1(2024) Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 527, 4, p. 10507-10521The impact of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft with Dimorphosãllows us to studyãsteroid collision physics, including momentum transfer, the ejecta properties,ãnd the visibility of such events in the Solar system. We report observations of the DART impact in the ultraviolet (UV), visible light,ãnd near -infrared (IR) wa velengths. The observations support the existence ofãt least two separate components of the ejecta:ã fastãndã slow component. The fast-ejecta component is composed ofã gaseous phase, movingãtãbout 1.6 km s -1 withã mass of ≲10 4 kg. The fast ejecta is detected in the UVãnd visible light, but not in the near-IR z-band observations. Fittingã simplified optical thickness model to these observationsãllows us to constrain some of the properties of the fast ejecta, including its scattering efficiencyãnd the opacity of the gas. The slow ejecta component is movingãt typical velocities of up toãbout 10 m s -1 . It is composed of micrometer-size particles, that haveã scattering efficiency,ãt the direction of the observer, of the order of 10 -3ãndã total mass of ∼10 6 kg. The larger particles in the slow ejecta, whose size is bound to be in the range between ∼1 mmãnd ∼1 m, likely haveã scattering efficiency larger than that of the pre-impact Didymos system.
2(2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 1, e2023GL106.Predicting the compactness of the invasion front and the amount of trapped fluid left behind is of crucial importance to applications ranging from microfluidics and fuel cells to subsurface storage of carbon and hydrogen. We examine the interplay of wettability, macro- and pore scale heterogeneity (pore angularity and pore wall roughness), and its influence on flow patterns formation and trapping efficiency in porous media by a combination of 3D micro-CT imaging with 2D direct visualization of micromodels. We observe various phase transitions between the following capillary flow regimes (phases): (a) compact advance, (b) wetting and drainage Invasion percolation, (c) Ordinary percolation.
3(2024) Astronomical Journal. 167, 5, 190.Asteroid collisions are one of the main processes responsible for the evolution of bodies in the main belt. Using observations of the Dimorphos impact by the DART spacecraft, we estimate how asteroid collisions in the main belt may look in the first hours after the impact. If the DART event is representative of asteroid collisions with a ∼1 m sized impactor, then the light curves of these collisions will rise on timescales of about ≳100 s and will remain bright for about 1 hr. Next, the light curve will decay on a few hours' timescale to an intermediate luminosity level in which it will remain for several weeks, before slowly returning to its baseline magnitude. This estimate suffers from several uncertainties due to, e.g., the diversity of asteroid composition, their material strength, and spread in collision velocities. We estimate that the rate of collisions in the main belt with energy similar to or larger than the DART impact is of the order of 7000 yr<sup>−1</sup> (±1 dex). The large range is due to the uncertainty in the abundance of ∼1 m sized asteroids. We estimate the magnitude distribution of such events in the main belt, and we show that ∼6% of these events may peak at magnitudes brighter than 21. The detection of these events requires a survey with ≲1 hr cadence and may contribute to our understanding of the asteroids size distribution, collisional physics, and dust production. With an adequate survey strategy, new survey telescopes may regularly detect asteroid collisions.
4(2024) Water Resources Research. 60, 6, e2023WR036.Understanding how different flow patterns emerge at various macro- and pore scale heterogeneity, pore wettability and surface roughness is remains a long standing scientific challenge. Such understanding allows to predict the amount of trapped fluid left behind, of crucial importance to applications ranging from microfluidics and fuel cells to subsurface storage of carbon and hydrogen. We examine the interplay of wettability and pore-scale heterogeneity including both pore angularity and roughness, by a combination of micro-CT imaging of 3D grain packs with direct visualization of 2D micromodels. The micromodels are designed to retain the key morphological and topological properties derived from the micro-CT images. Different manufacturing techniques allow us to control pore surface roughness. We study the competition between flow through the pore centers and flow along rough pore walls and corners in media of increasing complexity in the capillary flow regime. The resulting flow patterns and their trapping efficiency are in excellent agreement with previous μ-CT results. We observe different phase transitions between the following flow regimes (phases): (a) Frontal/compact advance, (b) wetting and drainage Invasion percolation, and (c) Ordinary percolation. We present a heterogeneity-wettability-roughness phase diagram that predicts these regimes.
