
Prof. Mike Fainzilber

Principal Investigator

The Chaya Professorial Chair in Molecular Neuroscience

Phone +972-8-934-4266

Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 405

  • Dr. Ida Rishal

    Senior Staff Scientist
    Phone +972-8-934-2990

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

    I joined Mike’s group in January 2006 as a postdoctoral fellow, and after completing my postdoc in 2010 stayed in the group as a staff scientist. My work is focused on one of the most fundamental questions in cell biology - cell size determination. The understanding of the mechanism by which neuronal cells might determine the length of their axons can open new horizons in neuronal regeneration after injury. We proposed a new mechanism for axon length sensing (Rishal et al., 2012, Cell Reports), and I am currently involved in a number of projects aimed at elucidating the molecular basis of this mechanism. My M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies were done in Tel-Aviv University at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine. I worked under the supervision of Prof. Nathan Dascal who helped me a lot in my development as a scientist. In my Ph.D. thesis I explored the mechanism of basal activity of GIRK channels. In my private life I’m married and have two smart boys. I like to spend free time with my family.

  • Dr. Nataliya Okladnikov

    Research Associate
    Phone +972-8-934-4474

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 412

  • Dr. Adam Zachary Briner

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Phone +972-8-934-4474

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

  • Dr. Kesava Phaneendra Cherukuri

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Phone +972-8-934-2794

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 180/412

  • Dr. Abeer Hassan

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Phone +972-8-934-2990

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

  • Dr. Eitan Erez Zahavi

    Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
    Phone +972-8-934-4265

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

  • Ofri Abraham

    PhD student
    Phone +972-8-934-4265

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 421

  • Philip Freund

    PhD student

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416A

    I am currently a 4th-year PhD student in Mike’s laboratory. I completed my undergraduate studies in 2019, at Lake Forest College, IL, USA, focused on molecular neuroscience and cell biology. I started my MSc studies at WIS in 2019, eventually joining Mike’s lab’ for the degree. During my MSc I primarily studied the anxiolytic effects of β-sitosterol in mice, and the paper regarding this project was published in 2021. Currently I am investigating the involvement of importin β1 in synaptic plasticity and memory, and the role of importin α5 in MeCP2 nuclear import, among other side-projects. My work is oriented towards integrating molecular and behavioral neuroscience approaches, studying problems bottom-up from the protein-transport level, and top-down by investigating intriguing behavioral phenotypes.

    In my spare time I like to hike and am an avid photographer.


  • Maher Salhab

    MSc student

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences

  • Dr. Dalia Gordon

    Phone +972-8-934-4474

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

  • Dr. Shlomi Mualem


    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences

  • Dr. Michael Tolmasov


    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 10

  • Sharon Afgin

    Lab Technician

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences

  • Vladislava Raich

    עובד מעבדה
    Phone +972-8-934-4474

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 412

  • Ori Turkian

    עובד מעבדה

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 418

  • Mark Nikolaenko

    Phone +972-8-934-4474

    Location Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences , room 416

  • Dr. Pierluigi Di Matteo

    PhD Student

    2017 - 2023

  • Dr. Agostina Di Pizio

    PhD Student

    2018 - 2023

  • Dr. Didi Andreas Song

    PhD student

    2017 - 2023

    Fascinated by the mechanisms of axon-soma communication in healthy and injured neurons, Andreas joined Mike`s lab in April 2017 to realize his long-standing interest in investigating the signaling components in nerve regeneration and growth. His work was focused on Importin beta1 interactors which are key signaling molecules in regenerative response to peripheral nerve injury. Recently he has moved to Vienna to take up a position in Merck company.

  • Dr. Ella Doron-Mandel

    PhD Student

    2012 - 2018

    Ella studied the role of nucleolin in sensory neuron growth and in cell size sensing. She moved on to a postdoc in the laboratories of Marko Jovanovic (Columbia) and Rob Singer (Albert Einstein) in New York in 2018.

  • Dr. Stefanie Alber

    PhD Student

    2012 - 2018

    Stef studied the role of an axonal RNA binding protein in sensory neuron growth and regeneration. She spent some additional time with us as a postdoc to complete her main paper, and then moved to Switzerland in early 2020.

  • Dr. Meir Rozenbaum

    M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies

    2008 - 2016

    Meir studied the roles of translational regulation in growth and regeneration of sensory neurons. He then moved to a postdoc at Tel Aviv University and Tel HaShomer Hospital.

