MICC Cell Observatory Publications

  1. Levi-Galibov O., Lavon H., Wassermann-Dozorets R., Pevsner-Fischer M., Mayer S., Wershof E., Stein Y., Brown L. E., Zhang W., Friedman G., Nevo R., Golani O., Katz L. H., Yaeger R., Laish I., Porco J. A., Sahai E., Shouval D. S., Kelsen D. & Scherz-Shouval R. (2020). Heat Shock Factor 1-dependent extracellular matrix remodeling mediates the transition from chronic intestinal inflammation to colon cancer.  Nature Communications. 2020 Dec 7 , 11 .
  2. Rubens U., Mormont R., Paavolainen L., Bäcker V., Pavie B., Scholz L. A., Michiels G., Maška M., Ünay D., Ball G., Hoyoux R., Vandaele R., Golani O., Stanciu S. G., Sladoje N., Paul-Gilloteaux P., Marée R. & Tosi S. (2020). BIAFLOWS: A Collaborative Framework to Reproducibly Deploy and Benchmark Bioimage Analysis Workflows.  Patterns (New York, N.Y.). 2020 Jun 12 , 1 (3).
  3. Cohen B., Tempelhof H., Raz T., Oren R., Nicenboim J., Bochner F., Even R., Jelinski A., Eilam R., Ben-Dor S., Adaddi Y., Golani O., Lazar S., Yaniv K. & Neeman M. (2020). BACH family members regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by modulating VEGFC expression.  Life Science Alliance. 2020 Apr , 3 (4).
  4. Marmor-Kollet H., Siany A., Kedersha N., Knafo N., Rivkin N., Danino Y. M., Moens T. G., Olender T., Sheban D., Cohen N., Dadosh T., Addadi Y., Ravid R., Eitan C., Toth Cohen B., Hofmann S., Riggs C. L., Advani V. M., Higginbottom A., Cooper-Knock J., Hanna J. H., Merbl Y., Van Den Bosch L., Anderson P., Ivanov P., Geiger T. & Hornstein E. (2020). Spatiotemporal Proteomic Analysis of Stress Granule Disassembly Using APEX Reveals Regulation by SUMOylation and Links to ALS Pathogenesis.  Molecular Cell. 2020 Dec 3 , 80 (5):876-891.
  5. Bochner F., Mohan V., Zinger A., Golani O., Schroeder A., Sagi I. & Neeman M. (2020). Intravital imaging of vascular anomalies and extracellular matrix remodeling in orthotopic pancreatic tumors.  International Journal of Cancer. 2020 Apr 15 , 146 (8):2209-2217.
  6. Bochner F., Fellus-Alyagor L., Ketter D., Golani O., Biton I. & Neeman M. (2020). Bimodal magnetic resonance and optical imaging of extracellular matrix remodelling by orthotopic ovarian tumours.  British Journal of Cancer. 2020 May 11 , (2):216-225.
  7. Schiffmann N., Wormser E. M., Brumfeld V., Addadi Y., Pinkas I., Yallapragada V. J., Aflalo E. D., Sagi A., Palmer B. A., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2020). Characterization and possible function of an enigmatic reflector in the eye of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.  Faraday Discussions. 2020 Oct , 223 :278-294.
  8. Nejman D., Livyatan I., Fuks G., Gavert N., Zwang Y., Geller L. T., Rotter-Maskowitz A., Weiser R., Mallel G., Gigi E., Meltser A., Douglas G. M., Kamer I., Gopalakrishnan V., Dadosh T., Levin-Zaidman S., Avnet S., Atlan T., Cooper Z. A., Arora R., Cogdill A. P., Khan M. A. W., Ologun G., Bussi Y., Weinberger A., Lotan-Pompan M., Golani O., Perry G., Rokah M., Bahar-Shany K., Rozeman E. A., Blank C. U., Ronai A., Shaoul R., Amit A., Dorfman T., Kremer R., Cohen Z. R., Harnof S., Siegal T., Yehuda-Shnaidman E., Gal-Yam E. N., Shapira H., Baldini N., Langille M. G. I., Ben-Nun A., Kaufman B., Nissan A., Golan T., Dadiani M., Levanon K., Bar J., Yust-Katz S., Barshack I., Peeper D. S., Raz D. J., Segal E., Wargo J. A., Sandbank J., Shental N. & Straussman R. (2020). The human tumor microbiome is composed of tumor type-specific intracellular bacteria.  Science. 2020 May 29 , 368 (6494):973-980.
