Alber S., Di Matteo P., Zdradzinski M. D., Costa I. D., Medzihradszky K. F., Kawaguchi R., Di Pizio A., Freund P., Panayotis N., Marvaldi L., Doron-Mandel E., Okladnikov N., Rishal I., Nevo R., Coppola G., Joon Lee S., Sahoo P. K., Burlingame A. L., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
Science advances.
Polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1 (PTBP1) is thought to be expressed only at embryonic stages in central neurons. Its down-regulation triggers neuronal differentiation in precursor and non-neuronal cells, an approach recently tested for generation of neurons de novo for amelioration of neurodegenerative disorders. Moreover, PTBP1 is replaced by its paralog PTBP2 in mature central neurons. Unexpectedly, we found that both proteins are coexpressed in adult sensory and motor neurons, with PTBP2 restricted mainly to the nucleus, while PTBP1 also shows axonal localization. Levels of axonal PTBP1 increased markedly after peripheral nerve injury, and it associates in axons with mRNAs involved in injury responses and nerve regeneration, including importin β1 (KPNB1) and RHOA. Perturbation of PTBP1 affects local translation in axons, nociceptor neuron regeneration and both thermal and mechanical sensation. Thus, PTBP1 has functional roles in adult axons. Hence, caution is required before considering targeting of PTBP1 for therapeutic purposes.
Di Pizio A., Marvaldi L., Birling M., Okladnikov N., Dupuis L., Fainzilber M. & Rishal I.
Journal of Cell Science.
Size homeostasis is a fundamental process in biology and is particularly important for large cells such as neurons. We previously proposed a motor-dependent length-sensing mechanism wherein reductions in microtubule motor levels would be expected to accelerate neuronal growth, and validated this prediction in dynein heavy chain 1 Loa mutant (Dync1h1Loa) sensory neurons. Here, we describe a new mouse model with a conditional deletion allele of exons 24 and 25 in Dync1h1. Homozygous Islet1-Cre-mediated deletion of Dync1h1 (Isl1-Dync1h1−/−), which deletes protein from the motor and sensory neurons, is embryonic lethal, but heterozygous animals (Isl1-Dync1h1+/−) survive to adulthood with ∼50% dynein expression in targeted cells. Isl1-Dync1h1+/− sensory neurons reveal accelerated growth, as previously reported in Dync1h1Loa neurons. Moreover, Isl1-Dync1h1+/− mice show mild impairments in gait, proprioception and tactile sensation, similar to what is seen in Dync1h1Loa mice, confirming that specific aspects of the Loa phenotype are due to reduced dynein levels. Isl1-Dync1h1+/− mice also show delayed recovery from peripheral nerve injury, likely due to reduced injury signal delivery from axonal lesion sites. Thus, conditional deletion of Dync1h1 exons 24 and 25 enables targeted studies of the role of dynein in neuronal growth.
Abraham O. & Fainzilber M.
Neural Regeneration Research.
p. 2664-2665
Neurons are highly polarized cells with axons that innervate distant targets. The distance of subcellular compartments from the nucleus requires sophisticated transport mechanisms and local action of vital processes for proper function and rapid responses to local stimuli (Terenzio et al., 2017). This is partially achieved by transport of mRNAs to subcellular locations and regulation of local translation for axonal growth, branching, synaptic plasticity, and regeneration, among other needs. Axonally synthesized proteins support neuronal survival, and axonal development, maintenance, and growth (Rishal and Fainzilber, 2014; Dalla Costa et al., 2021). Thus, understanding the mechanisms that promote RNA transport to subcellular locations in neurons will contribute to the development of novel strategies to enhance axon regeneration and survival.
Song D., Alber S., Doron-Mandel E., Schmid V., Albus C. A., Leitner O., Hamawi H., Oses-Prieto J. A., Dezorella N., Burlingame A. L., Fainzilber M. & Rishal I.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
Importin β1 (KPNB1) is a nucleocytoplasmic transport factor with critical roles in both cytoplasmic and nucleocytoplasmic transport, hence there is keen interest in the characterization of its subcellular interactomes. We found limited efficiency of BioID in detection of importin complex cargos, and therefore generated a highly specific and sensitive anti-KPNB1 monoclonal antibody to enable Biotinylation by Antibody Recognition (BAR) analysis of importin β1 interactomes. The monoclonal antibody recognizes an epitope comprising residues 301-320 of human KPBN1, and strikingly is highly specific for cytoplasmic KPNB1 in diverse applications, with little reaction with KPNB1 in the nucleus. BAR with this novel antibody revealed numerous new interactors of importin β1, expanding the KPNB1 interactome to cytoplasmic and signaling complexes that highlight potential new functions for the importins complex beyond nucleocytoplasmic transport. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD032728.
Doron E., Koppel I., Abraham O., Rishal I., Smith T. P., Buchanan C. N., Sahoo P. K., Kadlec J., Oses-Prieto J. A., Kawaguchi R., Alber S., Zahavi E. E., Di Matteo P., Di Pizio A., Song D. A., Okladnikova N., Gordon D., Ben-Dor S., Haffner-Krausz R., Coppola G., Burlingame A. L., Jungwirth P., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
EMBO Journal.
Nucleolin is a multifunctional RNA Binding Protein (RBP) with diverse subcellular localizations, including the nucleolus in all eukaryotic cells, the plasma membrane in tumor cells, and the axon in neurons. Here we show that the glycine arginine rich (GAR) domain of nucleolin drives subcellular localization via protein-protein interactions with a kinesin light chain. In addition, GAR sequences mediate plasma membrane interactions of nucleolin. Both these modalities are in addition to the already reported involvement of the GAR domain in liquid-liquid phase separation in the nucleolus. Nucleolin transport to axons requires the GAR domain, and heterozygous GAR deletion mice reveal reduced axonal localization of nucleolin cargo mRNAs and enhanced sensory neuron growth. Thus, the GAR domain governs axonal transport of a growth controlling RNA-RBP complex in neurons, and is a versatile localization determinant for different subcellular compartments. Localization determination by GAR domains may explain why GAR mutants in diverse RBPs are associated with neurodegenerative disease.
Panayotis N., Freund P. A., Marvaldi L., Shalit T., Brandis A., Mehlman T., Tsoory M. M. & Fainzilber M.
Cell Reports Medicine.
Anxiety and stress-related conditions represent a significant health burden in modern society. Unfortunately, most anxiolytic drugs are prone to side effects, limiting their long-term usage. Here, we employ a bioinformatics screen to identify drugs for repurposing as anxiolytics. Comparison of drug-induced gene-expression profiles with the hippocampal transcriptome of an importin α5 mutant mouse model with reduced anxiety identifies the hypocholesterolemic agent β-sitosterol as a promising candidate. β-sitosterol activity is validated by both intraperitoneal and oral application in mice, revealing it as the only clear anxiolytic from five closely related phytosterols. β-sitosterol injection reduces the effects of restraint stress, contextual fear memory, and c-Fos activation in the prefrontal cortex and dentate gyrus. Moreover, synergistic anxiolysis is observed when combining sub-efficacious doses of β-sitosterol with the SSRI fluoxetine. These preclinical findings support further development of β-sitosterol, either as a standalone anxiolytic or in combination with low-dose SSRIs.
Sahoo P. K., Kar A. N., Samra N., Terenzio M., Patel P., Lee S. J., Miller S., Thames E., Jones B., Kawaguchi R., Coppola G., Fainzilber M. & Twiss J. L.
Current Biology.
p. 4882-4895
The main limitation on axon regeneration in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the slow rate of regrowth. We recently reported that nerve regeneration can be accelerated by axonal G3BP1 granule disassembly, releasing axonal mRNAs for local translation to support axon growth. Here, we show that G3BP1 phosphorylation by casein kinase 2α (CK2α) triggers G3BP1 granule disassembly in injured axons. CK2α activity is temporally and spatially regulated by local translation of Csnk2a1 mRNA in axons after injury, but this requires local translation of mTor mRNA and buffering of the elevated axonal Ca2+ that occurs after axotomy. CK2αs appearance in axons after PNS nerve injury correlates with disassembly of axonal G3BP1 granules as well as increased phospho-G3BP1 and axon growth, although depletion of Csnk2a1 mRNA from PNS axons decreases regeneration and increases G3BP1 granules. Phosphomimetic G3BP1 shows remarkably decreased RNA binding in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons compared with wild-type and non-phosphorylatable G3BP1; combined with other studies, this suggests that CK2α-dependent G3BP1 phosphorylation on Ser 149 after axotomy releases axonal mRNAs for translation. Translation of axonal mRNAs encoding some injury-associated proteins is known to be increased with Ca2+ elevations, and using a dual fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) reporter assay for axonal translation, we see that translational specificity switches from injury-associated protein mRNA translation to CK2α translation with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ release versus cytoplasmic Ca2+ chelation. Our results point to axoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations as a determinant for the temporal specificity of sequential translational activation of different axonal mRNAs as severed axons transition from injury to regenerative growth.
Marvaldi L., Panayotis N., Alber S., Dagan S. Y., Okladnikov N., Koppel I., Di Pizio A., Song D., Tzur Y., Terenzio M., Rishal I., Gordon D., Rother F., Hartmann E., Bader M. & Fainzilber M.
p. 842-846
How is neuropathic pain regulated in peripheral sensory neurons? Importins are key regulators of nucleocytoplasmic transport. In this study, we found that importin a3 (also known as karyopherin subunit alpha 4) can control pain responsiveness in peripheral sensory neurons in mice. Importin a3 knockout or sensory neuron-specific knockdown in mice reduced responsiveness to diverse noxious stimuli and increased tolerance to neuropathic pain. Importin a3-bound c-Fos and importin a3-deficient neurons were impaired in c-Fos nuclear import. Knockdown or dominant-negative inhibition of c-Fos or c-Jun in sensory neurons reduced neuropathic pain. In silico screens identified drugs that mimic importin a3 deficiency. These drugs attenuated neuropathic pain and reduced c-Fos nuclear localization. Thus, perturbing c-Fos nuclear import by importin a3 in peripheral neurons can promote analgesia.
Terenzio M., Di Pizio A., Rishal I., Marvaldi L., Di Matteo P., Kawaguchi R., Coppola G., Schiavo G., Fisher E. M. C. & Fainzilber M.
Neurobiology of Disease.
The cytoplasmic dynein motor complex transports essential signals and organelles from the cell periphery to the perinuclear region, hence is critical for the survival and function of highly polarized cells such as neurons. Dynein Light Chain Roadblock-Type 1 (DYNLRB1) is thought to be an accessory subunit required for specific cargos, but here we show that it is essential for general dynein-mediated transport and sensory neuron survival. Homozygous Dynlrb1 null mice are not viable and die during early embryonic development. Furthermore, heterozygous or adult knockdown animals display reduced neuronal growth, and selective depletion of Dynlrb1 in proprioceptive neurons compromises their survival. Conditional depletion of Dynlrb1 in sensory neurons causes deficits in several signaling pathways, including β-catenin subcellular localization, and a severe impairment in the axonal transport of both lysosomes and retrograde signaling endosomes. Hence, DYNLRB1 is an essential component of the dynein complex, and given dynein's critical functions in neuronal physiology, DYNLRB1 could have a prominent role in the etiology of human neurodegenerative diseases.
