

Metagenome-informed metaproteomics of the human gut microbiome, host, and dietary exposome uncovers signatures of health and inflammatory bowel disease

Valdés-Mas R., Leshem A., Zheng D., Cohen Y., Kern L., Zmora N., He Y., Katina C., Eliyahu-Miller S., Yosef-Hevroni T., Richman L., Raykhel B., Allswang S., Better R., Shmueli M., Saftien A., Cullin N., Slamovitz F., Ciocan D., Ouyang K. S., Mor U., Dori-Bachash M., Molina S., Levin Y., Atarashi K., Jona G., Puschhof J., Harmelin A., Stettner N., Chen M., Suez J., Honda K., Lieb W., Bang C., Kori M., Maharshak N., Merbl Y., Shibolet O., Halpern Z., Shouval D. S., Shamir R., Franke A., Abdeen S. K., Shapiro H., Savidor A. & Elinav E. (2025) Cell. 188, 4, p. 1062-1083.e36


Engineered T cell therapy for central nervous system injury

Gao W., Kim M. W., Dykstra T., Du S., Boskovic P., Lichti C. F., Ruiz-Cardozo M. A., Gu X., Weizman Shapira T., Rustenhoven J., Molina C., Smirnov I., Merbl Y., Ray W. Z. & Kipnis J. (2024) Nature. 634, 8034, p. 693-701

Repurposing of glatiramer acetate to treat cardiac ischemia in rodent models

Aviel G., Elkahal J., Umansky K. B., Bueno-Levy H., Petrover Z., Kotlovski Y., Lendengolts D., Kain D., Shalit T., Zhang L., Miyara S., Kramer M. P., Merbl Y., Kozlovski S., Alon R., Aharoni R., Arnon R., Mishali D., Katz U., Nachman D., Asleh R., Amir O., Tzahor E. & Sarig R. (2024) Nature Cardiovascular Research. 3, 9, p. 1049-1066

Rab7-dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal homeostasis

Gaur P., Rajendran Y., Srivastava B., Markandey M., Fishbain-Yoskovitz V., Mohapatra G., Suhail A., Chaudhary S., Tyagi S., Yadav S. C., Pandey A. K., Merbl Y., Bajaj A., Ahuja V. & Srikanth C. (2024) eLife. 12, RP89776.


Upregulation of the ESCRT pathway and multivesicular bodies accelerates degradation of proteins associated with neurodegeneration

Benyair R., Panapakkam Giridharan S. S., Rivero-Ríos P., Hasegawa J., Bristow E., Eskelinen E., Shmueli M. D., Fishbain-Yoskovitz V., Merbl Y., Sharkey L. M., Paulson H. L., Hanson P. I., Patnaik S., Al-Ramahi I., Botas J., Marugan J. & Weisman L. S. (2023) Autophagy Reports. 2, 1, 2166722.

The proteasome regulator PSME4 modulates proteasome activity and antigen diversity to abrogate antitumor immunity in NSCLC

Javitt A., Shmueli M. D., Kramer M. P., Kolodziejczyk A. A., Cohen I. J., Radomir L., Sheban D., Kamer I., Litchfield K., Bab-Dinitz E., Zadok O., Neiens V., Ulman A., Wolf-Levy H., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Kacen A., Alon M., Rêgo A. T., Stacher-Priehse E., Lindner M., Koch I., Bar J., Swanton C., Samuels Y., Levin Y., da Fonseca P. C., Elinav E., Friedman N., Meiners S. & Merbl Y. (2023) Nature Cancer. 4, 5, p. 629-647

EMSY stabilization in KEAP1-mutant lung cancer disrupts genome stability and type I interferon signaling

Sheban D. & Merbl Y. (2023) Cell Death and Differentiation. 30, 5, p. 1397-1399

Large-Scale Immunopeptidome Analysis Reveals Recurrent Posttranslational Splicing of Cancer- and Immune-Associated Genes

Levy R., Alter Regev T., Paes W., Gumpert N., Cohen Shvefel S., Bartok O., Dayan-Rubinov M., Alon M., Shmueli M., Levin Y., Merbl Y., Ternette N. & Samuels Y. (2023) Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 22, 4, 100519.

