Our Publications

  • Year: 2024

    Mechanisms by which microbiome-derived metabolites exert their impacts on neurodegeneration

    Kern L, Mastandrea I, Melekhova A, Elinav E

  • Year: 2024

    Microbiome modulation of antigen presentation in tolerance and inflammation

    He Y, Mohapatra G, Asokan S, Nobs SP, Elinav E

  • Year: 2024

    Microbes and metabolites in immunity

    Elinav E, Devkova S, Meisel M, Zhu S, Chu H, Chen H, Puschhof J, McAllister F, Platt RJ, Honda K

  • Year: 2024

    The gut microbiota is a determinant of sexual dimorphism in ALS-linked TDP43 mice

    Beraldi EJ, Lee S, Jiang Y, Rea I, Phull R, Keenan CM, Stephens M, Bardhi M, Bankole O, Pfeffer G, Biernaskie J, McCoy KD, Elinav E, Sharkey KA, Nguyen MD

  • Year: 2024

    Standing the test of COVID-19: charting the new frontiers of medicine

    Cauchemez S, Cossu G, Delzenne N, Elinav E, Fassin D, Fischer A, Hartung T, Kalra D, Nitea N, Neyts J, Rappuoli R, Pizza M, Saville M, Tenaerts P, Wright G, Sansonetti P, Goldman M

  • Year: 2024

    Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort

    Braun T, Feng R, Amir A, Levhar N, Shacham H, Mao R, Hadar R, Toren I, Algavi Y, Abu-SaadK, Zhou S, Efroni G,Malik A, Picard O, Yavzori M, Agranovich B, Denson L, Kalter Leubovich O, GottliebE, Borenstein E, Elinav E, Chen M, Ben-Horin S, Haberman Y. 

  • Year: 2024

    A microbial iron fist to fight tumors

    Nobs SP, Elinav E

  • Year: 2024

    The potential importance of the built-environment microbiome and its impact on human health

    Bosch T.C.G., Wigley M, Colomina  B, Bohannan B, Amato KR, Azad M, Blaser MJ, Brown K, Dominguez-Bello MG, Ehrlich SD,  Elinav E, Finlay BB, Geva-Zatorsky N, Gros P, Guillemin K, Haraoui LP, Johnson E, Keck F, Lorimer J, McFall-Ngai MJ, Nichter M, Pettersson S, Poinar H, Rees T, Giles-Vernick T, Tropini C, Undurraga EA, Zhao L, Melby MK.

  • Year: 2024

    Fine tuning the gut ecosystem: current landscape and outlook of artificial microbiome therapeutics

    Porcari S, Fusco W, Spivak I, Fiorani M, Gasbarrini A, Elinav E, Cammarota, G, Pietrocola F

  • Year: 2024

    Prediabetes and Diabetes in People living with HIV- clinical and microbiome parameters

    Bar Ziv O, Cahn A,  Jansen T, Istomin V, Kedem E, Olshtain-Pops K, Israel S, Oster Y, Orenbuch-Harosh E, Korem M, Strahilevitz J, Levy I, Valdés-Mas R, Ivanova V, Elinav E, Shahar E, Elinav H

  • Year: 2024

    Complement(ing) the microbiome in infants through breastmilk

    Nobs SP, Elinav E

  • Year: 2024

    Bacterial Skin Dysbiosis in Darier Disease

    Reiter O, Leshem A, Alexander-Shani R, Brandwein M, Cohen T, Yeshurun A, Ziv M, Elinav E, Hodak  E, Dodiuk-Gad RP.

  • Year: 2023

    Lung dendritic-cell metabolism underlies susceptibility to viral infection in diabetes

    Nobs SP, Kolodziejczyk AA, Adler L, HoresH N, Botscharnikow C, Herzog E,Mohapatra G, Hejndorf S, Hodgetts RJ, Spivak I, Schorr L, Fluhr L, Kviatcovsky D, Zacharia A7, Stettner N, Dori-Bachash M, Harmelin A, Brandis A, Mehlman T, Erez A, He Y, FerriniS, Puschhof J, Shapiro H, Kopf M, Moussaieff A, Abdeen SK, Elinav E. 


  • Year: 2023

    Phage therapy in noncommunicable diseases

    Kviatcovsky D, Valdes-Mas R, Federici S & Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Intracellular bacteria in cancer—prospects and debates

    Schorr L, Mathies M, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Puschhof J.

  • Year: 2023

    Langerhans cells shape postnatal oral homeostasis in a mechanical-force-dependent but microbiota and IL17-independent manner

    Jaber Y, Netanely Y, Naamneh R, Saar O,Zubeidat K, Saba Y, Georgiev O, Kles P, Barel O, Horev Y, Yosef O, Eli-berchoer L, Nadler N, Betser-Cohen G, Shapiro H, Elinav E, Wilensky A, Avi-Hai H.

  • Year: 2023

    Short-term dietary changes can result in mucosal and systemic immune depression

    Siracusa F, Schaltenberg N, Kumar Y, Lesker TR, Steglich B, Liwinski T, Cortesi F, Frommann L, Diercks BP, Bönisch F, Fischer AW, Scognamiglio P, Pauly MJ, Casar C, Cohen Y, Pelczar P, Agalioti T, Delfs F, Worthmann A, Wahib R, Jagemann B, Mittrücker HW, Kretz O, Guse AH, Izbicki JR, Lassen KG, Strowig T, Schweizer M, Villablanca EJ, Elinav E, Huber S, Heeren J, Gagliani N.

  • Year: 2023

    The microbial genotoxin colibactin exacerbates mismatch repair mutations in colorectal tumors

    Dougherty MW, Valdés-Mas R, Wernke KM, Gharaibeh RZ, YangY, Brant JO, Riva A, Muehlbauer M, Elinav E, Puschhof J, Herzon SB, Jobin C.

  • Year: 2023

    TET2 and TET3 loss disrupts small intestine differentiation and homeostasis

    Ansari I, Sole-Boldo L, Ridnik M, Gutekunst J,Gillian O, Korshko M, Liwinski T, Jickeli B, Weinberg-Corem N, Shoshkes-CarmelM, Pikarsky E, Elinav E, LykoF, Bergman Y.

  • Year: 2023

    Ex vivo intestinal permeability assay (X-IPA) for tracking barrier function dynamics

    Bootz-Maoz H, Simon A, Del Mare-Roumani S, Bennet Y, Zheng D, Amidror S, Elinav E, Yissachar N.

  • Year: 2023

    Engineering bacteria to modulate host metabolism

    Ciocan D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Intestinal B-cells license metabolic T-cell activation in NASH microbiota/antigen-independently and contribute to fibrosis by IgA-FcR signalling

    Kotsiliti E, Leone V, Schuehle S, Govaere O, Li H, Wolf MJ, Horvatic H, Bierwirth S, Hundertmark J, Inverso D, Zizmare L, Sarusi-Portuguez A, Gupta R, O'Connor T, Giannou AD, Shiri AM, Schlesinger Y, Beccaria MG, Rennert C, Pfister D, Öllinger R, Gadjalova I, Ramadori P, Rahbari M, Rahbari N, Healy M, Fernández-Vaquero M, Yahoo N, Janzen J, Singh I, Fan C, Liu X, Rau M, Feuchtenberger M, Schwaneck E, Wallace SJ, Cockell S, Wilson-Kanamori J, Ramachandran P, Kho C, Kendall TJ, Leblond AL, Keppler SJ, Bielecki P, Steiger K, Hofmann M, Rippe K, Zitzlesberger H, Weber A, Malek N, Lüdde T, Vucur M, Augustin HG, Flavell R, Parnas O, Rad R, Pabst O, Henderson NC, Huber S, Macpherson A, Knolle P, Claasen M, Geier A, Trautwein C, Unger K, Elinav E, Waisman A, Abdullah Z, Haller D, Tacke F, Anstee QM, Heikenwalder M.

