Flow Cytometry Publications

  1. Ordonez-Moreno L. A., Haddad M., Chakrabarti P., Khatib-Massalha E., Fruchtman H., Boura-Halfon S., Petrovich-Kopitman E., Lapidot T. & Kollet O. (2023). Lactatea new player in G-CSF-induced mobilization of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.  Leukemia. 2023 Aug , 37 (8):1757-1761.
  2. Zioni N., Bercovich A. A., Chapal-Ilani N., Bacharach T., Rappoport N., Solomon A., Avraham R., Kopitman E., Porat Z., Sacma M., Hartmut G., Scheller M., Muller-Tidow C., Lipka D., Shlush E., Minden M., Kaushansky N. & Shlush L. I. (2023). Inflammatory signals from fatty bone marrow support DNMT3A driven clonal hematopoiesis.  Nature Communications. 2023 Apr 12 , 14 (1).
  3. Givony T., Leshkowitz D., Del Castillo D., Nevo S., Kadouri N., Dassa B., Gruper Y., Khalaila R., Ben-Nun O., Gome T., Dobeš J., Ben-Dor S., Kedmi M., Keren-Shaul H., Heffner-Krausz R., Porat Z., Golani O., Addadi Y., Brenner O., Lo D. D., Goldfarb Y. & Abramson J. (2023). Thymic mimetic cells function beyond self-tolerance.  Nature. 2023 Oct 5 , 622 (7981):164172.
  4. Wortzel I., Porat Z., Seger R. & Maik-Rachline G. (2022). Applying imaging flow cytometry and immunofluorescence in studying the dynamic Golgi structure in cultured cells.  STAR Protocols. 2022 Jun 17 , 3 (2).
  5. Maan H., Povolotsky T. L., Porat Z., Itkin M., Malitsky S. & Kolodkin-Gal I. (2022). Imaging flow cytometry reveals a dual role for exopolysaccharides in biofilms: To promote self-adhesion while repelling non-self-community members.  Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2022, 20 :15-25.
  6. Alfandari D., Ben Ami Pilo H., Abou Karam P., Dagan O., Joubran C., Rotkopf R., Regev-Rudzki N. & Porat Z. (2022). Monitoring Distribution Dynamics of EV RNA Cargo Within Recipient Monocytes and Macrophages.  Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2022 Jan 26 , 11 .
  7. Hammer L., Levin-Salomon V., Yaeli-Slonim N., Weiss M., Dekel-Bird N. P., Olender T., Porat Z., Winograd-Katz S., Savidor A., Levin Y., Bialik S., Geiger B. & Kimchi A. (2022). A new function for the serine protease HtrA2 in controlling radiation-induced senescence in cancer cells.  Molecular Oncology. 2022 Feb 5 , 16 (6).
  8. Haimon Z., Frumer G. R., Kim J., Trzebanski S., Haffner-Krausz R., Ben-Dor S., Porat Z., Muschaweckh A., Chappell-Maor L., Boura-Halfon S., Korn T. & Jung S. (2022). Cognate microgliaT cell interactions shape the functional regulatory T cell pool in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis pathology.  Nature Immunology. 2022 Dec , 23 (12):1749-1762.
  9. Sapir T., Kshirsagar A., Gorelik A., Olender T., Porat Z., Scheffer I. E., Goldstein D. B., Devinsky O. & Reiner O. (2022). Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (HNRNPU) safeguards the developing mouse cortex.  Nature Communications. 2022 Dec , 13 (1).
  10. Kaufman T., Nitzan E., Firestein N., Ginzberg M. B., Iyengar S., Patel N., Ben-Hamo R., Porat Z., Hunter J., Hilfinger A., Rotter V., Kafri R. & Straussman R. (2022). Visual barcodes for clonal-multiplexing of live microscopy-based assays.  Nature Communications. 2022 Dec , 13 (1).
  11. Jenner D. C., Rieger A. M. & Porat Z. (2022). Editorial: The use of image and imaging flow cytometry as a tool to study host-pathogen interactions.  Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2022 Nov 17 , 12 .