Panayotis N. & Fainzilber M.
p. 507-509
In this issue of Neuron, Crerar et al. (2019) found Tp53inp2 as a highly expressed RNA in sympathetic neuron axons. Strikingly, its long 3 UTR ensures that Tp53inp2 is not translated in axons, and the untranslated RNA affects neuronal growth by interacting with neurotrophin receptors.
Rishal I. & Fainzilber M.
BMC Biology.
Individual cell types have characteristic sizes, suggesting that size sensing mechanisms may coordinate transcription, translation, and metabolism with cell growth rates. Two types of size-sensing mechanisms have been proposed: spatial sensing of the location or dimensions of a signal, subcellular structure or organelle; or titration-based sensing of the intracellular concentrations of key regulators. Here we propose that size sensing in animal cells combines both titration and spatial sensing elements in a dynamic mechanism whereby microtubule motor-dependent localization of RNA encoding importin β1 and mTOR, coupled with regulated local protein synthesis, enable cytoskeleton length sensing for cell growth regulation.
Koley S., Rozenbaum M., Fainzilber M. & Terenzio M.
Neuroscience Research.
p. 26-36
Neurons convey signals over long distances, for example motor neurons and sensory neurons project axons up to a meter long in humans. To this end, a sophisticated network of long-range signaling mechanisms enables communication between neuronal processes and somata. These mechanisms are activated during axonal injury and have essential roles both for sensing the injury and regulating subsequent regeneration. Here we survey the role of one such mechanism, axonal translation, which contributes to both retrograde injury signaling and as a source of proteins for regenerating axons. The nature of the axonal synthesis machinery has become progressively clearer over the past decade. A large number of axonally localized mRNAs have been identified, which cover a wide spectrum of protein families; and axonal ribosomes have been detected, even though their origin is still subject to debate. Various kinase pathways, most prominently mTOR, have been implicated in driving local translation in axons. Finally, new technologies are becoming available to visualize axonal translation and enable proteomic analyses. These technological improvements offer new avenues towards comprehensive characterization of the axonal translational machinery.
Panayotis N., Sheinin A., Dagan S. Y., Tsoory M. M., Rother F., Vadhvani M., Meshcheriakova A., Koley S., Marvaldi L., Song D., Reuveny E., Eickholt B. J., Hartmann E., Bader M., Michaelevski I. & Fainzilber M.
Cell Reports.
p. 3169-3179.e7
Importins mediate transport from synapse to soma and from cytoplasm to nucleus, suggesting that perturbation of importin-dependent pathways should have significant neuronal consequences. A behavioral screen on five importin α knockout lines revealed that reduced expression of importin α5 (KPNA1) in hippocampal neurons specifically decreases anxiety in mice. Re-expression of importin α5 in ventral hippocampus of knockout animals increased anxiety behaviors to wild-type levels. Hippocampal neurons lacking importin α5 reveal changes in presynaptic plasticity and modified expression of MeCP2-regulated genes, including sphingosine kinase 1 (Sphk1). Knockout of importin α5, but not importin α3 or α4, reduces MeCP2 nuclear localization in hippocampal neurons. A Sphk1 blocker reverses anxiolysis in the importin α5 knockout mouse, while pharmacological activation of sphingosine signaling has robust anxiolytic effects in wild-type animals. Thus, importin α5 influences sphingosine-sensitive anxiety pathways by regulating MeCP2 nuclear import in hippocampal neurons. Panayotis et al. found decreased anxiety in importin α5 knockout mice. They report that importin α5 influences sphingosine-sensitive anxiety pathways by regulating MeCP2 nuclear import in hippocampal neurons.
Koppel I. & Fainzilber M.
Molecular Omics.
p. 380-388
Compartmentalized translation allows rapid synthesis of proteins in targeted cellular locations. Microarray and RNA sequencing combined with physical subcellular separation methods have enabled extensive charting of subcellular transcriptomes. However, the extent of translating these local messages into protein remains relatively understudied at the genome-wide level. Here we review omics methods currently available for these studies, placing special attention on methods allowing cell-specific and subcellularly restricted analysis.
Lee S. J., Oses-Prieto J. A., Kawaguchi R., Sahoo P. K., Kar A. N., Rozenbaum M., Oliver D., Chand S., Ji H., Shtutman M., Miller-Randolph S., Taylor R. J., Fainzilber M., Coppola G., Burlingame A. L. & Twiss J. L.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
p. 2091-2106
mRNA translation in axons enables neurons to introduce new proteins at sites distant from their cell body. mRNAprotein interactions drive this post-transcriptional regulation, yet knowledge of RNA binding proteins (RBP) in axons is limited. Here we used proteomics to identify RBPs interacting with the axonal localizing motifs of Nrn1, Hmgb1, Actb, and Gap43 mRNAs, revealing many novel RBPs in axons. Interestingly, no RBP is shared between all four RNA motifs, suggesting graded and overlapping specificities of RBP-mRNA pairings. A systematic assessment of axonal mRNAs interacting with hnRNP H1, hnRNP F, and hnRNP K, proteins that bound with high specificity to Nrn1 and Hmgb1, revealed that axonal mRNAs segregate into axon growth-associated RNA regulons based on hnRNP interactions. Axotomy increases axonal transport of hnRNPs H1, F, and K, depletion of these hnRNPs decreases axon growth and reduces axonal mRNA levels and axonal protein synthesis. Thus, subcellular hnRNPinteracting RNA regulons support neuronal growth and regeneration.
Sahoo P. K., Lee S. J., Jaiswal P. B., Alber S., Kar A. N., Miller-Randolph S., Taylor E. E., Smith T., Singh B., Ho T. S., Urisman A., Chand S., Pena E. A., Burlingame A. L., Woolf C. J., Fainzilber M., English A. W. & Twiss J. L.
Nature Communications.
Critical functions of intra-axonally synthesized proteins are thought to depend on regulated recruitment of mRNA from storage depots in axons. Here we show that axotomy of mammalian neurons induces translation of stored axonal mRNAs via regulation of the stress granule protein G3BP1, to support regeneration of peripheral nerves. G3BP1 aggregates within peripheral nerve axons in stress granule-like structures that decrease during regeneration, with a commensurate increase in phosphorylated G3BP1. Colocalization of G3BP1 with axonal mRNAs is also correlated with the growth state of the neuron. Disrupting G3BP functions by overexpressing a dominant-negative protein activates intra-axonal mRNA translation, increases axon growth in cultured neurons, disassembles axonal stress granule-like structures, and accelerates rat nerve regeneration in vivo.
Rozenbaum M., Rajman M., Rishal I., Koppel I., Koley S., Medzihradszky K. F., Oses-Prieto J. A., Kawaguchi R., Amieux P. S., Burlingame A. L., Coppola G. & Fainzilber M.
Transcriptional events leading to outgrowth of neuronal axons have been intensively studied, but the role of translational regulation in this process is not well understood. Here, we use translatome analyses by ribosome pull-down and protein synthesis characterization by metabolic isotopic labeling to study nerve injury and axon outgrowth proteomes in rodent dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and sensory neurons. We identify over 1600 gene products that are primarily translationally regulated in DRG neurons after nerve injury, many of which contain a 5' UTR cytosine-enriched regulator of translation (CERT) motif, implicating the translation initiation factor Eif4e in the injury response. We further identified approximately 200 proteins that undergo robust de novo synthesis in the initial stages of axon growth. ApoE is one of the highly synthesized proteins in neurons, and its receptor binding inhibition or knockout affects axon outgrowth. These findings provide a resource for future analyses of the role of translational regulation in neuronal injury responses and axon extension.
Terenzio M., Koley S., Samra N., Rishal I., Zhao Q., Sahoo P. K., Urisman A., Marvaldi L., Oses-Prieto J. A., Forester C., Gomes C., Kalinski A. L., Di Pizio A., Doron-Mandel E., Perry R. B., Koppel I., Twiss J. L., Burlingame A. L. & Fainzilber M.
p. 1416-1421
How is protein synthesis initiated locally in neurons? We found that mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) was activated and then up-regulated in injured axons, owing to local translation of mTOR messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA was transported into axons by the cell size-regulating RNA-binding protein nucleolin. Furthermore, mTOR controlled local translation in injured axons. This included regulation of its own translation and that of retrograde injury signaling molecules such as importin b1 and STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3). Deletion of the mTOR 3 untranslated region (3UTR) in mice reduced mTOR in axons and decreased local translation after nerve injury. Both pharmacological inhibition of mTOR in axons and deletion of the mTOR 3UTR decreased proprioceptive neuronal survival after nerve injury. Thus, mRNA localization enables spatiotemporal control of mTOR pathways regulating local translation and long-range intracellular signaling.
Hervera A., De Virgiliis F., Palmisano I., Zhou L., Tantardini E., Kong G., Hutson T., Danzi M. C., Perry R. B., Santos C. X. C., Kapustin A. N., Fleck R. A., Antonio Del Rio J., Carroll T., Lemmon V., Bixby J. L., Shah A. M., Fainzilber M. & Di Giovanni S.
Nature Cell Biology.
p. 307-319
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to tissue damage and remodelling mediated by the inflammatory response after injury. Here we show that ROS, which promote axonal dieback and degeneration after injury, are also required for axonal regeneration and functional recovery after spinal injury. We find that ROS production in the injured sciatic nerve and dorsal root ganglia requires CX3CR1-dependent recruitment of inflammatory cells. Next, exosomes containing functional NADPH oxidase 2 complexes are released from macrophages and incorporated into injured axons via endocytosis. Once in axonal endosomes, active NOX2 is retrogradely transported to the cell body through an importin-β1-dynein-dependent mechanism. Endosomal NOX2 oxidizes PTEN, which leads to its inactivation, thus stimulating PI3K-phosporylated (p-)Akt signalling and regenerative outgrowth. Challenging the view that ROS are exclusively involved in nerve degeneration, we propose a previously unrecognized role of ROS in mammalian axonal regeneration through a NOX2-PI3K-p-Akt signalling pathway.Publisher correction: In the version of this Article originally
published, the affiliations for Roland A. Fleck and José Antonio Del Río were
incorrect due to a technical error that resulted in affiliations 8 and 9 being
switched. The correct affiliations are: Roland A. Fleck: 8Centre
for Ultrastructural Imaging, Kings College London, London, UK. José Antonio Del
Río: 2Cellular and Molecular Neurobiotechnology, Institute for
Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; 9Department of
Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 10Centro de Investigación
Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED), Barcelona,
Spain. This has now been amended in all online versions of the Article.
Terenzio M., Koley S., Fisher E. M. & Fainzilber M.
: Dynein Mechanics, Dysfunction, and Disease: Second Edition
Vol. 2.
p. 234-261
Dynein motors are large multisubunit protein complexes divided into two major classes, axonemal dyneins and cytoplasmic dyneins. Cytoplasmic dynein is at the center of several essential functions in eukaryotic cells including cell migration, cell division, maintenance of Golgi integrity, and intracellular transport. The latter role is particularly important in highly polarized and large cells such as neurons. Work on mouse genetic models has greatly contributed to understanding the physiological functions of cytoplasmic dynein in the nervous system. Mouse dynein mutants typically reveal nervous system deficits, particularly in sensory and motor neurons, and several DYNC1H1 mutations have been described in association with developmental and neurodegenerative disorders in human patients. Mutant alleles have already been generated for most of the genes encoding dynein subunits, providing a rich resource for future studies. This chapter reviews the genetic approaches for generating mouse models of cytoplasmic dynein and summarizes how published models have contributed to our understanding of this molecular motor and its critical roles.
