Electron spectroscopy xps Publications

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  1. Morphological Evolution of Metal-Organic Frameworks into Hedrite, Sheaf and Spherulite Superstructures with Localized Different Coloration

    Malik N., Shimon L. J., Houben L., Kossoy A., Pinkas I., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2025) Chemistry - A European Journal. 31, 7, e202403577
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  3. Protein Electronic Energy Transport Levels Derived from High-Sensitivity Near-UV and Constant Final State Yield Photoemission Spectroscopy

    Fereiro J. A., Tomita M., Bendikov T., Bera S., Pecht I., Sheves M., Cahen D. & Ishii H. (2024) Small Methods. 2401204
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  5. Composition and Structure of the solid electrolyte interphase on Na-Ion Anodes Revealed by Exo- and Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization─NMR Spectroscopy

    Steinberg Y., Sebti E., Moroz I. B., Zohar A., Jardón-Álvarez D., Bendikov T., Maity A., Carmieli R., Clément R. J. & Leskes M. (2024) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 146, 35, p. 24476-24492
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  7. Study of Heterogeneity across Cs<sub>x</sub>(CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>1-x</sub>PbBr<sub>3</sub> Halide Perovskite Crystals with XPS Imaging and Small-Area Spectra

    Kaslasi H., Rakita Y., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Hodes G. & Bendikov T. (2024) Crystal Growth and Design. 24, 15, p. 6421-6430
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  9. Highly Conductive Robust Carbon Nanotube Networks for Strong Buckypapers and Transparent Electrodes

    Snarski L., Biran I., Bendikov T., Pinkas I., Iron M. A., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Weissman H. & Rybtchinski B. (2024) Advanced Functional Materials. 34, 7, 2309742
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  11. A Redox-Active Ionic Liquid Surface Treatment for Healing CsPbBr<sub>3</sub> Nanocrystals

    Crans K. D., Cohen H., Nehoray A. A., Oron D., Kazes M. & Brutchey R. L. (2024) Nano Letters. 24, 50, p. 16015-16021
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  13. Crystalline Oxy-Hydroxide Domains on Cobalt Anodes as Efficient \u201cIce Makers\u201d of Supercooled Water by Epitaxy

    Javitt L. F., Cohen H., Weissbuch I., Ehre D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 128, 37, p. 15443-15450
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  15. A Gd-doped ceria/TiO<sub>x</sub> nanocomposite as the active layer in a three terminal electrochemical resistivity switch.

    Freidzon D., Wachtel E., Cohen H., Houben L., Kossoy A., Brontvein O., Varenik M., Frenkel A. I., Ehre D. & Lubomirsky I. (2024) Solid State Ionics. 411, 116572
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  17. From Basic Principles of Protein-Polysaccharide Association to the Rational Design of Thermally Sensitive Materials

    Rosenberg A., Solomonov A., Cohen H., Eliaz D., Kellersztein I., Brookstein O., Kozell A., Wang L., Wagner H. D., Daraio C. & Shimanovich U. (2024) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 16, 7, p. 9210-9223
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  19. Local Environment of Sc and Y Dopant Ions in Aluminum Nitride Thin Films

    Cohen A., Li J., Cohen H., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Khodorov S., Wachtel E. J., Lubomirsky I., Frenkel A. I. & Ehre D. (2024) ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 6, 2, p. 853-861
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  21. Encapsulation of Uranium Oxide in Multiwall WS<sub>2</sub> Nanotubes

    Kundrat V., Cohen H., Kossoy A., Bonani W., Houben L., Zalesak J., Wu B., Sofer Z., Popa K. & Tenne R. (2024) Small. 20, 14, 2307684
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  23. Near-Temperature-Independent Electron Transport Well beyond Expected Quantum Tunneling Range via Bacteriorhodopsin Multilayers

    Bera S., Fereiro J. A., Saxena S. K., Chryssikos D., Majhi K., Bendikov T., Sepunaru L., Ehre D., Tornow M., Pecht I., Vilan A., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 45, p. 24820-24835
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  25. Compositionally Controlled Electron Transfer in Metallo-Organics

    Hamo Y., Neudert A., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 32, p. 18075-18083
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  27. The Mechanical Properties Relationship of Radiation-Cured Nanocomposites Based on Acrylates and Cationic Polymerized Epoxies and the Composition of Silane-Modified Tungsten Disulfide Nanoparticles

    Gercci Y., Yosef-Tal N., Bendikov T., Dodiuk H., Kenig S. & Tenne R. (2023) Polymers. 15, 14, 3061
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  29. Durable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Based on a Composite Carbon Nanotube Cathode

    Yahalom N., Snarski L., Maity A., Bendikov T., Leskes M., Weissman H. & Rybtchinski B. (2023) ACS Applied Energy Materials. 6, 9, p. 4511-4519
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  31. Protein Orientation Defines Rectification of Electronic Current via Solid-State Junction of Entire Photosystem1 Complex

    Fereiro J. A., Bendikov T., Herrmann A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2023) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14, 12, p. 2973-2982
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  33. Topotactic, Vapor-Phase, In Situ Monitored Formation of Ultrathin, Phase-Pure 2D-on-3D Halide Perovskite Surfaces

    Kumar S., Damle V. H., Bendikov T., Itzhak A., Elbaum M., Rechav K., Houben L., Tischler Y. & Cahen D. (2023) ACS applied materials & interfaces. 15, 19, p. 23908-23921
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  35. A trifunctional N-doped activated carbon-ceria-shell, derived from covalent porphyrin polymers for promoting Pt-activity in fuel cell's cathode performance

    Modak A., Velayudham P., Bendikov T., Mohan R. & Schechter A. (2023) CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 13, 4, p. 1180-1195
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  37. Lithium exchange across a lithium-less coating for high energy cathodes

    Haber S., Solomatin N., Shapira A., Bendikov T., Brontvein O., Ein-Eli Y. & Leskes M. (2023) Journal of Power Sources. 560, 232693
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  39. Thiol-based defect healing of WSe<sub>2</sub> and WS<sub>2</sub>

    Schwarz A., Alon-Yehezkel H., Levi A., Yadav R. K., Majhi K., Tzuriel Y., Hoang L., Bailey C. S., Brumme T., Mannix A. J., Cohen H., Yalon E., Heine T., Pop E., Cheshnovsky O. & Naveh D. (2023) npj 2D Materials and Applications. 7, 1, 59
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  41. Perspective on improving the quality of surface and material data analysis in the scientific literature with a focus on x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

    Major G. H., Pinder J. W., Austin D. E., Baer D. R., Castle S. L., Čechal J., Clark B. M., Cohen H., Counsell J., Herrera-Gomez A., Govindan P., Kim S. H., Morgan D. J., Opila R. L., Powell C. J., Průša S., Roberts A., Rocca M., Shirahata N., Šikola T., Smith E. F., So R. C., Stovall J. E., Strunk J., Teplyakov A., Terry J., Weber S. G. & Linford M. R. (2023) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 41, 3, 038501
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  43. Unidirectional rotation of micromotors on water powered by pH-controlled disassembly of chiral molecular crystals

    Carmeli I., Bounioux C. M., Mickel P., Richardson M. B., Templeman Y., Scofield J. M. P., Qiao G. G., Rosen B. A., Yusupov Y., Meshi L., Voelcker N. H., Diéguez O., Miloh T., Král P., Cohen H. & Richter S. E. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 2869
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  45. Low Dimensional, Metal-Free, Hydrazinium Halide Perovskite-Related Single Crystals and Their Use as X-Ray Detectors

    Song X., Cohen H., Yin J., Li H., Wang J., Yuan Y., Huang R., Cui Q., Ma C., Liu S. F., Hodes G. & Zhao K. (2023) Small. 19, 30, 2300892
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  47. Electron transport via tyrosine-doped oligo-alanine peptide junctions: role of charges and hydrogen bonding

    Guo C., Gavrilov Y., Gupta S., Bendikov T., Levy Y., Vilan A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2022) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 47, p. 28878-28885
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  49. Steady-state optoelectronic measurements of halide perovskites on a selective contact: a path to in-depth comprehension of their photovoltaic activity

    Itzhak A., Keller D., Bendikov T., Kama A., Millo O., Balberg I. & Cahen D. (2022) Journal of physics. D, Applied physics. 55, 45, 455107
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  51. Spectroscopy and Structural Investigation of Iron Phosphorus TrisulfideFePS<sub>3</sub>

    Budniak A. K., Zelewski S. J., Birowska M., Woźniak T., Bendikov T., Kauffmann Y., Amouyal Y., Kudrawiec R. & Lifshitz E. (2022) Advanced Optical Materials. 10, 7, 2102489
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  53. Directing the Morphology, Packing, and Properties of Chiral MetalOrganic Frameworks by Cation Exchange