Epithelial Nlrp10 inflammasome mediates protection against intestinal autoinflammation

Zheng D., Mohapatra G., Kern L., He Y., Shmueli M. D., Valdés-Mas R., Kolodziejczyk A. A., Próchnicki T., Vasconcelos M. B., Schorr L., Hertel F., Lee Y. S., Rufino M. C., Ceddaha E., Shimshy S., Hodgetts R. J., Dori-Bachash M., Kleimeyer C., Goldenberg K., Heinemann M., Stettner N., Harmelin A., Shapiro H., Puschhof J., Chen M., Flavell R. A., Latz E., Merbl Y., Abdeen S. K. & Elinav E. (2023) Nature Immunology. 24, 4, p. 585-594

Post-translational modifications reshape the antigenic landscape of the MHC I immunopeptidome in tumors

Kacen A., Javitt A., Kramer M. P., Morgenstern D., Tsaban T., Shmueli M. D., Teo G. C., Leprevost F. d. V., Barnea E., Yu F., Admon A., Eisenbach L., Samuels Y., Schueler-Furman O., Levin Y., Nesvizhskii A. & Merbl Y. (2023) Nature Biotechnology. 41, 2, p. 239-251

Capturing the diversity of protein modifications on presented tumor antigens

Javitt A. & Merbl Y. (2023) Nature biotechnology. 41, 2, p. 195-196


Tumor-reactive antibodies evolve from non-binding and autoreactive precursors

Mazor R. D., Nathan N., Gilboa A., Stoler-Barak L., Moss L., Solomonov I., Hanuna A., Divinsky Y., Shmueli M. D., Hezroni H., Zaretsky I., Mor M., Golani O., Sabah G., Jakobson-Setton A., Yanichkin N., Feinmesser M., Tsoref D., Salman L., Yeoshoua E., Peretz E., Erlich I., Mendelson Cohen N., Gershoni J. M., Freund N., Merbl Y., Yaari G., Eitan R., Sagi I. & Shulman Z. (2022) Cell. 185, 7, p. 1208-1222

Maintaining Golgi Homeostasis: A Balancing Act of Two Proteolytic Pathways

Benyair R., Eisenberg-Lerner A. & Merbl Y. (2022) Cells (Basel, Switzerland). 11, 5, 780.

SUMOylation of linker histone H1 drives chromatin condensation and restriction of embryonic cell fate identity

Sheban D., Shani T., Maor R., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Mor N., Oldak B., Shmueli M. D., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Bayerl J., Hebert J., Viukov S., Chen G., Kacen A., Krupalnik V., Chugaeva V., Tarazi S., Rodríguez-delaRosa A., Zerbib M., Ulman A., Masarwi S., Kupervaser M., Levin Y., Shema E., David Y., Novershtern N., Hanna J. H. & Merbl Y. (2022) Molecular Cell. 82, 1, p. 106-122.e9


Altered Protein Abundance and Localization Inferred from Sites of Alternative Modification by Ubiquitin and SUMO

Ulman A., Levin T., Dassa B., Javitt A., Kacen A., Shmueli M. D., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Sheban D., Fishllevich S., Levy E. D. & Merbl Y. (2021) Journal of Molecular Biology. 433, 21, 167219.

Gatekeepers of the gut: The roles of proteasomes at the gastrointestinal barrier

Mohapatra G., Eisenberg-Lerner A. & Merbl Y. (2021) Biomolecules. 11, 7, 989.

Histone Degradation by the Proteasome Regulates Chromatin and Cellular Plasticity

Shmueli M. D., Sheban D., Eisenberg-Lerner A. & Merbl Y. (2021) The FEBS journal. 289, 12, p. 3304-3316


Spatiotemporal Proteomic Analysis of Stress Granule Disassembly Using APEX Reveals Regulation by SUMOylation and Links to ALS Pathogenesis

Marmor-Kollet H., Siany A., Kedersha N., Knafo N., Rivkin N., Danino Y. M., Moens T. G., Olender T., Sheban D., Cohen N., Dadosh T., Addadi Y., Ravid R., Eitan C., Toth Cohen B., Hofmann S., Riggs C. L., Advani V. M., Higginbottom A., Cooper-Knock J., Hanna J. H., Merbl Y., Van Den Bosch L., Anderson P., Ivanov P., Geiger T. & Hornstein E. (2020) Molecular Cell. 80, 5, p. 876-891

Golgi organization is regulated by proteasomal degradation

Eisenberg-Lerner A., Benyair R., Hizkiahou N., Nudel N., Maor R., Kramer M. P., Shmueli M. D., Zigdon I., Lev M. C., Ulman A., Sagiv J. Y., Dayan M., Dassa B., Rosenwald M., Shachar I., Li J., Wang Y., Dezorella N., Khan S., Shimoni E., Porat Z., Avinoam O. & Merbl Y. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 409.


