Bioinformatics: LSCF Publications

  1. Shemi A., Alcolombri U., Schatz D., Farstey V., Vincent F., Rotkopf R., Ben-Dor S., Frada M. J., Tawfik D. S. & Vardi A. (2021). Dimethyl sulfide mediates microbial predatorprey interactions between zooplankton and algae in the ocean.  Nature Microbiology. 2021 Nov , 6 (11):1357-1366.
  2. Goldfarb Y., Givony T., Dobeš J., Kadouri N., Zalayat I., Peligero-Cruz C., Damari G., Dassa B., Ben-Dor S., Gruper Y., Oftedal B. E., Bratland E., Erichsen M. M., Berger A., Avin A., Nevo S., Haljasorg U., Kuperman Y., Ulman A., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Atasoy U., Leshkowitz D., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J. (2021). Mechanistic dissection of dominant AIRE mutations in mouse models reveals AIRE autoregulation.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021 Nov , 218 (11).
  3. Grunwald Y., Wigoda N., Sade N., Yaaran A., Torne T., Gosa S. C., Moran N. & Moshelion M. (2021). Arabidopsis leaf hydraulic conductance is regulated by xylem sap pH, controlled, in turn, by a P-type H + -ATPase of vascular bundle sheath cells.  The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 2021 Apr , 106 (2):301-313.
  4. Tsamir-Rimon M., Ben-Dor S., Feldmesser E., Oppenhimer-Shaanan Y., David-Schwartz R., Samach A. & Klein T. (2021). Rapid starch degradation in the wood of olive trees under heat and drought is permitted by three stress-specific beta amylases.  New Phytologist. 2021 Feb , 229 (3):1398-1414.
  5. Pewzner-Jung Y., Joseph T., Blumenreich S., Vardi A., Ferreira N. S., Cho S. M., Eilam R., Tsoory M., Biton I. E., Brumfeld V., Haffner-Krausz R., Brenner O., Sharabi N., Addadi Y., Salame T. M., Rotkopf R., Wigoda N., Yayon N., Merrill A. H., Schiffmann R. & Futerman A. H. (2021). Brain pathology and cerebellar purkinje cell loss in a mouse model of chronic neuronopathic Gaucher disease.  Progress in Neurobiology. 2021 Feb , 197 .
  6. Benjamin A., Kuperman Y., Eren N., Rotkopf R., Amitai M., Rossman H., Shilo S., Meir T., Keshet A., Nuttman-Shwartz O., Segal E. & Chen A. (2021). Stress-related emotional and behavioural impact following the first COVID-19 outbreak peak.  Molecular Psychiatry. 2021 Nov , 26 (11):6149-6158.
  7. Shemi A., Alcolombri U., Schatz D., Farstey V., Vincent F., Rotkopf R., Ben-Dor S., Frada M. J., Tawfik D. S. & Vardi A. (2021). Dimethyl sulfide mediates microbial predatorprey interactions between zooplankton and algae in the ocean.  Nature Microbiology. 2021 Nov , 6 (11):1357-1366.
  8. Goldfarb Y., Givony T., Dobeš J., Kadouri N., Zalayat I., Peligero-Cruz C., Damari G., Dassa B., Ben-Dor S., Gruper Y., Oftedal B. E., Bratland E., Erichsen M. M., Berger A., Avin A., Nevo S., Haljasorg U., Kuperman Y., Ulman A., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Atasoy U., Leshkowitz D., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J. (2021). Mechanistic dissection of dominant AIRE mutations in mouse models reveals AIRE autoregulation.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021 Nov , 218 (11).
  9. Doron E., Koppel I., Abraham O., Rishal I., Smith T. P., Buchanan C. N., Sahoo P. K., Kadlec J., Oses-Prieto J. A., Kawaguchi R., Alber S., Zahavi E. E., Di Matteo P., Di Pizio A., Song D. A., Okladnikova N., Gordon D., Ben-Dor S., Haffner-Krausz R., Coppola G., Burlingame A. L., Jungwirth P., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M. (2021). The glycine arginine-rich domain of the RNA-binding protein nucleolin regulates its subcellular localization.  EMBO Journal. 2021 Oct 18 , 40 (20).
  10. Ulman A., Levin T., Dassa B., Javitt A., Kacen A., Shmueli M. D., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Sheban D., Fishllevich S., Levy E. D. & Merbl Y. (2021). Altered Protein Abundance and Localization Inferred from Sites of Alternative Modification by Ubiquitin and SUMO.  Journal of Molecular Biology. 2021 Oct 15 , 433 (21).
  11. Vardi A., Pri-Or A., Wigoda N., Grishchuk Y. & Futerman A. H. (2021). Proteomics analysis of a human brain sample from a mucolipidosis type IV patient reveals pathophysiological pathways.  Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2021 Jan 21 , 16 (1).
  12. Azuri I., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Regev-Rudzki N., Fantner G. & Cohen S. R. (2021). The role of convolutionsl neural networks in scanning probe microscopy: a review.  Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2021, 12 :878-901.
  13. Agam A., Azuri I., Pinkas I., Gopher A. & Natalio F. (2020). Estimating temperatures of heated Lower Palaeolithic flint artefacts.  Nature Human Behaviour. 2020 Oct 5 , 4 (10):221-+.
  14. Ouyang W., Azuri I., Mandelli D., Tkatchenko A., Kronik L., Urbakh M. & Hod O. (2020). Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Layered Materials under High Pressure: Assessing the Importance of Many-Body Dispersion Effects.  Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2020 Jan 14 , 16 (1):666-676.
  15. Davidzohn N., Biram A., Stoler-Barak L., Grenov A., Dassa B. & Shulman Z. (2020). Syk degradation restrains plasma cell formation and promotes zonal transitions in germinal centers.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2020 Mar 2 , 217 (3).
  16. Elhanani O., Salame T. M., Sobel J., Leshkowitz D., Povodovski L., Vaknin I., Kolodkin-Gal D. & Walker M. D. (2020). REST Inhibits Direct Reprogramming of Pancreatic Exocrine to Endocrine Cells by Preventing PDX1-Mediated Activation of Endocrine Genes.  Cell Reports. 2020 May 5 , 31 .
  17. Hantisteanu S., Dicken Y., Negreanu V., Goldenberg D., Brenner O., Leshkowitz D., Lotem J., Levanon D. & Groner Y. (2020). Runx3 prevents spontaneous colitis by directing the differentiation of anti-inflammatory mononuclear phagocytes.  PLoS ONE. 2020 May 26 , 15 (5).
  18. Fenech E. J., Ben-Dor S. & Schuldiner M. (2020). Double the Fun, Double the Trouble: Paralogs and Homologs Functioning in the Endoplasmic Reticulum.  Annual Review of Biochemistry. 2020 Jun , 89 :637-666.
  19. Cohen B., Tempelhof H., Raz T., Oren R., Nicenboim J., Bochner F., Even R., Jelinski A., Eilam R., Ben-Dor S., Adaddi Y., Golani O., Lazar S., Yaniv K. & Neeman M. (2020). BACH family members regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by modulating VEGFC expression.  Life Science Alliance. 2020 Apr , 3 (4).
  20. Assaraf E., Blecher R., Heinemann-Yerushalmi L., Krief S., Carmel Vinestock R., Biton I. E., Brumfeld V., Rotkopf R., Avisar E., Agar G. & Zelzer E. (2020). Piezo2 expressed in proprioceptive neurons is essential for skeletal integrity.  Nature Communications. 2020 Jun 23 , 11 (1).