
Neumeier Y., Raz O., Tao L., Marx Z. & Shapiro E. 2025. Tracking Somatic Mutations for Lineage Reconstruction . 2025 Jan , 2886 :23-45.
Elkind E., Grossi D., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2024. United for change: deliberative coalition formation to change the status quo Social Choice and Welfare. 2024 Nov , 63 (3-4):717-746.
Rosenfeld A., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2023. Proportional ranking in primary elections: A case study Party Politics. 2023 Mar , 29 (2):335-346.
Keidar I., Naor O., Poupko O. & Shapiro E. 2023. Cordial Miners: Fast and Efficient Consensus for Every Eventuality . 2023 Oct , .
Albin E., Bressler S., Rolls A., Schwartz M. & Shapiro E. 2023. No democracy, no academia Science. 2023 Aug , 381 (6659):715.
Raz O., Tao L., Biezuner T., Marx T., Neumeier Y., Tumanyan N. & Shapiro E. 2022. Whole-Genome Amplification-Surveying Yield, Reproducibility, and Heterozygous Balance, Reported by STR-Targeting MIPs International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 May , 23 (11).
Poupko O., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2021. Building a Sybil-Resilient Digital Community Utilizing Trust-Graph Connectivity IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 2021 Oct , 29 (5):2215-2227.
Bulteau L., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2021. Aggregation over metric spaces: Proposing and voting in elections, budgeting, and legislation Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 2021 Apr , 70 :1413-1439.
Abramowitz B., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2021. In the Beginning There Were n Agents: Founding and Amending a Constitution . 2021 Oct , 13023 :119-131.
Tao L., Marx Z., Raz O. & Shapiro E. 2021. Efficient acquisition of tens of thousands of short tandem repeats in single-cell whole-genome-amplified DNA STAR Protocols. 2021 Dec , 2 (4).
Gong W., Granados A. A., Hu J., Jones M. G., Raz O., Salvador-Martínez I., Zhang H., Chow K. K., Kwak I., Retkute R., Prusokas A., Prusokas A., Khodaverdian A., Zhang R., Rao S., Wang R., Rennert P., Saipradeep V. G., Sivadasan N., Rao A., Joseph T., Srinivasan R., Peng J., Han L., Shang X., Garry D. J., Yu T., Chung V., Mason M., Liu Z., Guan Y., Yosef N., Shendure J., Telford M. J., Shapiro E., Elowitz M. B. & Meyer P. 2021. Benchmarked approaches for reconstruction of in vitro cell lineages and in silico models of C. elegans and M. musculus developmental trees Cell Systems. 2021 Aug , 12 (8):810-826.e4.
Tao L., Raz O., Marx Z., Ghosh M. S., Huber S., Greindl-Junghans J., Biezuner T., Amir S., Milo L., Adar R., Levy R., Onn A., Chapal-Ilani N., Berman V., Ben Arie A., Rom G., Oron B., Halaban R., Czyz Z. T., Werner-Klein M., Klein C. A. & Shapiro E. 2021. Retrospective cell lineage reconstruction in humans by using short tandem repeats Cell Reports Methods. 2021 Jul , 1 (3).
Abramowitz B., Elkind E., Grossi D., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2021. Democratic Forking: Choosing Sides with Social Choice . 2021 , :341-356.
Biezuner T., Raz O., Amir S., Milo L., Adar R., Fried Y., Ainbinder E. & Shapiro E. 2021. Comparison of seven single cell whole genome amplification commercial kits using targeted sequencing Scientific Reports. 2021 Aug , 11 (1).
Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2020. Genuine Personal Identifiers and Mutual Sureties for Sybil-Resilient Community Growth . 2020 , 12467 :320-332.
Cardelli L., Orgad L., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2020. Digital social contracts: A foundation for an egalitarian and just digital society CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020 , 2781 :51-60.
Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2019. Sybil-resilient reality-aware social choice . 2019 , :572-579.
Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2019. Genuine Personal Identifiers and Mutual Sureties for Sybil-Resilient Community Formation arXiv. 2019 Apr , .
Poupko O., Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2019. Sybil-Resilient Conductance-Based Community Growth . 2019 May , :359-371.