    Nasi H., Chiara di Gregorio M., Wen Q., Shimon L. J. W., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bendikov T., Leitus G., Kazes M., Oron D., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2022) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 61, 34, e202205238
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  55. Phase Separation of Oppositely Charged Polymers Regulates Bioinspired Silicification

    Zhai H., Bendikov T. & Gal A. (2022) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 61, 17, e202115930
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  57. Electrochromism or Water Splitting in Neutral Aqueous Solutions by a MetalloOrganic Assembly

    Malik N., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2022) Energy technology (Weinheim, Germany). 10, 2, 2100769
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  59. C-Axis Textured, 23 μm Thick Al0.75Sc0.25N Films Grown on Chemically Formed TiN/Ti Seeding Layers for MEMS Applications

    Cohen A., Cohen H., Cohen S., Khodorov S., Feldman Y., Kossoy A., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Frenkel A., Wachtel E., Lubomirsky I. & Ehre D. (2022) Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 22, 18, p. 1-16, 7041
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  61. Enhanced Photocatalytic and Photoluminescence Properties Resulting from Type-I Band Alignment in the Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites

    Suzuki V. Y., Amorin L. H. C., Fabris G. S. L., Dey S., Sambrano J. R., Cohen H., Oron D. & La Porta F. A. (2022) Catalysts. 12, 7, 692
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  63. Nanotubes from the Misfit Layered Compound (SmS)<sub>1.19</sub>TaS<sub>2</sub>: Atomic Structure, Charge Transfer, and Electrical Properties

    Sreedhara M. B., Bukvišová K., Khadiev A., Citterberg D., Cohen H., Balema V., K. Pathak A., Novikov D., Leitus G., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Kolíbal M., Enyashin A. N., Houben L. & Tenne R. (2022) Chemistry of Materials. 34, 4, p. 1838-1853
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  65. A Method for Separating Chiral Enantiomers by Enantiospecific Interaction with Ferromagnetic Substrates

    Santra K., Bhowmick D., Zhu Q., Bendikov T. & Naaman R. (2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125, 31, p. 17530-17536
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  67. The pursuit of stability in halide perovskites: The monovalent cation and the key for surface and bulk self-healing

    Ceratti D. R., Cohen A. V., Tenne R., Rakita Y., Snarski L., Jasti N. P., Cremonesi L., Cohen R., Weitman M., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bendikov T., Kalchenko V., Elbaum M., Potenza M. A. C., Kronik L., Hodes G. & Cahen D. (2021) Materials Horizons. 8, 5, p. 1570-1586
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  69. MetalOrganic Polymer-Derived Interconnected FeNi Alloy by Carbon Nanotubes as an Advanced Design of Urea Oxidation Catalysts

    Modak A., Mohan R., Rajavelu K., Cahan R., Bendikov T. & Schechter A. (2021) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 13, 7, p. 8461-8473
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  71. Chemistry and Charge Trapping at the Interface of Silver and Ultrathin Layers of Zinc Oxide

    Rahamim M., Cohen H. & Edri E. (2021) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 13, 41, p. 49423-49432
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  73. Photoelectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with a Copper Graphitic Carbon Nitride Photocathode

    Yu H., Cohen H. & Neumann R. (2021) Chemistry : a European journal. 27, 54, p. 13513-13517
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  75. Protein nanofibril design via manipulation of hydrogen bonds

    Aggarwal N., Eliaz D., Cohen H., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Cohen S. R., Kozell A., Mason T. O. & Shimanovich U. (2021) Communications Chemistry. 4, 1, 62
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  77. Fluorescent Labelling of Cell Surface Proteins on a Solid Support

    Adler S., Motiei L., Mankovski N., Cohen H. & Margulies D. (2021) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 61, 3-4, p. 239-243
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  79. Chemical control of the surface of WS<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles

    Shalom H., Bendikov T., Feldman Y., Lachman N., Zak A. & Tenne R. (2020) Chemical Physics Letters. 761, 138052
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  81. Protein Binding and Orientation Matter: Bias-Induced Conductance Switching in a Mutated Azurin Junction

    Fereiro J. A., Bendikov T., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 45, p. 19217-19225
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  83. Impact of SnF2 Addition on the Chemical and Electronic Surface Structure of CsSnBr3

    Hartmann C., Gupta S., Bendikov T., Kozina X., Kunze T., Felix R., Hodes G., Wilks R. G., Cahen D. & Bar M. (2020) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 12, 10, p. 12353-12361
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  85. Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Enhancement on Vertically Aligned MoS<sub>2</sub> by Synergistic Addition of Silver and Palladium

    Gerlitz I., Fiegenbaum-Raz M., Bar-Sadan M., Cohen H., Ismach A. & Rosen B. A. (2020) ChemElectroChem. 7, 20, p. 4224-4232
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  87. Metal-Free Halide Perovskite Single Crystals with Very Long Charge Lifetimes for Efficient X-ray Imaging

    Song X., Cui Q., Liu Y., Xu Z., Cohen H., Ma C., Fan Y., Zhang Y., Ye H., Peng Z., Li R., Chen Y., Wang J., Sun H., Yang Z., Liu Z., Yang Z., Huang W., Hodes G., Liu S. (. & Zhao K. (2020) Advanced Materials. 32, 42, 2003353
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  89. Guest Transition Metals in Host Inorganic Nanocapsules: Single Sites, Discrete Electron Transfer and Atomic Scale Structure

    Haviv E., Chen B., Carmielli R., Houben L., Cohen H., Leitus G., Avram L. & Neumann R. (2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 34, p. 14504-14512
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  91. XPS guide: Charge neutralization and binding energy referencing for insulating samples

    Baer D. R., Artyushkova K., Cohen H., Easton C. D., Engelhard M., Gengenbach T. R., Greczynski G., Mack P., Morgan D. J. & Roberts A. (2020) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. 38, 3, 031204
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  93. Light and complex 3D MoS2/graphene heterostructures as efficient catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction

    Teich J., Dvir R., Henning A., Hamo E. R., Moody M. J., Jurca T., Cohen H., Marks T. J., Rosen B. A., Lauhon L. J. & Ismach A. (2020) Nanoscale. 12, 4, p. 2715-2725
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  95. Empowering Electroless Plating to Produce Silver Nanoparticle Films for DNA Biosensing Using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy

    Muench F., Solomonov A., Bendikov T., Molina-Luna L., Rubinstein I. & Vaskevich A. (2019) Applied Bio Materials. 2, 2, p. 856-864
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  97. A Nanoscopic View of Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Organic Nanocrystalline Heterojunctions

    Zhang Q., Cohen S. R., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Amgar D., Bar-Elli O., Tsarfati Y., Bendikov T., Shimon L. J. W., Feldman Y., Iron M. A., Weissman H., Levine I., Oron D. & Rybtchinski B. (2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 41, p. 25031-25041
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  99. Band alignment and charge transfer in CsPbBr<sub>3</sub>-CdSe nanoplatelet hybrids coupled by molecular linkers

    Dey S., Cohen H., Pinkas I., Lin H., Kazes M. & Oron D. (2019) Journal of Chemical Physics. 151, 17, 174704
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  101. Surface Pyroelectricity in Cubic SrTiO3

    Meirzadeh E., Christensen D., Makagon E., Cohen H., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Morales E. H., Bhowmik A., Lastra J. M. G., Rappe A. M., Ehre D., Lahav M., Pryds N. & Lubomirsky I. (2019) Advanced Materials. 31, 44, 1904733
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  103. Magnetic-related States and Order Parameter Induced in a Conventional Superconductor by Nonmagnetic Chiral Molecules

    Alpern H., Yavilberg K., Dvir T., Sukenik N., Klang M., Yochelis S., Cohen H., Grosfeld E., Steinberg H., Paltiel Y. & Millo O. (2019) Nano Letters. 19, 8, p. 5167-5175
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  105. Deformation Microstructure and Chemical Composition of Surface Layers of Cu and Al Under Friction in Lubricated Conditions

    Popov I., Moshkovich A., Bendikov T. & Rapoport L. (2018) Tribology Letters. 66, 3, 78
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  107. Deposition of metal coatings containing fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles with reduced friction and wear

    Elianov O., Garusi S., Rosentsveig R., Cohen S. R., Feldman Y., Pinkas B., Bendikov T., Kaplan-Ashiri, Moshkovich A., Perfilyev V., Rapoport L., Moshonov J., Tenne R. & Shay B. (2018) Surface & Coatings Technology. 353, p. 116-125
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  109. Nucleation-Controlled Solution Deposition of Silver Nanoplate Architectures for Facile Derivatization and Catalytic Applications

    Muench F., Popovitz-Biro R., Bendikov T., Feldman Y., Hecker B., Oezaslan M., Rubinstein I. & Vaskevich A. (2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 51, 1805179
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  111. Interface Electrostatics Dictates the Electron Transport via Bioelectronic Junctions

