Flow Cytometry Publications

  1. Chourasia S., Petucci C., Shoffler C., Abbasian D., Wang H., Han X., Sivan E., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Malitsky S., Itkin M., Sharp A., Rotkopf R., Dassa B., Regev L., Zaltsman Y. & Gross A. (2025). MTCH2 controls energy demand and expenditure to fuel anabolism during adipogenesis.  EMBO Journal. 2025 Jan 3 , .
  2. Barzilay Y., Eyal Z., Noy Y., Varsano N., Olender T., Bera S., Lerer-Goldshtein T., Kedmi M., Porat Z., Pinkas I., Levin-Zaidman S., Dezorella N. & Gur D. (2025). Specialized Molecular Pathways Drive the Formation of Light-Scattering Assemblies in Leucophores.  BioRxiv. 2025 Jan 13 , .
  3. Shaked N., Sorrentino A., Varsano N., Addadi S., Porat Z., Pinkas I., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2025). Guanine crystal formation by the unicellular organism Phacotus lenticularis is part of a cellular stress response.  PLoS ONE. 2025 Feb 12 , 20 (2).
  4. Eliason O., Malitsky S., Panizel I., Feldmesser E., Porat Z., Sperfeld M. & Segev E. (2024). The photo-protective role of vitamin D in the microalga Emiliania huxleyi.  iScience. 2024 Jun 21 , 27 (6).
  5. Shapir Itai Y., Porat Z. & Dahan R. (2024). Protocol for assessing murine cell doublet engagement and subsequent effects using flow cytometry and imaging flow cytometry.  STAR Protocols. 2024 Dec 20 , 5 (4).
  6. Deis R., Lerer-Goldshtein T., Baiko O., Eyal Z., Brenman-Begin D., Goldsmith M., Kaufmann S., Heinig U., Dong Y., Lushchekina S., Varsano N., Olender T., Kupervaser M., Porat Z., Levin-Zaidman S., Pinkas I., Mateus R. & Gur D. (2024). Genetic control over biogenic crystal morphogenesis in zebrafish.  Nature Chemical Biology. 2024 Aug 30 , .
  7. Lim L. Q. J., Adler L., Hajaj E., Soria L. R., Perry R. B. T., Darzi N., Brody R., Furth N., Lichtenstein M., Bab-Dinitz E., Porat Z., Melman T., Brandis A., Aylon Y., Ben-Dor S., Orr I., Pri-Or A., Seger R., Shaul Y., Ruppin E., Oren M., Perez M., Meier J., Brunetti-Pierri N., Shema E., Ulitsky I., Erez A., Malitsky S. & Itkin M. (2024). ASS1 metabolically contributes to the nuclear and cytosolic p53-mediated DNA damage response.  Nature metabolism. 2024 Jul , 6 (7):1294-1309.
  8. Goldin-Azulay K., Fraiberg M., Trofimyuk O., Levin Y., Reuven N., Kopitman E. & Elazar Z. (2024). Multiplex genomic tagging of mammalian ATG8s to study autophagy.  Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2024 Dec , 300 (12).
  9. Suss O., Halfin O., Porat Z., Fridmann Sirkis Y., Motiei L. & Margulies D. (2024). Artificial Protein Crosstalk with a Molecule that Exchanges Binding Partners.  Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 2024 Feb 12 , 63 (7).
  10. Nevo S., Frenkel N., Kadouri N., Gome T., Rosenthal N., Givony T., Avin A., Peligero Cruz C., Kedmi M., Lindzen M., Ben Dor S., Damari G., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Keren-Shaul H., Yarden Y., Munitz A., Leshkowitz D., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J. (2024). Tuft cells and fibroblasts promote thymus regeneration through ILC2-mediated type 2 immune response.  Science Immunology. 2024 Jan , 9 (91).
  11. Shapir Itai Y., Barboy O., Salomon R., Bercovich A., Xie K., Winter E., Shami T., Porat Z., Erez N., Tanay A., Amit I. & Dahan R. (2024). Bispecific dendritic-T cell engager potentiates anti-tumor immunity.  Cell. 2024 Jan 18 , 187 (2):375-389.e18.
