קורות חייו

Name: Ofer Lider

Office Address: The Department of Immunology The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100, P.O. Box 26. Israel.

Tel.: 972-8-9342-724

Fax: 972-8-9343-657

e-mail: ofer.lider@weizmann.ac.il

Home address: 119 Tlamim St., Kfar Bilu B, 76965. Israel

Tel: 972-8-9418-708

Citizenship: Israeli

Date and place of Birth: January 7, 1955. Tiberias, Israel

Date and place of Death: July 12, 2004. Houston, Texas, USA



Year Degree Institution
1977-1980 B.Sc. The Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel
1980-1982 M.Sc. The Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel.
1983-1987 Ph.D. The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.


Brief Chronology of Employment

1987-1989: Post-Doctorate Fellow in the Center for Neurologic Diseases, MS Unit, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School., Boston, MA, USA.

1989-1991: Scientist, The Department of Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

1991-2001: Senior Scientist, Department of Cell Biology and Immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

2001-present Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Immunology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.


Awards and Scholarships

1987      Rothschild Fellowship

1989      Alon Fellowship

1991      Incumbent of the 'Weizmann League Career Development Chair in Children's Diseases.


Scientific Activities and invited lectures

1988      Symposium speaker: The 1st International Conference on T Cell Vaccination, Rehovot, Israel.

1988      Symposium speaker: National Multiple Sclerosis Society Meeting, Florida.

1989      Symposium speaker: FASEB meeting, New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA

1989      Vice chairman, International Meeting: Inflammatory Eye Diseases, Hawaii.

1991      Symposium speaker: National Multiple Sclerosis Society meeting: Thymus and Clonal Deletion, Santa-Fe, New-Mexico, ,USA

1991      Symposium speaker: The Third International Congress of the International Society of Neuroimmunology, Jerusalem, Israel.

1992      Symposium participant, Keystone Symposia on Integrins, Keystone, Colorado.

1993      Symposium speaker: VIII Maimonides Conference on Cancer Research Tumor immunity and Autoimmunity, Ein-Gedi, Israel.

1993      Symposium speaker: Adhesion Molecules. Rambam Center, Haifa, Israel.

1993      Symposium speaker: The role of cell adhesion molecules in immunopathology, Warsaw, Poland.

1995      Symposium speaker: Autoimmunity, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

1995      Symposium speaker: Tumor Microenvironment, Tiberias, Israel.

1997      Symposium speaker: The annual meeting of the Israeli Society of Immunology.

1997      Symposium speaker: Autoimmunity and emerging diseases. Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

1999      Symposium speaker: Innate Immunity. Zichron-Yaakov, Israel.

2000      Meeting Organizer: Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines in the Context of Intracellular Matrix. Maale Hachamisha, Israel.

2001      Symposium speaker The annual meeting of the Israeli Society of Immunology.

2003      Symposium speaker: Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Immunology. Haifa, Israel.