Lecture 1 - Basic concepts (27/3/18)
Lecture 2 - Auto-regulation , a network motif (10/4/18)
- Lecture 3 Part a - Feed Forward Loops (17/4/18)
- Lecture 3 - Part b - Feed Forward Loop (17/4/18)
- Lecture 4 A - Temporal Order, Global Structure, and Memory (24/4/18)
- Lecture 4 b - Temporal Order, Global Structure, and Memory (24/4/18)
- Lecture 5 a - Robustness using bifunctional components (1/5/18)
- Lecture 5 B - Robustness using bifunctional components (1/5/18)
- Lecture 6 a - Robustness in bacterial chemotaxis (8/5/18)
- Lecture 6 B - Robustness in bacterial chemotaxis (8/5/18)
- Lecture 7 part A - Fold Change Detection
- Lecture 7 part B - Fold Change Detection
- Lecture 8 part A - Dynamic Compensation in Physiological Circuits
- Lecture 8 part B - Dynamic Compensation in Physiological Circuits
- Lecture 8 part C - Dynamic Compensation in Physiological Circuits
- Lecture 9 - How to build a Biological Oscillator
- Lecture 10 - Optimality in Biological Circuits
- Lecture 11 - Evolution and Multi-Objective Optimality
- Lecture 12 - Modularity