Raz O., Biezuner T., Spiro A., Amir S., Milo L., Titelman A., Onn A., Chapal-Ilani N., Tao L., Marx T., Feige U. & Shapiro E. 2019. Short tandem repeat stutter model inferred from direct measurement of in vitro stutter noise Nucleic Acids Research. 2019 Jan , 47 (5):2436-2445.
Shapiro E. 2018. point:: Foundations of Internet-enabled Democracy Communications of the ACM. 2018 Aug , 61 (8):31-34.
Tao L., Raz O., Marx Z., Biezuner T., Amir S., Milo L., Adar R., Onn A., Chapal-Ilani N., Berman V., Levy R., Oron B., Halaban R. & Shapiro E. 2018. A biological-computational human cell lineage discovery platform based on duplex molecular inversion probes BioRxiv. 2018 Mar , .
Shahaf G., Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2018. Sybil-Resilient Reality-Aware Social Choice arXiv. 2018 Jul , .
Shapiro E. 2018. Global Cryptodemocracy Is Possible and Desirable . 2018 Sept , :343-351.
Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2018. Incorporating Reality into Social Choice . 2018 , :1188-1192.
Regev A., Teichmann S. A., Lander E. S., Amt I., Benoist C., Birney E., Bodenmiller B., Campbell P., Carninci P., Clatworthy M., Clevers H., Deplancke B., Dunham I., Eberwine J., Elis R., Enard W., Farmer A., Fugger L., Gottgens B., Hacohen N., Haniffa M., Hemberg M., Kim S., Klenerman P., Kriegstein A., Lein E. D., Linnarsson S., Lundberg E., Lundeberg J., Majumder P., Marioni J. C., Merad M., Mhlanga M., Nawijin M., Netea M., Nolan G., Pe'er D., Phillipakis A., Ponting C. P., Quake S., Reik W., Rozenblatt-Rosen O., Sanes J., Satija R., Schumacher T. N., Shalek A., Shapiro E., Sharma P., Shin J. W., Stegle O. & 2017. Science Forum: The Human Cell Atlas eLife. 2017 Dec , 6 .
Shapiro E. & Talmon N. 2017. A Participatory Democratic Budgeting Algorithm arXiv. 2017 Sept , .
Spiro A. & Shapiro E. 2016. eSTGt: A programming and simulation environment for population dynamics BMC Bioinformatics. 2016 Apr , 17 (1).
Ben-Yehezkel T., Rival A., Raz O., Cohen R., Marx Z., Camara M., Dubern J., Koch B., Heeb S., Krasnogor N., Delattre C. & Shapiro E. 2016. Synthesis and cell-free cloning of DNA libraries using programmable microfluidics Nucleic Acids Research. 2016 Feb , 44 (4).
Biezuner T., Spiro A., Raz O., Amir S., Milo L., Adar R., Chapal Ilani I. N., Berman V., Fried Y., Ainbinder E., Cohen G., Barr H. M., Halaban R. & Shapiro E. 2016. A generic, cost-effective, and scalable cell lineage analysis platform Genome Research. 2016 Aug , 26 (11):1588-1599.
Spiro A. & Shapiro E. 2016. Accuracy of Answers to Cell Lineage Questions Depends on Single-Cell Genomics Data Quality and Quantity. PLoS Computational Biology. 2016 Jun , 12 (6).
Ben-Yehezkel T., Atar S., Zur H., Diament A., Goz E., Marx T., Cohen R., Dana A., Feldman A., Shapiro E. & Tuller T. 2015. Rationally designed, heterologous s. cerevisiae transcripts expose novel expression determinants RNA Biology. 2015 Sept , 12 (9):972-984.
Blakes J., Raz O., Feige U., Bacardit J., Widera P., Ben-Yehezkel T., Shapiro E. & Krasnogor N. 2014. Heuristic for Maximizing DNA Reuse in Synthetic DNA Library Assembly ACS Synthetic Biology. 2014 Aug , 3 (8):529-542.
Spiro A., Cardelli L. & Shapiro E. 2014. Lineage grammars: Describing, simulating and analyzing population dynamics BMC Bioinformatics. 2014 Jul , 15 (1).
Yofe I., Zafrir Z., Blau R., Schuldiner M., Tuller T., Shapiro E. & Ben-Yehezkel T. 2014. Accurate, Model-Based Tuning of Synthetic Gene Expression Using Introns in S. cerevisiae PLoS Genetics. 2014 Jun , 10 (6).
