JAMF Pro is a set of tools intended to help us support Mac users, and let you gain control of your apps and services.

An important aspect of the self-service project is the implementation of the Weizmann Self-service App, which offers the following benefits:

  • The ability to install different applications directly to your Mac
  • Reliable distribution and updating of applications and services
  • The ability to perform maintenance on your Mac independently – and solve your own problems

JAMF Pro’s numerous tools are designed to help us support the Weizmann Institute’s Mac user community with the following:

  • Fast and easy remote assistance and support
  • Accelerated and reliable setup of new Macs
  • Effortless software updates

Installation Instructions 

All new Mac computers arrives already connected and configured with Jamf Pro.

Please feel free to contact the HelpDesk at extension 4444 with any questions you may have.

For more information on the JAMF Pro, visit the JAMF Web site at jamf.

Instructions for Use 

To launch the Weizmann Self Service application, access self service with your browser.

The above link opens the application, via which additional software may be installed on Macs.