Terenzio M., Schiavo G. & Fainzilber M.
p. 667-679
Neurons are the largest known cells, with complex and highly polarized morphologies. As such, neuronal signaling is highly compartmentalized, requiring sophisticated transfer mechanisms to convey and integrate information within and between sub-neuronal compartments. Here, we survey different modes of compartmentalized signaling in neurons, highlighting examples wherein the fundamental cell biological processes of protein synthesis and degradation, membrane trafficking, and organelle transport are employed to enable the encoding and integration of information, locally and globally within a neuron. Comparisons to other cell types indicate that neurons accentuate widely shared mechanisms, providing invaluable models for the compartmentalization and transfer mechanisms required and used by most eukaryotic cells. Terenzio et al. survey the influence of neuronal size and polarization on compartmentalized signaling, highlighting roles for protein synthesis and degradation, membrane trafficking, and organelle transport. Neuronal mechanisms provide invaluable models for studying the cell biology of signaling in diverse cell types.
Dagan S. Y., Tsoory M. M., Fainzilber M. & Panayotis N.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
p. 9-16
BACKGROUND: Behavioral analyses in rodents have successfully delineated the function of many genes and signaling pathways in the brain. Behavioral testing uses highly defined experimental conditions to identify abnormalities in a given mouse strain or genotype. The open field (OF) is widely used to assess both locomotion and anxiety in rodents. In this test, the more a mouse explores and spend time in the center of the arena, the less anxious it is considered to be. However, the simplistic distinction between center and border substantially reduces the information content of the analysis and may fail to detect biologically meaningful differences.NEW METHOD: Here we describe COLORcation, a new application for improved analyses of mouse behavior in the OF.RESULTS: The application analyses animal exploration patterns in detailed spatial resolution (e.g. 10*10 bins) to provide a color-encoded heat map of mouse activity. In addition, COLORcation provides new parameters to track activity and locomotion of the test animals. We demonstrate the use of COLORcation in different experimental paradigms, including pharmacological and restraint-based induction of stress and anxiety.COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHOD(S): COLORcation is compatible with multiple acquisition systems, giving users the option to make the most of their raw data organized text files containing time and coordinates of animal locations as input.CONCLUSION: These analyses validate the utility of the software and establish its reliability and potential as a new tool to analyze OF data.
Perry R. B., Rishal I., Doron-Mandel E., Kalinski A. L., Medzihradszky K. F., Terenzio M., Alber S., Koley S., Lin A., Rozenbaum M., Yudin D., Sahoo P. K., Gomes C., Shinder V., Geraisy W., Huebner E. A., Woolf C. J., Yaron A., Burlingame A. L., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
Cell Reports.
p. 1664-1676
How can cells sense their own size to coordinate biosynthesis and metabolism with their growth needs? We recently proposed a motor-dependent bidirectional transport mechanism for axon length and cell size sensing, but the nature of the motor-transported size signals remained elusive. Here, we show that motor-dependent mRNA localization regulates neuronal growth and cycling cell size. We found that the RNA-binding protein nucleolin is associated with importin beta1 mRNA in axons. Perturbation of nucleolin association with kinesins reduces its levels in axons, with a concomitant reduction in axonal importin beta1 mRNA and protein levels. Strikingly, subcellular sequestration of nucleolin or importin beta1 enhances axonal growth and causes a subcellular shift in protein synthesis. Similar findings were obtained in fibroblasts. Thus, subcellular mRNA localization regulates size and growth in both neurons and cycling cells.
Pablo Lezana L. J., Dagan S. Y., Robinson A., Goldstein R. S., Fainzilber M., Bronfman F. C. & Bronfman M.
Developmental Neurobiology.
p. 688-701
PPAR is a ligand-activated nuclear receptor best known for its involvement in adipogenesis and glucose homeostasis. PPAR activity has also been associated with neuroprotection in different neurological disorders, but the mechanisms involved in PPAR effects in the nervous system are still unknown. Here we describe a new functional role for PPAR in neuronal responses to injury. We found both PPAR transcripts and protein within sensory axons and observed an increase in PPAR protein levels after sciatic nerve crush. This was correlated with increased retrograde transport of PPAR after injury, increased association of PPAR with the molecular motor dynein, and increased nuclear accumulation of PPAR in cell bodies of sensory neurons. Furthermore, PPAR antagonists attenuated the response of sensory neurons to sciatic nerve injury, and inhibited axonal growth of both sensory and cortical neurons in culture. Thus, axonal PPAR is involved in neuronal injury responses required for axonal regeneration. Since PPAR is a major molecular target of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of drugs used in the treatment of type II diabetes, several pharmaceutical agents with acceptable safety profiles in humans are available. Our findings provide motivation and rationale for the evaluation of such agents for efficacy in central and peripheral nerve injuries.
Chandran V., Coppola G., Nawabi H., Omura T., Versano R., Huebner E. A., Zhang A., Costigan M., Yekkirala A., Barrett L., Blesch A., Michaelevski I., Davis-Turak J., Gao F., Langfelder P., Horvath S., He Z., Benowitz L., Fainzilber M., Tuszynski M., Woolf C. J. & Geschwind D. H.
p. 956-970
The regenerative capacity of the injured CNS in adult mammals is severely limited, yet axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) regrow, albeit to a limited extent, after injury. We reasoned that coordinate regulation of gene expression in injured neurons involving multiple pathways was central to PNS regenerative capacity. To provide a framework for revealing pathways involved in PNS axon regrowth after injury, we applied a comprehensive systems biology approach, starting with gene expression profiling of dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) combined with multi-level bioinformatic analyses and experimental validation of network predictions. We used this rubric to identify a drug that accelerates DRG neurite outgrowth in vitro and optic nerve outgrowth in vivo by inducing elements of the identified network. The work provides a functional genomics foundation for understanding neural repair and proof of the power of such approaches in tackling complex problems in nervous system biology.
Doron-Mandel E., Alber S., Oses J. A., Medzihradszky K. F., Burlingame A. L., Fainzilber M., Twiss J. L. & Lee S. J.
The Neuronal Cytoskeleton, Motor Proteins, and Organelle Trafficking in the Axon
Pfister K. K.(eds.).
p. 467-486
Cytoskeleton-dependent RNA transport and local translation in axons are gaining increased attention as key processes in the maintenance and functioning of neurons. Specific axonal transcripts have been found to play roles in many aspects of axonal physiology including axon guidance, axon survival, axon to soma communication, injury response and regeneration. This axonal transcriptome requires long-range transport that is achieved by motor proteins carrying transcripts as messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) complexes along microtubules. Other than transport, the mRNP complex plays a major role in the generation, maintenance, and regulation of the axonal transcriptome. Identification of axonal RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and analyses of the dynamics of their mRNPs are of high interest to the field. Here, we describe methods for the study of interactions between RNA and proteins in axons. First, we describe a protocol for identifying binding proteins for an RNA of interest by using RNA affinity chromatography. Subsequently, we discuss immunoprecipitation (IP) methods allowing the dissection of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions in mRNPs under various physiological conditions.
Doron-Mandel E., Fainzilber M. & Terenzio M.
FEBS Letters.
p. 1669-1677
Neurons grow during development and extend long axons to make contact with their targets with the help of an intrinsic program of axonal growth as well as a range of extrinsic cues and a permissive milieu. Injury events in adulthood induce some neuron types to revert to a regenerative state in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Neurons from the central nervous system (CNS), however, reveal a much lower capacity for regenerative growth. A number of intrinsic regeneration-promoting mechanisms have been described, including priming by calcium waves, epigenetic modifications, local mRNA translation, and dynein-driven retrograde transport of transcription factors (TFs) or signaling complexes that lead to TF activation and nuclear translocation. Differences in the availability or recruitment of these mechanisms may partially explain the limited response of CNS neurons to injury.
Panayotis N., Karpova A., Kreutz M. R. & Fainzilber M.
Trends in Neurosciences.
p. 108-116
Local signaling events at synapses or axon terminals must be communicated to the nucleus to elicit transcriptional responses. The lengths of neuronal processes pose a significant challenge for such intracellular communication. This challenge is met by mechanisms ranging from rapid signals encoded in calcium waves to slower macromolecular signaling complexes carried by molecular motors. Here we summarize recent findings on macromolecular signaling from the synapse to the nucleus, in comparison to those employed in injury signaling along axons. A number of common themes emerge, including combinatorial signal encoding by post-translational mechanisms such as differential phosphorylation and proteolysis, and conserved roles for importins in coordinating signaling complexes. Neurons may integrate ionic flux with motor-transported signals as a temporal code for synaptic plasticity signaling.
Perry R. B. & Fainzilber M.
Developmental Neurobiology.
p. 210-217
Intracellular trafficking and localization of mRNA is a fundamental feature of living cells, suggesting that localized mRNA translation should enable subcellular regulation of the proteome. Such localized regulation may be of particular importance in highly polarized cells such as neurons, where the requirement for a specific protein can be at a site far distant from the nucleus. Although dendritic and synaptic protein syntheses are well-established phenomena, the apparent paucity of ribosomes in early studies on mature vertebrate axons generated significant skepticism regarding the possibility of protein synthesis within axons. Here, we summarize recent findings in genetically engineered mouse models that support a role for local translation in axonal expression of β-actin and importin β1 in injured adult sensory neurons in vivo. These definitive confirmations of mammalian axonal protein synthesis in both transgenic and subcellular knockout models should direct further attention to the diverse roles suggested for local protein synthesis in axonal physiology.
Rishal I. & Fainzilber M.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
p. 32-42
The extensive lengths of neuronal processes necessitate efficient mechanisms for communication with the cell body. Neuronal regeneration after nerve injury requires new transcription; thus, long-distance retrograde signalling from axonal lesion sites to the soma and nucleus is required. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in elucidating the mechanistic basis of this system. This has included the discovery of a priming role for early calcium waves; confirmation of central roles for mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling effectors, the importin family of nucleocytoplasmic transport factors and molecular motors such as dynein; and demonstration of the importance of local translation as a key regulatory mechanism. These recent findings provide a coherent mechanistic framework for axon-soma communication in the injured nerve and shed light on the integration of cytoplasmic and nuclear transport in all eukaryotic cells.
Albus C. A., Rishal I. & Fainzilber M.
Trends in Cell Biology.
p. 305-310
Neurons exhibit great size differences, and must coordinate biosynthesis rates in cell bodies with the growth needs of different lengths of axons. Classically, axon growth has been viewed mainly as a consequence of extrinsic influences. However, recent publications have proposed at least two different intrinsic axon growth-control mechanisms. We suggest that these mechanisms form part of a continuum of axon growth-control mechanisms, wherein initial growth rates are pre-programmed by transcription factor levels, and subsequent elongating growth is dependent on feedback from intrinsic length-sensing enabled by bidirectional motor-dependent oscillating signals. This model might explain intrinsic limits on elongating neuronal growth and provides a mechanistic framework for determining the connections between genome expression and cellular growth rates in neurons.