Shouval R., Shlush L. I., Yehudai-Resheff S., Ali S., Pery N., Shapiro E., Tzukerman M., Rowe J. M. & Zuckerman T. 2014. Single cell analysis exposes intratumor heterogeneity and suggests that FLT3-ITD is a late event in leukemogenesis Experimental Hematology. 2014 Jun , 42 (6):457-463.
J Blakes, O Raz, U Feige, J Bacardit, P Widera, T Ben-Yehezkel, E Shapiro, N Krasnogor 2014. A heuristic for maximizing DNA reuse in synthetic DNA library assembly, ACS synthetic biology. 2014 , :2161-5063.
Glauche I., Bystrykh L., Eaves C., Roeder I., Baum C., Brugman M., De Carvalho K. A. T., Cornils K., Fehse B., Florian C., Galle J., Geiger H., Gerdes S., Grosselin J., Grinenko T., De Haan G., Knapp D., Von Laer D., Leboulch P. & Shapiro E. 2013. Stem cell clonality - Theoretical concepts, experimental techniques, and clinical challenges Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 2013 Apr , 50 (4):232-240.
Vazana Y., Barak Y., Unger T., Peleg Y., Shamshoum M., Ben-Yehezkel T., Mazor Y., Shapiro E., Lamed R. & Bayer E. 2013. A synthetic biology approach for evaluating the functional contribution of designer cellulosome components to deconstruction of cellulosic substrates Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2013 Dec , 6 (1).
Shapiro E., Biezuner T. & Linnarsson S. 2013. Single-cell sequencing-based technologies will revolutionize whole-organism science Nature Reviews Genetics. 2013 Jul , 14 (9):618-630.
Blakes J., Raz O., Krasnogor N. & Shapiro E. 2013. A new algorithm for combinatorial dna library assembly . 2013 , .
Shapiro E. & Ran T. 2013. DNA computing Molecules reach consensus: Molecules reach consensus Nature Nanotechnology. 2013 Oct , 8 (10):703-705.
Kahan-Hanum M., Douek Y., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2013. A library of programmable DNAzymes that operate in a cellular environment Scientific Reports. 2013 Mar , 3 .
Ben-Yehezkel T., Zur H., Marx T., Shapiro E. & Tuller T. 2013. Mapping the translation initiation landscape of an S. cerevisiae gene using fluorescent proteins Genomics. 2013 Oct , 102 (4):419-429.
Chapal Ilani I. N., Maruvka Y. E., Spiro A., Reizel Y., Adar R., Shlush L. I. & Shapiro E. 2013. Comparing Algorithms That Reconstruct Cell Lineage Trees Utilizing Information on Microsatellite Mutations PLoS Computational Biology. 2013 Nov , 9 (11).
Yehezkel T. B., Linshiz G. & Shapiro E. 2012. De novo DNA synthesis using single-molecule PCR. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2012 Jan , 852 :35-47.
Shlush L. I., Chapal Ilani I. N., Adar R., Pery N., Maruvka Y., Spiro A., Shouval R., Rowe J. M., Tzukerman M., Bercovich D., Izraeli S., Marcucci G., Bloomfield C. D., Zuckerman T., Skorecki K. & Shapiro E. 2012. Cell lineage analysis of acute leukemia relapse uncovers the role of replication-rate heterogeneity and microsatellite instability Blood. 2012 Jul , 120 (3):603-612.
Shapiro E. 2012. A mechanical turing machine: Blueprint for a biomolecular computer Interface Focus. 2012 Mar , 2 (4):497-503.
Golan-Mashiach M., Grunspan M., Emmanuel R., Gibbs-Bar L., Dikstein R. & Shapiro E. 2012. Identification of CTCF as a master regulator of the clustered protocadherin genes Nucleic Acids Research. 2012 Apr , 40 (8):3378-3391.
Ben Yehezkel T., Biezuner T., Linshiz G., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. 2012. Correction: Programmable In Vivo Selection of Arbitrary DNA Sequences PLoS ONE. 2012 Nov , 7 (11).
Linshiz G., Yehezkel T. B. & Shapiro E. 2012. Recursive construction of perfect DNA molecules and libraries from imperfect oligonucleotides . 2012 Jan , :151-163.