  12. Ben Ami Pilo H., Khan Khilji S., Lühle J., Biskup K., Levy Gal B., Rosenhek Goldian I., Alfandari D., Revach O., Kiper E., Morandi M. I., Rotkopf R., Porat Z., Blanchard V., Seeberger P. H., RegevRudzki N. & Moscovitz O. (2022). Sialylated Nglycans mediate monocyte uptake of extracellular vesicles secreted from Plasmodium falciparuminfected red blood cells.  Journal of Extracellular Biology. 2022 Feb , 1 (2).
  13. Dekel E., Yaffe D., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Ben-Nissan G., Ofir-Birin Y., Morandi M. I., Ziv T., Sisquella X., Pimentel M. A., Nebl T., Kapp E., Ohana Daniel Y., Karam P. A., Alfandari D., Rotkopf R., Malihi S., Temin T. B., Mullick D., Revach O. Y., Rudik A., Gov N. S., Azuri I., Porat Z., Bergamaschi G., Sorkin R., Wuite G. J., Avinoam O., Carvalho T. G., Cohen S. R., Sharon M. & Regev-Rudzki N. (2021). 20S proteasomes secreted by the malaria parasite promote its growth.  Nature Communications. 2021 Dec 1 , 12 (1).
  14. Manco R., Averbukh I., Porat Z., Bahar Halpern K., Amit I. & Itzkovitz S. (2021). Clump sequencing exposes the spatial expression programs of intestinal secretory cells.  Nature Communications. 2021 Dec 1 , 12 :-.
  15. Vincent F., Sheyn U., Porat Z., Schatz D. & Vardi A. (2021). Visualizing active viral infection reveals diverse cell fates in synchronized algal bloom demise.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 2021, 118 (11).
  16. Ofir-Birin Y., Ben Ami Pilo H., Camacho A. C., Rudik A., Rivkin A., Revach O., Nir N., Tamin T. B., Karam P. A., Kiper E., Peleg Y., Nevo R., Solomon A., Havkin-Solomon T., Rojas A., Rotkopf R., Porat Z., Avni D., Schwartz E., Zillinger T., Hartmann G., Di Pizio A., Ben Quashie N., Dikstein R., Gerlic M., Torrecilhas A. C., Levy C., Hoen E. N. M. N., Bowie A. G. & Regev-Rudzki N. (2021). Malaria parasites both repress host CXCL10 and use it as a cue for growth acceleration.  Nature Communications. 2021 Dec 1 , 12 (1).
  17. Maan H., Gilhar O., Porat Z. & Kolodkin-Gal I. (2021). Bacillus subtilis Colonization of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots Induces Multiple Biosynthetic Clusters for Antibiotic Production.  Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2021 Sept 3 , 11 .
  18. Goldfarb Y., Givony T., Dobeš J., Kadouri N., Zalayat I., Peligero-Cruz C., Damari G., Dassa B., Ben-Dor S., Gruper Y., Oftedal B. E., Bratland E., Erichsen M. M., Berger A., Avin A., Nevo S., Haljasorg U., Kuperman Y., Ulman A., Porat Z., Haffner-Krausz R., Atasoy U., Leshkowitz D., Husebye E. S. & Abramson J. (2021). Mechanistic dissection of dominant AIRE mutations in mouse models reveals AIRE autoregulation.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021 Nov , 218 (11).
  19. Tabachnick-Cherny S., Pinto S., Berko D., Curato C., Wolf Y., Porat Z., Karmona R., Tirosh B., Jung S. & Navon A. (2020). Polyglutamine-Related Aggregates Can Serve as a Potent Antigen Source for Cross-Presentation by Dendritic Cells.  Journal of Immunology. 2020 Nov 15 , 205 (10):2583-2594.
  20. Eisenberg-Lerner A., Benyair R., Hizkiahou N., Nudel N., Maor R., Kramer M. P., Shmueli M. D., Zigdon I., Lev M. C., Ulman A., Sagiv J. Y., Dayan M., Dassa B., Rosenwald M., Shachar I., Li J., Wang Y., Dezorella N., Khan S., Shimoni E., Porat Z., Avinoam O. & Merbl Y. (2020). Golgi organization is regulated by proteasomal degradation.  Nature Communications. 2020 Jan 21 , 11 .