5(2023) Nature. 623, 7989, p. 927-931In recent years, certain luminous extragalactic optical transients have been observed to last only a few days<sup> 1</sup>. Their short observed duration implies a different powering mechanism from the most common luminous extragalactic transients (supernovae), whose timescale is weeks<sup> 2</sup>. Some short-duration transients, most notably AT2018cow (ref. <sup> 3</sup>), show blue optical colours and bright radio and X-ray emission<sup> 4</sup>. Several AT2018cow-like transients have shown hints of a long-lived embedded energy source<sup> 5</sup>, such as X-ray variability<sup> 6,7</sup>, prolonged ultraviolet emission<sup> 8</sup>, a tentative X-ray quasiperiodic oscillation<sup> 9,10</sup> and large energies coupled to fast (but subrelativistic) radio-emitting ejecta<sup> 11,12</sup>. Here we report observations of minutes-duration optical flares in the aftermath of an AT2018cow-like transient, AT2022tsd (the Tasmanian Devil). The flares occur over a period of months, are highly energetic and are probably nonthermal, implying that they arise from a near-relativistic outflow or jet. Our observations confirm that, in some AT2018cow-like transients, the embedded energy source is a compact object, either a magnetar or an accreting black hole.
6(2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1048, 065001.The Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST) is a wide-field visible-light telescope array designed to explore the variable and transient sky with a high cadence. LAST will be composed of 48, 28 cm f/2.2 telescopes (32 already installed) equipped with full-frame backside-illuminated cooled CMOS detectors. Each telescope provides a field of view (FoV) of 7.4 deg<sup>2</sup> with 1.25 pix<sup>−1</sup>, while the system FoV is 355 deg<sup>2</sup> in 2.9 Gpix. The total collecting area of LAST, with 48 telescopes, is equivalent to a 1.9 m telescope. The cost-effectiveness of the system (i.e., probed volume of space per unit time per unit cost) is about an order of magnitude higher than most existing and under-construction sky surveys. The telescopes are mounted on 12 separate mounts, each carrying four telescopes. This provides significant flexibility in operating the system. The first LAST system is under construction in the Israeli Negev Desert, with 32 telescopes already deployed. We present the system overview and performances based on the system commissioning data. The B <sub>p</sub> 5σ limiting magnitude of a single 28 cm telescope is about 19.6 (21.0), in 20 s (20 × 20 s). Astrometric two-axes precision (rms) at the bright-end is about 60 (30) mas in 20 s (20 × 20 s), while absolute photometric calibration, relative to GAIA, provides ∼10 millimag accuracy. Relative photometric precision, in a single 20 s (320 s) image, at the bright-end measured over a timescale of about 60 minutes is about 3 (1) millimag. We discuss the system science goals, data pipelines, and the observatory control system in companion publications.
7(2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1050, 085002.The Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST) is designed to survey the variable and transient sky at high temporal cadence. The array is comprised of 48 F/2.2 telescopes of 27.9 cm aperture, coupled to full-frame backside-illuminated cooled CMOS detectors with 3.76 μm pixels, resulting in a pixel scale of 1.25. A single telescope with a field of view of 7.4 deg<sup>2</sup> reaches a 5σ limiting magnitude of 19.6 in 20 s. LAST 48 telescopes are mounted on 12 independent mountsa modular design which allows us to conduct optimized parallel surveys. Here we provide a detailed overview of the LAST survey strategy and its key scientific goals. These include the search for gravitational-wave (GW) electromagnetic counterparts with a system that can cover the uncertainty regions of the next-generation GW detectors in a single exposure, the study of planetary systems around white dwarfs, and the search for near-Earth objects. LAST is currently being commissioned, with full scientific operations expected in mid 2023. This paper is accompanied by two complementary publications in this issue, giving an overview of the system and of the dedicated data reduction pipeline.
8(2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1054, 124502.The Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST) is a wide-field telescope designed to explore the variable and transient sky with a high cadence and to be a test-bed for cost-effective telescope design. A LAST node is composed of 48 (32 already deployed), 28 cm f/2.2 telescopes. A single telescope has a 7.4 deg<sup>2</sup> field of view and reaches a 5σ limiting magnitude of 19.6 (21.0) in 20 (20 × 20) s (filter-less), while the entire system provides a 355 deg<sup>2</sup> field of view. The basic strategy of LAST is to obtain multiple 20 s consecutive exposures of each field (a visit). Each telescope carries a 61 Mpix camera, and the system produces, on average, about 2.2 Gbit s<sup>−1</sup>. This high data rate is analyzed in near real-time at the observatory site, using limited computing resources (about 700 cores). Given this high data rate, we have developed a new, efficient data reduction and analysis pipeline. The LAST data pipeline includes two major parts: (i) Processing and calibration of single images, followed by a coaddition of the visits exposures. (ii) Building the reference images and performing image subtraction and transient detection. Here we describe in detail the first part of the pipeline. Among the products of this pipeline are photometrically and astrometrically calibrated single and coadded images, 32 bit mask images marking a wide variety of problems and states of each pixel, source catalogs built from individual and coadded images, Point-Spread Function photometry, merged source catalogs, proper motion and variability indicators, minor planets detection, calibrated light curves, and matching with external catalogs. The entire pipeline code is made public. Finally, we demonstrate the pipeline performance on real data taken by LAST.