  • Year: 2023

    The proteasome regulator PSME4 modulates proteasome activity and antigen diversity to abrogate antitumor immunity in NSCLC

    Javitt A, Shmueli MD, Kramer MP, Kolodziejczyk AA, Cohen I, Sheban D, Kamer I, Litchfield K, Bab-Dinitz E, Zadok O, Welk V, Ulman A, Radomir L, Wolf-Levy H, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Kacen A, Alon M, Toste Rêgo A, Stacher-Priehse E, Lindner M, Koch I, Bar J, Swanton C, Samuels Y, Levin Y, A. da Fonseca PC, Elinav E, Friedman N, Meiners S, Merbl Y.

  • Year: 2023

    The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Deciphering Diet–Disease Relationships: Case Studies

    Cohen Y, Vades-Mas R, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Nonnutritive sweeteners and glucose intolerance: Where do we go from here?

    Nobs SP, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Fungi and cancer

    Saftien A, Puschhof J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Epithelial Nlrp10 inflammasome mediates protection against intestinal autoinflammation

    Zheng D, Mohapatra G, Kern L, He Y, Shmueli MD, Valdés-Mas R, Kolodziejczyk A, Próchnicki T, Vasconcelos MB, Schorr L, Hertel F, Lee YS, Rufino MC, Ceddaha E, Shimshy S, Hodgetts RJ, Dori-Bachash M, Kleimeyer C, Goldenberg K, Heinemann M, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Puschhof J, Chen M, Flavell RA, Latz E, Merbl Y, Abdeen SK, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Human microbiome research: Growing pains and future promises

    Puschhof J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    A non-antibiotic-disrupted gut microbiome is associated with clinical responses to CD19-CAR-T cell cancer immunotherapy

    Stein-Thoeringer CK, Saini NY, Zamir E, Blumenberg V, Schubert ML, Mor U, Fante MA, Schmidt S, Hayase E, Hayase T, Rohrbach R, Chang CC, Macdaniel L, Flores I, Gaiser R, Edinger M, Wolff D, Heidenreich M, Strati P, Nair R, Chihara D, Fayad L, AhmedS, Iyer SP, Steiner R, Jain P, Nastoupil L, WestinJ, Arora R, Wang M, Turner J, Menges M, Hidalgo-VargasM, Reid K, Dreger P, Schmit A, Müller-Tidow C, Locke F, Davila ML, Champlin R, Flowers CR, Shpall E, Poeck H, Neelapu SS,  Schmitt M, Subklewe M, Jain MD, Jenq RR, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Diversifying nutritional sciences—dietary practices and gut bacteria in individuals of Latino and Hispanic ancestry

    Leshem A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Impact of caloric restriction on the gut microbiota

    Kern L, Kviatcovsky D, He Y, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    A microbial workout

    Kviatcovsky E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    CAR-T Cell Therapy and the Gut Microbiota

    Asokan S, Cullin N, K. Stein-Thoeringer C, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Small Intestinal Microbiota Oscillations, Host Effects and Regulation—A Zoom into Three Key Effector Molecules

    Ratiner K, Fachler-Sharp T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Microbiota-dependent and -independent postnatal development of salivary immunity

    Zubeidat K, Jaber Y, Saba Y, Barel O, Naamneh R, Netanely Y, Horev Y, Eli-Berchoer L, Shhadeh A, Yosef O, Arbib E, Betser-Cohen G, Nadler C, Shapiro H, Elinav E, Aframian DJ, Wilensky A, Hovav AH. 

  • Year: 2023

    Dietary fibers & immunity—more than meets the eye

    Cohen Y, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2023

    Microbiome-phage interactions in inflammatory bowel disease

    Federici F, Kviatcovsky D, Valdes-Mas R, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Smoking-induced microbial dysbiosis in health and disease

    Shapiro H, Goldenberg K, Ratiner K, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Trimming Trem2 and possible impacts on the metabolic syndrome

    Shapiro H, Leshem A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Local and systemic effects of microbiome-derived metabolites

    Spivak I, Fluhr L, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance

    Suez J, Cohen Y, Valdés-Mas R, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Federici S, Zmora N, Leshem A, Heinemann M, Zur M, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Bukimer A, Eliyahu-Miller S, Metz A,Fischbein R, Sharov O, Malitsky S, Itkin M, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Stein-Thoeringer CK, Segal E, Elinav E.M

  • Year: 2022

    Targeted suppression of human IBD-associated gut microbiota commensals by phage consortia for treatment of intestinal inflammation

    Federici S, Kredo-Russo S, Valdés-Mas R, Kviatcovsky D, Weinstock E, Matiuhin Y, Silberberg Y, Atarashi K, Furuichi M, Oka A, Liu B, Fibelman M, Weiner IN, Khabra E, Cullin N, Ben-Yishai N, Inbar D, Ben-David H, Nicenboim J, Kowalsman N,Lieb W, Kario2, Cohen ET, Geffen YF, Zelcbuch L, Cohen A, Rappo U, Gahali-Sass I, Golembo M, Lev V, Dori-Bachash M, Shapiro H, Moresi C, Cuevas-Sierra A, Mohapatra G, Kern L, ZhengD, NobsSN, SuezJ, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Zak N, Puttagunta S, Bassan M, Honda K, Sokol H, Bang C, Franke A, Schramm C, Maharshak N, Sartor RB, Sorek R, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Gastrointestinal microbiome: evaluation of testing technologies. In: Esophageal Diseases and the role of the microbiome: Moving from A(acid) to B(bacteria)- Translational Understanding and Opportunities. (ed. David Johnson).

    Spivak I, Elinav E

  • Year: 2022

    Dimensionality reduction of longitudinal ’omics data using modern tensor factorizations

    Mor U, Cohen T, Valdes-Mas R, Kviatcovsky R, Elinav E (co-corresponding author), Avron H.

  • Year: 2022

    The spatiotemporal program of zonal liver regeneration following acute injury

    Ben-Moshe S, Veg T, Manco R, Dan S, Papinutti D, Lifshitz A, Kolodziejczyk AA, Bahar Halpern K, Elinav E, Itzkovitz S.

  • Year: 2022

    Time-limited diets and the gut microbiota in cardiometabolic disease

    Ratiner K, Shapiro H, Goldenberg K, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Utilization of Host and Microbiome Features in Determination of Biological Aging

    Ratiner K, Abdeen SK, Goldenberg K, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease delineate the battlegrounds in optimizing disease prevention

    Spivak I, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2022

    Effects of personalized diets by prediction of glycemic responses on glycemic control and metabolic health in newly diagnosed T2DM- a randomized dietary intervention pilot trial

    Rein M, Ben-Yacov O, Godneva A, Shilo S, Zmora N, Kolobkov D, Cohen-Dolev N, Wolf BC, Kosower N, Lotan-Pompan M, Weinberger A, Halpern Z, Zelber-Sagi S, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2022

    Glucosylated nanoparticles for the oral delivery of antibiotics to the proximal small intestine protect mice from gut dysbiosis

    Zheng G, Wang Q, Tao W, Jiang W, Elinav E, Wang Y, Zhu S.

  • Year: 2021

    Gut microbiota modulates weight gain in mice after discontinued smoke exposure

    Fluhr L, Mor U, Kolodziejczyk AA, Dori-Bachash M, Leshem A, Itav S, Cohen Y, Suez Z, Molina S, Ayalon N, Valdes-Mas R, Hornstein S, Karbi H, Kviatcovsky D, Livne A, Bukimer A, Eliyahu-Miller S, Metz A, Brandis A, Mehlman T, Kuperman Y, Tsoory M, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Dietary suppression of MHC class II expression in intestinal epithelial cells enhances intestinal tumorigenesis

    Beyaz S, Chung C, Mou H, Bauer-Rowe KE, Xifaras ME, Ergin I, Dohnalova L, Biton M, Shekhar K, Eskiocak O, Papciak K, Ozler K, Almeqdadi M, Yueh B, Fein M, Annamalai D, Valle-Encinas E, Erdemir A, Dogum K, Shah V, Alici-Garipcan A, Meyer HV, Özata DM, Elinav E, Kucukural A, Kumar P, McAleer JP, Fox JG, Thaiss CA, Regev A, Roper J, Orkin SH, Yilmaz ÖH.

