Plant Biology
A different expertise cluster in lab is represented by plant biologists that use a diverse set of tools to unravel novel mechanisms by which plants produce specialized metabolites and control their biosynthesis in time and space.
A different expertise cluster in lab is represented by plant biologists that use a diverse set of tools to unravel novel mechanisms by which plants produce specialized metabolites and control their biosynthesis in time and space.
The "Metabolomics" cluster is composed of trained organic and analytical chemists that employ cutting-edge analytical instruments largely based on mass spectrometry for metabolomics analysis.
Having computational and bioinformatics expertise in a biology lab is a key requirement.A computational biology expertise cluster is devoted to processing and extracting new biological knowledge through ‘in silico’ analysis of the immense amount of data produced daily by the lab.
The sessile nature of plants dictates a constant interaction with the environment; plant produced metabolites are one of the key mediators of these numerous interactions with bacteria, fungi and herbivores.