Dis-Cover | A dialog Haim Be’er
A series of meetings between authors or poets and scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science who have chosen whom to ask and about what. A discussion about creation and creativity, discovery of concepts and inspiration, about what was revealed and what had to be peeled off or removed in order to find and invent. The audience is invited to participate.
Haim Be’er, the author of novels such as, "Feathers", "Et Hazamir", "The Pure Element of Time", "Upon a Certain Place", "Back from Heavenly Lake", "Their New Dreams", "Back from the Valley of Spirits", "The Shadow of his Hand", books of articles, essays, research and poetry. Haim Be’er won the Bialik Prize, the Agnon Prize as well as a long list of other prizes.
Prof. Tzachi Pilpel is a geneticist and researcher of evolution. He is interested in the structure of the genome, its evolution and its control. Prof. Pilpel heads the Department of Molecular Genetics and the Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities. His sins are writing, prose and poetry.
The event will be held under the auspices of the Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities.
Photography and editing Ziv Shilo