  • Year: 2021

    Severe dysbiosis and specific Haemophilus and Neisseria signatures as hallmarks of the oropharyngeal microbiome in critically ill COVID-19 patients

    de Castilhos J, Zamir E, HippchenT, Rohrbach R, Schmidt S, Hengler S, Schumacher H, Neubauer M, Kunz S, Müller-Esch T, Hiergeist A, Gessner A, Khalid D, Gaiser R, Cullin N, BBeuthien-Baumann B, Krämer A, Bartenschlager R, Jäger D, Müller M, Herth F, Duerschmied D, Schneider J, Schmid RM, Eberhardt JF, Khodamoradi Y, Vehreschild MJGT, Teufel A, Ebert MP, Hau P, Salzberger B, Poeck H, Elinav E, Merle U, Stein-Thoeringer CK.

  • Year: 2021

    Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist

    Mirzayi C, Renson A, Geonmic Standard Consortium, Massive Analysis and Quality Control Society, Zohra F, Elsafoury S, Geistlinger L, Kasselman L, Eckenrode K, Van de Wijgert J, Loughman A, Marques FZ, MacIntyre DA, Arumugam M, Azhar R, Beghini F, Bergstrom K, Bhatt A, Bisanz JE, Braun J, Bravo HC, Buck GA, Bushman F, Casero D, Clarke G, Collado MC, Cotter PD, Cryan JF, Demmer RT, Devkota S, Elinav E, Escobar JS, Fettweis J, Finn RD, Fodor AA, Forslund S, Franke A, Furlanello C, Gilbert G, Grice E, Haibe-Kains B, Handley S, Herd P, Holmes S, Jacobs JP, Karstens L, Knight R, Knights D, Koren O, Kwon DS, Langille M, Lindsay B, McGovern D, McHardy AC, McWeeney S, Mueller NT, Nezi L, Olm M, Palm N, Pasolli E, Raes J, Redinbo MR, Rühlemann M, Sartor RB, Schloss PD, Schriml L, Segal E, Shardell M, Sharpton T, Smirnova E, Sokol H, Sonnenburg JL, Srinivasan S, Thingholm LB, Turnbaugh PJ, Upadhyay V, Walls RL, Wilmes P, Yamada T, Zeller G, Zhang M, Zhao N, Zhao L, Bao, Culhane A, Devanarayan V, Dopazo J, Fan X, Fischer M, Jones W, Kusko R, Mason CE, Mercer TR, Sansone S, Scherer A, Shi L, Thakkar S, Tong W, Wolfinger R, Hunter C, Segata N, Huttenhower C, Dowd JB, Jones HE, Waldron L.

  • Year: 2021

    Microbiome and cancer

    Cullin N, Azevedo Antunes C, Straussman R, Stein-Thoeringer C, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Commensal inter-bacterial interactions shaping the microbiota

    Kern L, Abdeen SK, Kolodziejczyk AA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Postbiotics — when simplification fails to clarify

    Aguilar-Toalá JE, Arioli S, Behare P, Belzer C, Berni Canani R, Chatel JM, D'Auria E, de Freitas MQ, Elinav E, Esmerino EA, García HS, da Cruz AG, González-Córdova AF, Guglielmetti S, de Toledo Guimarães J, Hernández-Mendoza A, Langella P, Liceaga AM, Magnani M, Martin R, Mohamad Lal MT, Mora D, Moradi M, Morelli L, Mosca F, Nazzaro F, Pimentel TC, Ran C, Ranadheera CS, Rescigno M, Salas A, Sant'Ana AS, Sivieri K, Sokol H, Taverniti V, Vallejo-Cordoba B, Zelenka J, Zhou Z.

  • Year: 2021

    Microbial metabolites in cancer: An interview with Wendy S. Garrett and Eran Elinav

    Elinav E, Garrett WS.

  • Year: 2021

    Gut microbiome and its potential link to personalized nutrition

    Kviatcovsky D, Zheng D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Personalized Postprandial Glucose Response (PPGR)-Targeting Diet versus Mediterranean Diet for Glycemic Control in Prediabetes

    Ben-Yacov O, Godneva A, Rein M, Shilo S, Kolobkov D, Koren N, Dolev N, Travinsky Shmul T, Wolf B, Kosower N, Sagiv K, Lotan-Pompan M, Zmora N, Weinberger A, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2021

    Probiotics impact the antibiotic resistance gene reservoir along the human GI tract in a person-specific and antibiotic-dependent manner

    Montassier E, Valdés-Mas R, Batard E, Zmora N, Dori-Bachash M, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Designer fibre meals sway human gut microbes

    Leshem A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Basic Biology of Rhythms and the Microbiome. In: Circadian Rhythms in Bacteria and Microbiomes

    Heinemann M, Ratiner K, Elinav E

  • Year: 2021

    XCR1+ type 1 conventional dendritic cells drive liver pathology in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

    Deczkowska A, David E, Pfister D, Safran M, Ramadori P, Li B, Giladi A, Jaitin DA, Barboy O, Cohen M, Yofe I, Gur C, Shlomi-Louaton S, Henri S, Hermon H, Lahat E, Ben-Yakov G, Cohen-Ezra O, Davidov Y, Likhter M, Goitein D, Malissen B, Weiner A, Ben-Ari Z, Heikenwälder M, Weiner A, Elinav E (co-corresponding author),  Amit I.

  • Year: 2021

    Machine learning in clinical decision making

    Adlung L, Mor U, Cohen Y, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Breakthroughs and Bottlenecks in Microbiome Research

    Liwinski T, Leshem A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Toward a better understanding of intermittent fasting effects: Ramadan fasting as a model

    Abdeen SK, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Remembering past infections: training exercises for gut microbes

    Nobs SP, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    Maturation of the neonatal oral mucosa involves distinct epithelium-microbiota interplay

    Koren N, Zubeidat H, Saba Y, Horev Y, Barel O, Wilharm A, Eli-berchoer L, Shapiro H, Darveau RP, Elinav E, Wilensky A, Prinz I, Bercovier H, Hovav A.

  • Year: 2021

    The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiome

    Finlay BB, Amato KR, Azad M, Blaser MJ, Bosch TCG, Chu H, Dominguez-Bello MG, Ehrlich SD, Elinav E, Geva-Zatoriski N, Gros P, Guillemin K, Keck F, Korem T, McFall-Ngai MJ, Melby MK, Nichter M, Pettersson S, Poinar H, Rees T, Tropini C, Zhao L, Giles Vemick T.

  • Year: 2021

    Harnessing SmartPhones to Personalize Nutrition in a Time of Global Pandemic

    Zmora N, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2021

    The gut microbiome: a key player in the complexity of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

    Boddy SL, Giovannelli I, Sassani M, Cooper-Knock J, Snyder MP, Segal E, Elinav E, Barker LA, Shaw PJ, McDermott CJ.

  • Year: 2021

    Infection and cancer. In: Oxford Textbook of Oncology (ed. Michael Baumann).

    Abdin S, Thoeringer-Stein C, Elinav E

  • Year: 2020

    Our Microbiome: On the Challenges, Promises, and Hype.

    Federici S, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    The NLRP6 inflammasome

    Zheng D, Kern L, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Acute liver failure is regulated by MYC- and microbiome-dependent programs

    Kolodziejczyk AA, Federici S, Zmora N, Mohapatra G, Dori-Bachash M,Hornstein S, Leshem A, Reuveni D, Zigmond E, Tobar A, Salame TM, Harmelin A, Shlomai A, Shpiro H, Amit I, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Rationale and design of a randomised controlled trial testing the effect of personalised diet in individuals with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with metformin

    Htet TD, Godneva A, Liu Z, Chalmers E, Kolobkov D, Snaith JR, Richens R, Toth K, Danta M, Hng TM, Elinav E, Segal E, Greenfield JR, Samocha-Bonet D.

  • Year: 2020

    The Gut Microbiome and Individual-Specific Responses to Diet

    Leshem A, Segal E, Elinav E

  • Year: 2020

    Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Mars R, Yang R, Ward T, Houtti M, Priya S, Lekatz HR, Tang X, Sun Z, Kalari KR, Korem T, Bhattarai Y, Zheng Y, Bar N, Frost G, Johnson AG, Treuren W, Han S, Ordog T, Grover M, Sonnenburg J, D’Amato M, Camilleri M, Elinav E, Segal E, Blekhman R, Farrugia G, Swann JR, Knights D, Kashyap PC.

  • Year: 2020

    Diet Diurnally Regulates Small Intestinal Microbiome-Epithelial-Immune Homeostasis and Enteritis

    Tuganbaev T, Mor U, Bashiardes S, Liwinski T, Nobs SP, Leshem A, Dori-Bachash M, Pinker EY, Ratiner K, Adlung LK, Federici S, Kleimeyer C, Moresi C, Yamada T, Cohen Y, Massalha H, Massasa E, Kuperman Y, Koni PA, Harmelin A, Gao N, Itzkovitz S, Honda, Shapiro H, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Phages and their potential to modulate the microbiome and immunity

    Federici S, Nobs SP, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    High-Throughput Screen Identifies Host and Microbiota Regulators of Intestinal Barrier Function

    Grosheva I, Zheng D, Levy M, Polansky O, Lichtenstein A, Golani O, Dori-Bachash M, Moresi C, Shapiro H, Del Mare-Roumani S, Valdes-Mas R, He Y, Karbi H, Chen M, Harmelin A, Straussman R, Yissachar N, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Geiger B.

  • Year: 2020

    Nutrition Regulates Innate Immunity in Health and Disease

    Samuel Philip Nobs, Niv Zmora, Eran Elinav

  • Year: 2020

    Inflammasome activation and regulation: toward a better understanding of complex mechanisms

    Zheng D, Liwinski T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and intestinal microbiota—toward establishing cause and effect

    Gotkine M, Kviatcovsky D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Nutrition Regulates Innate Immunity in Health and Disease

    Nobs SP, Zmora N, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Niche rather than origin dysregulates mucosal Langerhans cells development in aged mice

    Horev Y, Salameh R, Nassar M, Capucha T, Saba Y, Barel O, Zubeidat K, Matanes D, Leibovich A, Heyman O, Eli-Berchoer L, Hanhan S, Betser-Cohen G, Shapiro H, Elinav E, Becovier H, Wilensky A, Hovav A.

  • Year: 2020

    Immune-Microbiota Interplay and Colonization Resistance in Infection

    Leshem E, Liwinski, T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Interaction between microbiota and immunity in health and disease

    Zheng D, Liwinski T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Moving from probiotics to precision probiotics

    Veiga P, Suez J, Derrien M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Circadian Influences of Diet on the Microbiome and Immunity

    Zheng D, Ratiner K, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    Microbiome genomics for cancer prediction

    Adlung L, Elinav E, Greten TF, Korangy F.

  • Year: 2020

    The microbiome and cytosolic innate immune receptors

    Liwinski T, Zheng D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2020

    The microbiota programs DNA methylation to control intestinal homeostasis and inflammation

    Ansari I, Raddatz G, Gutenkunst J, Ridnik M, Cohen D, Abu-Remaileh M, Tuganbaev T, Shapiro H, Pikarsky E, Elinav E, Lyko F, Bergman Y.

  • Year: 2020

    Are noncommunicable diseases communicable?

    Finlay B, Blaser MJ, Bosch TCG, Domingues-Bello MG, Elinav E, McFall-Ngai, M, Melby M, Muehlmann SR, Sansonetti PJ (alphabetical order).

  • Year: 2019

    Harnessing the Microbiota for Therapeutic Purposes

    Liwinski T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Personalized nutrition: Are we there yet?

    Bashiardes S, Abdeen SK, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Leukocyte-Specific siRNA Delivery Revealing IRF8 as a Potential Anti-Inflammatory Target

    eiga N, Goldsmith M, Diesendruck Y, Ramishetti S, Rosenblum D, Elinav E, Behlke MA, Benhar I, Peer D.

  • Year: 2019

    Embrace the fat when getting old

    Adlung L, Amit I, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Vaginal microbiome transplantation in women with intractable bacterial vaginosis

    Lev-Sagie A, Goldman-Wohl D, Cohen Y, Dori-Bachash M, Leshem A, Mor U, Strahilevitz J, Moses AE, Shapiro H, Yagel S, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Citrobacter rodentium induces rapid and unique metabolic and inflammatory responses in mice suffering from severe disease

    Carson D, Barry R, Hopkins EGD, Roumeliotis TI, García-Weber D, Mullineaux-Sanders C, Elinav E, Arrieumerlou C, JS. Choudhary, Frankel G.

  • Year: 2019

    Diet–microbiota interactions and personalized nutrition

    Kolodziejczyk AA, Zheng D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    The intestinal microbiota fuelling metabolic inflammation

    Tilg H, Zmora N, Adolph TE, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Walk on the wildling side

    Nobs SP, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    When cultures Meet: The landscape of “social” interactions between the host and its indigenous microbes

    Geva‐Zatorsky N, Elinav E, Pettersson S.

  • Year: 2019

    Lipid-Associated Macrophages Control Metabolic Homeostasis in a Trem2-Dependent Manner

    Jaitin DA, Adlung L, Thaiss CA, Weiner A, Li B, Descamps H, Lundgren P, Bleriot C, Liu Z, Deczkowska A, Keren-Shaul H, David E, Zmora N, Eldar SM, Lubezky N, Shibolet O, Hill DA, Lazar MA, Colonna M, Ginhoux F, Shapiro H, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Amit I.

  • Year: 2019

    Potential roles of gut microbiome and metabolites in modulating ALS in mice

    Blacher E, Bashiardes S, Shapiro H, Rothschild D, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Kleimeyer C, Moresi C, Harnik Y, Zur M, Zabari M, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Kviatcovsky D, Zmora N, Cohen Y, Bar N, Levi Y, Amar N, Mehlman T, Brandis A, Biton I, Kuperman Y, Tsoory M, Alfahel L, Harmelin A, Schwartz M, Israelson A, Arike L, Johansson MEV, GC Hansson, Gotkine M, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Fecal microbial transplantation and its potential application in cardiometabolic syndrome

    Leshem A, Horesh N, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    The gut microbiota regulates white adipose tissue inflammation and obesity via a family of microRNAs

    Virtue AT, McCright SJ, Wright JM, Jimenez MT, Mowel WK, Kotzin JJ, Joannas L, Basavappa MG, Spencer SP, Clark ML, Eisennagel SH, Williams A, Levy M, Manne S, Henrickson SE, Wherry EJ, Thaiss CA, Elinav E, Henao-Mejia J.

  • Year: 2019

    The cancer microbiome

    Elinav E, Garrett WS, Trinchieri G, Wargo J.

  • Year: 2019

    The pros, cons, and many unknowns of probiotics

    Suez J, Zmora N, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    The Next Quarter Century

    Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Microbiome diurnal rhythmicity and its impact on host physiology and disease risk

    Nobs SP, Tuganbaev T, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Probiotics in the next-generation sequencing era

    Suez J, Zmora N, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    No guts, no research glory

    Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    Transforming medicine with the microbiome

    Zmora N, Soffer E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2019

    IL-23–producing IL-10Ra–deficient gut macrophages elicit an IL-22–driven proinflammatory epithelial cell response

    Bernshtein B, Curato C, Loannou M, Thaiss CA, Gross-Vered M, Kolesnikov M, Wang Q, David E, Chappell-Maor L, Harmelin A, Elinav E, Thakker P, Papayannopoulos V, Jung S.