Phenotypic Screen Identifies JAK2 as a Major Regulator of FAT10 Expression

Reznik N., Kozer N., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Barr H., Merbl Y. & London N. (2019) ACS Chemical Biology. 14, 12, p. 2538-2545

Pro-inflammatory Cytokines Alter the Immunopeptidome Landscape by Modulation of HLA-B Expression

Javitt A., Barnea E., Kramer M. P., Wolf-Levy H., Levin Y., Admon A. & Merbl Y. (2019) Frontiers in Immunology. 10, 10, 141.

Global views of proteasome-mediated degradation by mass spectrometry

Javitt A. & Merbl Y. (2019) Expert Review of Proteomics. 16, 8, p. 711-716


Revealing the cellular degradome by mass spectrometry analysis of proteasome-cleaved peptides

Wolf-Levy H., Javitt A., Eisenberg-Lerner A., Kacenl A., Ulman A., Sheban D., Dassa B., Fishbain-Yoskovitz V., Carmona-Rivera C., Kramer M. P., Nudel N., Regev I., Zahavi L., Elinger D., Kaplan M. J., Morgenstern D., Levin Y. & Merbl Y. (2018) Nature Biotechnology. 36, 11, p. 1110-1116

Neutralizing Gatad2a-Chd4-Mbd3/NuRD Complex Facilitates Deterministic Induction of Naive Pluripotency

Mor N., Rais Y., Sheban D., Peles S., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Zviran A., Elinger D., Viukov S., Geula S., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Chomsky E., Lasman L., Shani T., Bayerl J., Gafni O., Hanna S., Buenrostro J. D., Hagai T., Masika H., Vainorius G., Bergman Y., Greenleaf W. J., Esteban M. A., Elling U., Levin Y., Massarwa R., Merbl Y., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2018) Cell Stem Cell. 23, 3, p. 412-425


Women in Metabolism: The Next Generation

Merbl Y. (2017) Cell Metabolism. 26, 3, p. 449-453

Post-translational modification profiling-functional proteomics for the analysis of immune regulation

Eisenberg-Lerner A., Regev I. & Merbl Y. (2017) Proteomics for Drug Discovery : Methods and Protocols . Lazar A. C., Lazar I. M. & Kontoyianni M.(eds.). New York, NY: . p. 139-152 (trueMethods in Molecular Biology).


Post-translational modification profiling - A novel tool for mapping the protein modification landscape in cancer

Eisenberg-Lerner A., Ciechanover A. & Merbl Y. (2016) Experimental Biology and Medicine. 241, 14, p. 1475-1482


Post-translational modification profiling-A high-content assay for identifying protein modifications in mammalian cellular systems

Merbl Y. & Kirschner M. W. (2014) Current Protocols in Protein Science. 77, 1, p. 27.8.1-27.8.13

Microarray discovery of new OGT substrates: The medulloblastoma oncogene OTX2 is O -GlcNAcylated

Ortiz-Meoz R. F., Merbl Y., Kirschner M. W. & Walker S. (2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136, 13, p. 4845-4848


Individual and meta-immune networks

Bransburg-Zabary S., Kenett D. Y., Dar G., Madi A., Merbl Y., Quintana F. J., Tauber A. I., Cohen I. R. & Ben-Jacob E. (2013) Physical Biology. 10, 2, 025003.

Profiling of ubiquitin-like modifications reveals features of mitotic control

Merbl Y., Refour P., Patel H., Springer M. & Kirschner M. W. (2013) Cell. 152, 5, p. 1160-1172


Protein microarrays for genome-wide posttranslational modification analysis

Merbl Y. & Kirschner M. W. (2011) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine. 3, 3, p. 347-356

Analyses of antigen dependency networks unveil immune system reorganization between birth and adulthood

Madi A., Kenett D. Y., Bransburg-Zabary S., Merbl Y., Quintana F. J., Boccaletti S., Tauber A. I., Cohen I. R. & Ben-Jacob E. (2011) Chaos. 21, 1, 016109.

