
Gravitational waves

Gravitational waves are our newest window to look into the universe.
Currently we observe only the most extreme events - The merging of compact objects (black holes / neutron stars) through gravitational wave emission.

My group is one of the leading groups for exploiting the LIGO-VIRGO-KAGRA data-set in searching for compact binary coalescence and in studying the population and formation mechanism of Binary black holes. 

ULTRASAT signal processing

The ULTRASAT satellite would revolutionize transient astrophysics, by detecting the electro-magnetic counterparts of binary-neutron-star mergers, as well as shock breakout emission of supernovae. My group would deal with extending current signal processing methods to the regime of under-sampled images, in order to facilitate this exciting science.

Pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts

Pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts are very extreme objects involved in many open questions at the heart of astrophysics as well as extremely useful probes of space-time, cosmology and the inter-stellar medium.


Exoplaents are planets outside our solar system.
Exoplanet research is at the forefront of our current effort to understand one of the most fundamental questions, are we alone? in what way, if at all, the solar system is special?

We develop algorithmic and statistical tools for detecting exoplanets and charachterizing their populations.  More specifically, we develop methods for:
1)  Detecting long period( and also ultra-short period) planets using the transit method.
2) Develop methods for high contrast imaging, with the dream of one day "imaging" an Exoplanet using the light it reflects from it's host star