    Garg K., Raichlin S., Bendikov T., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2018) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 10, 48, p. 41599-41607
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  113. Protein Electronics: Chemical Modulation of Contacts Control Energy Level Alignment in Gold-Azurin-Gold Junctions

    Fereiro J. A., Porat G., Bendikov T., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2018) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140, 41, p. 13317-13326
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  115. Na-ion battery cathode materials prepared by electrochemical ion exchange from alumina-coated Li1+xMn0.54Co0.13Ni0.1+yO2

    Bublil S., Fayena-Greenstein M., Talyanker M., Solomatin N., Tsubery M. N., Bendikov T., Penki T. R., Grinblat J., Duran I. B., Grinberg I., Ein-Eli Y., Elias Y., Hartmann P. & Aurbach D. (2018) Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 6, 30, p. 14816-14827
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  117. Hydrophobicity Control in Adaptive Crystalline Assemblies

    Cohen E., Soffer Y., Weissman H., Bendikov T., Schilt Y., Raviv U. & Rybtchinski B. (2018) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 57, 29, p. 8871-8874
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  119. Heterogeneously catalyzed selective hydrogenation of amides to alcohols and amines

    Xie Y., Hu P., Bendikov T. & Milstein D. (2018) Catalysis Science and Technology. 8, 11, p. 2784-2788
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  121. Electronic structure of dipeptides in the gas-phase and as an adsorbed monolayer

    Guo C., Sarkar S., Refaely-Abramson S., Egger D. A., Bendikov T., Yonezawa K., Suda Y., Yamaguchi T., Pecht I., Kera S., Ueno N., Sheves M., Kronik L. & Cahen D. (2018) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20, 10, p. 6860-6867
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  123. Effect of Internal Heteroatoms on Level Alignment at Metal/Molecular Monolayer/Si Interfaces

    Alon H., Garrick R., Pujari S. P., Toledano T., Sinai O., Kedem N., Bendikov T., Baio J. E., Weidner T., Zuilhof H., Cahen D., Kronik L., Sukenik C. N. & Vilan A. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122, 6, p. 3312-3325
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  125. Expanding the boundaries of metal deposition: High aspect ratio silver nanoplatelets created by merging nanobelts

    Muench F., Vaskevich A., Popovitz-Biro R., Bendikov T., Feldman Y. & Rubinstein I. (2018) Electrochimica Acta. 264, p. 233-243
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  127. Self-Assembled Hybrid Materials Based on Organic Nanocrystals and Carbon Nanotubes

    Niazov-Elkan A., Weissman H., Dutta S., Cohen S. R., Iron M. A., Pinkas I., Bendikov T. & Rybtchinski B. (2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 2, 1705027
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  129. Vapour transport deposition of fluorographene oxide films and electro-optical device applications

    Sharma R., Birojud R. K., Sinai O., Cohen H., Sahoo K. R., Artel V., Alon H., Levi A., Subrahmanyam A., Theis W., Naveh D. & Narayanan T. N. (2018) Applied Materials Today. 13, p. 387-395
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  131. Doubly triggered conductance across thin zinc oxysulfide films

    Givon A., Steirer K. X., Segre E. & Cohen H. (2018) Applied Physics Letters. 113, 9, 091602
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  133. Dark and photo-induced charge transport across molecular spacers

    Kantor-Uriel N., Roy P., Lerman K., Sukenik C. N. & Cohen H. (2018) Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 36, 4, ARTN 04H10
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  135. The Contribution of Pyroelectricity of AgI Crystals to Ice Nucleation

    Curland S., Meirzadeh E., Cohen H., Ehre D., Maier J., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 57, 24, p. 7076-7079
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  137. A Mechanistic Study of Phase Transformation in Perovskite Nanocrystals Driven by Ligand Passivation

    Udayabhaskararao T., Houben L., Cohen H., Menahem M., Pinkas I., Avram L., Wolf T., Teitelboim A., Leskes M., Yaffe O., Oron D. & Kazes M. (2018) Chemistry of Materials. 30, 1, p. 84-93
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  139. Synthesis of magnetic FeWO4 nanoparticles and their decoration of WS2 nanotubes surface

    Sedova A., Leitus G., Feldman Y., Bendikov T., Popovitz-Biro R., Khodorov S., Dodiuk H., Kenig S. & Tenne R. (2017) Journal of Materials Science. 52, 11, p. 6376-6387
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  141. Electrochromic Metallo-Organic Nanoscale Films: Fabrication, Color Range, and Devices

    Elool Dov N., Shankar S., Cohen D., Bendikov T., Rechav K., Shimon L. J. W., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2017) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 139, 33, p. 11471-11481
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  143. Real-time plasmon spectroscopy study of the solid-state oxidation and Kirkendall void formation in copper nanoparticles

    Susman M. D., Feldman Y. (., Bendikov T. A., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2017) Nanoscale. 9, 34, p. 12573-12589
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  145. Protective molecular passivation of black phosphorous

    Artel V., Guo Q., Cohen H., Gasper R., Ramasubramaniam A., Xia F. & Naveh D. (2017) npj 2D Materials and Applications. 1, p. 1-5, 6
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  147. Formation of Alkanes by Aerobic Carbon-Carbon Bond Coupling Reactions Catalyzed by a Phosphovanadomolybdic Acid

    Somekh M., Cohen H., Diskin-Posner Y., Shimon L. J. W., Carmieli R., Rosenberg J. N. & Neumann R. (2017) ACS Catalysis. 7, 4, p. 2725-2729
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  149. Morphology Effect on Charge Transport in Doped Bovine Serum Albumin Self-Assembled Monolayers

    Beilis E., Horowitz Y., Givon A., Sornorjai G. A., Cohen H. & Richter S. (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121, 17, p. 9579-9586
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  151. Submolecular Gates Self-Assemble for Hot-Electron Transfer in Proteins

    Filip-Granit N., Goldberg E., Samish I., Ashur I., van der Boom M. E., Cohen H. & Scherz A. (2017) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 121, 29, p. 6981-6988
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  153. Oxygen-Deficient Titania with Adjustable Band Positions and Defects; Molecular Layer Deposition of Hybrid Organic Inorganic Thin Films as Precursors for Enhanced Photocatalysis

    Sarkar D., Ishchuk S., Taffa D. H., Kaynan N., Berke B. A., Bendikov T. & Yerushalmi R. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 7, p. 3853-3862
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  155. Band Diagram and Effects of the KSCN Treatment in TiO2/Sb2S3/CuSCN ETA Cells

    Itzhaik Y., Bendikov T., Hines D., Kamat P. V., Cohen H. & Hodes G. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 1, p. 31-41
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  157. Interface Modification by Simple Organic Salts Improves Performance of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells

    Siram R. B. K., Das J., Mukhopadhyay S., Brenner T. M., Kedem N., Kulbak M., Bendikov T., Cahen D., Hodes G. & Rybtchinski B. (2016) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 3, 23, 1600506
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  159. Cesium Enhances Long-Term Stability of Lead Bromide Perovskite-Based Solar Cells

    Kulbak M., Gupta S., Kedem N., Levine I., Bendikov T., Hodes G. & Cahen D. (2016) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 7, 1, p. 167-172
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  161. CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbBr<sub>3</sub> is not pyroelectric, excluding ferroelectric-enhanced photovoltaic performance

    Rakita Y., Meirzadeh E., Bendikov T., Kalchenko V. (., Lubomirsky I., Hodes G., Ehre D. & Cahen D. (2016) APL Materials. 4, 5, 051101
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  163. Corrosion testing of zirconia, beryllia and magnesia ceramics in molten alkali metal carbonates at 900 °C

    Kaplan V., Bendikov T., Feldman Y. (., Gartsman K., Wachtel E. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Journal of Power Sources. 301, p. 271-276
  164. 83
  165. Light-Induced Conversion of Chemical Permeability to Enhance Electron and Molecular Transfer in Nanoscale Assemblies

    Balgley R., de Ruiter G., Evmenenko G., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 50, p. 16398-16406
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  167. Anion-induced palladium nanoparticle formation during the on-surface growth of molecular assemblies

    Morozov M., Bendikov T., Evmenenko G., Dutta P., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2016) Chemical Communications. 52, 13, p. 2683-2686
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  169. CsSnBr<sub>3</sub>, A Lead-Free Halide Perovskite for Long-Term Solar Cell Application: Insights on SnF<sub>2</sub> Addition

    Gupta S., Bendikov T., Hodes G. & Cahen D. (2016) ACS Energy Letters. 1, 5, p. 1028-1033
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  171. Polypyridyl complexes as electron transporting materials for inverted bulk heterojunction solar cells: The metal center effect

    Balgley R., Drees M., Bendikov T., Lahav M., Facchetti A. & van der Boom M. E. (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4, 21, p. 4634-4639
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  173. Tuning electronic transport via hepta-alanine peptides junction by tryptophan doping