9(2022) Matter and Radiation at Extremes. 7, 4, 044401.At the Weizmann Institute of Science, a new high-power-laser laboratory has been established that is dedicated to the fundamental aspects of lasermatter interaction in the relativistic regime and aimed at developing compact laser-plasma accelerators for delivering high-brightness beams of electrons, ions, and x rays. The HIGGINS laser system delivers two independent 100 TW beams and an additional probe beam, and this paper describes its commissioning and presents the very first results for particle and radiation beam delivery.
10(2022) SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 15, 4, p. 1623-1645An accurate method for warping images is presented. Different from most commonly used techniques, this method guarantees the conservation of the intensity of the transformed image, evaluated as the sum of its pixel values over the whole image or over corresponding transformed subregions of it. Such property is mandatory for quantitative analysis, as, for instance, when deformed images are used to assess radiances, to measure optical fluxes from light sources, or to characterize material optical densities. The proposed method enforces area resampling by decomposing each rectangular pixel into two triangles, and projecting the pixel intensity onto half pixels of the transformed image, with weights proportional to the area of overlap of the triangular half-pixels. The result is quantitatively exact, as long as the original pixel value is assumed to represent a constant image density within the pixel area, and as long as the coordinate transformation is diffeomorphic. Implementation details and possible variations of the method are discussed.
11(2021) Journal of Instrumentation. 16, 9, P09003.In bubble-assisted Liquid Hole Multipliers (LHM), developed for noble-liquid radiation detectors, the stability of the bubble and the electro-mechanical properties of the liquid-to-gas interface play a dominant role in the detector performance. A model is proposed to evaluate the static equilibrium configurations of a bubble sustained underneath a perforated electrode immersed in a liquid. For the first time bubbles were optically observed in LAr; their properties were studied in contact with different material surfaces. This permitted investigating the bubble-electrodynamics via numerical simulations; it was shown that the electric field acts as an additional pressure term on the bubble meniscus. The predictions for the liquid-to-gas interface were successfully validated using X-ray micro-CT in water and in silicone oil at STP. The proposed model and the results of this study are an important milestone towards understanding and optimizing the parameters of LHM-based noble-liquid detectors.
12(2019) Advances in Water Resources. 128, p. 158-167Immiscible fluid displacement in porous media is fundamental for many environmental processes, including infiltration of water in soils, groundwater remediation, enhanced recovery of hydrocarbons and CO2 geosequestration. Microstructural heterogeneity, in particular of particle sizes, can significantly impact immiscible displacement. For instance, it may lead to unstable flow and preferential displacement patterns. We present a systematic, quantitative pore-scale study of the impact of spatial correlations in particle sizes on the drainage of a partially-wetting fluid. We perform pore-network simulations with varying flow rates and different degrees of spatial correlation, complemented with microfluidic experiments. Simulated and experimental displacement patterns show that spatial correlation leads to more preferential invasion, with reduced trapping of the defending fluid, especially at low flow rates. Numerically, we find that increasing the correlation length reduces the fluid-fluid interfacial area and the trapping of the defending fluid, and increases the invasion pattern asymmetry and selectivity. Our experiments, conducted for low capillary numbers, support these findings. Our results delineate the significant effect of spatial correlations on fluid displacement in porous media, of relevance to a wide range of natural and engineered processes.
13(2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 28, p. 13799-13806Multiphase flows in porous media are important in many natural and industrial processes. Pore-scale models for multiphase flows have seen rapid development in recent years and are becoming increasingly useful as predictive tools in both academic and industrial applications. However, quantitative comparisons between different pore-scale models, and between these models and experimental data, are lacking. Here, we perform an objective comparison of a variety of state-of-the-art pore-scale models, including lattice Boltzmann, stochastic rotation dynamics, volume-of-fluid, level-set, phase-field, and pore-network models. As the basis for this comparison, we use a dataset from recent microfluidic experiments with precisely controlled pore geometry and wettability conditions, which offers an unprecedented benchmarking opportunity. We compare the results of the 14 participating teams both qualitatively and quantitatively using several standard metrics, such as fractal dimension, finger width, and displacement efficiency. We find that no single method excels across all conditions and that thin films and corner flow present substantial modeling and computational challenges.
