Women in physics: Bound by the ropes of motherhood expectations and the gendered labor market "American Philosophical Society" meeting, October 2023
Women physicists – hurdle race in a masculine field (in Hebrew) (Education in Science and Technology , Technion October 31, 2021)
The “Glass Hurdles” for women (XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education Polytechnic University of Madrid, September , 2021)
Promoting Gender Equality in Physics: What we learned from research and implementation (XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education Polytechnic University of Madrid, September , 2021)
Women in physics: Bound by the ropes of motherhood expectations and the gendered labor market (WFRN work and family researchers network conference, October 2020)
The postdoctoral sieve: What it takes to get through the competition and win an academic position in physics (in Hebrew) (Lecture for the Young Academy meeting, June 2020)
Gender in physics, in academy The Higher Education Forum meeting: 'Gender in academy', Tel- Aviv University, March 2020 (in Hebrew)
The academic career choice in physics as a “deal” (in Hebrew) (Israeli Sociological Society Conference, Haifa University, January 2019)