Prof. Igor UlitskyPrincipal Investigator
Prof. Igor Ulitsky earned a BSc in Computer Science and Life Sciences (2004) and a PhD in Computer Science (2009) at Tel Aviv University. He studied as a postdoctoral fellow at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA and joined the Weizmann Institute in 2013, where his lab studies the functions and modes of action of long noncoding RNAs, and the post-transcriptional fate of all long RNA molecules. Prof. Ulitsky has been awarded a number of academic honors, including the Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists in Life Sciences (2020), the RNA Society Early Career award (2020), an EMBO Young Investigator Award (2016), an ERC starting and consolidator grants (2015 and 2020), and Alon Fellowship (2014).
Dr. Juan Pablo Unfried HuertasPostdoctoral fellow
Dr. Rotem Ben Tov PerryAssociate Staff Scientist
Ailone Tichon
(Graduate: Postdoc
Years: 2014-2017)
Alexandra Avrutin
(Graduate: MSc
Years: 2014-2016)