Reizel Y., Itzkovitz S., Adar R., Elbaz J., Jinich A., Chapal Ilani I. N., Maruvka Y. E., Nevo N., Marx Z., Horovitz I., Wasserstrom A., Mayo A., Shur I., Benayahu D., Skorecki K., Segal E., Dekel N. & Shapiro E. 2012. Cell lineage analysis of the mammalian female germline PLoS Genetics. 2012 Feb , 8 (2).
Ben-Yehezkel T., Biezuner T., Linshiz G., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. 2012. Programmable In Vivo Selection of Arbitrary DNA Sequences PLoS ONE. 2012 Nov , 7 (11).
Ran T., Douek Y., Milo L. & Shapiro E. 2012. A programmable NOR-based device for transcription profile analysis Scientific Reports. 2012 Sept , 2 .
Reizel Y., Chapal Ilani I. N., Adar R., Itzkovitz S., Elbaz J., Maruvka Y. E., Segev E., Shlush L. I., Dekel N. & Shapiro E. 2011. Colon stem cell and crypt dynamics exposed by cell lineage reconstruction PLoS Genetics. 2011 Jul , 7 (7).
Ben-Yehezkel T., Linshiz G., Kaplan S., Gronau I., Ravid S., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2011. Recursive Construction and Error Correction of DNA Molecules and Libraries from Synthetic and Natural DNA . 2011 , :207-245.
Segev E., Shefer G., Adar R., Chapal Ilani I. N., Itzkovitz S., Horovitz I., Reizel Y., Benayahu D. & Shapiro E. 2011. Muscle-bound primordial stem cells give rise to myofiber-associated myogenic and non-myogenic progenitors PLoS ONE. 2011 Oct , 6 (10).
Ben-Yehezkel T., Nagar S., Mackranrs D., Marx Z., Linshiz G., Shabi U. & Shapiro E. 2011. Computer-aided high-throughput cloning of bacteria in liquid medium BioTechniques. 2011 Feb , 50 (2):124-127.
Gil B., Kahan-Hanum M., Skirtenko N., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2011. Detection of multiple disease indicators by an autonomous biomolecular computer Nano Letters. 2011 Jul , 11 (7):2989-2996.
Shabi U., Kaplan S., Linshiz G., BenYehezkel T., Buaron H., Mazor Y. & Shapiro E. 2010. Processing DNA molecules as text Systems and Synthetic Biology. 2010 Jun , 4 (3):227-236.
Ran T., Kaplan S. & Shapiro E. 2009. Molecular implementation of simple logic programs Nature Nanotechnology. 2009 , 4 :642-648.
Wasserstrom A., Adar R., Shefer G., Frumkin D., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Shur I., Zangi L., Kaplan S., Harmelin A., Reisner Y., Benayahu D., Tzahor E., Segal E. & Shapiro E. 2008. Reconstruction of Cell Lineage Trees in Mice PLoS ONE. 2008 Apr , 3 (4).
Wasserstrom A., Frumkin D., Adar R., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Kaplan S., Shefer G., Shur I., Zangi L., Reizel Y., Harmelin A., Dor Y., Dekel N., Reisner Y., Benayahu D., Tzahor E., Segal E. & Shapiro E. 2008. Estimating cell depth from somatic mutations PLoS Computational Biology. 2008 May , 4 (5).
Itzkovitz S., Baruch L., Shapiro E. & Segal E. 2008. Geometric constraints on neuronal connectivity facilitate a concise synaptic adhesive code Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008 Jul , 105 (27):9278-9283.
Baruch L., Itzkovitz S., Golan Mashiach M. M., Shapiro E. & Segal E. 2008. Using expression profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans neurons to identify genes that mediate synaptic connectivity PLoS Computational Biology. 2008 Jul , 4 (7).
Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Itzkovitz S., Stern T., Harmelin A., Eilam R., Rechavi G. & Shapiro E. 2008. Cell lineage analysis of a mouse tumor Cancer Research. 2008 Jul , 68 (14):5924-5931.
Kahan M., Gil B., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2008. Towards molecular computers that operate in a biological environment Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 2008 Jul , 237 (9):1165-1172.
Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Itzkovitz S., Harmelin A., Rechavi G. & Shapiro E. 2008. Amplification of multiple genomic loci from single cells isolated by laser micro-dissection of tissues BMC Biotechnology. 2008 Feb , 8 .
Ben-Yehezkel T., Linshiz G., Buaron H., Kaplan S., Shabi U. & Shapiro E. 2008. De novo DNA synthesis using single molecule PCR. Nucleic Acids Research. 2008 Oct , 36 (17):e107.
Linshiz G., Ben-Yehezkel T., Kaplan S., Gronau I., Ravid S., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2008. Recursive construction of perfect DNA molecules from imperfect oligonucleotides Molecular Systems Biology. 2008 May , 4 .
Shapiro E. & Gil B. 2008. Cell biology: RNA computing in a living cell Science. 2008 Oct , 322 (5900):387-388.
Kaplan S., Itzkovitz S. & Shapiro E. 2007. A universal mechanism ties genotype to phenotype in trinucleotide diseases PLoS Computational Biology. 2007 Nov , 3 (11):2291-2298.
Shapiro E. & Gil B. 2007. Biotechnology: Logic goes in vitro Nature Nanotechnology. 2007 Feb , 2 :84-85.
Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. 2006. Tapping the computing power of biological molecules gives rise to tiny machines that can speak directly to living cells. Scientific American. 2006 May , 294 (5):44-51.
Shapiro E., Adar R., Ben-Yehezkel T., Gil B. (., Golan Mashiach M., Frumkin D., Kaplan S., Linshiz G., Wasserstrom A., Admanit Y., Kahan M. & Shomron O. 2006. Laboratory for Biomolecular Computers Life Science Open Day. 2006 , .
Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. 2006. Molekularny komputer lekarzem komórek Świat Nauki. 2006 , (6):50-57.
Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. 2006. Computadores de ADN Investigación y ciencia. 2006 , 358 :14-21.
Shapiro E. & Benenson Y. 2006. Bringing DNA computers to life Scientific American. 2006 Sept , 17 (3s):45-51.
Frumkin D., Wasserstrom A., Kaplan S., Feige U. & Shapiro E. 2005. Genomic variability within an organism exposes its cell lineage tree PLoS Computational Biology. 2005 Oct , 1 (5):382-394.
Benenson Y., Gil B. (., Ben-Dor U., Adar R. & Shapiro E. 2004. An autonomous molecular computer for logical control of gene expression Nature. 2004 Apr , 429 (6990):423-429.
Regev A., Panina E., Silverman W., Cardelli L. & Shapiro E. 2004. BioAmbients: An abstraction for biological compartments Theoretical Computer Science. 2004 Sept , 325 (1):141-167.
Shapiro E. 2004. Invited Talk: Injecting Life with Computers . 2004 , :200-200.
Benenson Y. & Shapiro E. 2004. Molecular Computing Machines . 2004 , :2043-2055.
Adar R., Benenson Y., Linshiz G., Rosner A., Tishby N. & Shapiro E. 2004. Stochastic computing with biomolecular automata Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2004 Jul , 101 (27):9960-9965.
Regev A. & Shapiro E. 2004. The pi-calculus as an abstraction for biomolecular systems . 2004 , :219-266.
Shapiro E. 2004. Algorithmic Program Debugging . 2004 , .
Benenson, Y. & Shapiro E, 2004. Molecular computing machines Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2004 , 2043-2055 .
Benenson Y., Adar R., Paz-Elizur T., Livneh Z. & Shapiro E. 2003. DNA molecule provides a computing machine with both data and fuel Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003 Mar , 100 (5):2191-2196.
Regev A. & Shapiro E. 2003. Cells as computation (Reprinted from Nature, vol 419, pg 343, 2002) Computational Methods In Systems Biology, Proceedings. 2003 , 2602 :1-3.
Regev A. & Shapiro E. 2003. Cells as computation . 2003 Feb , :1-3.
Regev A. & Shapiro E. 2002. Cells as computation Nature. 2002 Sept , 419 (6905):343.
Haberman B., Shapiro E. & Scherz Z. 2002. Are black boxes transparent? - High school students' strategies of using abstract data types Journal of Educational Computing Research. 2002 Dec , 27 (4):411-436.
Benenson Y., Paz-Elizur T., Adar R., Keinan E., Livneh Z. & Shapiro E. 2001. Programmable and autonomous computing machine made of biomolecules Nature. 2001 Nov , 414 (6862):430-434.
