First Workshop on String Theory and Gender, 06 July, 2015 - 07 July, 2015, , Valencia, Spain
Since the COST grant "The String Universe" has ended, this website will only be partially updated starting July 2017
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WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity
Group Leader:
Prof. Roberto Emparan (ES)
Vice Leader:
Prof. Jan De Boer (NL)
String Cosmology is the only existing framework where a comprehensive view of the origin and evolution of the Universe can be achieved within a consistent theory valid at all scales – from the tiniest primordial quantum fluctuation, to the largest cosmological horizon distances. This Action has the ambitious goal to address the two grand challenges in this field: inflation and black hole physics.
A condition sine qua non for String Theory to stand as the correct theory of the Universe is to understand how cosmic inflation and late-time acceleration can arise within string vacua. This Action will explore how to realize such features in a consistent and calculationally controllable manner. Another task of this Action is to extract phenomenological consequences that could discriminate among different models once compared with upcoming observations, notably of the Cosmic Microwave Background by the PLANCK satellite.
The study of black holes is one of the main avenues to understand Quantum Gravity. An important task of this Action will be to gain a more general understanding of their properties, in particular at the microscopic level. This Action will also exploit the AdS/CFT correspondence and novel mathematical tools like Super-geometry to explore the breakdown of classical space-time and its emergence from more fundamental notions of holography, quantum entanglement and information.
Questions posed at the WG3 discussion session, "The String Universe", Bern, 5/9/2013.
The String Theory Universe
Bern, Switzerland
EventThe String Theory UniverseLocation Bern, Switzerland September 02, 2013 - September 06, 2013 The 19th European Workshop on String Theory, AEC Workshop and 1st COST MP1210 Meeting. Working GroupsCore group meeting MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
Black Holes and Quantum Information
The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel
EventBlack Holes and Quantum InformationLocation The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel January 12, 2014 - January 17, 2014 Understanding quantum aspects of black holes has been a driving problem in theoretical physics for the last 40 years, and has led to a deeper understanding of gravity. At the same time, some fundamental problems remain unanswered such as the fate of the infalling observer. The workshop will cover recent progress in black hole physics, and in particular the usage of quantum information theory. The workshop follows the Jerusalem winter school on quantum information.
Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
Iberian String 2014
Palencia, Spain
EventIberian String 2014Location Palencia, Spain January 29, 2014 - January 31, 2014 The Iberian Strings 2014 Workshop is the Vth of the Iberian Strings series, superseding previous editions of the Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and Branes and of Northwest Strings. This is the annual meeting of the community of string theorists (and theoretical physicists of related areas) of Portugal and Spain and the Vth edition will be held in Palencia (Spain), the days 29, 30 and 31 January 2014. Homepage website Working GroupsWG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
String Theory and Holography Summer School
Lisbon & Porto, Portugal
EventString Theory and Holography Summer SchoolLocation Lisbon & Porto, Portugal July 14, 2014 - July 26, 2014 held in Lisbon (1st week) and Porto (2nd week). This is a joint school of The String Theory Universe (COST), HoloGrav (ESF) and GATIS (ITN) networks. The School is divided in two weeks, starting in Lisbon in the week of 14-18 July with lectures on the subject of Gauge/Gravity Duality, and in the week of 21-26 July in Porto, where the Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics will take place under the theme of Selected Topics in Holography. For further details please see the website Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
The String Theory Universe workshop
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
EventThe String Theory Universe workshopLocation Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany September 22, 2014 - September 26, 2014 2nd COST MP1210 Meeting
and 20th European Workshop on String Theory
and Conference of the MITP program String Theory and its Applications
The conference is dedicated to all aspects of superstring, supergravity and supersymmetric theories.
Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
The String Theory Universe, 21st European string workshop
Leuven, Belgium
EventThe String Theory Universe, 21st European string workshopLocation Leuven, Belgium September 07, 2015 - September 11, 2015 The Leuven workshop on 'The String Theory Universe' will be the 21st European string workshop. It is organized in the context of the COST network with the same name.
The conference is dedicated to all aspects of superstring, supergravity and supersymmetric theories. The themes will cover topics related to
1) Gauge/Gravity Duality
2) String Phenomenology
3) Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Furthermore,
there will be time devoted to the issues of gender balance and outreach Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
String Phenomenology and Cosmology
GGI Florence, Italy
EventString Phenomenology and CosmologyLocation GGI Florence, Italy October 19, 2015 - October 30, 2015 Week 1: 19-23 October 2015 - School
Week 2: 26-30 October 2015 - Workshop.
The theme of this two-fold activity is to bring together string theorists, particle physicists and cosmologists, and to foster a dialog between theory and data. Speakers include on the one hand expert phenomenologists familiar with current and near-future experiments (ranging from colliders to satellite experiments), and on the other hand theorists, both model builders and more formal string theorists. Homepage website Working GroupsWG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
Holography and Dualities 2016: New Advances in String and Gauge Theory
Nordita Stockholm, Sweden
EventHolography and Dualities 2016: New Advances in String and Gauge TheoryLocation Nordita Stockholm, Sweden March 30, 2016 - April 22, 2016 The holographic duality has provided new insights into the physics of strongly-coupled systems by bridging together different subjects that before were thought to be completely unrelated, such as hydrodynamics and physics of black holes, string theory and strongly-coupled phenomena in condensed-matter physics, integrable systems and and non-perturbative behavior of gauge fields. Symmetries have played an important role in these developments and have led to development of new non-perturbative methods based for example on integrability, bootstrap and localization.
The aim of the program is to discuss new developments in dualities and holography, with focus on
- Gauge/string dualities
- Integrability
- Symmetries in string theory
- Supersymmetric localization
- Bootstrap methods
- Applications of holography in QCD and condensed-matter systems
Homepage website Working GroupsWG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
The String Theory Universe
University of Milano - Bicocca MIlano, Italy
EventThe String Theory UniverseLocation University of Milano - Bicocca MIlano, Italy February 20, 2017 - February 24, 2017 This is the final conference of the COST Action MP1210 The String Theory Universe. It will also continue the long-standing tradition of the annual European Workshop in String Theory and related topics, coinciding with the "XXII European Workshop on String Theory''. The scientific content will reflect the research activities of EU groups participating in the Action, which have been organized in Working Groups. Main subjects will cover gauge/gravity correspondence (fundaments and applications), string phenomenology and black holes, quantum gravity and quantum information. The Conference will provide an overview on the main recent developments in these subjects together with the main results, achievements and innovative mathematical tools that have been developed in the four-year duration of the Action. Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |