Pulsar and Fast Radio Bursts are a very exciting research topic in modern astrophysics.
Fast radio bursts, discovered first in 2007, are a very exciting topic of research with prospects of revolutionizing our knowledge of compact objects, the inter-galactic medium and cosmology.
I am currently exploring methods to detect high-frequency periodicity in repeating FRBs, and techniques to push the FRB discovery phase-space from milli-seconds to micro-seconds
Pulsars are rapidly rotating magnetized neutron stars. While interesting in their own right, pulsars are also used as highly precise clocks for performing precision measurements in astrophysics, and a tool to observe gravitational waves in the nano-herz regime using pulsar timing arrays.
Together with international collaborators, we search for:
1) Gamma-ray pulsars, using the Fermi-LAT data.
2) Pulsars in extreme binaries in Globular clusters, where they can teach us the astrophysics of extreme binary systems. as well as the cluster's gravitational potential.
3) Towards the galactic center, where they would serve as fantastic probe of the gravitational potential near a super massive black hole.