Ultrasat 1st Science workshop

June 30, 2020


We will hold ULTRASAT 1st Science workshop on June 30, 2020.

The goal of the 1-day workshop is to discuss potential research programs for which ULTRASAT has a unique advantage, to discuss the planned science working groups and possibly suggest new ones, and to encourage researchers to join relevant working groups.

In preparation for the workshop, we encourage you to think about possible research projects with unique ULTARSAT contributions, including topics that do not fall within the already planned working groups (that appear on the program).

We are beginning the process of forming ULTRASAT working groups. Working group members will receive real time access to ULTRASAT data, which will be publicly available only after 6-12 months. In the workshop, we will explain the procedures for joining the working groups and the selection process


Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Introduction to ULTRASAT
Israel time Topic Speaker
9:15-9:30 Welcome coffee
9:30-9:50 ULTRASAT overview - Vision, Main Goals, Partners, Team, Industries [Presentation | Video] Eli Waxman
9:50-10:15 Project overview - Mission, Design, Timeline, Performance, Modes of operation  [Presentation | Video] Yossi Shvartzvald
10:15-10:30 Data center and data products [Presentation | Video] Eran Ofek
ULTRASAT Science (talks + open discussions)
Israel time Topic Speaker
10:30-10:40 Science working groups - Science topics, group membership and data access policy [Presentation | Video] Eli Waxman
10:40-11:10 Neutron star mergers [Presentation | Video] Eran Ofek
11:10-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 Stellar explosions [Presentation | Video] Avishay Gal-Yam
12:00-12:20 Exoplanets [Presentation |Video1 Video2 Sagi Ben-Ami, Oded Aharonson
12:20-12:40 Stars [Presentation | Video] Tsevi Mazeh
12:40-13:00 TDEs [Presentation | Video] Iair Arcavi, Nick Stone
13:00-13:45 Lunch break
13:45-14:05 AGNs Benny [Presentation 1 | Video 1], [Presentation 2 | Video 2] Benny Trakhtenbrot, Eran Ofek
14:05-14:25 Solar system [Presentation | Video] David Polishook
14:25-14:40 Additional talk - Breakout shocks [Presentation | Video] David Eichler
14:45-15:30 Open discussion, summary and closing remarks Eli Waxman