Bioinformatics: LSCF Publications

  1. Sehrawat U., Haimov O., Weiss B., Tamarkin-Ben Harush A., Ashkenazi S., Plotnikov A., Noiman T., Leshkowitz D., Stelzer G. & Dikstein R. (2022). Inhibitors of eIF4G1-eIF1 uncover its regulatory role of ER/UPR stress-response genes independent of eIF2a-phosphorylation.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 2022 Jul 20 , 119 (30).
  2. Haimon Z., Frumer G. R., Kim J., Trzebanski S., Haffner-Krausz R., Ben-Dor S., Porat Z., Muschaweckh A., Chappell-Maor L., Boura-Halfon S., Korn T. & Jung S. (2022). Cognate microgliaT cell interactions shape the functional regulatory T cell pool in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis pathology.  Nature Immunology. 2022 Dec , 23 (12):1749-1762.
  3. Abou Karam P., Goldian-Rosenheck I., Ziv T., Ben Ami H., Azuri I., Rivkin A., Kiper E., Rotkopf R., Cohen S. R., Torrecilhas A. C., Avinoam O., Rojas A., Morandi M. & Regev-Rudzki N. (2022). Malaria parasites release vesicle subpopulations with signatures of different destinations.  EMBO Reports. 2022 Jun 1 , 23 (7).
  4. Sehrawat U., Haimov O., Weiss B., Tamarkin-Ben Harush A., Ashkenazi S., Plotnikov A., Noiman T., Leshkowitz D., Stelzer G. & Dikstein R. (2022). Inhibitors of eIF4G1-eIF1 uncover its regulatory role of ER/UPR stress-response genes independent of eIF2a-phosphorylation.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 2022 Jul 20 , 119 (30).
  5. Dey S., Prilusky J. & Levy E. D. (2022). QSalignWeb: A Server to Predict and Analyze Protein Quaternary Structure.  Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022 Jan 5 , 8 .
  6. Goldsmith M., Barad S., Knafo M., Savidor A., Ben-Dor S., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Peleg Y., Albeck S., Dym O., Ben-Zeev E., Barbole R. S., Aharoni A. & Reich Z. (2022). Identification and characterization of the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of the neurotoxin β-ODAP in grass pea.  The journal of Biological chemistry. 2022 May 1 , 298 (5).
  7. Cohen M., Hertweck K., Itkin M., Malitsky S., Dassa B., Fischer A. M. & Fluhr R. (2022). Enhanced proteostasis, lipid remodeling, and nitrogen remobilization define barley flag leaf senescence.  Journal of Experimental Botany. 2022 Nov 2 , 73 (19):6816-6837.
  8. Gerbi H., Paudel I., Zisovich A., Sapir G., Ben-Dor S. & Klein T. (2022). Physiological drought resistance mechanisms in wild species vs. rootstocks of almond and plum.  Trees (Berlin, West). 2022 Apr , 36 :669-683.
  9. Ben Ami Pilo H., Khan Khilji S., Lühle J., Biskup K., Levy Gal B., Rosenhek Goldian I., Alfandari D., Revach O., Kiper E., Morandi M. I., Rotkopf R., Porat Z., Blanchard V., Seeberger P. H., RegevRudzki N. & Moscovitz O. (2022). Sialylated Nglycans mediate monocyte uptake of extracellular vesicles secreted from Plasmodium falciparuminfected red blood cells.  Journal of Extracellular Biology. 2022 Feb , 1 (2).
  10. Kadouri N., Giladi T., Katz S., Hey J., Ben-Dor S., Damari G., Dassa B., Dobes J., Dieter W., Bähr M., Paulsen M., Haffner-Krausz R., Mall M. A., Plass C., Kafka Y. & Abramson J. (2022). Transcriptional regulation of the thymus master regulator Foxn1.  Science Immunology. 2022 Aug 26 , 7 (74).
  11. Alfandari D., Ben Ami Pilo H., Abou Karam P., Dagan O., Joubran C., Rotkopf R., Regev-Rudzki N. & Porat Z. (2022). Monitoring Distribution Dynamics of EV RNA Cargo Within Recipient Monocytes and Macrophages.  Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2022 Jan 26 , 11 .
  12. Furth N., Algranati D., Dassa B., Beresh O., Fedyuk V., Morris N., Kasper L. H., Jones D., Monje M., Baker S. J. & Shema E. (2022). H3-K27M-mutant nucleosomes interact with MLL1 to shape the glioma epigenetic landscape.  Cell Reports. 2022 May 17 , 39 (7).
  13. Kadouri N., Giladi T., Katz S., Hey J., Ben-Dor S., Damari G., Dassa B., Dobes J., Dieter W., Bähr M., Paulsen M., Haffner-Krausz R., Mall M. A., Plass C., Kafka Y. & Abramson J. (2022). Transcriptional regulation of the thymus master regulator Foxn1.  Science Immunology. 2022 Aug 26 , 7 (74).
  14. Leshkowitz D., Kedmi M., Fried Y., Pilzer D., Keren-Shaul H., Ainbinder E. & Dassa B. (2022). Exploring differential exon usage via short- and long-read RNA sequencing strategies.  Open Biology. 2022 Sept 28 , 12 (9).
  15. Turner M., Danino Y., Barshai M., Yacovzada N., Cohen Y., Olender T., Rotkopf R., Monchaud D., Hornstein E. & Orenstein Y. (2022). rG4detector, a novel RNA G-quadruplex predictor, uncovers their impact on stress granule formation.  Nucleic Acids Research. 2022 Nov 11 , 50 (20):11426-11441.
  16. Dey S., Levy E. D., London N., Prilusky J. & Zaidman D. (2022). PDBe-KB: collaboratively defining the biological context of structural data.  Nucleic Acids Research. 2022, 50 (D1):D534-D542.
  17. Camargo S., Leshkowitz D., Dassa B., Mariscal V., Flores E., Stavans J. & Arbel-Goren R. (2021). Impaired cell-cell communication in the multicellular cyanobacterium Anabaena affects carbon uptake, photosynthesis, and the cell wall.  iScience. 2021 Jan 22 , 24 (1).
  18. Maddalena M., Mallel G., Nataraj N. B., Shreberk-Shaked M., Hassin O., Mukherjee S., Arandkar S., Rotkopf R., Kapsack A., Lambiase G., Pellegrino B., Ben-Isaac E., Golani O., Addadi Y., Hajaj E., Eilam R., Straussman R., Yarden Y., Lotem M. & Oren M. (2021). TP53 missense mutations in PDAC are associated with enhanced fibrosis and an immunosuppressive microenvironment.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021 Jun 4 , 118 (23).
  19. Raz A., Dahan-Meir T., Melamed-Bessudo C., Leshkowitz D. & Levy A. A. (2021). Redistribution of Meiotic Crossovers Along Wheat Chromosomes by Virus-Induced Gene Silencing.  Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021 Feb 4 , 11 .
  20. Ofir-Birin Y., Ben Ami Pilo H., Camacho A. C., Rudik A., Rivkin A., Revach O., Nir N., Tamin T. B., Karam P. A., Kiper E., Peleg Y., Nevo R., Solomon A., Havkin-Solomon T., Rojas A., Rotkopf R., Porat Z., Avni D., Schwartz E., Zillinger T., Hartmann G., Di Pizio A., Ben Quashie N., Dikstein R., Gerlic M., Torrecilhas A. C., Levy C., Hoen E. N. M. N., Bowie A. G. & Regev-Rudzki N. (2021). Malaria parasites both repress host CXCL10 and use it as a cue for growth acceleration.  Nature Communications. 2021 Dec 1 , 12 (1).