Regev A., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. 2001. Representation and simulation of biochemical processes using the pi-calculus process algebra. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. 2001 , :459-470.
Priami C., Regev A., Shapiro E. & Silverman W. 2001. Application of a stochastic name-passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes Information Processing Letters. 2001 Oct , 80 (1):25-31.
Aviv Regev, William Silverman and Ehud Shapiro 2001. Representation and simulation of biochemical processes using the pi-calculus process algebra Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing . 2001 , 6 :459-470.
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Goldberg Y., Safran M., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. 1993. Structured Messages, Agents, and Workllows . 1993 Jan , :457-518.
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Shapiro E. 1993. Concurrent Logic Languages are Truly Object-Oriented IEEE Software. 1993 Mar , 10 (2):11-11.
GOLDBERG Y., SILVERMAN W. & SHAPIRO E. 1992. Logic programs with inheritance . 1992 , :951-960.
Goldberg Y., Safran M. & Shapiro E. 1992. Active mail - a framework for implementing groupware . 1992 Nov , :75-83.
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YARDENI E., FRUEHWIRTH T. & SHAPIRO E. 1991. Polymorphically Typed Logic Programs . 1991 , :379-393.
MOSCOWITZ Y. & SHAPIRO E. 1991. Lexical logic programs . 1991 , :349-363.
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KLIGER S. & SHAPIRO E. 1990. From decision trees to decision graphs . 1990 , :97-116.
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KLEINMAN A., MOSES Y. & SHAPIRO E. 1990. Distributed variable server for atomic unification . 1990 , :59-74.
Furukawa K., Amamiya M., Shapiro E. & Warren D. H. 1990. Guest editors' preface New Generation Computing. 1990 Jun , 7 :85-87.
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CODISH M., GALLAGHER J. & SHAPIRO E. 1989. Using safe approximations of fixed points for analysis of logic programs . 1989 , :233-261.
GAIFMAN H., MAHER M. & SHAPIRO E. 1989. Reactive Behavior Semantics for Concurrent Constraint Logic\u200f Programs - (Preliminary Version) . 1989 , :553-569.
Shapiro E. 1989. Linda in context Communications of the ACM. 1989 Oct , 32 (10):1244-1249.
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GAIFMAN H. & SHAPIRO E. 1989. Fully abstract compositional semantics for logic programs\u200f . 1989 , :134-142.
GAIFMAN H. & SHAPIRO E. 1989. Proof theory and semantics of logic programs\u200f . 1989 , :50-62.
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Shapiro E. 1989. OR-parallel PROLOG in flat concurrent PROLOG The Journal of Logic Programming. 1989 May , 6 (3):243-267.
LICHTENSTEIN Y. & Shapiro E. 1989. Concurrent algorithmic debugging . 1989 Jan , 24 :248-260.
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H Gaifman, E Shapiro 1989. Fully abstract compositional semantics for logic programs Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. 1989 , .
Shapiro E. 1988. The Panel on Theory and Practice of Concurrent Systems . 1988 , :152-153.
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Hirsch M., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. 1988. Computation control and protection in the Logix system . 1988 , :28-45.
Levy J. & Shapiro E. 1988. Translation of safe GHC and safe Concurrent Prolog to FCP . 1988 , :383-414.
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Scherz Z., Maler O. & Shapiro E. 1987. The Use of Logic Programming in Education . 1987 , :531-537.
Shapiro E. & Sterling L. 1987. The art of Prolog: advanced programming techniques . 1987 , .
Taylor S., Safra S. & Shapiro E. 1987. A hypercube implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog\u200f . 1987 , :48-54.
Sterling L. & Shapiro E. Y. 1987. The Art of Prolog: Programming Examples - Macintosh (Logic Programming) . 1987 , .
Shapiro E. 1987. Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers . 1987 , .
TAYLOR S., AVRON E. & Shapiro E. 1987. A layered method for process and code mapping New Generation Computing. 1987 Jun , 5 :185-205.
TAYLOR S., HELLERSTEIN L., SAFRA S. & Shapiro E. 1987. Notes on the complexity of systolic programs Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 1987 Jun , 4 (3):250-265.