Rishal I., Golani O., Rajman M., Costa B., Ben Yaakov Y. K., Schoenmann Z., Yaron A., Basri R., Fainzilber M. & Galun M.
Developmental Neurobiology.
p. 247-256
Automated analyses of neuronal morphology are important for quantifying connectivity and circuitry in vivo, as well as in high content imaging of primary neuron cultures. The currently available tools for quantification of neuronal morphology either are highly expensive commercial packages or cannot provide automated image quantifications at single cell resolution. Here, we describe a new software package called WIS-NeuroMath, which fills this gap and provides solutions for automated measurement of neuronal processes in both in vivo and in vitro preparations. Diverse image types can be analyzed without any preprocessing, enabling automated and accurate detection of neurites followed by their quantification in a number of application modules. A cell morphology module detects cell bodies and attached neurites, providing information on neurite length, number of branches, cell body area, and other parameters for each cell. A neurite length module provides a solution for images lacking cell bodies, such as tissue sections. Finally, a ganglion explant module quantifies outgrowth by identifying neurites at different distances from the ganglion. Quantification of a diverse series of preparations with WIS-NeuroMath provided data that were well matched with parallel analyses of the same preparations in established software packages such as MetaXpress or NeuronJ. The capabilities of WIS-NeuroMath are demonstrated in a range of applications, including in dissociated and explant cultures and histological analyses on thin and whole-mount sections. WIS-NeuroMath is freely available to academic users, providing a versatile and cost-effective range of solutions for quantifying neurite growth, branching, regeneration, or degeneration under different experimental paradigms.
Costa B., Kean M. J., Ast V., Knight J. D. R., Mett A., Levy Z., Ceccarelli D. F., Badillo B. G., Eils R., Koenig R., Gingras A. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 29285-29289
The TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase induces death in medullo-blastoma cells via an interaction with the cerebral cavernous malformation 2 (CCM2) protein.Weused affinity proteomics to identify the germinal center kinase class III (GCKIII) kinases STK24 and STK25 as novel CCM2 interactors. Down-modulation of STK25, but not STK24, rescued medulloblastoma cells from NGF-induced TrkA-dependent cell death, suggesting that STK25 is part of the death-signaling pathway initiated by TrkA and CCM2. CCM2 can be phosphorylated by STK25, and the kinase activity of STK25 is required for death signaling. Finally, STK25 expression in tumors is correlated with positive prognosis in neuroblastoma patients. These findings delineate a death-signaling pathway downstream of neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinases that may provide targets for therapeutic intervention in pediatric tumors of neural origin.
Perry R. B. T., Doron-Mandel E., Iavnilovitch E., Rishal I., Dagan S. Y., Tsoory M., Coppola G., McDonald M. K., Gomes C., Geschwind D. H., Twiss J. L., Yaron A. & Fainzilber M.
p. 294-305
Subcellular localization of mRNA enables compartmentalized regulation within large cells. Neurons are the longest known cells; however, so far, evidence is lacking for an essential role of endogenous mRNA localization in axons. Localized upregulation of Importin β1 in lesioned axons coordinates a retrograde injury-signaling complex transported to the neuronal cell body. Here we show that a long 3@ untranslated region (3@ UTR) directs axonal localization of Importin β1. Conditional targeting of this 3@ UTR region in mice causes subcellular loss of Importin β1 mRNA and protein in axons, without affecting cell body levels or nuclear functions in sensory neurons. Strikingly, axonal knockout of Importin β1 attenuates cell body transcriptional responses to nerve injury and delays functional recovery in vivo. Thus, localized translation of Importin β1 mRNA enables separation of cytoplasmic and nuclear transport functions of importins and is required for efficient retrograde signaling in injured axons.
Rishal I., Kam N., Perry R. B., Shinder V., Fisher E. M. C., Schiavo G. & Fainzilber M.
Cell Reports.
p. 608-616
Size homeostasis is fundamental in cell biology, but it is not clear how large cells such as neurons can assess their own size or length. We examined a role for molecular motors in intracellular length sensing. Computational simulations suggest that spatial information can be encoded by the frequency of an oscillating retrograde signal arising from a composite negative feedback loop between bidirectional motor-dependent signals. The model predicts that decreasing either or both anterograde or retrograde signals should increase cell length, and this prediction was confirmed upon application of siRNAs for specific kinesin and/or dynein heavy chains in adult sensory neurons. Heterozygous dynein heavy chain 1 mutant sensory neurons also exhibited increased lengths both in vitro and during embryonic development. Moreover, similar length increases were observed in mouse embryonic fibroblasts upon partial downregulation of dynein heavy chain 1. Thus, molecular motors critically influence cell-length sensing and growth control.
Ben-Yaakov K., Dagan S. Y., Segal-Ruder Y., Shalem O., Vuppalanchi D., Willis D. E., Yudin D., Rishal I., Rother F., Bader M., Blesch A., Pilpel Y., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
EMBO Journal.
p. 1350-1363
Retrograde axonal injury signalling stimulates cell body responses in lesioned peripheral neurons. The involvement of importins in retrograde transport suggests that transcription factors (TFs) might be directly involved in axonal injury signalling. Here, we show that multiple TFs are found in axons and associate with dynein in axoplasm from injured nerve. Biochemical and functional validation for one TF family establishes that axonal STAT3 is locally translated and activated upon injury, and is transported retrogradely with dynein and importin α5 to modulate survival of peripheral sensory neurons after injury. Hence, retrograde transport of TFs from axonal lesion sites provides a direct link between axon and nucleus.
Lavi-Itzkovitz A., Tcherpakov M., Levy Z., Itzkovitz S., Muscatelli F. & Fainzilber M.
Background: Necdin, a MAGE family protein expressed primarily in the nervous system, has been shown to interact with both nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, but the mechanism of its nucleocytoplasmic transport are unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We carried out a large-scale interaction screen using necdin as a bait in the yeast RRS system, and found a wide range of potential interactors with different subcellular localizations, including over 60 new candidates for direct binding to necdin. Integration of these interactions into a comprehensive network revealed a number of coherent interaction modules, including a cytoplasmic module connecting to necdin through huntingtin-associated protein 1 (Hap1), dynactin and hip-1 protein interactor (Hippi); a nuclear P53 and Creb-binding-protein (Crebbp) module, connecting through Crebbp and WW domain-containing transcription regulator protein 1 (Wwtr1); and a nucleocytoplasmic transport module, connecting through transportins 1 and 2. We validated the necdin-transportin1 interaction and characterized a sequence motif in necdin that modulates karyopherin interaction. Surprisingly, a D234P necdin mutant showed enhanced binding to both transportin1 and importin β1. Finally, exclusion of necdin from the nucleus triggered extensive cell death. Conclusions/Significance: These data suggest that necdin has multiple roles within protein complexes in different subcellular compartments, and indicate that it can utilize multiple karyopherin-dependent pathways to modulate its localization.
Fainzilber M., Budnik V., Segal R. A. & Kreutz M. R.
Journal of Neuroscience.
p. 16045-16048
How do neurons integrate intracellular communication from synapse to nucleus and back? Here we briefly summarize aspects of this topic covered by a symposium at Neuroscience 2011. A rich repertoire of signaling mechanisms link both dendritic terminals and axon tips with neuronalsomaandnucleus, usingmotor-dependenttransportmachineriestotraversethelongintracellulardistancesalongneuronalprocesses. Activation mechanisms at terminals include localized translation of dendritic or axonal RNA, proteolytic cleavage of receptors or second messengers, and differential phosphorylation of signaling moieties. Signaling complexes may be transported in endosomes, or as nonendosomal complexes associated with importins and dynein. Anterograde transport of RNA granules from the soma to neuronal processes, coupled with retrograde transport of proteins translated locally at terminals or within processes, may fuel ongoingbidirectional communication between soma and synapse to modulate synaptic plasticity as well as neuronal growth and survival decisions.
Perry R. B. & Fainzilber M.
EMBO Journal.
p. 4520-4522
beta-Actin mRNA requires the RNA-binding protein ZBP1 for trafficking to distal regions of the cytoplasm. In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Donnelly et al show that ZBP1 is a limiting and essential factor for adult axonal regeneration in vivo, via trafficking of additional mRNAs. These findings highlight a complex web of interactions between RNA-binding proteins and cargo mRNAs.
Donnelly C. J., Fainzilber M. & Twiss J. L.
p. 1498-1505
Interest in the mechanisms of subcellular localization of mRNAs and the effects of localized translation has increased over the last decade. Polarized eukaryotic cells transport mRNA-protein complexes to subcellular sites, where translation of the mRNAs can be regulated by physiological stimuli. The long distances separating distal neuronal processes from their cell body have made neurons a useful model system for dissecting mechanisms of mRNA trafficking. Both the dendritic and axonal processes of neurons have been shown to have protein synthetic capacity and the diversity of mRNAs discovered in these processes continues to increase. Localized translation of mRNAs requires a co-ordinated effort by the cell body to target both mRNAs and necessary translational machinery into distal sites, as well as temporal control of individual mRNA translation. In addition to altering protein composition locally at the site of translation, some of the proteins generated in injured nerves retrogradely signal to the cell body, providing both temporal and spatial information on events occurring at distant subcellular sites.
Rishal I., Rozenbaum M. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Isolation of pure axonal cytoplasm (axoplasm) from peripheral nerve is crucial for biochemical studies of many biological processes. In this article, we demonstrate and describe a protocol for axoplasm isolation from adult rat sciatic nerve based on the following steps: (1) dissection of nerve fascicles and separation of connective tissue; (2) incubation of short segments of nerve fascicles in hypotonic medium to release myelin and lyse non-axonal structures; and (3) extraction of the remaining axon-enriched material. Proteomic and biochemical characterization of this preparation has confirmed a high degree of enrichment for axonal components.
Michaelevski I., Segal-Ruder Y., Rozenbaum M., Medzihradszky K. F., Shalem O., Coppola G., Horn-Saban S., Ben-Yaakov K., Dagan S. Y., Rishal I., Geschwind D. H., Pilpel Y., Burlingame A. L. & Fainzilber M.
Science Signaling.
p. ra53
Retrograde signaling from axon to soma activates intrinsic regeneration mechanisms in lesioned peripheral sensory neurons; however, the links between axonal injury signaling and the cell body response are not well understood. Here, we used phosphoproteomics and microarrays to implicate ∼900 phosphoproteins in retrograde injury signaling in rat sciatic nerve axons in vivo and ∼4500 transcripts in the in vivo response to injury in the dorsal root ganglia. Computational analyses of these data sets identified ∼400 redundant axonal signaling networks connected to 39 transcription factors implicated in the sensory neuron response to axonal injury. Experimental perturbation of individual overrepresented signaling hub proteins, including Abl, AKT, p38, and protein kinase C, affected neurite outgrowth in sensory neurons. Paradoxically, however, combined perturbation of Abl together with other hub proteins had a reduced effect relative to perturbation of individual proteins. Our data indicate that nerve injury responses are controlled by multiple regulatory components, and suggest that network redundancies provide robustness to the injury response.