  • Dr. Shachar Dagan


    2010 - 2015

    Shachar worked on the roles of transcription factors in neuronal retrograde injury signaling. He moved on to a postdoc with Chenghua Gu at Harvard Medical School in October 2015.

  • Dr. Dima Yudin


    2005 - 2011

    Dima characterized the role of the small Ran GTPase system in regulation of neuronal retrograde injury signaling. After a postdoc with Chris Henderson at the Motor Neuron Center of Columbia University (New York) he returned to Israel to a position in the biotech industry.

  • Dr. Keren Ben-Yaakov


    2005 - 2010

    Keren examined involvement of the STAT3 transcription factor in the retrograde injury signal complex. She then moved to a postdoc with Eran Perlson at Tel-Aviv University, and is now a research associate at Kaplan Hospital.

  • Dr. Liraz Harel


    2005 - 2010

    Liraz studied the role of CCM2 in TrkA-mediated cell death in pediatric tumors of neural origin. She then moved to a position in the biotech industry.

  • Dr. Anat Lavi-Itzkovitz


    2005 - 2009

    Anat worked on characterizing the nuclear and cytoplasmic roles of necdin – a growth suppressor that promotes neuronal differentiation. Her postdoctoral training was in Erel Levine's lab' at Harvard, and she then shifted fields to become a bioinformatics analyst.

  • Dr. Yael Segal-Ruder


    2004 - 2009

    Yael worked on identifying the transcriptional response to the retrograde injury signal using microarray-based approaches.

  • Dr. Shlomit Hanz


    2000 - 2005

    Shlomit discovered the central role of nuclear import factors in retrograde injury signaling in nerve axons. Her postdoctoral training was with Gabriel Corfas at Harvard Medical School.

  • Prof. Eran Perlson


    2000 - 2005

    Eran used proteomic approaches to identify axoplasmic proteins involved in retrograde injury signaling, and discovered a role for the intermediate filament vimentin in Erk transport in this system. He continued to a postdoc in Erika Holzbaur's group at the University of Pennsylvania during 2005-2010. Towards the end of 2010 he moved back to Israel to establish his own laboratory in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University.

  • Dr. Marianna Tcherpakov


    2000 - 2004

    Marianna's PhD thesis highlighted new MAGE family interactors for the p75 receptor. She moved on to a postdoc at the Burnham Institute (San Diego) in the autumn of 2004, and is now a biotech industry consultant in San Diego.

  • Dr. Hanna Jaaro-Peled


    2000 - 2004

    Hanna completed her PhD studies on different p75 ligands, during which she also developed a new yeast screen for membrane-targeted proteins. She then moved on to a postdoc with Akira Sawa at Johns Hopkins (2005-2009), and is currently an Instructor in the Hopkins Schizophrenia Center.

  • Dr. Gad Beck


    1998 - 2003

    Gadi's PhD thesis was on the trk family of neurotrophin receptors in invertebrates. He did a postdoc at the National Institute of Aging (NIH, Baltimore) between 2003-2006, and then returned to Israel to take a position in biotech’.

  • Dr. Nicolas Panayotis

    Postdoc & Senior Intern

    2012 - 2022

    Alumni link Lab Website

    Postdoc 2012-2017 and Senior Intern 2017-2022

    Nicolas’ work elucidated the role of importins nuclear transport factors in key neuronal functions and behavior in mice. He moved to Paris in 2023 to set-up is own laboratory at the Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences (SPPIN) of the CNRS.

  • Dr. Letizia Marvaldi


    2014 - 2021

    Letizia joined Mike's lab in 2014, focusing on the Importin alpha function in peripheral nervous system, working with Importin alpha KO mice. She discovered the role of Importin alfa-3 in the chronic pain pathway in peripheral sensory neurons by publishing her discovery in the journal Science. After that, she moved to the University of Turin, where she opened her laboratory.

  • Dr. Indrek Koppel


    2015 - 2020

    Indrek unveiled new aspects of size sensing and growth control mechanisms, and discovered a critical role of noncoding RNAs in neuronal regeneration. He moved to a faculty position at the Tallin Institute of Science and Technology in December 2020.

  • Dr. Marco Terenzio


    2012 - 2019

    Alumni link Lab website

    Marco discovered a critical role for mTOR mRNA localization in local translation regulation in axons. He moved to a faculty position at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in August 2019.

  • Dr. Sandip Koley


    2014 - 2018

    Sandip studied mechanisms of local translation regulation in axons. He moved to a second postdoc in the U.K., and from there to a senior research scientist position at Evotec (Oxford, U.K.), where he is working on drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Dr. Christin Albus


    2012 - 2016

    Christin studied protein-protein interactions in the axonal retrograde signaling complex, and initiated a still-ongoing project to understand the role(s) of alternative polyadenylation on growth and regeneration of sensory neurons. She moved to the U.K. in 2016.