Shapiro E. 1986. Concurrent Prolog: A progress report Computer. 1986 Aug , 19 (8):44-58.
Sterling L. & Shapiro E. 1986. Prolog, Fortgeschrittene Programmiertechniken . 1986 , .
Shapiro E. 1986. Concurrent Prolog: A progress report . 1986 Jun , 232 :277-313.
CODISH M. & Shapiro E. 1986. Compiling OR-parallelism into AND-parallelism . 1986 , 225 :283-297.
Shapiro E. & SAFRA S. 1986. Multiway merge with constant delay in Concurrent Prolog New Generation Computing. 1986 Jun , 4 (2):211-216.
HELLERSTEIN L. & Shapiro E. 1986. Implementing parallel algorithms in Concurrent Prolog: The Maxflow experience The Journal of Logic Programming. 1986 Jul , 3 (2):157-184.
Maler O., Scherz Z. & Shapiro E. 1986. A New approach for introducing Prolog to naive users . 1986 , 225 :544-551.
TAYLOR S., SAFRA S. & Shapiro E. 1986. A parallel implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog International Journal of Parallel Programming. 1986 Jun , 15 (3):245-275.
Fiat A., Shamir A. & Shapiro E. 1985. Polymorphic Arrays: An Architecture for a Programmable Systolic Machine . 1985 Dec , :112-117.
Edelman S. & Shapiro E. 1985. Quadtrees in concurrent prolog . 1985 Dec , :544-551.
EY Shapiro 1985. Systolic programming: A paradigm of parallel processing Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Applied Mathematics. 1985 , .
Hellerstein L. & Shapiro E. 1984. Implementing Parallel Algorithms in Concurrent Prolog: The Maxflow Experience. . 1984 , :99-115.
Shapiro E. 1984. Systolic Programming: A Paradigm of Parallel Processing. . 1984 , :458-470.
Shapiro E. 1984. Guest editor's preface New Generation Computing. 1984 Dec , 2 (4):305-308.
Shapiro E. & Mierowsky C. 1984. Fair, biased, and self balancing merge operators\u200f: Their Specification and Implementation in Concurrent Prolog . 1984 Jan , :83-90.
Shapiro E. 1984. Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog . 1984 , :93-105.
Shapiro E. & MIEROWSKY C. 1984. Fair, biased, and self-balancing merge operators: Their specification and implementation in Concurrent Prolog New Generation Computing. 1984 Sept , 2 :221-240.
E Shapiro 1984. Systems programming in concurrent prolog Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of Principles of Programming Languages. 1984 , .
Shapiro E. Y. 1984. Alternation and the computational complexity of logic programs The Journal of Logic Programming. 1984 Jun , 1 (1):19-33.
Shapiro E. Y. 1983. Logic Programs With Uncertainties: A Tool for Implementing Rule-Based Systems . 1983 Dec , :529-532.
Shapiro E. 1983. Algorithmic Program DeBugging . 1983 , .
Shapiro E. 1983. Playing Mastermind Logically SIGART Bull.. 1983 Jul , (85):28-29.
SHAPIRO E. 1983. The fifth generation project a trip report Communications of the ACM. 1983 Sept , 26 (9):637-641.
Shapiro E. & TAKEUCHI A. 1983. Object oriented programming in Concurrent Prolog New Generation Computing. 1983 Mar , 1 :25-48.
EY Shapiro 1983. Logic programs with uncertainties: A tool for implementing rule-based systems, Proc 8th Int’l Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. 1983 , :529-532.
Shapiro E. 1983. A subset of Concurrent Prolog and its interpreter Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers . 1983 , 1 :27-83.
Shapiro E. Y. 1982. Algorithmic program diagnosis . 1982 Jan , :299-308.
Shapiro E. Y. 1981. An Algorithm that Infers Theories from Facts\u200f . 1981 Aug , 1 :446-451.
Shapiro E., Collins G., Johnson L. & Ruttenberg J. 1981. Pases: A Programming Environment for PASCAL ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 1981 Jan , 16 (8):50-57.
Shapiro E. Y. 1981. Model Inference System. . 1981 Dec , :1064.
EY Shapiro 1981. An algorithm that infers theories from facts Proceedings of the seventh international joint conference on artificial intelligence. 1981 , .
Shapiro E. 1981. Inductive inference of theories from facts . 1981 Feb , 192 .