    Guo C., Yu X., Refaely-Abramson S., Sepunaru L., Bendikov T., Pecht I., Kronik L., Vilan A., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 39, p. 10785-10790
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  175. Suspension Electrodes Combining Slurries and Upflow Fluidized Beds

    Cohen H., Eli S. E., Jõgi M. & Suss M. E. (2016) ChemSusChem. 9, 21, p. 3045-3048
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  177. Coupling of Surface-Plasmon-Polariton-Hybridized Cavity Modes between Submicron Slits in a Thin Gold Film

    Walther R., Fritz S., Mueller E., Schneider R., Gerthsen D., Sigle W., Maniv T., Cohen H., Matyssek C. & Busch K. (2016) ACS Photonics. 3, 5, p. 836-843
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  179. Hot Electron-Based Solid State TiO2 vertical bar Ag Solar Cells

    Barad H., Ginsburg A., Cohen H., Rietwyk K. J., Keller D. A., Tirosh S., Bouhadana Y., Anderson A. Y. & Zaban A. (2016) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 3, 7, 1500789
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  181. Multilevel composite using carbon nanotube fibers (CNTF)

    Sui X., Greenfeld I., Cohen H., Zhang X., Li Q. & Wagner H. D. (2016) Composites Science and Technology. 137, p. 35-43
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  183. Photospintronics: Magnetic Field-Controlled Photoemission and Light-Controlled Spin Transport in Hybrid Chiral Oligopeptide-Nanoparticle Structures

    Mondal P. C., Roy P., Kim D., Fullerton E. E., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2016) Nano Letters. 16, 4, p. 2806-2811
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  185. Ultrathin Films of VO<sub>2</sub> on r-Cut Sapphire Achieved by Postdeposition Etching

    Yamin T., Wissberg S., Cohen H., Cohen-Taguri G. & Sharoni A. (2016) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 8, 23, p. 1486314870
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  187. Nonclassical Crystal Growth as Explanation for the Riddle of Polarity in Centrosymmetric Glycine Crystals

    Meirzadeh E., Sapir L., Cohen H., Cohen S., Ehre D., Harries D., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 44, p. 14756-14763
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  189. Damage-free vibrational spectroscopy of biological materials in the electron microscope

    Rez P., Aoki T., March K., Gur D., Krivanek O. L., Dellby N., Lovejoy T. C., Wolf S. G. & Cohen H. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10945
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  191. Surface-plasmon-polariton hybridized cavity modes in submicrometer slits in a thin Au film

    Walther R., Fritz S., Mueller E., Schneider R., Maniv T., Cohen H., Matyssek C., Busch K. & Gerthsen D. (2016) Physical Review B. 93, 24, 245417
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  193. Graphene oxide-Laponite hybrid from highly stable aqueous dispersion

    Chouhan D. K., Patro T. U., Harikrishnan G., Kumar S., Gupta S., Kumar G. S., Cohen H. & Wagner H. D. (2016) Applied Clay Science. 132-133, p. 105-113
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  195. Site-Targeted Interfacial Solid-Phase Chemistry: Surface Functionalization of Organic Monolayers via Chemical Transformations Locally Induced at the Boundary between Two Solids

    Maoz R., Burshtain D., Cohen H., Nelson P., Berson J., Yoffe A. & Sagiv J. (2016) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 55, 40, p. 12366-12371
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  197. Effect of binding group on hybridization across the silicon/aromatic-monolayer interface

    Toledano T., Garrick R., Sinai O., Bendikov T., Haj-Yahia A., Lerman K., Alon H., Sukenik C., Vilan A., Kronik L. & Cahen D. (2015) Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 204, Part A, p. 149-158
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  199. Solid-state crystal-to-crystal phase transitions and reversible structure-temperature behavior of phosphovanadomolybdic acid, H<sub>5</sub>PV<sub>2</sub>Mo<sub>10</sub>O<sub>40</sub>

    Barats-Damatov D., Shimon L. J., Feldman Y., Bendikov T. & Neumann R. (2015) Inorganic Chemistry. 54, 2, p. 628-634
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  201. How Innocent are Potentially Redox Non-Innocent Ligands?: Electronic Structure and Metal Oxidation States in Iron-PNN Complexes as a Representative Case Study

    Butschke B., Fillman K. L., Bendikov T., Shimon L. J. W., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Gorelsky S. I., Neidig M. L. & Milstein D. (2015) Inorganic Chemistry. 54, 10, p. 4909-4926
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  203. Nonconsensus Protein Binding to Repetitive DNA Sequence Elements Significantly Affects Eukaryotic Genomes

    Afek A., Cohen H., Barber-Zucker S., Gordân R. & Lukatsky D. B. (2015) PLoS Computational Biology. 11, 8, e1004429
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  205. Contactless derivation of inner fields in gate-oxide layers: SiO2 on SiC

    Givon A., Piao H., McMahon J., Zorn G. & Cohen H. (2015) Applied Physics Letters. 107, 17, 173101
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  207. Direct Synthesis of Palladium Catalyst on Supporting WS Nanotubes and its Reactivity in Cross-Coupling Reactions

    Visic B., Cohen H., Popovitz-Biro R., Tenne R., Sokolov V. I., Abramova N. V., Buyanovskaya A. G., Dzvonkovskii S. L. & Lependina O. L. (2015) Chemistry, an Asian journal. 10, 10, p. 2234-2239
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  209. New one-step thiol functionalization procedure for Ni by self-assembled monolayers

    Fontanesi C., Tassinari F., Parenti F., Cohen H., Mondal P. C., Vankayala K., Giglia A., Pasquali L. & Naaman R. (2015) Langmuir. 31, 11, p. 3546-3552
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  211. Surface Oxidation as a Cause of High Open-Circuit Voltage in CdSe ETA Solar Cells

    Kirmayer S., Edri E., Hines D., Klein Kedem N., Cohen H., Niitsoo O., Pinkas I., Kamat P. V. & Hodes G. (2015) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2, 1, 1400346
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  213. Angular broadening in core-electron spectroscopy

    Givon A. & Cohen H. (2015) Surface and Interface Analysis. 47, 5, p. 607-611
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  215. Reactivity and O<sub>2</sub> Formation by Mn(IV)- and Mn(V)-Hydroxo Species Stabilized within a Polyfluoroxometalate Framework

    Schreiber R., Cohen H., Leitus G., Wolf S. G., Zhou A., Que L. & Neumann R. (2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 27, p. 8738-8748
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  217. Enhancing the tunability of the open-circuit voltage of hybrid photovoltaics with mixed molecular monolayers

    Barnea-Nehoshtan L., Nayak P. K., Shu A., Bendikov T., Kahn A. & Cahen D. (2014) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 6, 4, p. 2317-2324
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  219. Iron dicarbonyl complexes featuring bipyridine-based PNN pincer ligands with short interpyridine C-C bond lengths: Innocent or non-innocent ligand?

    Zell T., Milko P., Fillman K. L., Diskin Posner Y., Bendikov T., Iron M. A., Leitus G., Ben-David Y., Neidig M. L. & Milstein D. (2014) Chemistry - A European Journal. 20, 15, p. 4403-4413
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  221. Odd-even effect in molecular electronic transport via an aromatic ring

    Toledano T., Sazan H., Mukhopadhyay S., Alon H., Lerman K., Bendikov T., Major D. T., Sukenik C. N., Vilan A. & Cahen D. (2014) Langmuir. 30, 45, p. 13596-13605
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  223. Air-ozonolysis to generate contact active antimicrobial surfaces: Activation of polyethylene and polystyrene followed by covalent graft of quaternary ammonium salts

    Fadida T., Kroupitski Y., Peiper U. M., Bendikov T., Sela Saldinger S. & Poverenov E. (2014) Colloids And Surfaces B-Biointerfaces. 122, p. 294-300
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  225. Surface-induced conformational changes in doped bovine serum albumin self-assembled monolayers

    Beilis E., Belgorodsky B., Fadeev L., Cohen H. & Richter S. (2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136, 17, p. 6151-6154
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  227. Interslit Coupling via Ultrafast Dynamics across Gold-Film Hole Arrays

    Walther R., Carmeli I., Schneider R., Gerthsen D., Busch K., Matyssek C., Shvarzman A., Maniv T., Richter S. & Cohen H. (2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118, 20, p. 11043-11049
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  229. Higher open circuit voltage and reduced UV-induced reverse current in ZnO-based solar cells by a chemically modified blocking layer

    Edri E., Kedem N., Cohen H., Barnes P. & Hodes G. (2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118, 30, p. 16884-16891
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  231. Tailor-made oxide architectures attained by molecularly permeable metal-oxide organic hybrid thin films