Michaelevski I., Medzihradszky K. F., Lynn A., Burlingame A. L. & Fainzilber M.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
p. 976-987
Investigations of the molecular mechanisms underlying responses to nerve injury have highlighted the importance of axonal transport systems. To obtain a comprehensive view of the protein ensembles associated with axonal transport in injured axons, we analyzed the protein compositions of axoplasm concentrated at ligatures following crush injury of rat sciatic nerve. LC-MS/MS analyses of iTRAQ-labeled peptides from axoplasm distal and proximal to the ligation sites revealed protein ensembles transported in both anterograde and retrograde directions. Variability of replicates did not allow straightforward assignment of proteins to functional transport categories; hence, we performed principal component analysis and factor analysis with subsequent clustering to determine the most prominent injury-related transported proteins. This strategy circumvented experimental variability and allowed the extraction of biologically meaningful information from the quantitative neuroproteomics experiments. 299 proteins were highlighted by principal component analysis and factor analysis, 145 of which correlate with retrograde and 154 of which correlate with anterograde transport after injury. The analyses reveal extensive changes in both anterograde and retrograde transport proteomes in injured peripheral axons and emphasize the importance of RNA binding and translational machineries in the axonal response to injury.
Ziegler L., Segal-Ruder Y., Coppola G., Reis A., Geschwind D., Fainzilber M. & Goldstein R. S.
Experimental Neurology.
p. 119-127
The enhancement of regeneration of damaged axons in both the peripheral and central nervous systems is a widely pursued goal in clinical medicine. Although some of the molecular mechanisms involved in the intrinsic neurite regeneration program have been elucidated, much additional study is required for development of new therapeutics. The majority of studies in the field of axonal regeneration have utilized animal models due to obvious limitations of the accessibility of human neural tissues. Here we describe the use of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived neurons as a novel model for studying neuronal responses to axonal injury. Neurons were generated using PA6 induction and neurites injured in vitro using trituration or laser microdissection. Lesioned neurons re-extended neurites with distinct growth cones. Expression of proteins associated with regeneration were observed in this human in vitro system, including appearance of importin β1 in processes after neuritomy. Laser-transected hESC-derived neuronal cultures were analyzed for their transcriptional response to injury using Affymetrix expression microarrays. Profound changes in gene expression were observed over a time course of 2 to 24 hours after lesion. The expression of several genes reported to be involved in axonal injury responses in animal models changed following injury of hESC-derived neurons. Thus, hESC-derived neurons may be a useful in vitro model system for mechanistic studies on human axonal injury and regeneration.
Rishal I. & Fainzilber M.
Experimental Neurology.
p. 5-10
Neuronal regeneration in the peripheral nervous system requires mobilization of intrinsic neurite outgrowth mechanisms. This process depends on retrograde signaling between lesion site and soma to provide accurate and timely information on the nature and extent of axonal damage, and to elicit an appropriate cell body response. An early phase of electrophysiological signaling is followed by an ensemble of motor-driven signals, some of which are dependent on local protein translation in the axon and formation of an importins-coordinated retrograde complex. In addition to eliciting the cell body response, computational analyses suggest that this biphasic mechanism may provide information on the distance of the leson site from the neuronal cell body. Encouraging recent data suggest that it may be possible to apply this emerging understanding of retrograde signaling mechanisms to activate intrinsic regeneration mechanisms also in growth-refractory central neurons.
Harel L., Costa B. & Fainzilber M.
Developmental Neurobiology.
p. 298-303
The trk family of receptor tyrosine kinases supports survival and differentiation in the nervous system. Paradoxically it has also been shown that members of the trk family can induce cell death in pediatric tumor cells of neuronal origin. Moreover, TrkA and TrkC serve as good prognostic indicators in neuroblastoma and medulloblatoma, respectively. Although the possible linkage between these observations was intriguing, until recently there was limited insight on the mechanisms involved. Recent findings suggest that TrkA might influence neuronal cell death through stimulation of p75 cleavage. An alternative p75-independent mechanism was suggested by a newly discovered interaction between TrkA and CCM2 (the protein product of the gene cerebral cavernous malformation 2). Coexpression of CCM2 with TrkA induces cell death in medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma cells, and CCM2 expression levels correlate with those of TrkA and with good prognosis in neuroblastoma patients. Thus, mechanistic clues to the enigma of trk-induced cell death have begun to emerge. Detailed elucidation of these mechanisms and their in vivo physiological significance will be of keen interest for future research.
Rishal I., Michaelevski I., Rozenbaum M., Shinder V., Medzihradszky K. F., Burlingame A. L. & Fainzilber M.
Developmental Neurobiology.
p. 126-133
Localized changes in the composition of axonal cytoplasm (axoplasm) are critical for many biological processes, including axon guidance, responses to injury, neurite outgrowth, and axon-glia interactions. Biochemical and molecular studies of these mechanisms have been heavily focused on in vitro systems because of the difficulty of obtaining subcellular extracts from mammalian tissues in vivo. As in vitro systems might not replicate the in vivo situation, reliable methods of axoplasm extraction from whole nerve would be helpful for mechanistic studies on axons. Here we develop and evaluate a new procedure for preparation of axoplasm from rat peripheral nerve, based on incubation of separated short segements of nerve fascicles in hypotonic medium to separate myelin and lyse nonaxonal structures, followed by extraction of the remaining axon-enriched material. We show that this new procedure reduces serum and glial cell contamination and facilitates proteomic analyses of axonal contents.
Harel L., Costa B., Tcherpakov M., Zapatka M., Oberthuer A., Hansford L. M., Vojvodic M., Levy Z., Chen Z., Lee F. S., Avigad S., Yaniv I., Shi L., Eils R., Fischer M., Brors B., Kaplan D. R. & Fainzilber M.
p. 585-591
The TrkA receptor tyrosine kinase is crucial for differentiation and survival of nerve-growth-factor-dependent neurons. Paradoxically, TrkA also induces cell death in pediatric tumor cells of neural origin, via an unknown mechanism. Here, we show that CCM2, a gene product associated with cerebral cavernous malformations, interacts with the juxtamembrane region of TrkA via its phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain and mediates TrkA-induced death in diverse cell types. Both the PTB and Karet domains of CCM2 are required for TrkA-dependent cell death, such that the PTB domain determines the specificity of the interaction, and the Karet domain links to death pathways. Downregulation of CCM2 in medulloblastoma or neuroblastoma cells attenuates TrkA-dependent death. Combined high expression levels of CCM2 and TrkA are correlated with long-term survival in a large cohort of human neuroblastoma patients. Thus, CCM2 is a key mediator of TrkA-dependent cell death in pediatric neuroblastic tumors.
Kam N., Pilpel Y. & Fainzilber M.
PLoS Computational Biology.
Injury to nerve axons induces diverse responses in neuronal cell bodies, some of which are influenced by the distance from the site of injury. This suggests that neurons have the capacity to estimate the distance of the injury site from their cell body. Recent work has shown that the molecular motor dynein transports importin-mediated retrograde signaling complexes from axonal lesion sites to cell bodies, raising the question whether dynein-based mechanisms enable axonal distance estimations in injured neurons? We used computer simulations to examine mechanisms that may provide nerve cells with dynein-dependent distance assessment capabilities. A multiple-signals model was postulated based on the time delay between the arrival of two or more signals produced at the site of injury-a rapid signal carried by action potentials or similar mechanisms and slower signals carried by dynein. The time delay between the arrivals of these two types of signals should reflect the distance traversed, and simulations of this model show that it can indeed provide a basis for distance measurements in the context of nerve injuries. The analyses indicate that the suggested mechanism can allow nerve cells to discriminate between distances differing by 10% or more of their total axon length, and suggest that dynein-based retrograde signaling in neurons can be utilized for this purpose over different scales of nerves and organisms. Moreover, such a mechanism might also function in synapse to nucleus signaling in uninjured neurons. This could potentially allow a neuron to dynamically sense the relative lengths of its processes on an ongoing basis, enabling appropriate metabolic output from cell body to processes.
Perry R. B. & Fainzilber M.
p. 600-606
Active nucleocytoplasmic transport of macromolecules requires soluble transport carriers of the importin/karyopherin superfamily. Although the nuclear transport machinery is essential in all eukaryotic cells, neurons must also mobilise importins and associated proteins to overcome unique spatiotemporal challenges. These include switches in importin α subtype expression during neuronal differentiation, localized axonal synthesis of importin β1 to coordinate a retrograde injury signaling complex on axonal dynein, and trafficking of regulatory and signaling molecules from synaptic terminals to cell bodies. Targeting of RNAs encoding critical components of the importins complex and the Ran system to axons allows sophisticated local regulation of the system for mobilization upon need. Finally, a number of importin family members have been associated with mental or neurodegenerative diseases. The extended roles recently discovered for importins in the nervous system might also be relevant in non-neuronal cells, and the localized modes of importin regulation in neurons offer new avenues to interrogate their cytoplasmic functions.
Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
Trends in Cell Biology.
p. 236-243
Decades of controversy regarding ribosome occurrence in axons are finally coalescing to a realization that the protein synthesis machinery is recruited and activated in both central and peripheral axons during development and in adult peripheral axons upon injury. Exciting recent findings indicate that ribosome recruitment to axons occurs via lateral transfer from glial cells, a mechanism that could be part of a continuum of intercellular communication systems including tunneling nanotubes and exosomes. Such transcellular interactions could have crucial roles in nervous system functions and will provide new avenues for research into long-standing problems.
Yudin D. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Cell Science.
p. 587-593
The GTPase Ran is best known for its crucial roles in the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase cells and in the organization of the spindle apparatus during mitosis. A flurry of recent reports has now implicated Ran in diverse cytoplasmic events, including trafficking of an ephrin receptor homolog in nematode oocytes, control of neurite outgrowth in Drosophila and mammalian neurons, and retrograde signaling in nerve axons after injury. Striking findings suggest that the guanine-nucleotide state of Ran can be regulated by local translation of the Ran-binding protein RanBP1 in axons, and that an additional Ran-binding protein, RanBP10, can act as a microtubule-binding cytoplasmic guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for Ran (RanGEF) in megakaryocytes. Thus, the Ran GTPase system can act as a spatial regulator of importin-dependent transport and signaling in distal cytoplasm, and as a regulator of cytoskeletal dynamics at sites that are distant from the nucleus.
Fainzilber M.
Cell Biology of the Axon
Koenig E.(eds.).
p. 327-338
The cell body of a lesioned neuron must receive accurate and timely information on the site and extent of axonal damage, in order to mount an appropriate response. Specific mechanisms must therefore exist to transmit such information along the length of the axon from the lesion site to the cell body. Three distinct types of signals have been postulated to underlie this process, starting with injury-induced discharge of axon potentials, and continuing with two distinct types of retrogradely transported macromolecular signals. The latter includes, on the one hand, an interruption of the normal supply of retrogradely transported trophic factors from the target, and, on the other hand, activated proteins originating from the injury site. This chapter reviews the progress on understanding the different mechanistic aspects of the axonal response to injury, and how the information is conveyed from the injury site to the cell body to initiate regeneration.
