Project portfolio
SCADA and shooting safety system for high power laser lab | Victor Malka’s lab
numerical and experimental modelling of fluid invasion in porous media | with Ran Holtzman, former @HUJI, then Coventry U.
System for automatic measurement of charge mobility in semiconductors | Submicron center
Remotely accessible monitor and historical logging system for MBE plants | Submicron center
MBE plant growth scheduler | submicron center
LaBunaPera: flexible software for repetitive parametric scan measurements involving an arbitrary number of interfaceable instruments | in use by various labs at WIS
High speed video recording systems (1000 fps/10 hours) for behavioral studies in mice and whisker tracking | Ehud Ahissar, Ofer Yizhar labs
Plant monitor for graphitization process | Elisabetta Boaretto’s lab
multicamera setup for tracking ant movements and controlling fluorescence pulses | Ofer Feinerman’s lab
Online control and data acquisition for Cavity Ring Down and Photoacustic apparati for the measurement of optical properties of dilute aerosols; aerosol flux measurements | Yinon Rudich’s lab
Historical database of air quality measurements in Israel and data mining | with Yinon Rudich