    Sarkar D., Taffa D. H., Ishchuk S., Hazut O., Cohen H., Toker G., Asscher M. & Yerushalmi R. (2014) Chemical Communications. 50, 65, p. 9176-9178
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  233. Morphology-, synthesis- and doping-independent tuning of ZnO work function using phenylphosphonates

    Kedem N., Blumstengel S., Henneberger F., Cohen H., Hodes G. & Cahen D. (2014) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 16, 18, p. 8310-8319
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  235. Substituent variation drives metal/monolayer/semiconductor junctions from strongly rectifying to ohmic behavior

    Haj Yahia Y. A. E., Yaffe O., Bendikov T., Cohen H., Feldman Y. (., Vilan A. & Cahen D. (2013) Advanced Materials. 25, 5, p. 702-706
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  237. Phosphonate-stabilized silver nanoparticles: One-step synthesis and monolayer assembly

    Chaikin Y., Bendikov T. A., Cohen H., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2013) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 1, 22, p. 3573-3583
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  239. A nanocomposite of polyaniline/inorganic nanotubes

    Voldman A., Zbaida D., Cohen H., Leitus G. & Tenne R. (2013) Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 214, 18, p. 2007-2015
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  241. Effect of molecule-surface reaction mechanism on the electronic characteristics and photovoltaic performance of molecularly modified Si

    Yaffe O., Ely T., Har Lavan L. R., Egger D. A., Johnston S., Cohen H., Kronik L., Vilan A. & Cahen D. (2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22351-22361
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  243. Effect of doping density on the charge rearrangement and interface dipole at the molecule-silicon interface

    Yaffe O., Pujari S., Sinai O., Vilan A., Zuilhof H., Kahn A., Kronik L., Cohen H. & Cahen D. (2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22422-22427
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  245. Band alignment in partial and complete ZnO/ZnS/CdS/CuSCN extremely thin absorber cells: An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study

    Edri E., Cohen H. & Hodes G. (2013) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 5, 11, p. 5156-5164
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  247. Contact-free pyroelectric measurements using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Ehre D. & Cohen H. (2013) Applied Physics Letters. 103, 5, 052901
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  249. Molecular length, monolayer density, and charge transport: Lessons from Al-AlOx/alkyl-phosphonate/Hg junctions

    Levine I., Weber S. M., Feldman Y. (., Bendikov T., Cohen H., Cahen D. & Vilan A. (2012) Langmuir. 28, 1, p. 404-415
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  251. Electronic and mechanical degradation of oxidized CNTs

    Lachman N., Sui X., Bendikov T., Cohen H. & Wagner D. H. (2012) Carbon. 50, 5, p. 1734-1739
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  253. Absorption vs. Redox reduction of Pd <sup>2+</sup> and Cu <sup>2+</sup> on triboelectrically and naturally charged dielectric polymers

    Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 16, p. 5551-5557
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  255. The role played by oxygen plasma on Teflon: Relevance to the concept of "cryptoelectrons"

    Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2012) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14, 31, p. 11185-11186
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  257. Controlling Pt nanoparticle formation through Se⋯Pt interactions on the electrode surface

    Sheberla D., Patra S., Sharma S., Bendikov T., Sheynin Y. & Bendikov M. (2012) Chemical Communications. 48, 54, p. 6776-6778
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  259. Controlling space charge of oxide-free si by in situ modification of dipolar alkyl monolayers

    Toledano T., Biller A., Bendikov T., Cohen H., Vilan A. & Cahen D. (2012) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 21, p. 11434-11443
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  261. Production of high-quality metal-coated pyroelectric SrTiO <sub>3</sub> films

    Yoffe A., Cohen H. & Shelukhin V. (2012) Technical Physics. 57, 1, p. 134-136
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  263. Photoconductive cdse nanowire arrays, serpentines, and loops formed by electrodeposition on self-organized carbon nanotubes

    Gu X. W., Shadmi N., Yarden T. S., Cohen H. & Joselevich E. (2012) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116, 37, p. 20121-20126
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  265. Ambient organic molecular passivation of Si yields near-ideal, Schottky-Mott limited, junctions

    Har Lavan L. R., Yaffe O., Joshi P., Kazaz R., Cohen H. & Cahen D. (2012) AIP Advances. 2, 1, 012164
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  267. A novel method for investigating electrical breakdown enhancement by nm-sized features

    Shpaisman H., Cohen H., Har Lavan L. R., Azulai D., Stein N. & Cahen D. (2012) Nanoscale. 4, 10, p. 3128-3134
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  269. Doped biomolecules in miniaturized electric junctions

    Mentovich E., Belgorodsky B., Gozin M., Richter S. & Cohen H. (2012) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134, 20, p. 8468-8473
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  271. Friction, wear and structure of Cu samples in the lubricated steady friction state

    Moshkovich A., Perfilyev V., Meshi L., Samuha S., Cohen S., Cohen H., Laikhtman A. & Rapoport L. (2012) Tribology International. 46, 1, p. 154-160
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  273. Far- and near-field electron beam detection of hybrid cavity-plasmonic modes in gold microholes

    Carmeli I., Itskovsky M. A., Kauffmann Y., Shaked Y., Richter S., Maniv T. & Cohen H. (2012) Physical Review B. 85, 4, 041405(R)
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  275. Si-C-bound alkyl chains on oxide-free Si: Towards versatile solution preparation of electronic transport quality monolayers

    Lavi A., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Vilan A. & Cahen D. (2011) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13, 4, p. 1293-1296
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  277. The absence of redox reactions for palladium(II) and copper(II) on electrostatically charged Teflon: Relevance to the concept of "cryptoelectrons"

    Piperno S., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Lahav M. & Lubomirsky I. (2011) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 50, 25, p. 5654-5657
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  279. Tunable localized plasmon transducers prepared by thermal dewetting of percolated evaporated gold films

    Tesler A. B., Chuntonov L., Karakouz T., Bendikov T. A., Haran G., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115, 50, p. 24642-24652
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  281. Water adsorption at the surface of pure and Gd-doped ceria

    Kossoy A., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Wachtel E. & Lubomirsky I. (2011) Solid State Ionics. 194, 1, p. 1-4
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  283. Role of backbone charge rearrangement in the bond-dipole and work function of molecular monolayers

    Aqua T., Cohen H., Sinai O., Frydman V., Bendikov T., Krepel D., Hod O., Kronik L. & Naaman R. (2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 115, 50, p. 24888-24892
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  285. Method and system for determining depth profiling

    Cohen H. (2011) .
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  287. One-step synthesis of prolate spheroidal-shaped carbon produced by the thermolysis of octene under its autogenic pressure

    Gershi H., Geclanken A., Keppner H. & Cohen H. (2011) Carbon. 49, 4, p. 1067-1074
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  289. Band alignment and internal field mapping in solar cells

    Itzhaik Y., Hodes G. & Cohen H. (2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2, 22, p. 2872-2876
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  291. Polyzwitterionic brushes: Extreme lubrication by design

    Chen M., Briscoe W. H., Armes S. P., Cohen H. & Klein J. (2011) European Polymer Journal. 47, 4, p. 511-523
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  293. Thermal stabilization of localized plasmon transducers

    Karakouz T., Tesler A. B., Bendikov T. A., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2010) European Cells and Materials. 20, SUPPL.3, p. 135
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  295. Surface functionalization of WS<sub>2</sub> fullerene-like nanoparticles

    Shahar C., Zbaida D., Rapoport L., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Tannous J., Dassenoy F. & Tenne R. (2010) Langmuir. 26, 6, p. 4409-4414
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  297. Effect of Sb ions on the morphology of chemical bath-deposited ZnO films and application to nanoporous solar cells

    Kedem N., Edri E., Kokotov M., Cohen H., Bendikov T., Popovitz-Biro R., Von Huth H. P., Ginley D. & Hodes G. (2010) Crystal Growth & Design. 10, 10, p. 4442-4448
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  299. Structural evolution in copper layers during sliding under different lubricant conditions

    Moshkovich A., Perfilyev V., Bendikov T., Lapsker I., Cohen H. & Rapoport L. (2010) Acta Materialia. 58, 14, p. 4685-4692
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  301. Uniform coating of light-absorbing semiconductors by chemical bath deposition on sulfide-treated ZnO nanorods

    Edri E., Rabinovich E., Niitsoo O., Cohen H., Bendikov T. & Hodes G. (2010) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114, 30, p. 13092-13097
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  303. Fast set intersection and two-patterns matching

    Cohen H. & Porat E. (2010) . p. 234-242
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  305. Fast set intersection and two-patterns matching

    Cohen H. & Porat E. (2010) Theoretical Computer Science. 411, 40-42, p. 3795-3800
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  307. Fullerene-like nanostructures, their use and process for their production

    Tenne R., Deepak F. L., Cohen H., Cohen S. R., Rosentsveig R. & Yadgarov L. (2010) .
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  309. Effect of the surface on the electronic properties of a two-dimensional electron gas as measured by the quantum Hall effect