Yudin D., Hanz S., Yoo S., Iavnilovitch E., Willis D., Gradus T., Vuppalanchi D., Segal-Ruder Y., Ben Yaakov Y. K., Hieda M., Yoneda Y., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M.
p. 241-252
Peripheral sensory neurons respond to axon injury by activating an importin-dependent retrograde signaling mechanism. How is this mechanism regulated? Here, we show that Ran GTPase and its associated effectors RanBP1 and RanGAP regulate the formation of importin signaling complexes in injured axons. A gradient of nuclear RanGTP versus cytoplasmic RanGDP is thought to be fundamental for the organization of eukaryotic cells. Surprisingly, we find RanGTP in sciatic nerve axoplasm, distant from neuronal cell bodies and nuclei, and in association with dynein and importin-α. Following injury, localized translation of RanBP1 stimulates RanGTP dissociation from importins and subsequent hydrolysis, thereby allowing binding of newly synthesized importin-β to importin-α and dynein. Perturbation of RanGTP hydrolysis or RanBP1 blockade at axonal injury sites reduces the neuronal conditioning lesion response. Thus, neurons employ localized mechanisms of Ran regulation to control retrograde injury signaling in peripheral nerve.
Michaelevski I. & Fainzilber M.
Neural Degeneration and Repair
: Gene Expression Profiling, Proteomics and Systems Biology
Werner Müller P. D. H.(eds.).
p. 153-166
Fainzilber M.
CNS Regeneration
: Basic Science and Clinical Advances
Kordower J. H. & Tuszynski M. H.(eds.).
Second ed.
p. 41-57
Injured nerve fibers must overcome inhibitory influences in the environment and mobilize intrinsic capacity for neurite outgrowth to achieve functional regeneration. Axonal injury to peripheral neurons elicits a sequence of molecular, ultrastructural, and cellular responses that play a vital role in the mounting of a successful regenerative response and the ensuing recovery of function. In the injured neurons, arrival of signals for cellular injury and stress is followed by the induction of transcription factors, adhesion molecules, growth-associated proteins, and structural components needed for axonal elongation. A successful axonal response to injury requires retrograde signaling to induce changes in the cell body response, and mobilization of outgrowth programs while integrating growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting signals from the environment. Central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons differ in their capacity for useful regeneration, most likely due to differences in intrinsic growth capacity coupled with differential composition of extracellular growth modulating agents in central versus peripheral environments. Very recent studies have demonstrated marked increases in growth rates of injured CNS axons using combinatorial manipulations of the environment together with reactivation of intrinsic growth programs. This chapter reviews progress on understanding the different mechanistic aspects of the axonal response to injury, with particular focus on mechanisms of activation of intrinsic growth programs, and on the gaps in knowledge that must be bridged for stimulating effective axon regrowth. It discriminates between two aspects of axonal response: on the one hand, those mechanisms by which the injured axon communicates its distress to the cell body; and on the other hand, the processes that allow functional regrowth of the axon.
Perlson E., Michaelevski I., Kowalsman N., Ben-Yaakov K., Shaked M., Seger R., Eisenstein M. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Molecular Biology.
p. 938-944
Cleavage fragments of de novo synthesized vimentin were recently reported to interact with phosphorylated Erk1 and Erk2 MAP kinases (pErk) in injured sciatic nerve, thus linking pErk to a signaling complex retrogradely transported on importins and dynein. Here we clarify the structural basis for this interaction, which explains how pErk is protected from dephosphorylation while bound to vimentin. Pull-down and ELISA experiments revealed robust calcium-dependent binding of pErk to the second coiled-coil domain of vimentin, with observed affinities of binding increasing from 180 nM at 0.1 μM calcium to 15 nM at 10 μM calcium. In contrast there was little or no binding of non-phosphorylated Erk to vimentin under these conditions. Geometric and electrostatic complementarity docking generated a number of solutions wherein vimentin binding to pErk occludes the lip containing the phosphorylated residues in the kinase. Binding competition experiments with Erk peptides confirmed a solution in which vimentin covers the phosphorylation lip in pErk, interacting with residues above and below the lip. The same peptides inhibited pErk binding to the dynein complex in sciatic nerve axoplasm, and interfered with protection from phosphatases by vimentin. Thus, a soluble intermediate filament fragment interacts with a signaling kinase and protects it from dephosphorylation by calcium-dependent steric hindrance.
Hanz S. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Neurochemistry.
p. 13-19
Injury to axons elicits changes in macromolecule synthesis in the corresponding cell bodies that are critical for an effective regenerative response. For decades the most easily studied aspect of this phenomenon was the onset of chromatolysis, a suite of structural changes in the cell body characterized by swelling, shifting of the nucleus and dispersal of Nissl bodies. The question: 'what is the signal for chromatolysis?' received no less than 10 possible answers in a comprehensive review article published more than three decades ago. Here we come back to this 36 years old question, and review progress on understanding the mechanism of retrograde injury signaling in lesioned peripheral nerves. Recent work suggests that this is based on local axonal synthesis of critical carrier proteins, including importins and vimentin that link diverse signaling molecules to the dynein retrograde motor. A multiplicity of binding sites and of potential signaling molecules, including transcription factors and MAP kinases (Erk, Jnk), may allow diverse options for information-rich encoding of the injury status of the axon for transmission to the cell body.
Fainzilber M. & Twiss J. L.
p. 819-821
Wallerian degeneration of distal axons after nerve injury is significantly delayed in the Wlds mutant mouse. The Wlds protein is a fusion of nicotinamide mononucleotide adenyltransferase-1 (Nmnat1), an essential enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), with the N-terminal 70 amino acids of the Ube4b ubiquitination assembly factor. The mechanism of Wlds action is still enigmatic, although recent efforts suggest that it is indirect and requires sequences flanking or linking the two fused open reading frames. Three papers in this issue of Neuron now show that Wlds action is conserved in Drosophila and that a critical role of Wlds may be the suppression of axonal self-destruct signals that induce Draper-mediated clearance of damaged axons by glial cells.
The mechanisms underlying evolution of complex nervous systems are not well understood. In recent years there have been a number of attempts to correlate specific gene families or evolutionary processes with increased brain complexity in the vertebrate lineage. Candidates for evocation of complexity include genes involved in regulating brain size, such as neurotrophic factors or microcephaly-related genes; or wider evolutionary processes, such as accelerated evolution of brain-expressed genes or enhanced RNA splicing or editing events in primates. An inherent weakness of these studies is that they are correlative by nature, and almost exclusively focused on the mammalian and specifically the primate lineage. Another problem with genomic analyses is that it is difficult to identify functionally similar yet non-homologous molecules such as different families of cysteine-rich neurotrophic factors in different phyla. As long as comprehensive experimental studies of these questions are not feasible, additional perspectives for evolutionary and genomic studies will be very helpful. Cephalopod mollusks represent the most complex nervous systems outside the vertebrate lineage, thus we suggest that genome sequencing of different mollusk models will provide useful insights into the evolution of complex brains. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Perlson E., Hanz S., Ben Yaakov Y. K., Segal-Ruder Y., Seger R. & Fainzilber M.
p. 715-726
How are phosphorylated kinases transported over long intracellular distances, such as in the case of axon to cell body signaling after nerve injury? Here, we show that the MAP kinases Erk1 and Erk2 are phosphorylated in sciatic nerve axoplasm upon nerve injury, concomitantly with the production of soluble forms of the intermediate filament vimentin by local translation and calpain cleavage in axoplasm. Vimentin binds phosphorylated Erks (pErk), thus linking pErk to the dynein retrograde motor via direct binding of vimentin to importin β. Injury-induced Elk1 activation and neuronal regeneration are inhibited or delayed in dorsal root ganglion neurons from vimentin null mice, and in rats treated with a MEK inhibitor or with a peptide that prevents pErk-vimentin binding. Thus, soluble vimentin enables spatial translocation of pErk by importins and dynein in lesioned nerve.
Jaaro H., Levy Z. & Fainzilber M.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
p. 328-333
Membrane-associated proteins are critical for intra- and intercellular communication. Accordingly approaches are needed for rapid and comprehensive identification of all membrane-targeted gene products in a given cell or tissue. Here we describe a modification of the yeast Ras recruitment system to this end and designate the modified approach the Ras membrane trap (RMT). A pilot RMT screen was carried out on the central nervous system of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, a model organism from a phylum that still lacks a representative with a sequenced genome. 112 gene products were identified in the screen of which 79 lack assignable homologs in available data bases. Currently available annotation tools predicted membrane association of only 45% of the 112 proteins, although experimental verification in mammalian cells confirmed membrane association for all clones tested. Thus, genome annotation using currently available tools is likely to underpredict representation of membrane-associated gene products. The 32 proteins with known homologies include many targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum or the nucleus, thus RMT provides a tool that can cover intracellular membrane proteomes. Two sequences were found to represent gene families not found to date in invertebrate genomes, emphasizing the need for whole genome sequences from mollusks and indeed from representatives of all major invertebrate phyla.
Hanz S. & Fainzilber M.
p. 404-408
The elongated morphology of neuronal processes imposes a significant challenge for effective intracellular communication between the neuntes and the cell body. This problem is especially acute upon injury, when the cell body must receive accurate and timely information on the site and extent of axonal damage to mount an appropriate response. Recent work has demonstrated that nuclear import factors from the importin (karyopherin) α and β families provide a mechanism for retrograde injury signaling, Importins are found throughout axons and dendrites at significant distances from the cell body, and importin β protein is increased after nerve lesion by local translation of axonal mRNA. This leads to formation of a high-affinity nuclear localization signal (NLS) binding complex that traffics retrogradely due to an interaction of importin α with the motor protein dynein. Disruption of the complex with excess NLS peptides delays regeneration of injured sensory neurons. The dual role of importins in retrograde transport in axons and nuclear import in cell bodies suggests new avenues for manipulating intrinsic regeneration mechanisms in the nervous system and may provide a novel route for drug delivery to the CNS.
Bronfman F. C. & Fainzilber M.
EMBO Reports.
p. 867-871
Signalling by the p75 neurotrophin receptor has been implicated in diverse neuronal responses, including increased differentiation or survival, inhibition of regeneration, and initiation of apoptotic cell death. These numerous roles are matched by, but are not yet correlated with, a multiplicity of extracellular ligands and intracellular interactors. Membrane proteins such as sortilin, a member of the Vps10p family of sorting receptors, and the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked Nogo receptor (NgR) and the associated adaptor lingo 1 have recently been added to the list of p75-interacting modulators. Other studies have described intramembranal cleavage of p75 and the potential nuclear targeting of cleavage fragments or of the complete receptor after it has been internalized into a putative signalling endosome. These findings suggest that some of the diversity in p75 activities might be due to differential subcellular localization and transport of p75 receptor complexes. We therefore argue that cell-biology-driven approaches are now required to make sense of p75 signalling.
Beck G., Munno D., Levy Z., Dissel H., Van-Minnen J., Syed N. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Neurobiology.
p. 12-20
The trk family of receptor tyrosine kinases is crucial for neuronal survival in the vertebrate nervous system, however both C. elegans and Drosophila lack genes encoding trks or their ligands. The only invertebrate representative of this gene family identified to date is Ltrk from the mollusk Lymnaea. Did trophic functions of trk receptors originate early in evolution, or were they an innovation of the vertebrates? Here we show that the Ltrk gene conserves a similar exon/intron order as mammalian trk genes in the region encoding defined extracellular motifs, including one exon encoding a putative variant immunoglobulin-like domain. Chimeric receptors containing the intracellular and transmembrane domains of Ltrk undergo ligand-induced autophosphorylation followed by MAP kinase activation in transfected cells. The chimeras are internalized similarly to TrkA in PC12 cells, and their stimulation leads to differentiation and neurite extension. Knock-down of endogenous Ltrk expression compromises outgrowth and survival of Lymnaea neurons cultured in CNS-conditioned medium. Thus, Ltrk is required for neuronal survival, suggesting that trophic activities of the trk receptor family originated before the divergence of molluscan and vertebrate lineages approximately 600 million years ago.