  9. Hadas R., Gershon E., Cohen A., Atrakchi O., Lazar S., Golani O., Dassa B., Elbaz M., Cohen G., Eilam R., Dekel N. & Neeman M. (2020). Hyaluronan control of the primary vascular barrier during early mouse pregnancy is mediated by uterine NK cells.  JCI Insight. 2020 Nov 19 , 5 (22).
  10. Eshed-Eisenbach Y., Devaux J., Vainshtein A., Golani O., Lee S., Feinberg K., Sukhanov N., Greenspan D. S., Susuki K., Rasband M. N. & Peles E. (2020). Precise Spatiotemporal Control of Nodal Na+ Channel Clustering by Bone Morphogenetic Protein-1/Tolloid-like Proteinases.  Neuron. 2020 Jun 3 , 106 (5):806-815.
  11. Ben Eliezer N., Lysenko M., Biton I. E., Golani O., Bartels J. L., Fernandez S. R., Aweda T. A., Clanton N. A., Beacham R., Lapi S. E., Garbow J. R. & Neeman M. (2020). Novel multimodal molecular imaging of Vitamin H (Biotin) transporter activity in the murine placenta.  Scientific Reports. 2020 Nov 27 , 10 (1).
  12. Grosheva I., Zheng D., Levy M., Polansky O., Lichtenstein A., Golani O., Dori-Bachash M., Moresi C., Shapiro H., Del Mare-Roumani S., Valdes-Mas R., He Y., Karbi H., Chen M., Harmelin A., Straussman R., Yissachar N., Elinav E. & Geiger B. (2020). High-Throughput Screen Identifies Host and Microbiota Regulators of Intestinal Barrier Function.  Gastroenterology. 2020 Nov , 159 (5):1807-1823.
  13. Katanov C., Novak N., Vainshtein A., Golani O., Dupree J. L. & Peles E. (2020). N-Wasp Regulates Oligodendrocyte Myelination.  Journal of Neuroscience. 2020 Aug 5 , 40 (32):6103-6111.
  14. Gancz D., Raftrey B. C., Perlmoter G., Marin-Juez R., Semo J., Matsuoka R. L., Karra R., Raviv H., Moshe N., Addadi Y., Golani O., Poss K. D., Red-Horse K., Stainier D. Y. R. & Yaniv K. (2019). Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms contribute to lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and regeneration.  eLife. 2019 Nov 8 , 8 .
  15. Gancz D., Raftrey B. C., Perlmoter G., Marin-Juez R., Semo J., Matsuoka R. L., Karra R., Raviv H., Moshe N., Addadi Y., Golani O., Poss K. D., Red-Horse K., Stainier D. Y. R. & Yaniv K. (2019). Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms contribute to lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and regeneration.  eLife. 2019 Nov 8 , 8 .
  16. Stoler-Barak L., Biram A., Davidzohn N., Addadi Y., Golani O. & Shulman Z. (2019). B cell dissemination patterns during the germinal center reaction revealed by whole-organ imaging.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2019 Nov , 216 (11):2515-2530.
  17. Stoler-Barak L., Biram A., Davidzohn N., Addadi Y., Golani O. & Shulman Z. (2019). B cell dissemination patterns during the germinal center reaction revealed by whole-organ imaging.  Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2019 Nov , 216 (11):2515-2530.
  18. Biram A., Stromberg A., Winter E., Stoler-Barak L., Salomon R., Addadi Y., Dahan R., Yaari G., Bemark M. & Shulman Z. (2019). BCR affinity differentially regulates colonization of the subepithelial dome and infiltration into germinal centers within Peyer's patches.  Nature Immunology. 2019 Apr , 20 (4):482-492.
  19. Eyal S., Kult S., Rubin S., Krief S., Felsenthal N., Pineault K. M., Leshkowitz D., Salame T., Addadi Y., Wellik D. M. & Zelzer E. (2019). Bone morphology is regulated modularly by global and regional genetic programs.  Development. 2019 Jul 26 , 146 (14).
  20. Kalaora S., Wolf Y., Feferman T., Barnea E., Greenstein E., Reshef D., Tirosh I., Reuben A., Patkar S., Levy R., Quinkhardt J., Omokoko T., Qutob N., Golani O., Zhang J., Mao X., Song X., Bernatchez C., Haymaker C., Forget M., Creasy C., Greenberg P., Carter B. W., Cooper Z. A., Rosenberg S. A., Lotem M., Sahin U., Shakhar G., Ruppin E., Wargo J. A., Friedman N., Admon A. & Samuels Y. (2018). Combined Analysis of Antigen Presentation and T-cell Recognition Reveals Restricted Immune Responses in Melanoma.  Cancer Discovery. 2018 Nov , 8 (11):1366-1375.