    Kopnov G., Umansky V. Y., Cohen H., Shahar D. & Naaman R. (2010) Physical Review B. 81, 4, 045316
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  311. Chemically resolved electrical measurements in organic self-assembled molecular layers

    Cohen H. (2010) Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 176, 1-3, p. 24-34
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  313. Hot-electron characteristics in chemically resolved electrical measurements of thin silica and SiON layers

    Rozenblat A., Rosenwaks Y. & Cohen H. (2009) Applied Physics Letters. 94, 21, 213501
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  315. Electrical depth profiling in thin SiON layers

    Rozenblat A., Rosenwaks Y., Segev L. & Cohen H. (2009) Applied Physics Letters. 94, 5, 053116
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  317. The information content of electron flow through adsorbed molecular monolayers

    Sherratt P. A. J., Cohen H. & Seideman T. (2009) Journal of Chemical Physics. 131, 23, 234701
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  319. Electrical transport and photoemission experiments of alkylphosphonate monolayers on GaAs

    Shpaisman H., Salomon E., Nesher G., Vilan A., Cohen H., Kahn A. & Cahen D. (2009) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113, 8, p. 3313-3321
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  321. Large-scale fabrication of 4-nm-channel vertical protein-based ambipolar transistors

    Mentovich E. D., Belgorodsky B., Kalifa I., Cohen H. & Richter S. (2009) Nano Letters. 9, 4, p. 1296-1300
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  323. Anomalous diffusion of high molecular weight polyisopropylacrylamide in nanopores

    Caspi Y., Zbaida D., Cohen H. & Elbaum M. (2009) Macromolecules. 42, 3, p. 760-767
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  325. Non-contact electrical measurements of hot and cold domains in silica dielectric breakdown

    Cohen H. (2009) Nano Letters. 9, 6, p. 2327-2330
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  327. Device and method for optical localized plasmon sensing

    Rubinstein I., Vaskevich A., Ruach-Nir I. & Bendikov T. (2008) .
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  329. Secondary electron emission control in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Vilan A., Bendikov T. A. & Cohen H. (2008) Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 162, 2, p. 99-105
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  331. Highly stable localized plasmon transducers obtained by thermal embedding of gold island films on glass

    Karakouz T., Tesler A. B., Bendikov T. A., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2008) Advanced Materials. 20, 20, p. 3893-3899
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  333. Biological sensing and interface design in gold island film based localized plasmon transducers

    Bendikov T. A., Rabinkov A., Karakouz T., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2008) Analytical Chemistry. 80, 19, p. 7487-7498
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  335. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tribology studies of annealed fullerene-like WS<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles

    Kopnov F., Tenne R., Späth B., Jägermann W., Cohen H., Feldman Y., Zak A., Moshkovich A. & Rapoport L. (2008) . p. 51-59
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    Kopnov F., Tenne R., Spaeth B., Jaegermann W., Cohen H., Feldman Y. (., Zak A., Moshkovich A. & Rapoport L. (2008) . p. 51-59
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  339. Postassembly chemical modification of a highly ordered organosilane multilayer: New insights into the structure, bonding, and dynamics of self-assembling silane monolayers

    Wen K., Maoz R., Cohen H., Sagiv J., Gibaud A., Desert A. & Ocko B. M. (2008) ACS Nano. 2, 3, p. 579-599
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  341. Radiative interaction of a focused relativistic electron beam in energy-loss spectroscopy of nanoscopic platelets

    Itskovsky M. A., Cohen H. & Maniv T. (2008) Physical Review B. 78, 4, 045419
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  343. Doping molecular monolayers: Effects on electrical transport through alkyl chains on silicon

    Seitz O., Vilan A., Cohen H., Hwang J., Haeming M., Schoell A., Umbach E., Kahn A. & Cahen D. (2008) Advanced Functional Materials. 18, 14, p. 2102-2113
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  345. Defect-dominated charge transport in si-supported CdSe nanoparticle films

    Sarkar S. K., Hodes G., Kronik L. & Cohen H. (2008) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112, 16, p. 6564-6570
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  347. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tribology studies of annealed fullerene-like WS<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles

    Spaeth B., Kopnov F., Cohen H., Zak A., Moshkovich A., Rapoport L., Jaegermann W. & Tenne R. (2008) Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. 245, 9, p. 1779-1784
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  349. Intercalation of alkali metal in WS<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles, revisited

    Kopnov F., Feldman Y. (., Popovitz-Biro R., Vilan A., Cohen H., Zak A. & Tenne R. (2008) Chemistry of Materials. 20, 12, p. 4099-4105
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  351. Electronic current transport through molecular monolayers: Comparison between Hg/alkoxy and alkyl monolayer/Si(100) junctions

    Thieblemont F., Seitz O., Vilan A., Cohen H., Salomon E., Kahn A. & Cahen D. (2008) Advanced Materials. 20, 20, p. 3931-3936
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  353. Synthetic mimic of selective transport through the nuclear pore complex

    Caspi Y., Zbaida D., Cohen H. & Elbaum M. (2008) Nano Letters. 8, 11, p. 3728-3734
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  355. Fullerene-like Mo(W)<sub>1-x</sub>Re<sub>x</sub>S<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles

    Deepak F. L., Popovitz-Biro R., Feldman Y. (., Cohen H., Enyashin A., Seifert G. & Tenne R. (2008) Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 3, 8-9, p. 1568-1574
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  357. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of amorphous and quasiamorphous phases of BaTi O3 and SrTi O3

    Ehre D., Cohen H., Lyahovitskaya V. & Lubomirsky I. (2008) Physical Review B. 77, 18, 184106
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  359. Chemical site capacitance: Submolecular measurements and a model

    Yerushalmi R., van der Boom M. E. & Cohen H. (2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 37, p. 13652-13654
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  361. Fabrication of self-lubricating cobalt coatings on metal surfaces

    Friedman H., Eidelman O., Feldman Y. (., Moshkovich A., Perfiliev V., Rapoport L., Cohen H., Yoffe A. & Tenne R. (2007) Nanotechnology. 18, 11, 115703
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  363. Water-soluble contrast agents targeted at the estrogen receptor for molecular magnetic resonance imaging

    Gunanathan C., Pais A., Furman-Haran E., Seger D., Eyal E., Mukhopadhyay S., Ben-David Y., Leitus G., Cohen H., Vilan A., Degani H. & Milstein D. (2007) Bioconjugate Chemistry. 18, 5, p. 1361-1365
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  365. Electron capturing by DNA

    Ray S. G., Daube S. S., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2007) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 47, 2, p. 149-159
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  367. Effect of doping on electronic transport through molecular monolayer junctions

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  369. Effects of solution pH and surface chemistry on the postdeposition growth of chemical bath deposited PbSe nanocrystalline films

    Sarkar S. K., Kababya S., Vega S., Cohen H., Woicik J. C., Frenkel A. I. & Hodes G. (2007) Chemistry of Materials. 19, 4, p. 879-888
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  371. Robust, biomimetic polymer brush layers grown directly from a planar mica surface

    Chen M., Briscoe W. H., Armes S. P., Cohen H. & Klein J. (2007) ChemPhysChem. 8, 9, p. 1303-1306
  372. 187
  373. Long-range substrate effects on the stability and reactivity of thiolated self-assembled monolayers

    Aqua T., Cohen H., Vilan A. & Naaman R. (2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 44, p. 16313-16318
  374. 188
  375. Fullerene-like (IF) Nb<sub>x</sub>MO<sub>1-x</sub>S<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles

    Deepak F. L., Cohen H., Cohen S., Feldman Y. (., Popovitz-Biro R., Azulay D., Millo O. & Tenne R. (2007) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129, 41, p. 12549-12562
  376. 189
  377. Structural transformations during formation of quasi-amorphous BaTiO <sub>3</sub>

    Ehre D., Cohen H., Lyahovitskaya V., Tagantsev A. & Lubomirsky I. (2007) Advanced Functional Materials. 17, 7, p. 1204-1208
  378. 190
  379. Erratum: Internal field switching in CdSe quantum dot films on Si (Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2005) 109B (185))

    Sarkar S. K., Cohen H. & Hodes G. (2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 43, p. 22048
  380. 191
  381. Electrical measurements in samples

    Cohen H. & Lubomirsky I. (2006) .
  382. 192
  383. Energy level and band alignment for GaAs - Alkylthiol monolayer - Hg junctions from electrical transport and photoemission experiments

    Nesher G., Vilan A., Cohen H., Cahen D., Amy F., Chan C., Hwang J. & Kahn A. (2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 29, p. 14363-14371
  384. 193
  385. In situ SFM study of 2D-polyaniline surface-confined enzymatic polymerization

