תוצאות חיפוש לאירועים
Date:11שלישימרץ 2025הרצאה
A Vascular-Centered View on Aging, Regeneration and Rejuvenation
More information שעה 12:30 - 13:30מיקום בניין ע"ש מקס ולילאן קנדיוטי
Auditoriumמרצה Prof. Eli Keshet מארגן המחלקה לאימונולוגיה ורגנרציה ביולוגיתצרו קשר -
Date:11שלישימרץ 2025הרצאה
What is special about activity in the basal ganglia?
More information שעה 12:30 - 14:00מיקום אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידטמרצה Prof. Mati Joshua מארגן המחלקה למדעי המוחצרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>There are two major classes of theories about the b...» <p>There are two major classes of theories about the basal ganglia. The first class hypothesizes</p><p>that the basal ganglia are the site where cortical sensorimotor and dopaminergic reward</p><p>information interact to potentiate and select actions. These theories predict that content</p><p>specificity of information emerges from within the basal ganglia. The second class of</p><p>theories posits that information is manipulated within the basal ganglia through processes</p><p>such as dimensionality reduction. These theories are primarily based on the fact that there</p><p>is a large reduction in the number of neurons from the input to the output stages of the basal</p><p>ganglia. These theories posit that there are changes in the coding properties of neurons</p><p>rather than the emergence of content specificity.</p><p>In this talk, I will present a set of studies where we analyzed the eye movement system of</p><p>monkeys to compare single-neuron activity in the basal ganglia with activity in the</p><p>cerebellum and the frontal cortex. We used tasks that manipulated both eye movements</p><p>and expected rewards. We found that rather than coding specific sensorimotor or reward</p><p>parameters, the basal ganglia were unique in how they coded these parameters, both in</p><p>terms of the signal-to-noise ratio of responses and in the variety of their temporal patterns.</p><p>These results strongly suggest that the basal ganglia play a role in manipulating rather than</p><p>generating reward and sensorimotor signals.</p> -
Date:12רביעימרץ 2025הרצאה
Birthday hormone: the neuroendocrine control of hatching in fish
More information שעה 10:00 - 11:00מיקום בניין ארתור ורושל בלפר למחקר ביורפואי
Botnar Auditoriumמרצה Dr. Matan Golan צרו קשר -
Date:13חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Synthetic biology platforms for biomedical applicationsnnounced
More information שעה 15:00 - 16:00מיקום Leon Benoziyo for Biological Sciences
Auditorium Rm.191מרצה Dr. Lior Nissim
The Faculty of Medicine - Hebrew University of Jerusalem -
Date:16ראשוןמרץ 2025כנסים
EPScon 2025 - The 14th Students' Conference for Earth and Planetary Sciences
More information שעה 08:00 - 08:00מיקום מרכז כנסים על-שם דויד לופאטייושב ראש Adam Chaikin Lifshitz -
Date:16ראשוןמרץ 2025הרצאה
The Holocene temperature and CO2 conundrum: a long-term perspective from earlier interglacials
More information שעה 11:00 - 12:00מיקום בניין משפחת זוסמן
M. Magaritz seminar roomמרצה Yair Rosenthal צרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>The pre-industrial Holocene is unique among past<...» <p>The pre-industrial Holocene is unique among past</p><p>interglacials due to a modest, but notable increase in</p><p>atmospheric CO2 and methane (CH4) during the latter half</p><p>of the period despite an expected decrease given orbital</p><p>parameters. Although the causes for this increase,</p><p>anthropogenic or natural are debated, all climate models</p><p>simulate an increase in global mean temperature in</p><p>response to the increase in the greenhouse gases. Yet,</p><p>many proxy reconstructions, interpreted to reflect the</p><p>mean annual temperatures, indicate peak temperatures in</p><p>the first half of the Holocene, arguably exceeding modern</p><p>mean annual temperatures followed by cooling through the</p><p>preindustrial period. This significant model-data</p><p>discrepancy, known as the Holocene temperature</p><p>conundrum, and the debate on the cause of the CO2</p><p>increase has undermined confidence in future climate</p><p>model predications. In this talk I’ll offer new perspectives</p><p>on both issues.</p> -
Date:18שלישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Vascular Aging:
More information שעה 11:00 - 12:00כותרת The Hidden Driver of Age-Related Organ Dysfunctionמיקום בניין ארתור ורושל בלפר למחקר ביורפואימרצה Dr. Myriam Grunewald מארגן מכון סגול לאריכות ימיםצרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>As life expectancy increases, age-related diseases ...» <p>As life expectancy increases, age-related diseases are becoming more prevalent. While these conditions are traditionally studied in isolation, mounting evidence points to shared, systemic mechanisms underlying these conditions. Our research highlights the vasculature as a key player in organ homeostasis and repair, and a system shared across all organs—making its dysfunction potential driver of age-related pathologies.</p><p>We demonstrate that manipulating <strong>VEGF signaling</strong> to counteract age-related microvascular rarefaction promotes <strong>comprehensive geroprotection</strong>, preserving organ function and delaying disease onset. Our findings also reveal a link between vascular rarefaction and altered RNA splicing. While hypoxia-driven and age-related changes in alternative RNA splicing have been studied independently, we propose a unifying mechanism that links the two. To explore this further, we also employ patient-derived organoids, which retain their biological age in culture, providing a robust in vitro platform to test anti-aging interventions.</p><p>Our findings support a <strong>vascular theory of aging</strong>, identifying vascular health as a promising target to mitigate age-related diseases and promote healthier aging.</p> -
Date:18שלישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Proteome-wide prediction of protein-protein interaction networks and protein compound interactions and their integration for biological discovery
More information שעה 14:00 - 15:00מיקום אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידטמרצה Prof. Barry Honig מארגן המחלקה לביולוגיה מבנית וכימית -
Date:20חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Harnessing Mistakes to Expose Cancer’s Vulnerability
More information שעה 12:30 - 14:00כותרת Spotlight on Science lecture sponsored by the Staff Scientists Councilמיקום אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידטמרצה Ilana Eyal
Spotlight on Science lecture sponsored by the Staff Scientists Councilצרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>Over the past few decades, immunotherapy has revolu...» <p>Over the past few decades, immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment with great success in treating cancer patients and preventing tumor recurrence after surgery. Harnessing the immune system to fight cancer largely relies on the ability of T lymphocytes to distinguish between “self” and “non-self” to specifically identify and eliminate malignant cells. This is achieved through the recognition of neoantigens, tumor-specific proteins resulting from genetic mutations.</p><p>The Samuels’ lab is exploring the immune-tumor interactions, with specific focus on the mechanisms underlying cancer-cell recognition, and developing novel strategies to increase antitumor immune responses.</p><p>In this talk, I will present results from our recent studies investigating the link between mRNA mistranslation in cancer cells and immunological tumor control.</p> -
Date:20חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Spatial transcriptomics of pancreatic cancer development and immune cells targeting to restrict tumor growth
More information שעה 14:00 - 15:00מיקום בניין ע"ש מקס ולילאן קנדיוטי
Auditoriumמרצה Dr. Oren Parnas מארגן המכון לחקר הטיפול בסרטן עש דואק -
Date:23ראשוןמרץ 2025הרצאה
Reduced N-fixation in the Low Latitude Atlantic during the Warmer Pliocene
More information שעה 11:00 - 12:00מיקום בניין משפחת זוסמן
M. Magaritz seminar roomמרצה Maayan Yehudai תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>N2 fixation is the primary pathway by which bioavai...» <p>N2 fixation is the primary pathway by which bioavailable nitrogen is added to the</p><p>oceans. However, the drivers of N2 fixation on orbital timescales are uncertain. We</p><p>present high-resolution foraminifera-bound (FB) δ15N records from the Western</p><p>and Eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean (WTA and ETA respectively) throughout the</p><p>late Pliocene (~3.60 to ~1.97 Ma), where WTA ODP Site 999 represents N2</p><p>fixation changes and EEA ODP Site 662 represents changes in pycnocline δ15N.</p><p>Our results show that, compared to the past 160 ka, N2 fixation in the WTA was</p><p>significantly lower throughout the late Pliocene as reflected by an average of ~2 ‰</p><p>higher FB-δ15N values. A possible explanation to the higher Pliocene FB-δ15N in</p><p>the WTA could be lower rates of global denitrification that were balanced by lower</p><p>global N2 fixation levels. We suggest that this reduced N2 fixation was due to</p><p>decreased excess P in the pycnocline/subsurface ocean, driven by lower global</p><p>water column denitrification. This finding implies a coupling between decreased</p><p>water column denitrification and reduced level N2 fixation rates under warmer</p><p>climates.</p><p>On orbital timescales, our N2 fixation record display obliquity-paced cycles that</p><p>progressively intensified after the Northern Hemisphere glaciation intensification ~</p><p>2.8 Ma, and the onset of equatorial upwelling pulses documented during glacial</p><p>periods in the EEA (ODP Site 662; [1]). The observed changes in N2 fixation of the</p><p>last 160 ka were previously explained by precession-paced upwelling in the EEA</p><p>that imported excess P into the oligotrophic WTA [2]. However, precessional</p><p>cyclicity is not dominant in the Pliocene FB- δ15N, which calls for other candidates</p><p>to explain the variations after 2.8 Ma. The best explanation is a response to sealevel</p><p>paced sedimentary denitrification. Glacial lower sea levels exposed</p><p>continental shelves, reducing regional benthic denitrification and inhibiting the</p><p>supply of excess P, thereby limiting N2 fixation in the WTA, whereas interglacial</p><p>submerged shelves increased excess P availability.</p> -
Date:24שנימרץ 2025הרצאה
Foundations of Computer Science Seminar
More information שעה 11:15 - 12:15כותרת Privacy amplification by random allocation (is approximately Poisson subsampling)מיקום בניין יעקב זיסקינד
Room 1 - 1 חדרמרצה Moshe Shenfeld
Hebrew University of Jerusalemמארגן המחלקה למדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה שימושיתצרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about Given two distributions P, Q and an integer t, we analyze tw...» Given two distributions P, Q and an integer t, we analyze two sampling processes. In "random allocation," we first sample an index i uniformly from [t], then draw r_{i} ~ P and r_{j} ~ Q for all other j in [t]. In "Poisson sampling," we independently draw r_{i} ~ 1/t*P + (1-1/t)*Q for each i in [t]. We bound the difference between these processes' output distributions and the baseline of sampling r_{i} ~ Q for all i.
