
Showing 2001
Benenson Y., Paz-Elizur T., Adar R., Keinan E., Livneh Z. & Shapiro E. 2001. Programmable and autonomous computing machine made of biomolecules Nature. 2001 Nov , 414 (6862):430-434.
Regev A., Silverman W. & Shapiro E. 2001. Representation and simulation of biochemical processes using the pi-calculus process algebra. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. 2001 , :459-470.
Priami C., Regev A., Shapiro E. & Silverman W. 2001. Application of a stochastic name-passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes Information Processing Letters. 2001 Oct , 80 (1):25-31.
Aviv Regev, William Silverman and Ehud Shapiro 2001. Representation and simulation of biochemical processes using the pi-calculus process algebra Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing . 2001 , 6 :459-470.