  • Dr. Rotem Ben-Tov Perry

    Ph.D. , Postdoc & Senior Intern

    2007 - 2015

    Ph.D. 2007-2012, Postdoc and Senior Intern, 2012-2015.

    Rotem analyzed subcellular localization mechanisms for Importin beta1 mRNA. She generated a knockout mouse model of the 3'UTR, identified the specific localization motif, and characterized an RNA binding protein responsible for Importin beta1 axonal localization. She moved on to a staff scientist position in Igor Ulitsky's laboratory at WIS in November 2015.

  • Dr. Barbara Costa

    Postdoc & Visiting Scientist

    2007 - 2013

    Barbara studied cell death mechanisms downstream of the TrkA neurotrophin receptor and identified Stk25 as a catalytic effector for receptor tyrosine kinase death signaling. She then did a second postdoc with Prof. Peter Angel at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, before moving in 2019 to work at EIT Health, also in Heidelberg.

  • Prof. Shelly Tzlil

    Guest researcher

    2011 - 2012

    Shelly joined the group after a postdoc at Caltech, and then continued to a faculty position in the Technion. We continue to collaborate on the effects of mechanical stretch on neuronal growth and viability.

  • Dr. Marek Rajman


    2008 - 2011

    Marek's postdoctoral projects were focused on proteomics analyses of neuronal growth and injury responses. After a second postdoc in the Schratt group at the University of Marburg, he moved to a position in the pharma industry.

  • Dr. Na'aman Kam


    2007 - 2010

    Na’aman used in silico approaches to model length sensing mechanisms in injured and growing neurons. At the beginning of 2011 he moved on to a second postdoc with Mike Levine at UC Berkeley.

  • Prof. Izhak Michaelevski


    2004 - 2009

    Alumni link Lab website

    Izhak combined proteomics, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics approaches to characterize signaling to transcription networks in axonal injury, working in collaboration with Al Burlingame’s mass spectrometry facility at UCSF. He now heads his own laboratory at Ariel University.

  • Dr. Ofra Chen


    2006 - 2008

    Ofra’s project focused on identification of p75 interacting proteins. She then moved to a position in biotech.

  • Dr. Avi Rimler


    2003 - 2006

    Avi worked on regulation of neuronal signaling by the p75 receptor.

  • Prof. Francisca Bronfman


    2000 - 2003

    Alumni link Website

    Francisca (known to all as 'Kika') worked on signaling and internalization of the p75 neurotrophin receptor, utilizing fluorescence methodologies. She moved back home to Santiago, Chile in March 2003, where she is now a Full Professor at the Andres Bello University.

  • Prof. Silvestro Conticello


    1998 - 2002

    Alumni link Website

    Silvo's work with us was focused on evolutionary studies of hypervariable gene families. He then did a second postdoc with Michael Neuberger' at the LMB in Cambridge (U.K.), before moving back home to Italy to start his own group at the Istituto Tumori Toscano in Firenze.

  • Hadar Reisin-Tzur

    MSc Student

    2018 - 2019

    Hadar studied mechanisms of local translation. She then decided on a career change and shifted to Medical School. We look forward to clinical consults with Dr. Reisin-Tzur in the future!

  • Yarden Tzur

    MSc Student

    2018 - 2020

    Yarden studied the mechanisms of local translation. She then decided to change her profession and switched to industry. We wish her well in her career in the industry.

  • Zehava Levy


    1976 - 2014

    Zehava retired at the end of 2014 after over 38 years work at the Weizmann Institute. She was a member of the Fainzilber lab from it's inception. We miss her, and wish her all the best for a happy and healthy retirement.

  • Tal Gradus


    2006 - 2008

    Tal worked as a technician in the lab during the years 2006-2008. She then moved to a position in the glaucoma research laboratory at Tel-HaShomer Medical Center, and after that to Eran Perlson's laboratory in Tel-Aviv University.

  • Albina Lin


    2013 - 2017

    Albina worked as a technician in the lab during the years 2013-2017. She subsequently moved to the biotech industry.

  • Prof. Jeff Twiss

    Guest Researcher

    2022 - 2022

    Alumni link Website

    Sabbatical guest May-June 2022, South Carolina University

  • Prof. Wilma J. Friedman

    Guest Researcher

    2010 - 2011

    Alumni link Website

    Sabbatical guest 2010-2011, Rutgers University