  • Year: 2018

    Mutual interplay between IL-17–producing γδT cells and microbiota orchestrates oral mucosal homeostasis

    Wilharm A, Tabib Y, Nassar M, Reinhardt A, Mizraji G, Sandrock I, Heyman O, Barros-Martins J, Aizenbud Y, Khalaileh A, Eli-Berchoer L, Elinav E, Wilensky A, Förster R, Bercovier H, Prinz I, Hovav A.

  • Year: 2018

    Sequential BMP7/TGF-β1 signaling and microbiota instruct mucosal Langerhans cell differentiation

    Capucha T, Koren N, Nassar M, Heyman O, Nir T, Levy M, Zilberman‑Schapira G, Zelentova K, Eli‑Berchoer L, Zenke M, Hieronymus T, Wilensky A, Bercovier H, Elinav E, Clausen BE, Hovav A.

  • Year: 2018

    The role of the microbiome in NAFLD and NASH

    Kolodziejczyk AA, Zheng D, Shibolet O, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2018

    Translating microbiome futures

    Taroncher-Oldenburg G, Jones S, Blaser M, Bonneau R, Christey P, Clemente JC, Elinav E, Ghedin E, Huttenhower C, Kelly, D, Kyle D, Littman D, Maiti A, Maue A, Olle B, Segal L, van Hylckama-Vlieg JET, Wang J.

  • Year: 2018

    The Citrobacter rodentium type III secretion system effector EspO affects mucosal damage repair and antimicrobial responses

    Berger CN, Crepin VF, Roumeliotis TI, Wright JC, Serafini N, Pevsner-Fischer M, Yu L, Elinav E, Di Santo JP, Choudhary JS, Frankel G.

  • Year: 2018

    You are what you eat: diet, health and the gut microbiota

    Zmora N, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2018

    Personalized gut mucosal colonization resistance to empiric probiotics is associated with unique host and microbiome features

    Zmora N, Zilberman-Schapira G, Suez J, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Bashiardes S, Kotler E, Zur M, Regev-Lehavi D, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Federici S, Cohen Y, Linevsky R, Rothschild D, Moor AE, Ben-Moshe S, Harmelin A, Itzkovitz S, Maharshak N, Shibolet O, Shapiro H, Pevsner-Fischer M, Sharon I, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2018

    Post-antibiotic gut mucosal microbiome reconstitution is impaired by probiotics and improved by autologous FMT

    Suez J, Zmora N, Zilbrerman-Schapira G, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Bashiardes S, Zur M, Regev-Lehavi D, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Federici S, Horn M, Cohen Y, Moor A, Zeevy, D, Korem T, Harmelin A, Itzkovitz S, Maharshak N, Shibolet O, Pevnser-Fishcher M, Shapiro H, Sharon I, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2018

    Towards utilization of the human genome and microbiome for personalized nutrition

    Bashiardes S, Godneva A, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2018

    Transmissible inflammation-induced colorectal cancer in inflammasome-deficient mice

    Hu B, Friedman G, Elinav E, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2018

    NLRP6 and dysbiosis: Avoiding the luring attraction of over-simplification

    Elinav E, Henao-Mejia J, Strowig T, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2018

    Loss of MicroRNA-21 Influences the Gut Microbiota, Causing Reduced Susceptibility in a Murine Model of Colitis

    Johnston DGW, Williams MA, Thaiss CA, Cabrera-Rubio R, Raverdeau M, McEntee C, Cotter PD, Elinav E, O’Neill LAJ, Corr SC.

  • Year: 2018

    Hyperglycemia drives intestinal barrier dysfunction and risk for enteric infection

    Thaiss CA, Levy M, Grosheva I, Zheng D, Soffer E, Blacher E, Braverman S, Tengeler AC, Barak O, Elazar M, Ben-Zeev R, Lehavi-Regev D, Katz MN, Pevsner-Fischer M, Gertler A, Halpern Z, Harmelin A, Aamar S, Serradas P, Grosfeld A, Shapiro H, Geiger G, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2018

    Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota

    Rothschild D, Weissbrod O, Barkan E, Kurilshikov A, Korem T, Zeevi D, Costea PI, Godneva A, Kalka IN, Bar N, Shilo S, Lador D, Vila AV, Zmora N, Pevsner-Fischer M, Israeli D, Kosower N, Malka G, Wolf BC, Avnit-Sagi T, Lotan-Pompan M, Weinberger A, Halpern Z, Carmi S, Fu J, Wijmenga C, Zhernakova A, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2018

    Sieving through gut models of colonization resistance

    Mullineaux-Sanders C, Suez J, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Frankel G.

  • Year: 2018

    Bile acids in glucose metabolism in health and disease

    Shapiro H, Kolodziejczyk AA, Halstuch D, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    The Personalized Diet: The Pioneering Program to Lose Weight and Prevent Disease

    Segal E & Elinav E

    (Translated to English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, German, Check, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Polish).

  • Year: 2017

    Citrobacter rodentium relies on commensals for colonization of the colonic mucosa

    Mullineaux-Sanders C, Collins JW, Ruano-Gallego D, Levy M, Pevsner-Fischer M, Glegola-Madejska IT, Sagfors AM, Wong JLC, Elinav E, Crepin FV, Frankel G.

  • Year: 2017

    Our Gut Microbiome: The Evolving Inner Self

    Kundu P, Blacher E, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Pettersson S.

  • Year: 2017

    The anti-inflammatory IFITM genes ameliorate colitis and partially protect from tumorigenesis by changing immunity and microbiota

    Alteber Z, Sharbi-Yunger A, Pevsner-Fischer M, Blat D, Roitman L, Tzehoval E, E Elinav, Eisenbach L.

  • Year: 2017

    Microbiome at the Frontier of Personalized Medicine

    Kashyap PC, Chia N, Nelson H, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    NFIL-trating the Host Circadian Rhythm— Microbes Fine-Tune the Epithelial Clock

    Thaiss CA, Nobs SP, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Citrobacter rodentium Subverts ATP Flux and Cholesterol Homeostasis in Intestinal Epithelial Cells In Vivo

    Berger CN, Crepin VF, Roumeliotis TI, Wright JC, Carson D, Pevsner-Fischer M, Furniss RCD, Dougan G, Bachash-Dori M, Yu L, Clements A, Collins JW, Elinav E, Larrouy-Maumus GJ, Choudhary JS, Frankel G.

  • Year: 2017

    Ectopic colonization of oral bacteria in the intestine drives Th1 cell induction and inflammation

    Atarashi K, Suda W, Luo C, Kawaguchi T, Motoo L, Narushima S, Kiguchi Y, Yasuma K, Watanabe E, Tanoue T, Thaiss CA, Sato M, Toyooka K, Said HS, Yamagami H, Rice SA, Gevers D, RC Johnson, Segre JA, Chen K, Kolls JK, Elinav E, Morita H, Xavier RJ, Hattori M, Honda K.

  • Year: 2017

    Probiotics administration following sleeve gastrectomy surgery: a randomized double-blind trial

    Sherf-Dagan S, Zelber-Sagi S, Zilberman-Schapira G, Webb M, Buch A, Keidar A, Raziel A, Sakran N, Goitein D, Goldenberg N, Ali Mahdi J, Pevsner-Fischer M, Zmora N, Dori-Bachash M, Segal E, Elinav E, Shibolet O.

  • Year: 2017

    Circadian Coordination of Antimicrobial Responses

    Tognini P, Thaiss CA, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Sassone-Corsi P.

