Thalamocortical code conversion
Our studies revealed that thalamic “relay” nuclei are not mere relays. Rather, they process sensory information.

Thalamocortical coding

Neuronal representations of object location generated across these stations and expressed in response latency and magnitude were classified based on graded and binary coding schemes. Both graded and binary coding schemes occurred across the entire thalamocortical network, with a general tendency of graded-to-binary transformation from thalamus to cortex. Overall, 63% of the neurons of the thalamocortical network coded object position in their firing.
Thalamocortical responses exhibited a slow dynamics during which the amount of coded information increased across 4-5 cycles of artificial whisking and then stabilized. Taken together, the results indicate that the thalamocortical network contains dynamic mechanisms that can converge over time on multiple coding schemes of object location, schemes which essentially transform temporal coding to rate coding and gradual to labeled-line coding.
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