This theoretical result provides key insights for analyzing DP-SGD, a privacy-preserving variant of stochastic gradient descent. While Poisson subsampling has well-understood privacy guarantees, common implementations use element shuffling, which was recently shown to have larger privacy losses in certain regimes. Random allocation offers a middle ground, and we prove its privacy analysis reduces to comparing the distributions described above.
We show that these variants' privacy guarantees are within a constant factor of each other across all parameter regimes and converge asymptotically in t. Our proof has two key components: decomposing Poisson sampling into a mixture of random allocation processes, and showing that random allocation can be viewed as a modified Poisson process where sampling probabilities depend on previous outputs.
Joint work with Vitaly Feldman -
Date:27חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Geometric Functional Analysis and Probability Seminar
More information שעה 13:30 - 14:30כותרת TBDמיקום בניין יעקב זיסקינד
Room 155 - חדר 155מרצה Dima Turaev
Imperial Collegeמארגן המחלקה למתמטיקהצרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about TBD ...» TBD -
Date:27חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
Regulation of immune cell function in tumor microenvironment of triple-negative breast cancer
More information שעה 14:00 - 15:00מיקום בניין ע"ש מקס ולילאן קנדיוטי
Auditoriumמרצה Prof. Idit Shachar מארגן המכון לחקר הטיפול בסרטן עש דואק -
Date:27חמישימרץ 2025הרצאה
To be announced
More information שעה 15:00 - 16:00מיקום בניין לביוכימיה על שם נלה וליאון בנוזיו
Auditorium Rm. 191מרצה Keren Yizhak
(Technion) -
Date:30ראשוןמרץ 2025הרצאה
Special Guest Seminar - Dr. Thierry Nordmann
More information שעה 11:15 - 12:15כותרת Unraveling the Molecular Architecture of the Skin for Personalized Medicineמיקום Wolfson Auditoriumמרצה Dr. Thierry Nordmann מארגן המחלקה לביולוגיה מולקולרית של התאצרו קשר -
Date:30ראשוןמרץ 2025הרצאה
It’s an Emergency: What It Means to Be a Scientist in an Era of Climate and Ecological Breakdown
More information שעה 13:00 - 14:00כותרת IES- Institute For Environmental Sustainability Initiative seminar series 2025-2026מיקום בניין לביוכימיה על שם נלה וליאון בנוזיו למדעי הצמח
690מרצה Dr. Avner Gross מארגן המכון לסביבה וקיימות -
Date:31שנימרץ 2025אירועים אקדמיים
Scientific Council Meeting
More information שעה 10:00 - 12:00מיקום מרכז כנסים על-שם דויד לופאטי
KIMELצרו קשר -
Date:31שנימרץ 2025סימפוזיונים
Decoding the molecular mechanism of histone modification
More information שעה 11:00 - 12:15מיקום אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידטמרצה Prof. Cynthia Wolberger
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins Universityמארגן המחלקה לביולוגיה מבנית וכימיתדף בית צרו קשר תקציר Show full text abstract about <p>Post-translational modifications of histones play a...» <p>Post-translational modifications of histones play a central role in regulating all cellular processes requiring access to DNA. Monoubiquitinated histone H2B-K120 is a hallmark of actively transcribed genes that plays multiple roles in activating transcription, while monoubiquitinated histone H2A-K119 is abundant in heterochromatin, which is transcriptionally silent. Our structural studies have revealed how histone H2B is specifically ubiquitinated and deubiquitinated, and ubiquitinated H2B stimulates histone methylation. We have also shown how ubiquitin can regulate access to the nucleosome acidic patch, a hotspot for interactions with other chromatin-modifying enzymes. I will also discuss recent studies of a histone kinase that has an unusual mode of binding nucleosomes.</p> -
Date:02רביעיאפריל 2025הרצאה
students seminar series- Azrieli
More information שעה 10:30 - 12:30מיקום בניין קמיליה בוטנארצרו קשר