AVANCE NEO-400 WB (Bruker)
Short Spectrometer Manuals
These notes include a general introduction to Bruker TopSpin software, and a step-by-step guide to the acquisition and processing of 1D spectra. It is by no mean a replacement for the short training course each user is obliged to take.
Pulse Program Information and Properties
The nomenclature of parameters as described in Pulprog.info.
For a pulseprogram the first characters (usually up to 6, but sometimes more) specify the type of experiment, e.g. DEPT, COSY,NOESY etc..
Further properties of the pulseprogram are indicated by a two-character code, which is added to the name in alphabetical order.
Common Bruker Commands and Nomenclature
- edc- edit current data set (can be used to copy current data set parameters into a new name)
- eda- edit acquisition parameters
- edp- edit processing parameters
- edo- edit output device (printer/plotter)
- edg- edit graphics, the plotting parameters
- acqu [a]- go to the acquisition menu
- ased- edit acquisition parameters relevant to the current pp
- edasp- edit the rf routing (the channels)
Sample-Temperature Calibration
Molecular Associations can lead to shifts in the NMR spectra. This effect is particularly strong, when hydrogen bonding is involved. The shifts are concentration dependent and temperature dependent. This fact is used when calibrating the actual temperatures in your sample with methanol (low temperature range, 178-330K) and/or ethylen glycol (high temperature range, 273-416K).
We have used neat methanol as our thermometer substance, and measured the frequency difference between its two peaks to calculate the actual sample temperature.
In the context of NMR, the shims are small magnetic fields used to cancel out errors in the static magnetic field. These minor spatial inhomogeneities in the magnetic field could be caused by the magnet design, materials in the probe, variations in the thickness of the sample tube, sample permeability, and ferromagnetic materials around the magnet. A shim coil is thus designed to create a small magnetic field which will oppose and cancel out an inhomogeneity in the B o magnetic field.
Solvent Suppression
Detection of the solute signal (typically proton concentration of 1-2 mM) in the presence of solvent signal (for water, proton concentration ~110M) presents a difficult problem since the dynamic range of the electronic components of the spectrometer is limited.
Three methods exist for suppressing unwanted signals of the solvent (dynamic range reduction):