise; thermal transport of one-dimensional ballistic modes. Most of the experiments are performed in the quantum Hall effect (QHE) regime, where exotic states – abelian and non-abelian – proliferate. We emply high purity 2DEG in GaAs-AlGaAs – grown in our facility.