  • Year: 2017

    The microbiome in anti-cancer therapy

    Bashiardes S, Tuganbaev T, Federici S, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Bread affects clinical parameters and induces gut microbiome-associated personal glycemic responses

    Korem T, Zeevi D, Zmora N, Weissbrod O, Bar N, Lotan-Pompan M, Avnit-Sagi T, Kosower N, Malka G, Rein M, Suez J, Goldberg BZ, Weinberger A, Levy AA, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2017

    The path towards microbiome-based metabolite treatment

    Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Inflammasomes and intestinal inflammation

    Zmora N, Levy M, Pevsner-Fischer M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    The remedy within: will the microbiome fulfill its therapeutic promise?

    Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Post-dieting weight gain: the role of persistent microbiome changes

    Thaiss CA, Shapiro H, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    The role of the immune system in metabolic health and disease

    Zmora N, Bashiardes S, Levy M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Dysbiosis and the immune system

    Levy, M Kolodziejczyk AA, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    NLRP6: A Multifaceted Innate Immune Sensor

    Levy M, Shapiro H, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    The role of epigenetics in the crosstalk between microbial and host genomes. In: The handbook for nutrition, diet and epigenetics (ed. Victor Preeny).

    Pevsner-Fischer M, Zmora N, Braverman Sophie, Elinav E

  • Year: 2017

    The gut microbiome and hypertension

    Pevsner-Fischer M, Blacher E, Tatirovsky E, Ben-Dov IZ, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Microbiome-Modulated Metabolites at the Interface of Host Immunity

    Blacher E, Levy M, Tatirovsky E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2017

    Host-Microbiome interactions in health and diseases

    Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain

    Thaiss CA, Itav S, Rothschild D, Meijer M, Levy M, Moresi C,
 Dohnalová L, Braverman S, Rozin S, Malitsky S, Dori-Bachash M, Kuperman Y, Biton I, Gertler A, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Aharoni A, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    GAS6 is a key homeostatic immunological regulator of host–commensal interactions in the oral mucosa

    Nassar M, Tabib Y, Capuch T, Mizraji G, Nir T, Pevsner-Fischer M, Zilberman-Schapira G, Heyman O, Nussbaum G, Bercovier H, Wilensky A, Elinav E, Burstyn-Cohen T, Hovav A.

  • Year: 2016

    Microbiota diurnal rhythmicity programs host transcriptome oscillations

    Thaiss CA, Levy M, Korem T, Dohnalova L, Shapiro H, Jaitin DA, David E, Winter DR, Gury-Ben Ari M, Tatirovsky E, Tuganbaev T, Federici S, Zmora N, Zeevi N, Dori-Bachash M, Pevsner-Fischer M, Kartvelishvily E, Brandis A, Harmelin A, Shibolet O, Halpern Z, Honda K, Amit I, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Microbiome, metabolites and host immunity

    Levy M, Blacher E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The DNA-sensing AIM2 inflammasome controls radiation-induced cell 
death and tissue injury

    Hu B, Jin C, Li H, Tong J, Ouyang X, Cetinbas NM, Zhu S, Strowig T, Lam FC, Zhao C, Henao-Mejia J, Yilmaz O, Fitzgerald KA, Eisenbarth SC, Elinav E, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2016

    Personalized microbiome-based approaches to metabolic syndrome management and prevention

    Shapiro H, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The spectrum and regulatory landscape of intestinal innate lymphoid cells are shaped by the microbiome

    Gury-BenAri M, Thaiss CA, Serafini N, Rachel Winter D, Giladi A, Lara-Astiaso D, Levy M, Salame TM, Weiner A, David E, Shapiro H, Dori-Bachash M, Pevsner-Fischer N, Lorenzo-Vivas E, Keren-Shaul H, Paul F, Harmelin A, Eberl G, Itzkovitz S, Tanay A, Di Santo JP, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Amit I.

  • Year: 2016

    Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells protect against experimental colitis via CD5+ B regulatory cells

    Chao K, Zhang S, Qiu Y, Chen X, Zhang X, Cai C, Peng Y, Mao R, Pevsner-Fischer M, Ben-horin S, Elinav E, Zeng Z, Chen B, He Y, Xiang AP, Chen M.

  • Year: 2016

    Metabolites: messengers between the microbiota and the immune system

    Levy M, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The microbiome and innate immunity

    Thaiss CA, Zmora N, Levy M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Microglia development follows a stepwise program to regulate brain homeostasis

    Matcovitch-Natan O, Winter DR, Giladi A, Aguilar SV, Spinrad A, Sarrazin S, Ben-Yehuda H, David E, González FZ, Perrin P, Keren-Shaul H, Gury M, Lara-Astaiso D, Thaiss CA, Cohen M, Halpern KB, Baruch K, Deczkowska A, Lorenzo-Vivas E, Itzkovitz S, Elinav E, Sieweke MH, Schwartz M, Amit I.

  • Year: 2016

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver and the gut microbiota

    Bashiardes S, Shapiro H, Rozin S, Shibolet O, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The gut microbiome in human immunodeficiency virus infection

    Zilberman-Schapira G, Zmora N, Itav S, Bashiardes S, Elinav H, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    It’s in the milk: Feeding the microbiome to promote infant growth

    Bashiardes S, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Use of Metatranscriptomics in Microbiome Research

    Bashiardes S, Zilberman-Schapira G, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Taking it personally: Personalized utilization of the human microbiome in health and disease

    Zmora N, Zeevi D, Korem T, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Role of the microbiome in the normal and aberrant glycemic response

    Suez J, Shapiro H, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    Integration of innate immune signaling

    Thaiss CA, Levy M, Itav S, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The role of the gut microbiome in regulation of the host circadian rhythmicity (Hebrew)

    Rozin S, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2016

    The microbiota and its modulation in immune-mediated disorders. In: The future of immunosuppression: Immune re-balancing (eds. Diana Boraschi and Giselle Penton-Rol).

    Pevsner-Fischer M, Rot C, Tuganbaev T, Elinav E

  • Year: 2015

    Nuclear retention of mRNA in mammalian tissues

    Halpern KB, Caspi I, Lemze D, Levy M, Landen S, Elinav E, Ulitsky I, Itzkovitz

  • Year: 2015

    Microbiota-modulated metabolites shape the intestinal microenvironment by regulating NLRP6 inflammasome signaling

    Levy M, Thaiss CA, Zeevi D, Dohnalova L, Zilberman-Schapira G, Ali Mahdi G, David E, Savidor A, Korem T, Herzig Y, Pevsner-Fischer M, Shapiro H, Christ A, Harmelin A, Halpern Z, Latz E, Flavell RA, Amit I, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    Epithelial IL-18 equilibrium controls barrier function in colitis

    Nowarski R, Jackson R, Gagliani N, de Zoete MR, Palm NW, Bailis W, Low JS, Harman CCD, Graham M, Elinav E, Flavell

  • Year: 2015

    Personalized nutrition by prediction of glycemic responses

    Zeevi D, Korem T, Zmora N, Israeli D, Rothschild D, Weinberger A, Ben-Yacov O, Lador, D, Avnit-Sagi T, Lotan-Pompan M, Suez J, Ali Mahdi J, Matot E, Malka G, Kosower N, Rein M, Zilberman-Schapira G, Dohnalova L, Pevsner-Fischer M, Bikovsky R, Halpern Z, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Segal E.