Network theory analysis of antibody-antigen reactivity data: The immune trees at birth and adulthood

Madi A., Kenett D. Y., Bransburg-Zabary S., Merbl Y., Quintana F. J., Tauber A. I., Cohen I. R. & Ben-Jacob E. (2011) PLoS ONE. 6, 3, e17445.


UBE2S drives elongation of K11-linked ubiquitin chains by the anaphase-promoting complex

Wu T., Merbl Y., Huo Y., Gallop J. L., Tzur A. & Kirschner M. W. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 4, p. 1355-1360


Organization of the autoantibody repertoire in healthy newborns and adults revealed by system level informatics of antigen microarray data

Madi A., Hecht I., Bransburg-Zabary S., Merbl Y., Pick A., Zucker-Toledano M., Quintana F. J., Tauber A. I., Cohen I. R. & Ben-Jacob E. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 34, p. 14484-14489

A systems immunology approach to the host-tumor interaction: Large-scale patterns of natural autoantibodies distinguish healthy and tumor-bearing mice

Merbl Y., Itzchak R., Vider-Shalit T., Louzoun Y., Quintana F. J., Vadai E., Eisenbach L. & Cohen I. R. (2009) PLoS ONE. 4, 6, e6053.

Large-scale detection of ubiquitination substrates using cell extracts and protein microarrays

Merbl Y. & Kirschner M. W. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 8, p. 2543-2548


Antigen microarrays identify unique serum autoantibody signatures in clinical and pathologic subtypes of multiple sclerosis

Quintana F. J., Farez M. F., Viglietta V., Iglesias A. H., Merbl Y., Izquierdo G., Lucas M., Basso A. S., Khoury S. J., Lucchinetti C. F., Cohen I. R. & Weiner H. L. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 48, p. 18889-18894


Association of the RGS2 gene with extrapyramidal symptoms induced by treatment with antipsychotic medication

Greenbaum L., Strous R. D., Kanyas K., Merbl Y., Horowitz A., Karni O., Katz E., Kotler M., Olender T., Deshpande S. N., Lancet D., Ben-Asher E. & Lerer B. (2007) Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. 17, 7, p. 519-528

Association of the dopamine receptor interacting protein gene, NEF3, with early response to antipsychotic medication

Strous R. D., Greenbaum L., Kanyas K., Merbl Y., Horowitz A., Karni O., Viglin D., Olender T., Deshpande S. N., Lancet D., Ben-Asher E. & Lerer B. (2007) International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 10, 3, p. 321-333

Newborn humans manifest autoantibodies to defined self molecules detected by antigen microarray informatics

Merbl Y., Zucker-Toledano M., Quintana F. J. & Cohen I. R. (2007) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 117, 3, p. 712-718


Why do young women smoke? I. Direct and interactive effects of environment, psychological characteristics and nicotinic cholinergic receptor genes

Greenbaum L., Kanyas K., Karni O., Merbl Y., Olender T., Horowitz A., Yakir A., Lancet D., Ben-Asher E. & Lerer B. (2006) Molecular Psychiatry. 11, 3, p. 312-322

Antigen-chip technology for accessing global information about the state of the body

Quintana F. J., Merbl Y., Sahar E., Domany E. & Cohen I. R. (2006) Lupus. 15, 7, p. 428-430


Vessel maturation effects on tumour growth: validation of a computer model in implanted human ovarian carcinoma spheroids

Arakelyan L., Merbl Y. & Agur Z. (2005) European Journal of Cancer. 41, 1, p. 159-167


Functional immunomics: Microarray analysis of IgG autoantibody repertoires predicts the future response of mice to indunced diabetes

Quintana F., Hagedorn P., Elizur G., Merbl Y., Domany E. & Cohen I. R. (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, SUPPL. 2, p. 14615-14621


Multi-Scale Analysis of Angiogenic Dynamics and Therapy

Arakelyan L., Merbl Y., Daugulis P., Ginosar Y., Vainstein V., Selitser V., Kogan Y., Harpak H. & Agur Z. (2003) Cancer Modelling and Simulation . Preziosi L.(eds.). p. 185-219