    Sfez R., Peor N., Cohen S., Cohen H. & Yitzchaik S. (2006) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 16, 41, p. 4044-4050
  386. 194
  387. Submolecular potential profiling across organic monolayers

    Filip-Granit N., van der Boom M. E., Yerushalmi R., Scherz A. & Cohen H. (2006) Nano Letters. 6, 12, p. 2848-2851
  388. 195
  389. Transient charge accumulation in a capacitive self-assembled monolayer

    Cohen H., Maoz R. & Sagiv J. (2006) Nano Letters. 6, 11, p. 2462-2466
  390. 196
  391. Chemically resolved photovoltage measurements in CdSe nanoparticle films

    Cohen H., Sarkar S. K. & Hodes G. (2006) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 50, p. 25508-25513
  392. 197
  393. Site affinity effects upon charge injection into siloxane-based monolayers

    Cohen H., Zenkina O. V., Shukla A. D. & van der Boom M. E. (2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 4, p. 1506-1508
  394. 198
  395. Coordination-based gold nanoparticle layers

    Wanunu M., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2005) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 25, p. 9207-9215
  396. 199
  397. Branched coordination multilayers on gold

    Wanunu M., Vaskevich A., Cohen S., Cohen H., Arad-Yellin R., Shanzer A. & Rubinstein I. (2005) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 50, p. 17877-17887
  398. 200
  399. Effect of molecular binding to a semiconductor on metal/molecule/ semiconductor junction behavior

    Haick H., Ghabboun J., Niitsoo O., Cohen H., Cahen D., Vilan A., Hwang J., Wan A., Amy F. & Kahn A. (2005) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 19, p. 9622-9630
  400. 201
  401. Organization-induced charge redistribution in self-assembled organic monolayers on gold

    Ray S., Cohen H., Naaman R., Liu H. & Waldeck D. (2005) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 29, p. 14064-14073
  402. 202
  403. Where is the sodium in self-assembled monolayers of single-stranded DNA?

    Ray S., Cohen H., Naaman R. & Rabin Y. (2005) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 49, p. 17138-17139
  404. 203
  405. New composite MoS<sub>2</sub>-C<sub>60</sub> crystals

    Remskar M., Mrzel A., Jesih A., Kovac J., Cohen H., Sanjines R. & Levy F. (2005) Advanced Materials. 17, 7, p. 911-914
  406. 204
  407. Internal field switching in CdSe quantum dot films on Si

    Sarkar S., Cohen H. & Hodes G. (2005) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 109, 1, p. 182-187
  408. 205
  409. E-beam-referenced work-function evaluation in an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer

    Cohen H., Nogues C., Zon I. & Lubomirsky I. (2005) Journal of Applied Physics. 97, 11, 113701
  410. 206
  411. Sensitivity of transmission surface plasmon resonance (T-SPR) spectroscopy: Self-assembled multilayers on evaporated gold Island films

    Doron-Mor I., Cohen H., Barkay Z., Shanzer A., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2005) Chemistry-A European Journal. 11, 19, p. 5555-5562
  412. 207
  413. Electrically conductive 2D-PAN-containing surfaces as a culturing substrate for neurons

    Oren R., Sfez R., Korbakov N., Shabtai K., Cohen A., Erez H., Dormann A., Cohen H., Shappir J., Spira M. E. & Yitzchaik S. (2004) Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. 15, 11, p. 1355-1374
  414. 208
  415. Alkylated polyethyleneimine/polyoxometalate synzymes as catalysts for the oxidation of hydrophobic substrates in water with hydrogen peroxide

    Haimov A., Cohen H. & Neumann R. (2004) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126, 38, p. 11762-11763
  416. 209
  417. A computational foray into the formation and reactivity of metallabenzenes

    Iron M. A., Lucassen A. C. B., Cohen H., van der Boom M. E. & Martin J. M. L. (2004) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 126, 37, p. 11699-11710
  418. 210
  419. Covalent assembly of stilbene-based monolayers: Factors controlling molecular interactions

    Shukla A. D., Strawser D., Lucassen A. C. B., Freeman D., Cohen H., Amilan Jose D., Das A., Evmenenko G., Dutta P. & van der Boom M. E. (2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 45, p. 17505-17511
  420. 211
  421. Characterization of oxides of cesium

    Band A., Albu-Yaron A., Livneh T., Cohen H., Feldman Y. (., Shimon L. J. W., Popovitz-Biro R., Lyahovitskaya V. & Tenne R. (2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 33, p. 12360-12367
  422. 212
  423. Chemically resolved electrical measurements using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Cohen H. (2004) Applied Physics Letters. 85, 7, p. 1271-1273
  424. 213
  425. Layer-by-layer assembly of ordinary and composite coordination multilayers

    Doron-Mor I., Cohen H., Cohen S., Popovitz-Biro R., Shanzer A., Vaskevich A. & Rubinstein I. (2004) Langmuir. 20, 24, p. 10727-10733
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  427. Evidences for dry deintercalation in layered compounds upon controlled surface charging in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Feldman Y. (., Zak A., Tenne R. & Cohen H. (2003) JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A. 21, 5, p. 1752-1757
  428. 215
  429. Solution-processed anodes from layer-structure materials for high-efficiency polymer light-emitting diodes

    Frey G., Reynolds K., Friend R., Cohen H. & Feldman Y. (. (2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 19, p. 5998-6007
  430. 216
  431. XPS investigation of surface chemistry of magnesium electrodes in contact with organic solutions of organochloroaluminate complex salts

    Gofer Y., Turgeman R., Cohen H. & Aurbach D. (2003) Langmuir. 19, 6, p. 2344-2348
  432. 217
  433. Electrodynamics in the near-field regions of anisotropic nanoscopic films and platelets

    Lembrikov B., Itskovsky M., Cohen H. & Maniv T. (2003) Physical Review B. 67, 8, 085401
  434. 218
  435. Metallic sub-nanometer MoS<sub>2-x</sub>I<sub>y</sub> nanotubes

    Remskar M., Mrzel A., Sanjines R., Cohen H. & Levy F. (2003) Advanced Materials. 15, 3, p. 237-240
  436. 219
  437. Charge transfer between a gold substrate and CdS nanoparticles assembled in hybrid organic-inorganic films

    Samokhvalov A., Gurney R., Lahav M., Cohen S. R., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2003) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 18, p. 4245-4252
  438. 220
  439. A composite gold-silicon oxide surface for mesoscopic patterning

    Shabtai K., Cohen S., Cohen H. & Rubinstein I. (2003) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 23, p. 5540-5546
  440. 221
  441. Adsorption of organic phosphate as a means to bind biological molecules to GaAs surfaces

    Artzi R., Daube S., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2003) Langmuir. 19, 18, p. 7392-7398
  442. 222
  443. Organometallic−Polyoxometalate Hybrid Compounds: Metallosalen Compounds Modified by Keggin Type Polyoxometalates

    Bar-Nahum I., Cohen H. & Neumann R. (2003) Inorganic Chemistry. 42, 11, p. 3677-3684
  444. 223
  445. Electromagnetic quantum-size effects in directional near-field EELS of nanocrystals

    Cohen H., Lembrikov B., Itskovsky M. & Maniv T. (2003) Nano Letters. 3, 2, p. 203-206
  446. 224
  447. Electron spectroscopy employing controlled surface charging

    Cohen H. & Rubinstein I. (2002) .
  448. 225
  449. Synthesis and properties of alkali metal intercalated fullerene-like MS2 (M=W,MO) nanoparticles

    Zak A., Feldman Y. (., Lyakhovitskaya V., Leitus G., Popovitz-Biro R., Wachtel E., Cohen H., Reich S. & Tenne R. (2002) . 633, p. 67-70
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  451. Alkali metal intercalated fullerene-like MS<sub>2</sub> (M = W, Mo) nanoparticles and their properties

    Zak A., Feldman Y. (., Lyakhovitskaya V., Leitus G., Popovitz-Biro R., Wachtel E., Cohen H., Reich S. & Tenne R. (2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 17, p. 4747-4758
  452. 227
  453. Hybrid composites of monodisperse π-conjugated rodlike organic compounds and semiconductor quantum particles

    Hensel V., Godt A., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Weissbuch I., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2002) Chemistry-A European Journal. 8, 6, p. 1413-1423
  454. 228
  455. Interplay of Cs concentration, dimensionality and superconductivity in Cs<sub>x</sub>WO<sub>3</sub>

    Leitus G., Cohen H. & Reich S. (2002) Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications. 371, 4, p. 321-329
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  457. Na effects on CuInSe<sub>2</sub>: Distinguishing bulk from surface phenomena

    Lyahovitskaya V., Feldman Y. (., Gartsman K., Cohen H., Cytermann C. & Cahen D. (2002) Journal of Applied Physics. 91, 7, p. 4205-4212
  458. 230
  459. Photoelectron transport in CsI and CsBr coating films of alkali antimonide and CsI photocathodes

