Mass Cytometry Publications

  1. Nimri L., Spivak O., Tal D., Schälling D., Peri I., Graeve L., Salame T. M., Yarden O., Hadar Y. & Schwartz B. (2017). A recombinant fungal compound induces anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on colon cancer cells.  Oncotarget. 2017, 8 (17):28854-28864.
  2. Jaitin D. A., Weiner A., Yofe I., Lara Astiaso D., Keren-Shaul H., David E., Salame T. M., Tanay A., van Oudenaarden A. & Amit I. (2016). Dissecting Immune Circuits by Linking CRISPR-Pooled Screens with Single-Cell RNA-Seq.  Cell. 2016 Dec 15 , 167 (7):1883-1896.e15.
  3. Gury-BenAri M., Thaiss C. A., Serafini N., Winter D. R., Giladi A., Lara Astiaso A. D., Levy M., Salame T. M., Weiner A., David E., Shapiro H., Dori-Bachash M., Pevsner-Fischer M., Lorenzo Vivas V. E., Keren-Shaul H., Paul F., Harmelin A., Eberl G., Itzkovitz S., Tanay A., Di Santo S. J. P., Elinav E. & Amit I. (2016). The Spectrum and Regulatory Landscape of Intestinal Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Shaped by the Microbiome.  Cell. 2016 Aug 25 , 166 (5):1231-1246.e13.
  4. Setty M., Tadmor M. D., Reich-Zeliger S., Angel O., Salame T. M., Kathail P., Choi K., Bendall S., Friedman N. & Pe'er D. (2016). Wishbone identifies bifurcating developmental trajectories from single-cell data.  Nature biotechnology. 2016 Jun 1 , 34 (6):637-645.
  5. Mancini M., Gaborit N., Lindzen M., Salame T. M., Dall'Ora M., Sevilla-Sharon M., Abdul-Hai A., Downward J. & Yarden Y. (2015). Combining three antibodies nullifies feedback-mediated resistance to erlotinib in lung cancer.  Science Signaling. 2015 Jun 2 , 8 (379).
  6. Gross M., Salame T. M. & Jung S. (2015). Guardians of the gut - murine intestinal macrophages and dendritic cells.  Frontiers in Immunology. 2015, 6 (JUN).
  7. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Mabjeesh S. J., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2014). Inactivation of a Pleurotus ostreatus versatile peroxidase-encoding gene (mnp2) results in reduced lignin degradation.  Environmental Microbiology. 2014 Jan , 16 (1):265-277.
  8. Knop D., Ben-Ari J., Salame T. M., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2014). Mn2+-deficiency reveals a key role for the Pleurotus ostreatus versatile peroxidase (VP4) in oxidation of aromatic compounds.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014 Aug , 98 (15):6795-6804.
  9. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2013). Redundancy among manganese peroxidases in Pleurotus ostreatus.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2013 Apr , 79 (7):2405-2415.
  10. Salame T. M., Knop D., Levinson D., Mabjeesh S. J., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2012). Release of Pleurotus ostreatus Versatile-Peroxidase from Mn2+ Repression Enhances Anthropogenic and Natural Substrate Degradation.  PLoS ONE. 2012 Dec 21 , 7 (12).
  11. Salame T. M., Knop D., Tal D., Levinson D., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2012). Predominance of a versatile-peroxidase-encoding gene, mnp4, as demonstrated by gene replacement via a gene targeting system for Pleurotus ostreatus.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012 Aug , 78 (15):5341-5352.
  12. Grinhut T., Salame T. M., Chen Y. & Hadar Y. (2011). Involvement of ligninolytic enzymes and Fenton-like reaction in humic acid degradation by Trametes sp..  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011 Aug , 91 (4):1131-1140.
  13. Salame T. M., Ziv C., Hadar Y. & Yarden O. (2011). RNAi as a potential tool for biotechnological applications in fungi.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011 Feb , 89 (3):501-512.
  14. Bardea A., Burshtein N., Rudich Y., Salame T., Ziv C., Yarden O. & Naaman R. (2011). Sensitive detection and identification of DNA and RNA using a patterned capillary tube.  Analytical Chemistry. 2011 Dec 15 , 83 (24):9418-9423.
  15. Salame T. M., Yarden O. & Hadar Y. (2010). Pleurotus ostreatus manganese-dependent peroxidase silencing impairs decolourization of Orange II.  Microbial Biotechnology. 2010 Jan , 3 (1):93-106.