  • Year: 2015

    Chronobiomics: The biological clock as a new principle in host–microbial interactions

    Thaiss CA, Levy M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    Growth dynamics of gut microbiota in health and disease inferred from single metagenomic samples

    Tal Korem, David Zeevi, Jotham Suez, Adina Weinberger, Tali Avnit-Sagi, Maya Pompan-Lotan, Elad Matot, Ghil Jona, Alon Harmelin, Nadav Cohen, Alexandra Sirota-Madi, Christoph A Thaiss, Meirav Pevsner-Fischer, Rotem Sorek, Ramnik J Xavier, Eran Elinav (co-corresponding last author) , Eran Segal

  • Year: 2015

    A day in the life of the meta-organism: diurnal rhythms of the intestinal microbiome and its host

    Thaiss CA, Zeevi D, Levy M, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    NF-kB regulation by NLRs: T cells join the club

    Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    Taming the inflammasome

    Levy M, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings and challenges

    Suez J, Korem T, Zilberman-Schapira G, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2015

    Inflammasomes and the microbiota—partners in the preservation of mucosal homeostasis

    Levy M, Thaiss CA, Katz MN, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    Transkingdom control of microbiota diurnal oscillations promotes metabolic homeostasis

    Thaiss CA, Zeevi D, Levy M, Zilberman-Schapira G, Suez J, Tengeler AC, Abramson L, Katz MN, Korem T, Zmora N, Kuperman Y, Biton I, Gilad S, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota

    Suez J, Korem T, Zeevi D, Zilberman-Schapira G, Thaiss CA, Maza O, Israeli D, Zmora N, Gilad S, Weinberger A, Kuperman Y, Harmelin A, Kolodkin-Gal I, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    A simple cage-autonomous method for the maintenance of the barrier status of germ-free mice during experimentation

    Hecht G, Bar-Nathan C, Milite G, Alon I, Moshe Y, Greenfeld L, Dotsenko L, Suez J, Levy M, Thaiss CA, Dafni H, Elinav E, Harmelin A.

  • Year: 2014

    The cross talk between microbiota and the immune system: metabolites take center stage

    Shapiro H, Thaiss CA, Levy M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    Exploring new horizons in microbiome research

    Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    The fire within: Microbes inflame tumors

    Gagliani N, Hu B, Huber S, Elinav E, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2014

    NLRP6 inflammasome orchestrates the colonic host-microbial interface by Regulating Goblet Cell Mucus Secretion

    Wlodarska M, Thaiss CA, Nowarski R, Henao-Mejia J, Zhang JP, Brown EM, Frankel G, Levy M, Katz MN, Philbrick WM, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Finlay BB (co-corresponding last author), Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2014

    Inflammatory mechanism of infection-associated cancer. In: Infection and cancer (eds. Michael Shurin, Yasmin Thanavala and Nahed Ismail).

    Suez J, Levy M, Thaiss CA, Elinav E

  • Year: 2014

    Novel superactive leptin antagonists and their potential therapeutic applications

    Gertler A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2014

    Analysis of Microbiota Alterations in Inflammasome-Deficient Mice. In: Inflammasomes, Methods in Molecular Biology. (Ed. Christine De Nardo & Eicke Latz)

    Elinav E. Thaiss CA, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    The interplay between the innate immune system and the microbiota

    Thaiss CA, Levy M, Suez J, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2013

    The microbiota: A new player in the etiology of colorectal cancer

    Levy M, Thaiss CA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2013

    Inflammasomes and metabolic disease

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E, Thaiss CA, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    Inflammation-induced cancer: crosstalk between tumours, immune cells and microorganisms

    Elinav E, Nowarski R, Thaiss CA, Hu B, Jin C, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    Role of the intestinal microbiome in liver disease

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E, Thaiss CA, Licona-Limon P, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    Analysis of microbiota alterations in inflammasome-deficient mice

    Elinav E, Thaiss CA, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    Microbiota-induced activation of epithelial IL-6 signaling links inflammasome-driven inflammation with transmissible cancer

    Hu B, Elinav E (first co-author), Huber S, Strowig T, Hao LM, Hafemann A, Jin CC, Eisenbarth SC, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    The intestinal microbiota in chronic liver disease

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E, Thaiss CA, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    IL-22 deficiency alters colonic microbiota to be transmissible and colitogenic

    Gertler A, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2013

    Harnessing nanomedicine for mucosal theranostics-A silver bullet at last?

    Elinav E, Peer D.

  • Year: 2013

    Inflammsomes and mucosal immune response. In: Innate immunity and intestinal microbiota (eds . HG wagner, Schloss Elmau)

    Elinav E., Henao-Mejia J, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    Integrative inflammasome activity in the regulation of intestinal mucosal immune responses

    Elinav E, Henao-Mejia J, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2013

    The Intestinal Microbiota in Chronic Liver Disease. In: Advances in Immunology. (Ed. S.Jayachandran).

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E. (first coauthor), Thaiss C, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2012

    Preparation and characterization of mouse IL-22 and its four single-amino-acid muteins that act as IL-22 receptor-1 antagonists

    Niv-Spector L, Shpilman M, Levi-Bober M, Katz M, Varol C, Elinav E, Gertler A.

  • Year: 2012

    NLRP10 is a NOD-like receptor essential to initiate adaptive immunity by dendritic cells

    Eisenbarth SC, Williams A, Colegio OR, Meng H, Strowig T, Rongvaux A, Henao-Mejia J, Thaiss CA, Joly S, Gonzalez DG, Xu L, Zenewicz LA, Haberman AM, Elinav E, Kleinstein SH, Sutterwala FS, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2012

    Inflammasomes: far beyond inflammation

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E (first co-author), Strowig T, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2012

    Inflammasome-mediated dysbiosis regulates progression of NAFLD and obesity

    Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E (first co-author), Jin C, Hao L, Mehal WZ, Strowig T, Thaiss CA, Kau AL, Eisenbarth SC, Jurczak MJ, Camporez J, Shulman GI, Gordon JI, Hoffman HM, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2012

    Inflammasomes in health and disease

    Strowig T, Henao-Mejia J, Elinav E (first co-author), Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2011

    Utilization of Murine Colonoscopy for Orthotopic Implantation of Colorectal Cancer

    Zigmond E, Halpern Z, Elinav E, Brazowski E, Jung S, Varol C.

  • Year: 2011

    Inflammasome-mediated suppression of inflammation-induced colorectal cancer progression is mediated by direct regulation of epithelial cell proliferation

    Hu B, Elinav E (first co-author), Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2011

    Genetic engineering of regulatory T cells. In: Regulatory T cells. (Ed. Frank Columbus).

    Elinav E. Eshhar Z. 

  • Year: 2011

    NLRP6 Inflammasome Regulates Colonic Microbial Ecology and Risk for Colitis

    Elinav E, Strowig T, Kau AL, Henao-Mejia J, Thaiss CA, Booth CJ, Peaper DR, Bertin J, Eisenbarth SC, Gordon JI, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2011

    Regulation of the antimicrobial response by NLR proteins

    Elinav E, Strowig T, Henao-Mejia J, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2011

    Development and characterization of high affinity leptins and leptin antagonists

    Shpilman M, Niv-Spector L, Katz M, Varol C, Solomon G, Ayalon-Soffer M, Boder E, Halpern Z, Elinav E, Gertler A.

  • Year: 2010

    Inflammation-induced tumorigenesis in the colon is regulated by caspase-1 and NLRC4

    Hu B, Elinav E, Huber S, Booth CJ, Strowig T, Jin C, Eisenbarth SC, Flavell RA.

  • Year: 2010

    CCL2 (pM Levels) as a therapeutic agent in inflammatory bowel disease models in mice

    Maharshak N, Hart G, Ron E, Zelman E, Sagiv A, Arber N, Brazowski E, Margolit R, Elinav E, Shachar I.

  • Year: 2009

    Intestinal lamina propria dendritic cell subsets have different origin and functions

    Varol C, Vallon-Eberhard A, Elinav E, Aychek T, Shapira Y, Luche H, Fehling HJ, Hardt WD, Shakhar G, Jung S.

  • Year: 2009

    Pegylated leptin antagonist is a potent orexigenic agent: preparation and mechanism of activity

    Elinav E, Niv-Spector L, Katz M, Price TO, Ali M, Yacobovitz M, Solomon G, Reicher S, Lynch JL, Halpern Z, Banks WA, Gertler A.

