Nanofabrication Publications

  1. Design and fabrication of ultrahigh Q chip-based silica WGM micro-resonators for single-atom cavity-QED

    Ohana T. S., Guendelman G., Mishuk E., Kandel N., Garti D., Gurovich D., Bitton O. & Dayan B. (2024) Optics Express. 32, 25, p. 43974-43986
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  3. Super-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy by coherent image scanning

    Zhitnitsky A., Benjamin E., Bitton O. & Oron D. (2024) Nature Communications. 15, 10073
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  5. STEM-EELS: A Proper Tool for Observation of Strong Coupling Effects between Surface Excitations with High Spatial and Energy Resolution

    Gallina P., Kvapil M., Konečná A., Horák M., Bitton O., Houben L., Křápek V., Haran G., Idrobo J. C. & Šikola T. (2024) Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30, Supplement_1, p. 1495-1496, ozae044.73
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  7. Plasmonic Cavities and Individual Quantum Emitters in the Strong Coupling Limit

    Bitton O. & Haran G. (2022) Accounts of chemical research. 55, 12, p. 1659-1668
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  9. Electrical Properties of LaS-TaS<sub>2</sub> Misfit Layered Compound Nanotubes

    Stolovas D., PopovitzBiro R., Sinha S. S., Bitton O., Shahar D., Tenne R. & Joselevich E. (2022) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 62, 3-4, e202100072
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  11. Vortex beams of atoms and molecules

    Luski A., Segev Y., David R., Bitton O., Nadler H., Barnea A. R., Gorlach A., Cheshnovsky O., Kaminer I. & Narevicius E. (2021) Science. 373, 6559, p. 1105-1109
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  13. Complex plasmon-exciton dynamics revealed through quantum dot light emission in a nanocavity

    Gupta S. N., Bitton O., Neuman T., Esteban R., Chuntonov L., Aizpurua J. & Haran G. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 1310
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  15. Improving the quality factors of plasmonic silver cavities for strong coupling with quantum emitters

    Bitton O., Gupta S. N., Cao Y., Vaskevich A., Houben L., Yelin T. & Haran G. (2021) Journal of Chemical Physics. 154, 1, 014703
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  17. Vacuum Rabi splitting of a dark plasmonic cavity mode revealed by fast electrons

    Bitton O., Gupta S. N., Houben L., Kvapil M., Krapek V., Sikola T. & Haran G. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 487
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  19. In-Plane Nanowires with Arbitrary Shapes on Amorphous Substrates by Artificial Epitaxy

    Ben-Zvi R., Burrows H., Schvartzman M., Bitton O., Pinkas I., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Brontvein O. & Joselevich E. (2019) ACS Nano. 13, 5, p. 5572-5582
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  21. Quantum dot plasmonics: from weak to strong coupling

    Bitton O., Gupta S. N. & Haran G. (2019) Nanophotonics. 8, 4, p. 559-575
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  23. Gap-mode-assisted light-induced switching of sub-wavelength magnetic domains

    Scheunert G., McCarron R., Kullock R., Cohen S. R., Rechav K., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bitton O., Hecht B. & Oron D. (2018) Journal of Applied Physics. 123, 14, 143102
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  25. Interfacial Electron Beam Lithography: Chemical Monolayer Nanopatterning via Electron-Beam-Induced Interfacial Solid-Phase Oxidation

    Maoz R., Berson J., Burshtain D., Nelson P., Zinger A., Bitton O. & Sagiv J. (2018) ACS Nano. 12, 10, p. 9680-9692
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  27. Two-Dimensional Maxwell Fisheye for Integrated Optics

    Bitton O., Bruch R. & Leonhardt U. (2018) Physical Review Applied. 10, 4, 044059
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  29. Grazing-incidence optical magnetic recording with super-resolution

    Scheunert G., Cohen S., Kullock R., McCarron R., Rechev K., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bitton O., Dawson P., Hecht B. & Oron D. (2017) Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 8, 1, p. 28-37
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  31. Multiple periodicity in a nanoparticle-based single-electron transistor

    Bitton O., Gutman D. B., Berkovits R. & Frydman A. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 1, 402
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  33. Three-dimensional metamaterials for nonlinear holography

    Prior Y., Bitton O. & Almeida E. (2016) .
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  35. Defect-Free Carbon Nanotube Coils

    Shadmi N., Kremen A., Frenkel Y., Lapin Z. J., Machado L. D., Legoas S. B., Bitton O., Rechav K., Popovitz-Biro R., Galvao D. S., Jorio A., Novotny L., Kalisky B. & Joselevich E. (2016) Nano Letters. 16, 4, p. 2152-2158
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  37. Vacuum Rabi splitting in a plasmonic cavity at the single quantum emitter limit

    Santhosh K., Bitton O., Chuntonov L. & Haran G. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, ncomms1182
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  39. Nonlinear metamaterials for holography

    Almeida E., Bitton O. & Prior Y. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 12533
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  41. Enhanced Magnetoresistance in Molecular Junctions by Geometrical Optimization of Spin-Selective Orbital Hybridization

    Rakhmilevitch D., Sarkar S., Bitton O., Kronik L. & Tal O. (2016) Nano Letters. 16, 3, p. 1741-1745
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  43. Influence of gain material concentration on an organic DFB laser

    Palatnik A., Bitton O., Aviv H. & Tischler Y. R. (2016) Optical Materials Express. 6, 9, p. 2715-2724
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  45. Field-effect transistors based on WS<sub>2</sub> nanotubes with high current-carrying capacity

    Levi R., Bitton O., Leitus G., Tenne R. & Joselevich E. (2013) Nano Letters. 13, 8, p. 3736-3741