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Strong positive recurrence and exponential mixing for diffeomorphisms , with Jerome Buzzi and Sylvain Crovisie r, preprint
On the existence of SRB measures for C infinity surface diffeomorphisms , with Jerome Buzzi and Sylvain Crovisier , to appear in IMRN
Local limit theorems for inhomogeneous Markov chains , with Dmitry Dolgopyat , Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2331 , 344+xiii pp, 2023, Springer
Complete regularity of linear cocycles and the Baire category of the set of Lyapunov-Perron regular points , with Jairo Bochi and Yakov Pesin
Continuity properties of Lyapunov exponents for surface diffeomorphisms ,with Jerome Buzzi and Sylvain Crovisier , Invent. Math. 230 (2022), no. 2, 767–849.
Intrinsic ergodicity for countable state Markov shifts , with René Rühr, Israel J. Math . 251 (2022), no. 2, 679–735.
Measures of maximal entropy for surface diffeomorphisms , with Jerome Buzzi and Sylvain Crovisier , Annals of Math, 195, no. 2 (2022)
Quenched and annealed temporal limit theorems for circle rotations , with Dmitry Dolgopyat, Asterisque 415 (2020), Yoccoz memorial volume, 59-84.
Symbolic dynamics for three dimensional flows with positive topological entropy , with Yuri Lima, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 21 (2019), no. 1, 199–256.
No temporal distributional limit theorem for a.e. irrational translation , with Dmitry Dolgopyat , Annals Henri Lebesgue 1 (2018), 127-148.
Asymptotic windings of horocycles , with Dmitry Dolgopyat , Israel J Math 228 (2018), no. 1, 119–176.
Temporal distributional limit theorems for dynamical systems with Dmitry Dolgopyat , J. Stat. Physics 3-4 (2017) (Ruelle Sinai Birthday Issue), 680-713.
Ergodic properties of equilibrium measures for smooth three dimensional flows . with F. Ledrappier and Yuri Lima , Comentarii Math. Helv. 91 (2016) , 65-106.
The visits to zero of a random walk driven by an irrational rotation . with Artur Avila ,Dmitry Dolgopyat , and Eduard Duryev. Israel J. Math. 207 (2015) 653-717
Thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts. Proc. of Symposia in Pure Math. 89 (2015), 81-117
Exponential chi squared distributions in infinite ergodic theory . with Jon Aaronson Erg. Th. Dyn. Syst. 34 (2014), 705-724
Symbolic dynamics for surface diffeomorphisms with positive entropy . Journal of the AMS 26, 341--426 (2013).
Adic flows, transversal flows, and horocycle flows with Martin Schmoll. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Proc. of the Ergodic Theory workshops at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2011-2012. Ed. by I. Assani. De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics, 241--259 (2013).
Bernoulli equilibrium states for surface diffeomorphisms . J. Modern Dynamics 5 (2011)
Unique ergodicity for infinite measures. Proc. Inter. Congress Math., Hyderabad (2010).
The horocycle flow and the Laplacian on hyperbolic surfaces of infinite genus. Geom. Funct. Anal. 19 1757-1812 (2010)
Spectral gap and transience for Ruelle operators on countable Markov shifts . with Van Cyr. Commun. Math. Phys. 292, 637-666 (2009)
The Generic Points for the Horocycle Flow on a Class of Hyperbolic Surfaces with Infinite Genus with B. Schapira , IMRN 2008 Art. ID rnn 086, 37 pp.
Fluctuations of ergodic sums for horocycle flows on Z^d covers of finite volume surfaces. with F. Ledrappier Disc. Cont. Dynam. Syst. 22, 247 - 325 (2008) (Pesin Birthday Issue).
Invariant measures for the horocycle flow on periodic hyperbolic surfaces. with F. Ledrappier . Israel J. Math. 160, 281-317 (2007).
Critical exponents for dynamical systems. Commun. Math. Phys. 267, 631-667 (2006). Errata
Unique ergodicity for non-uniquely ergodic horocycle flows. with F. Ledrappier Disc. Cont. Dynam. Syst. 16, 411-433 (2006) (Katok Birthday Issue)
Invariant measures for the horocycle flow on periodic hyperbolic surfaces. with F. Ledrappier Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (2005), 89-94.
Exchangeable measures for subshifts. with J. Aaronson and H. Nakada . Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Stat. 42, 727-751 (2006)
Dynamical Zeta functions for the Renewal shift. in Dynamics of Complex Systems RIMS Kokyuroku 1404 (2004) 98-104.
Aperiodicity of cocycles and conditional local limit theorems. with Jon Aaronson, Manfred Denker and Roland Zweimueller . Stoch. & Dynam. 4 no. 1, 31--62 (2004).
Invariant Radon measures for horocycle flows on Abelian covers. Invent. Math. 157, 519-551 (2004).
Uniqueness of equilibrium measures for countable Markov shifts and multi-dimensional piecewise expanding maps. with J. Buzzi Erg. Thy. Dynam. Sys. 23, 1383-1400 (2003)
Characterization of existence of Gibbs measures for Countable Markov shifts. Proc. of AMS. 131 (no. 6), 1751-1758 (2003)
Subexponential decay of correlations. Invent. Math. 150, 629-653 (2002)
Tail-invariant measures for some suspension semiflows. with J. Aaronson and R. Solomyak. Discr. and Contin. Dyn. Sys. 8 (no. 3), 725-735 (2002)
Invariant measures and asymptotics for some skew products. with J. Aaronson, H. Nakada , and R. Solomyak . Israel J. Math. 128, 93-134 (2002). See Corrections .
Phase Transitions for Countable Topological Markov Shifts. Commun. Math. Phys. 217, 555-577 (2001)
Thermodynamic Formalism for Null Recurrent Potentials. Israel J. Math. 121, 285-311 (2001)
On an example with topological pressure which is not analytic . C.R. Acad. Sci. Serie I: Math. 330, 311-315 (2000)
Thermodynamic Formalism for Countable Markov shifts. Erg. Th. Dyn. Sys. 19, 1565-1593 (1999)