  • Year: 2009

    Genetically engineered regulatory T cells ameliorate colitis through antigen-specific activation of TNP-specific chimeric receptor

    Elinav E, Adam N, Waks T, Eshhar Z.

  • Year: 2009

    Utilization of murine laparoscopy for continuous in-vivo assessment of the liver in multiple disease models

    Shapira Y, Katz M, Ali M, Kaplan M, Brazowski E, Halpern Z, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2009

    Amelioration of colitis by genetically engineered murine regulatory T cells redirected by antigen-specific chimeric receptor

    Elinav E, Adam N, Waks T, Eshhar Z.

  • Year: 2009

    Competitive inhibition of leptin signaling results in amelioration of liver fibrosis through modulation of stellate cell function

    Elinav E, Ali M, Bruck R, Brazowski E, Phillips A, Shapira Y, Katz M, Solomon G, Halpern Z, Gertler A.

  • Year: 2009

    Antibiotic prophylaxis for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients with ascites, without gastro-intestinal bleeding

    Cohen MJ, Sahar T, Benenson S, Elinav E, Brezis M, Soares-Weiser K.

  • Year: 2008

    Inhibition of leptin activity for treatment of autoimmunity. In: Leptin and leptin antagonists. (Ed. Arieh Gertler)

    Elinav E., Gertler A.

  • Year: 2008

    Redirection of regulatory T cells with predetermined specificity for the treatment of experimental colitis in mice

    Elinav E, Waks T, Eshhar Z.

  • Year: 2007

    Association between consumption of Herbalife nutritional supplements and acute hepatotoxicity

    Elinav E, Pinsker G, Safadi R, Pappo O, Bromberg M, Anis E, Keinan-Boker L, Broide E, Ackerman Z, Kaluski DN, Lev B, Shouval D.

  • Year: 2007

    Late-onset sarcoidosis after liver transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis

    Gur C, Lalazar G, Doviner V, Fridlender ZG, Molcho V, Abu-Much S, Shalit M, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2006

    Low alanine aminotransferase activity in older people is associated with greater long-term mortality

    Elinav E, Ackerman Z, Maaravi Y, Ben-Dov IZ, Ein-Mor E, Stessman J.

  • Year: 2006

    Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in a patient with Child class C liver cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation

    Ben Ari A, Elinav E, Elami A, Matot I.

  • Year: 2006

    Acute hepatitis A infection in pregnancy is associated with high rates of gestational complications and preterm labor

    Elinav E, Ben-Dov IZ, Shapira Y, Daudi N, Adler R, Shouval D, Ackerman Z.

  • Year: 2006

    Renal vein thrombosis and membranous glomerulopathy in a patient homozygote for factor V Leiden mutation: a mere coincidence?

    Elinav E, Rubinger D, Hiller N, Pizov G, Nadir E, Shapira Y, Heyman SN.

  • Year: 2006

    Adoptive transfer of regulatory NKT lymphocytes ameliorates non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and glucose intolerance in ob/ob mice and is associated with intrahepatic CD8 trapping

    Elinav E, Pappo O, Sklair-Levy M, Margalit M, Shibolet O, Gomori M, Alper R, Thalenfeld B, Engelhardt D, Rabbani E, Ilan Y.

  • Year: 2006

    Suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma growth in mice via leptin, is associated with inhibition of tumor cell growth and natural killer cell activation

    Elinav E, Abd-Elnabi A, Pappo O, Bernstein I, Klein A, Engelhardt D, Rabbani E, Ilan Y.

  • Year: 2006

    Prevention of hepatic cirrhosis by hydroxyl radical scavengers. In: Progress in Liver Cirrhosis Research. (Ed. Frank Columbus)

    Elinav E., Brook R. 

  • Year: 2006

    Acute liver failure. In: Liver Diseases: Biochemical Mechanisms and New Therapeutic Insights. (Eds. Scott Friedman, Shakir Ali, Derek Mann)

    Elinav E., Brook R.

  • Year: 2006

    Amelioration of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and glucose intolerance in ob/ob mice by oral immune regulation towards liver-extracted proteins is associated with elevated intrahepatic NKT lymphocytes and serum IL-10 levels

    Elinav E, Pappo O, Sklair-Levy M, Margalit M, Shibolet O, Gomori M, Alper R, Thalenfeld B, Engelhardt D, Rabbani E, Ilan Y.

  • Year: 2005

    Correlation Between Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Activity and Age: An Inverted U Curve Pattern

    Elinav E, Ben-Dov IZ, Ackerman E, Kiderman A, Glikberg F, Shapira Y, Ackerman Z.

  • Year: 2005

    Glucocerebroside treatment ameliorates ConA hepatitis by inhibition of NKT lymphocytes

    Margalit M, Abu Gazala S, Alper R, Elinav E, Klein A, Doviner V, Sherman Y, Thalenfeld B, Engelhardt D, Rabbani E, Ilan Y.

  • Year: 2005

    Near-fatal amitraz intoxication: the overlooked pesticide

    Elinav E, Shapira Y, Ofran Y, Hassin T, Ben-Dov IZ.

  • Year: 2005

    POEMS Syndrome: Failure of Newly Suggested Diagnostic Criteria to Anticipate the Development of the Syndrome

    Ofran Y, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2005

    Suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma by transplantation of ex-vivo immune-modulated NKT lymphocytes

    Margalit M, Shibolet O, Klein A, Elinav E, Alper R, Thalenfeld B, Engelhardt D, Rabbani E, Ilan Y.

  • Year: 2005

    The predictive value of admission and follow up factor V and VII levels in patients with acute hepatitis and coagulopathy

    Elinav E, Ben-Dov I, Hai-Am E, Ackerman Z, Ofran Y.

  • Year: 2004

    Fatal voluntary salt intake resulting in the highest ever documented sodium plasma level in adults (255 mmol L-1 ): a disorder linked to female gender and psychiatric disorders

    Ofran Y, Lavi D, Opher D, Weiss TA, Elinav E.

  • Year: 2004

    Low dose warfarin treatment for calcinosis in patients with systemic sclerosis

    Cukierman T, Elinav E, Korem M, Chajek-Shaul T.

  • Year: 2004

    Prolonged ileus as a sole manifestation of pseudomembranous enterocolitis

    Elinav E, Planer D, Gatt ME.

  • Year: 2004

    Reduced incidence of hyperuricemia, gout, and renal failure following liver transplantation in comparison to heart transplantation: a long-term follow-up study

    Shibolet O, Elinav E, Ilan Y, Safadi R, Ashur Y, Eid A, Zamir G, Fridlander M, Bdolah-Abram T, Shouval D, Admon D.

  • Year: 2004

    Does any lower gastrointestinal bleeding in patients suffering from hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu) necessitate a full colonic visualization?

    Elinav E, Salameh-Giryes S, Ackerman Z, Goldschmidt N, Nissan A, Chajek-Shaul T.

  • Year: 2004

    Episodic macroglossia as the sole manifestation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced angioedema

    Elinav E, Rabinowitz Y, Lorberbaum M, Nisanewitz V.

  • Year: 2004

    Hyperplastic gastropathy as a presenting manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus

    Elinav E, Korem M, Ofran Y, Migdal A, Doviner V, Hiler N, Aamar S, Bursztyn M.

  • Year: 2003

    Licorice consumption causing severe hypokalemic paralysis

    Elinav E, Chajek-Shaul T.

  • Year: 2002

    Recurrent life-threatening acidosis induced by acetazolamide in a patient with diabetic type iv renal tubular acidosis

    Elinav E, Ackerman Z, Gottehrer NP, Heyman SN.

  • Year: 2002

    Constrictive Pericarditis Complicating Endovascular Pacemaker Implantation

    Elinav E, Leibowitz D.

  • Year: 2002

    Improvement in cholesterol emboli syndrome after iloprost therapy

    Elinav E, Chajek-Shaul T, Stern M.