  12. Asosingh K., Bayiyana A., Black M. C., Chakraborty U., Clemente M. J., Graham A. C., Gregory M. D., Hogg K. G., Van Isterdael G., Liu C. C., Martínez L., Petersen C. C., Porat Z., Price K. M., Prickett L. B., Rieger A. M., Roe C. E. & Smit E. (2024). Best practices for user consultation in flow cytometry shared resource laboratories.  Cytometry Part A. 2024 Aug 2 , 105 (9):704-712.
  13. Kozela E., Meneghetti P., Regev-Rudzki N., Torrecilhas A. C. & Porat Z. (2024). Subcellular particles for characterization of host-parasite interactions.  Microbes and Infection. 2024 Feb 16 , 26 (7).
  14. Nudelman A., Shenoy A., Allouche-Arnon H., Fisler M., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Dayan L., Abou Karam P., Porat Z., Solomonov I., Regev-Rudzki N., Bar-Shir A. & Sagi I. (2024). Proteolytic Vesicles Derived from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium-Infected Macrophages: Enhancing MMP-9-Mediated Invasion and EV Accumulation.  Biomedicines. 2024 Feb 15 , 12 (2).
  15. Cohen H., Wani N. A., Ben Hur D., Migliolo L., Cardoso M. H., Porat Z., Shimoni E., Franco O. L. & Shai Y. (2023). Interaction of Pexiganan (MSI-78)-Derived Analogues Reduces Inflammation and TLR4-Mediated Cytokine Secretion: A Comparative Study.  ACS Omega. 2023 May 23 , 8 (20):17856-17868.
  16. Fernandez-Becerra C., Xander P., Alfandari D., Dong G., Aparici-Herraiz I., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Shokouhy M., Gualdron-Lopez M., Lozano N., Cortes-Serra N., Karam P. A., Meneghetti P., Madeira R. P., Porat Z., Soares R. P., Costa A. O., Rafati S., da Silva A. C., Santarém N., Fernandez-Prada C., Ramirez M. I., Bernal D., Marcilla A., Pereira-Chioccola V. L., Alves L. R., Portillo H. D., Regev-Rudzki N., de Almeida I. C., Schenkman S., Olivier M. & Torrecilhas A. C. (2023). Guidelines for the purification and characterization of extracellular vesicles of parasites.  Journal of Extracellular Biology. 2023 Oct , 2 (10).
  17. Berman P., de Haro L. A., Jozwiak A., Panda S., Pinkas Z., Dong Y., Cveticanin J., Barbole R., Livne R., Scherf T., Shimoni E., Levin-Zaidman S., Dezorella N., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Meir S., Rogachev I., Sonawane P. D. & Aharoni A. (2023). Parallel evolution of cannabinoid biosynthesis.  Nature Plants. 2023 May , 9 (5):817-831.
  18. Belkina A. C., Roe C. E., Tang V. A., Back J. B., Bispo C., Conway A., Chakraborty U., Daniels K. T., de la Cruz G., Ferrer-Font L., Filby A., Gravano D. M., Gregory M. D., Hall C., Kukat C., Mozes A., Ordoñez-Rueda D., Orlowski-Oliver E., Pesce I., Porat Z., Poulton N. J., Reifel K. M., Rieger A. M., Sheridan R. T., Van Isterdael G. & Walker R. V. (2023). Guidelines for establishing a cytometry laboratory.  Cytometry Part A. 2023 Nov 8 , 105 (2):88-111.
  19. Sapoznikov A., Kozlovski S., Levi N., Feigelson S. W., Regev O., Davidzohn N., Ben-Dor S., Haffner-Krausz R., Feldmesser E., Wigoda N., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Biton M. & Alon R. (2023). Dendritic cell ICAM-1 strengthens synapses with CD8 T cells but is not required for their early differentiation.  Cell Reports. 2023 Aug 29 , 42 (8).
  20. Ordonez-Moreno L. A., Haddad M., Chakrabarti P., Khatib-Massalha E., Fruchtman H., Boura-Halfon S., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Lapidot T. & Kollet O. (2023). Lactatea new player in G-CSF-induced mobilization of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.  Leukemia. 2023 Aug , 37 (8):1757-1761.