    Shefer E., Breskin A., Boutboul T., Chechik R., Singh B. K., Cohen H. & Feldman I. (2002) Journal of Applied Physics. 92, 8, p. 4758-4771
  460. 231
  461. (Pb<sub>1-x</sub>Cd<sub>x</sub>)S nanoparticles embedded in a conjugated organic matrix, as studied by photoluminescence and light-induced x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Buller R., Cohen H., Minkin E., Popovitz-Biro R., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2002) Advanced Functional Materials. 12, 10, p. 713-718
  462. 232
  463. Preparation and characterization of CdTe nanoparticles in zirconia films prepared by the sol gel method

    Zelner M., Minti H., Reisfeld R., Cohen H., Feldman Y. (., Cohen S. & Tenne R. (2001) Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 20, 2, p. 153-160
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  465. Self-assembly of bolaamphiphiles forming alternating layer arrangements with lead and copper divalent ions

    Buller R., Cohen H., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 46, p. 11447-11455
  466. 234
  467. Oriented crystalline monolayers and bilayers of 2 x 2 silver(I) grid architectures at the air-solution interface: Their assembly and crystal structure elucidation

    Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Kuzmenko I., Cohen H., Cohen S. R., Kjaer K., Howes P. B., Als-Nielsen J., Lehn J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2000) Chemistry-A European Journal. 6, 4, p. 725-734
  468. 235
  469. Electron transmission through organized organic thin films - the effect of their structure on the electronic band

    Haran A., Cohen H. & Naaman R. (2000) Superlattices and Microstructures. 28, 4, p. 279-288
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  471. Topotactic release of CdS and Cd<sub>1-x</sub>Mn<sub>x</sub>S from solid thioalkanoates with ammonia to yield quantum particles arranged in layers within an organic composite

    Guo S., Konopny L., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Sirota M., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (2000) Advanced Materials. 12, 4, p. 302-306
  472. 237
  473. High-resolution lateral differentiation using a macroscopic probe: XPS of organic monolayers on composite Au-SiO<sub>2</sub> surfaces

    Shabtai K., Rubinstein I., Cohen S. & Cohen H. (2000) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122, 20, p. 4959-4962
  474. 238
  475. Controlled surface charging as a depth-profiling probe for mesoscopic layers

    Doron-Mor I., Hatzor A., Vaskevich A., van der Boom-Moav T., Shanzer A., Rubinstein I. & Cohen H. (2000) Nature. 406, 6794, p. 382-385
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  477. The effect of hollow nanoparticles of ws<sub>2</sub> on friction and wear

    Rapopor L., Feldman Y., Homyonfer M., Cohen H., Cohen S. & Tenne R. (1999) Tribology Series. 36, p. 567-573
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  479. Comment on \u201cNear-field electron energy loss spectroscopy of nanoparticles\u201d

    Echenique P. M., Howie A., Ritchie R. H., Cohen H. & Tenne R. (1999) Physical Review Letters. 83, 3, p. 658-658
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  481. Inorganic fullerene-like material as additives to lubricants: Structure-function relationship

    Rapoport L., Feldman Y. (., Homyonfer M., Cohen H., Sloan J., Hutchison J. & Tenne R. (1999) Wear. 225-229, part 2, p. 975-982
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  483. Nano-particles seeding and its characterization by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

    Eliyahu A., Buehler J., Ben-Chorin M., Cohen H. & Prior Y. (1999) Diamond and Related Materials. 8, 2-5, p. 146-149
  484. 243
  485. Nanotribology of novel metal dichalcogenides

    Cohen S., Feldman Y. (., Cohen H. & Tenne R. (1999) Applied Surface Science. 144-145, p. 603-607
  486. 244
  487. Thioalkanoates as site-directing nucleating centers for the preparation of patterns of CdS nanoparticles within 3-D crystals and LB films of Cd alkanoates

    Guo S., Konopny L., Popovitz-Biro R., Cohen H., Porteanu H., Lifshitz E. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 41, p. 9589-9598
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  489. Lanthanide oxide-doped titanium dioxide: effective photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants

    Ranjit K., Cohen H., Willner I., Bossmann S. & Braun A. (1999) Journal of Materials Science. 34, 21, p. 5273-5280
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  491. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of surface films formed on Li electrodes freshly prepared in alkyl carbonate solutions

    Schechter A., Aurbach D. & Cohen H. (1999) Langmuir. 15, 9, p. 3334-3342
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  493. Electrodeposition of CdS quantum dots and their optoelectronic characterization by photoelectrochemical and scanning probe spectroscopies

    Behar D., Rubinstein I., Hodes G., Cohen S. & Cohen H. (1999) Superlattices and Microstructures. 25, 4, p. 601-613
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  495. Use of diastereomeric interactions to probe the inplane attachment of water-soluble molecules to the polar head groups of Langmuir films of cu-α-amino acid complexes

    Berfeld M., Kuzmenko I., Weissbuch I., Cohen H., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 103, 33, p. 6891-6899
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  497. Surface chemical characteristics of coal fly ash particles after interaction with seawater under natural deep sea conditions

    Brami Y., Herut B., Shemesh A. & Cohen H. (1999) Environmental Science and Technology. 33, 2, p. 276-281
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  499. Cohen et al. Reply

    Cohen H., Maniv T., Tenne R., Hacohen Y., Stephan O. & Colliex C. (1999) Physical review letters. 83, 3, p. 659
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  501. Self-assembly at the air-water interface. In-situ preparation of thin films of metal ion grid architectures

    Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Cohen S. R., Cohen H., Kjaer K., Howes P. B., Als-Nielsen J., Hanan G., Schubert U., Lehn J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 19, p. 4850-4860
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  503. Synthesis of semiconductor quantum particles in matrices of thin films and crystals of α,ω-alkanedicarboxylate salts

    Guo S., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Cohen H., Hodes G. & Lahav M. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 2, p. 121-125
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  505. Coordination-controlled self-assembled multilayers on gold

    Hatzor A., Moav T., Cohen H., Matlis S., Libman J., Vaskevich A., Shanzer A. & Rubinstein I. (1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 51, p. 13469-13477
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  507. Specific nonthermal chemical structural transformation induced by microwaves in a single amphiphilic bilayer self-assembled on silicon

    Maoz R., Cohen H. & Sagiv J. (1998) Langmuir. 14, 21, p. 5988-5993
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  509. Self-assembled monolayers on oxidized metals. 4. Superior n-Alkanethiol monolayers on copper

    Ron H., Cohen H., Matlis S., Rappaport M. & Rubinstein I. (1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 49, p. 9861-9869
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  511. Coordination-based symmetric and asymmetric bilayers on gold surfaces

    Moav T., Hatzor A., Cohen H., Libman J., Rubinstein I. & Shanzer A. (1998) Chemistry-A European Journal. 4, 3, p. 502-507
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  513. Near-field electron energy loss spectroscopy of nanoparticles

    Cohen H., Maniv T., Tenne R., Hacohen Y., Stephan O. & Colliex C. (1998) Physical review letters. 80, 4, p. 782-785
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  515. The tribological behavior of type II textured MX<sub>2</sub> (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) films

    Cohen S., Rapoport L., Ponomarev E., Cohen H., Tsirlina T., Tenne R. & Levy-Clement C. (1998) Thin Solid Films. 324, 1-2, p. 190-197
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  517. Preparation and Characterization of CdS Films Synthesized in Situ in Zirconia Sol-Gel Matrix

    Zelner M., Minti H., Reisfeld R., Cohen H. & Tenne R. (1997) Chemistry of Materials. 9, 11, p. 2541-2543
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  519. Monolayer damage in XPS measurements as evaluated by independent methods

    Frydman E., Cohen H., Maoz R. & Sagiv J. (1997) Langmuir. 13, 19, p. 5089-5106
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  521. Electron transmission through band structure in organized organic thin films

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  523. Self-assembled monolayer coatings on amorphous iron and iron oxide nanoparticles: Thermal stability and chemical reactivity studies

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  525. In situ preparation of amorphous carbon-activated palladium nanoparticles

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  527. Growth of crystalline WSe<sub>2</sub> and WS<sub>2</sub> films on amorphous substrate by reactive (Van der Waals) rheotaxy

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  529. A comparative study of synthetic graphite and Li electrodes in electrolyte solutions based on ethylene carbonate-Dimethyl carbonate mixtures

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  531. Bulk synthesis of inorganic fullerene-like MS2 (M = Mo, W) from the respective trioxides and the reaction mechanism

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  533. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of lithium surfaces prepared in several important electrolyte solutions. A comparison with previous studies by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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  535. Crystallization of layered metal-dichalcogenides films on amorphous substrates

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  537. Efficient reduction of nitrite and nitrate to ammonia using thin-film B-doped diamond electrodes

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