Perlson E., Medzihradszky K., Darula Z., Munno D., Syed N., Burlingame A. & Fainzilber M.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
p. 510-520
Information on axonal damage is conveyed to neuronal cell bodies by a number of signaling modalities, including the post-translational modification of axoplasmic proteins. Retrograde transport of a subset of such proteins is thought to induce or enhance a regenerative response in the cell body. Here we report the use of a differential 2D-PAGE approach to identify injury-correlated retrogradely transported proteins in nerves of the mollusk Lymnaea. A comprehensive series of gels at different pI ranges allowed resolution of ∼4000 spots by silver staining, and 172 of these were found to differ between lesioned versus control nerves. Mass spectrometric sequencing of 134 differential spots allowed their assignment to over 40 different proteins, some belonging to a vesicular ensemble blocked by the lesion and others comprising an up-regulated ensemble highly enriched in calpain cleavage products of an intermediate filament termed RGP51 (retrograde protein of 51 kDa). Inhibition of RGP51 expression by RNA interference inhibits regenerative outgrowth of adult Lymnaea neurons in culture. These results implicate regulated proteolysis in the formation of retrograde injury signaling complexes after nerve lesion and suggest that this signaling modality utilizes a wide range of protein components.
Medzihradszky K., Darula Z., Perlson E., Fainzilber M., Chalkley R., Ball H., Greenbaum D., Bogyo M., Tyson D., Bradshaw R. & Burlingame A.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
p. 429-443
Protein sulfonation on serine and threonine residues is described for the first time. This post-translational modification is shown to occur in proteins isolated from organisms representing a broad span of eukaryote evolution, including the invertebrate mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, the unicellular malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, and humans. Detection and structural characterization of this novel post-translational modification was carried out using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry on proteins including a neuronal intermediate filament and a myosin light chain from the snail, a cathepsin-C-like enzyme from the parasite, and the cytoplasmic domain of the human orphan receptor tyrosine kinase Ror-2. These findings suggest that sulfonation of serine and threonine may be involved in multiple functions including protein assembly and signal transduction.
Perlson E., Hanz S., Medzihradszky K., Burlingame A. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Neurobiology.
p. 287-294
The cell body of a lesioned neuron must receive accurate and timely information on the site and extent of axonal damage, in order to mount an appropriate response. Specific mechanisms must therefore exist to transmit such information along the length of the axon from the lesion site to the cell body. Three distinct types of signals have been postulated to underlie this process, starting with injury-induced discharge of axon potentials, and continuing with two distinct types of retrogradely transported macromolecular signals. The latter include, on the one hand, an interruption of the normal supply of retrogradely transported trophic factors from the target; and on the other hand activated proteins emanating from the injury site. These activated proteins are termed "positive injury signals", and are thought to be endogenous axoplasmic proteins that undergo post-translational modifications at the lesion site upon axotomy, which then target them to the retrograde transport system for trafficking to the cell body. Here, we summarize the work to date supporting the positive retrograde injury signal hypothesis, and provide some new and emerging proteomic data on the system. We propose that the retrograde positive injury signals form part of a complex that is assembled by a combination of different processes, including post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, regulated and transient proteolysis, and local axonal protein synthesis.
Duda T. F., Bingham J. P., Livett B. G., Kohn A. J., Massilia G. R., Schultz J. R., Down J., Sandall D., Sweedler J. V., Fainzilber M., Chivian E., Roberts C. M. & Bernstein A. S.
p. 955-957
Hanz S., Perlson E., Willis D., Zheng J., Massarwa R., Huerta J., Koltzenburg M., Kohler M., van-Minnen J., Twiss J. & Fainzilber M.
p. 1095-1104
Axoplasmic proteins containing nuclear localization signals (NLS) signal retrogradely by an unknown mechanism in injured nerve. Here we demonstrate that the importin/karyopherin α and β families underlie this process. We show that importins are found in axons at significant distances from the cell body and that importin β protein is increased after nerve lesion by local translation of axonal mRNA. This leads to formation of a high-affinity NLS binding complex that traffics retrogradely with the motor protein dynein. Trituration of synthetic NLS peptide at the injury site of axotomized dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons delays their regenerative outgrowth, and NLS introduction to sciatic nerve concomitantly with a crush injury suppresses the conditioning lesion induced transition from arborizing to elongating growth in L4/L5 DRG neurons. These data suggest a model whereby lesion-induced upregulation of axonal importin β may enable retrograde transport of signals that modulate the regeneration of injured neurons.
Conticello S., Kowalsman N., Jacobsen C., Yudkovsky G., Sato K., Elazar Z., Petersen C., Aronheim A. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 26311-26314
Misfolded secretory proteins are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by quality control mechanisms targeted to exposed hydrophobic surfaces. Paradoxically, certain conotoxins expose extensive hydrophobic surfaces upon folding to their bioactive structures. How then can such secreted mini-proteins traverse the secretory pathway? Here we show that secretion of the hydrophobic conotoxin-TxVI is strongly dependent on its propeptide domain, which enhances TxVI export from the ER. The propeptide domain interacts with sorting receptors from the sortilin Vps10p domain family. The sortilin-TxVI interaction occurs in the ER, and sortilin facilitates export of TxVI from the ER to the Golgi. Thus, the prodomain in a secreted hydrophobic protein acts as a tag that can facilitate its ER export by a hitchhiking mechanism.
Bronfman F., Tcherpakov M., Jovin T. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Neuroscience.
p. 3209-3220
The nerve growth factor (NGF) family of neurotrophins binds two classes of cell-surface receptors, trk receptor tyrosine kinases and the shared p75 receptor. Rapid internalization and retrograde trafficking of neurotrophin-trk complexes have been demonstrated in a number of systems and are thought to transmit trophic signals from terminals to neuronal cell bodies. In contrast, the internalization and trafficking of neurotrophin-p75 complexes are not well understood. In this study, we used biotinylated NGF and a fluorescent-labeled anti-p75 antibody to follow the kinetics and route of ligand-induced internalization of the p75 receptor in cycling and differentiated PC12 cells. Binding of neurotrophins to p75 induced internalization at a rate approximately three times slower than that of transferrin and NGF-TrkA complexes in the same cells. The ligand-p75 complex was internalized via clathrin-coated pits into early endosomes and eventually accumulated in recycling endosomes in the cell body and vesicles colabeled by the cholera toxin B-subunit in the growth cones. Both internalized ligand and p75 were protected from proteolytic degradation and accumulated in vesicles that did not undergo acidification. Finally, NGF induced endosomal association of p75 and its MAGE interactors, necdin and NRAGE. These data suggest that signaling endosomes containing activated p75 are involved in neurotrophin signaling, and that such endosomes may be temporally and spatially distinct from those containing trk receptors.
Tcherpakov M., Bronfman F., Conticello S., Vaskovsky A., Levy Z., Niinobe M., Yoshikawa K., Arenas E. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 49101-49104
The p75 neurotrophin receptor has been implicated in diverse aspects of neurotrophin signaling, but the mechanisms by which its effects are mediated are not well understood. Here we identify two MAGE proteins, necdin and MAGE-H1, as interactors for the intracellular domain of p75 and show that the interaction is enhanced by ligand stimulation. PC12 cells transfected with necdin or MAGE-H1 exhibit accelerated differentiation in response to nerve growth factor. Expression of these two MAGE proteins is predominantly cytoplasmic in PC12 cells, and needin was found to be capable of homodimerization, suggesting that it may act as a cytoplasmic adaptor to recruit a signaling complex to p75. These findings indicate that diverse MAGE family members can interact with the p75 receptor and highlight type II MAGE proteins as a potential family of interactors for signaling proteins containing type II death domains.
Langevin C., Jaaro H., Bressanelli S., Fainzilber M. & Tuffereau C.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 37655-37662
Rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG) is a trimeric and surface-exposed viral coat protein that has been shown to interact with the murine p75 neurotrophin receptor. We have investigated binding of RVG to p75 and describe several features that distinguish the p75-RVG interaction from conventional neurotrophin binding to p75. RVG binds mammalian but not avian p75 and does not bind to any of the Trk neurotrophin receptors. The mammalian p75 specificity of RVG binding may partly explain the phyletic specificity of rabies infection. Radioiodinated nerve growth factor (NGF) and RVG both bind to rat p75 but do not compete with each other's binding site. Although neurotrophins bind to the second and third cysteine-rich domains (CRD) of p75, RVG specifically interacts with high affinity (Kd 3035 pM) with the first CRD (CRD1). Substitution of Gln33 in p75-CRD1 by Glu completely abolishes RVG binding. Our data therefore firmly establish RVG as a trimeric high affinity ligand for a non-neurotrophin binding site on p75. Interestingly, the CRD1 in another TNF/NGF family receptor was recently shown to be involved in the binding of the herpes virus glycoprotein gD, suggesting that the CRD1 of TNF/NGF family members may be a widely used binding domain for viral glycoproteins.
Kohno T., Sasaki T., Kobayashi K., Fainzilber M. & Sato K.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 36387-36391
The three-dimensional solution structure of δ-conotoxin TxVIA, a 27-mer peptide agonist/antagonist of sodium channels, was determined by two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy with simulated annealing calculations. A total of 20 converged structures of δ-conotoxin TxVIA were obtained on the basis of 360 distance constraints obtained from nuclear Overhauser effect connectivities, 28 torsion angle constraints, and 27 constraints associated with hydrogen bonds and disulfide bonds. The atomic root mean square difference about the averaged coordinate positions is 0.35 ± 0.07 Å for the backbone atoms (N, Cα, C) and 0.98 ± 0.14 Å for all heavy atoms of the entire peptide. The molecular structure of δ-conotoxin TxVIA is composed of a short triple-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The overall β-sheet topology is +2x, -1, which is the same as those for other conotoxins. However, the three-dimensional structure of δ-conotoxin TxVIA has an unusual hydrophobic patch on one side of the molecule, which may play an important role in the sodium channel binding. These results provide a molecular basis for understanding the mechanism of sodium channel modulation through the toxin-channel interaction and insight into the discrimination of different ion channels.
Brann A., Tcherpakov M., Williams I., Futerman A. H. & Fainzilber M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.
p. 9812-9818
Binding of nerve growth factor (NGF) to the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75) in cultured hippocampal neurons has been reported to cause seemingly contrasting effects, namely ceramide-dependent axonal outgrowth of freshly plated neurons, versus Jun kinase (Jnk)-dependent cell death in older neurons. We now show that the apoptotic effects of NGF in hippocampal neurons are observed only from the 2nd day of culture onward. This switch in the effect of NGF is correlated with an increase in p75 expression levels and increasing levels of ceramide generation as the cultures mature. NGF application to neuronal cultures from p75exonIII-/- mice had no effect on ceramide levels and did not affect neuronal viability. The neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitor, scyphostatin, inhibited NGF-induced ceramide generation and neuronal death, whereas hippocampal neurons cultured from acid sphingomyelinase-/- mice were as susceptible to NGF-induced death as wild type neurons. The acid ceramidase inhibitor, (1S,2R)-D-erythro-2-(N-myristoylamino)-1-phenyl-1-propanol, enhanced cell death, supporting a role for ceramide itself and not a downstream lipid metabolite. Finally, scyphostatin inhibited NGF-induced Jnk phosphorylation in hippocampal neurons. These data indicate an initiating role of ceramide generated by neutral sphingomyelinase in the diverse neuronal responses induced by binding of neurotrophins to p75.
Beck G. & Fainzilber M.
p. 673-675
Trophic survival mechanisms are crucial for the determination of cell numbers in the developing vertebrate nervous system, but important neurotrophic factor families such as the neurotrophins have not yet been found in either Drosophila or C. elegans. Two independent studies on distinct glial populations in Drosophila have now shown that their survival is regulated by EGF family members secreted by adjacent neurons. Fly genetics thus promises new insights on trophic signaling mechanisms and confirms that trophic regulation of cell survival is an evolutionarily ancient mechanism for building the nervous system.
Jaaro H., Beck G., Conticello S. & Fainzilber M.
Trends in Neurosciences.
p. 79-85
The NGF family of neurotrophins has a crucial role in regulating neuron numbers during vertebrate development. Six years ago the prediction was made that invertebrates with simple nervous systems, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, would lack neurotrophins. Surprisingly, it now appears that not only C. elegans but also Drosophila melanogaster, lack homologs of the neurotrophins or their trk receptors. Furthermore, functional studies indicate that control of neuronal numbers in Drosophila is primarily dependent on steroids. By contrast, a recognizable trk homolog exists in molluscs, a phylum that includes species with the most complex nervous systems in the invertebrate kingdom. This suggests that neurotrophic signaling mechanisms might be one of the prerequisites for evolution of complex nervous systems. Expansion of the genome projects to other invertebrates, such as molluscs and coelenterates, should provide new insights on the molecular correlates of building complex brains.
Conticello S., Gilad Y., Avidan N., Ben-Asher E., Levy Z. & Fainzilber M.
Molecular Biology and Evolution.
p. 120-131
Hypervariability is a prominent feature of large gene families that mediate interactions between organisms, such as venom-derived toxins or immunoglobulins. In order to study mechanisms for evolution of hypervariability, we examined an EST-generated assemblage of 170 distinct conopeptide sequences from the venoms of five species of marine Conus snails. These sequences were assigned to eight gene families, defined by conserved elements in the signal domain and untranslated regions. Order-of-magnitude differences were observed in the expression levels of individual conopeptides, with five to seven transcripts typically comprising over 50% of the sequenced clones in a given species. The conopeptide precursor alignments revealed four striking features peculiar to the mature peptide domain: (1) an accelerated rate of nucleotide substitution, (2) a bias for transversions over transitions in nucleotide substitutions, (3) a position-specific conservation of cysteine codons within the hypervariable region, and (4) a preponderance of nonsynonymous substitutions over synonymous substitutions. We propose that the first three observations argue for a mutator mechanism targeted to mature domains in conopeptide genes, combining a protective activity specific for cysteine codons and a mutagenic polymerase that exhibits transversion bias, such as DNA polymerase V. The high Dn/Ds ratio is consistent with positive or diversifying selection, and further analyses by intraspecific/interspecific gene tree contingency tests weakly support recent diversifying selection in the evolution of conopeptides. Since only the most highly expressed transcripts segregate in gene trees according to the feeding specificity of the species, diversifying selection might be acting primarily on these sequences. The combination of a targeted mutator mechanism to generate high variability with the subsequent action of diversifying selection on highly expressed variants might explain both the hypervariability of conopeptides and the large number of unique sequences per species.
Neuberger Y., Shogomori H., Levy Z., Fainzilber M. & Futerman A. H.
FEBS Letters.
p. 44-46
Recently a putative mammalian neutral-sphingomyelinase was cloned [Tomiuk et al. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 3638-3643; GenBank accession number AJ222801]. We have overexpressed this enzyme in cultured cells and demonstrate, using four different tagged constructs, that it is localized at the endoplasmic reticulum and not at the plasma membrane. This localization precludes a role for enzyme AJ222801 in the sphingomyelin cycle. Furthermore, a recent publication demonstrated that this enzyme has lyso-platelet activating factor (PAF) phospholipase C activity [Sawai et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 38131-38139]. Together, these data suggest a role for enzyme AJ222801 in the regulation of PAF metabolism. Copyright (C) 2000 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Eketjäll S., Fainzilber M., Murray-Rust J. & Ibáñez C. F.
EMBO Journal.
p. 5901-5910
Ligand-induced receptor oligomerization is a widely accepted mechanism for activation of cell-surface receptors. We investigated ligand-receptor interactions in the glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) receptor complex, formed by the c-Ret receptor tyrosine kinase and the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored subunit GDNF family receptor alpha-1 (GFRα1). As only GFRα1 can bind GDNF directly, receptor complex formation is thought to be initiated by GDNF binding to this receptor. Here we identify an interface in GDNF formed by exposed acidic and hydrophobic residues that is critical for binding to GFRα1. Unexpectedly, several GDNF mutants deficient in GFRα1 binding retained the ability to bind and activate c-Ret at normal levels. Although impaired in binding GFRα1 efficiently, these mutants still required GFRα1 for c-Ret activation. These findings support a role for c-Ret in ligand binding and indicate that GDNF does not initiate receptor complex formation, but rather interacts with a pre-assembled GFRα1-c-Ret complex.
Brann A. B., Scott R., Neuberger Y., Abulafia D., Boldin S., Fainzilber M. & Futerman A. H.
Journal of Neuroscience.
p. 8199-8206
The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) binds all known neurotrophins and has been suggested to either function as a coreceptor for the trk receptor tyrosine kinases or be involved in independent signaling leading to cell death. We have analyzed the effects of nerve growth factor (NGF) on the growth of cultured hippocampal pyramidal neurons and examined the possibility that the effects of NGF are mediated via generation of ceramide produced by neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase). During the initial hour of culture, the only detectable NGF receptor is p75NTR, which by comparative Western blot is expressed at 50- to 100-fold lower levels than on PC12 cells. At this early stage of culture, NGF accelerates neurite formation and outgrowth and induces ceramide formation in a dose-dependent manner. An NGF mutant that is deficient in p75NTR binding has no effect on neuronal morphology or ceramide formation. Furthermore, two anti-p75NTR antibodies (REX and 9651), which are known to compete with NGF for binding to p75NTR, mimic the effects of NGF, whereas a monoclonal antibody (MC192) targeted against a different epitope does not. Finally, scyphostatin, a specific N-SMase inhibitor, blocks the effects of NGF. We propose that a neurotrophin-p75NTR-ceramide signaling pathway influences outgrowth of hippocampal neurons. This signaling role of p75NTR may be distinct from other signaling pathways that lead to apoptosis.
Sasaki T., Feng Z., Scott R., Grigoriev N., Syed N., Fainzilber M. & Sato K.
p. 12876-12884
ω-Conotoxin TxVII is the first conotoxin reported to block L-type currents. In contrast to other ω-conotoxins, its sequence is characterized by net negative charge and high hydrophobicity, although it retains the ω-conotoxin cysteine framework. In order to obtain structural information and to supply material for further characterization of its biological function, we synthesized TxVII and determined its disulfide bond pairings. Because a linear precursor with free SH groups showed a strong tendency to aggregate and to polymerize, we examined many different conditions for air oxidation and concluded that a mixture of cationic buffer and hydrophobic solvent was the most effective for the folding of TxVII. Synthetic TxVII was shown to suppress the slowly inactivating voltage-dependent calcium current in cultured Lymnaea RPeD1 neurons and furthermore to suppress synaptic transmission between these neurons and their follower cells. In contrast, TxVII did not block calcium flux through L-type channels in PC12 cells, suggesting a phyletic or subtype specificity in this channel family. Disulfide bond pairings of TxVII and its isomers were determined by enzymatic fragmentation in combination with chemical synthesis, thus revealing that TxVII has the same disulfide bond pattern as other ω-conotoxins. Furthermore, the CD spectrum of TxVII is similar to those of ω-conotoxins MVIIA and MVIIC. The precursor sequence of TxVII was determined by cDNA cloning and shown to be closest to that of δ-conotoxin TxVIA, a sodium channel inactivation inhibitor. Thus TxVII conserves the structural fold of other ω- conotoxins, and the TxVIA/TxVII branch of this family reveals the versatility of its structural scaffold, allowing evolution of structurally related peptides to target different channels.
Wolfender J., Chu F., Ball H., Wolfender F., Fainzilber M., Baldwin M. & Burlingame A.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry.
p. 447-454
Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was used to investigate the peptide composition of the venom of Conus pennaceus, a molluscivorous cone shell from the Red Sea. Based on observed M(r)S, this venom contained all known conotoxins previously isolated and identified from this species. Interestingly, the doubly protonated species of only two of these conotoxins, α-PnIA and α-PnIB, showed additional related ions at +40 m/z (+80 Da), indicating the presence of either sulfation or phosphorylation in both components. High-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) fractions containing these two conotoxins were examined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry in both positive and negative ion modes, as well as by MALDI high-energy collision-induced dissociation. These experiments established the presence of a single sulfated tyrosine residue within both α-PnIA and α-PnIB. Hence their post-translationally modified sequences are GCCSLPPCAANNPDY(S)C-NH2 (α-PnIA) and GCCSLPPCALSNPDY(S)C-NH2 (α-PnIB). This assignment was supported by comparison of their mass spectral behavior with that of known sulfated and phosphorylated peptides. This data clarified further the distinguishing features of the ionization and fragmentation of such modified peptides. Selective disulfide folding of synthetic α-PnIB demonstrated that both sulfated and non-sulfated toxins co-elute on reversed-phase HPLC and that α-PnIB possesses the same disulfide connectivity as other 'classical' α-conotoxins reported previously.
Van Kesteren R. E., Fainzilber M., Hauser G., Van Minnen J., Vreugdenhil E., Smit A. B., Lbáñez C. F., Geraerts W. P. & Bulloch A. G.
EMBO Journal.
p. 2534-2542
Neurotrophins and their Trk receptors play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of the vertebrate nervous system, but to date no component of this signalling system has been found in invertebrates. We describe a molluscan Trk receptor, designated Ltrk, from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The full-length sequence of Ltrk reveals most of the characteristics typical of Trk receptors, including highly conserved transmembrane and intracellular tyrosine kinase domains, and a typical extracellular domain of leucine-rich motifs flanked by cysteine clusters. In addition, Ltrk has a unique N-terminal extension and lacks immunoglobulin-like domains. Ltrk is expressed during development in a stage-specific manner, and also in the adult, where its expression is confined to the central nervous system and its associated endocrine tissues. Ltrk has the highest sequence identity with the TrkC mammalian receptor and, when exogenously expressed in fibroblasts or COS cells, binds human NT-3, but not NGF or BDNF, with an affinity of 2.5 nM. These findings support an early evolutionary origin of the Trk family as neuronal receptor tyrosine kinases and suggest that Trk signalling mechanisms may be highly conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates.