An edited transcript of a lecture delivered to a conference of science and technology teachers in junior high schools, on Education at the age of Science.
A video lecture about the establishment and the essence of the "Hemda" Science Teaching Center in Tel-Aviv. In that Center, most high school students from the entire city of Tel-Aviv, who choose the highest level of Physics and Chemistry, take their entire science courses, taught by Ph.D. or M.Sc. teachers, using first-class labs, equipment, and facilities.
The center which initiated in 1987 continues to flourish, catering in 2007 to well over 1000 Physics and Chemistry high school students. A second branch of the same educational enterprise has been established in 2013 at the Weizmann Institute, by its then President Daniel Zajfman.
An edited transcript of a lecture to a conference of science school teachers. The topic is the MUTAV program: a curriculum for an integrated three-year course of science and technology and their impact on society, for all high school students who do not choose a major advanced science course.
A proposal for an educational project, introducing a laptop computer for every child and teacher, which, since then has been operating in a large number of Israeli schools.
Answer: Harari’s Law of Science Education; Harari’s Law of Particle Physics; Harari’s Law of Scientific Fads and Bandwagons.
מכון ויצמן תורם כבר למעלה מחמישים שנה לשיפור החינוך המדעי בבתי הספר בישראל. הפרויקט הראשון של המכון, בתחום זה, היה קורס בפיסיקה לקבוצת מורים נבחרים בבתי הספר היסודיים, בשנת תשכ"ה (1964/5).
המורה היה חיים הררי, אז סטודנט בן 24 לתואר דוקטור. תוכן הקורס נכתב בחוברת המצורפת כאן. כיוון שמדובר רק בעקרונות, שיטות וצורת חשיבה, הדברים תקפים גם היום, ללא שינוי.
A message regarding the importance and the value of science as a language.