14Il Progetto di Aron Fernando: Un Ebreo Giacobino E Deista Contro I \u201cFanatici Settatori Talmudisti\u201d(2019) La Rassegna Mensile di Israel. 85, 1, p. 79-98In 1810s Livorno, Aron Fernando, a fifty-year-old Jewish intellectual, with adamant faith in Napoleon and the Progress of Reason, tried to undertake a radical reform plan of Judaism, reducing the tenets to just sixty, and proposing a pedagogic system: an early visionary and unavailing contribution to the nineteenth century discourse on Jewish Reformation in Italian. His publication was forbidden but was not lost. Borrowing from extant copies of the first tome and the manuscript of the planned second tome, handed over to the French censor, the author prepared an integral electronic edition of his book, hereby introduced. Access this publication in the following URL -
15(2018) Applied Physics Letters. 113, 9, 091602.Chemically resolved electrical measurements of zinc oxysulfide over-layers on gold show very poor conductance under either electrical or optical input signals, whereas simultaneous application of the two yields extremely high sample currents. The effect and its dependence on the wavelength and electrical parameters are explained by the in-situ derived band diagram, in which a buffer level of charge traps cannot contribute directly to conductance, while yet amplifying the photoconductance by orders of magnitudes under sub-bandgap illumination. This AND-type doubly triggered response proposes interesting applications and an answer to problems encountered in related optoelectronic devices.
16(2017) Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 10, 3, p. 1203-1213The multi-pass photoacoustic spectrometer (PAS) is an important tool for the direct measurement of light absorption by atmospheric aerosol. Accurate PAS measurements heavily rely on accurate calibration of their signal. Ozone is often used for calibrating PAS instruments by relating the photoacoustic signal to the absorption coefficient measured by an independent method such as cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRD-S), cavity-enhanced spectroscopy (CES) or an ozone monitor. We report here a calibration method that uses measured absorption coefficients of aerosolized, light-absorbing organic materials and offer an alternative approach to calibrate photoacoustic aerosol spectrometers at 404 nm. To implement this method, we first determined the complex refractive index of nigrosin, an organic dye, using spectroscopic ellipsometry and then used this well-characterized material as a standard material for PAS calibration.
17(2015) Physical review letters. 115, 16, 164501.We study the impact of the wetting properties on the immiscible displacement of a viscous fluid in disordered porous media. We present a novel pore-scale model that captures wettability and dynamic effects, including the spatiotemporal nonlocality associated with interface readjustments. Our simulations show that increasing the wettability of the invading fluid (the contact angle) promotes cooperative pore filling that stabilizes the invasion and that this effect is suppressed as the flow rate increases, due to viscous instabilities. We use scaling analysis to derive two dimensionless numbers that predict the mode of displacement. By elucidating the underlying mechanisms, we explain classical yet intriguing experimental observations. These insights could be used to improve technologies such as hydraulic fracturing, CO2 geosequestration, and microfluidics.
18(2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119, 19, p. 4336-4346Heterogeneous neutralization reactions of ammonia and alkylamines with sulfuric acid play an important role in aerosol formation and particle growth. However, little is known about the physical and chemical properties of alkylaminium salts of organic acids. In this work we studied the thermal stability and volatility of alkylaminium carboxylate salts of short aliphatic alkylamines with monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids. The enthalpy of vaporization and saturation vapor pressure at 298 K were derived using the kinetic model of evaporation and the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. The vapor pressure of alkylaminium dicarboxylate salts is ∼10<sup>-6</sup> Pa, and the vaporization enthalpy ranges from 73 to 134 kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>. Alkylaminium monocarboxylate salts show high thermal stability, and their thermograms do not follow our evaporation model. Hence, we inferred their vapor pressure from their thermograms as comparable to that of ammonium sulfate (∼10<sup>-9</sup> Pa). Further characterization showed that alkylaminium monocarboxylates are room temperature protic ionic liquids (RTPILs) that are more hygroscopic than ammonium sulfate (AS). We suggest that the irregular thermograms result from an incomplete neutralization reaction leading to a mixture of ionic and nonionic compounds. We conclude that these salts are expected to contribute to new particle formation and particle growth under ambient conditions and can significantly enhance the CCN activity of mixed particles in areas where SO<sub>2</sub> emissions are regulated.
19(2015) Scientific Reports. 5, 12496.Eusocial societies and ants, in particular, maintain tight nutritional regulation at both individual and collective levels. The mechanisms that underlie this control are far from trivial since, in these distributed systems, information about the global supply and demand is not available to any single individual. Here we present a novel technique for non-intervening frequent measurement of the food load of all individuals in an ant colony, including during trophallactic events in which food is transferred by mouth-to-mouth feeding. Ants are imaged using a dual camera setup that produces both barcode-based identification and fluorescence measurement of labeled food. This system provides detailed measurements that enable one to quantitatively study the adaptive food distribution network. To demonstrate the capabilities of our method, we present sample observations that were unattainable using previous techniques, and could provide insight into the mechanisms underlying food exchange.
20The possible association between exposure to air pollution and the risk for congenital malformations(2014) Environmental Research. 135, p. 173-180Background: Over the last decade, there is growing evidence that exposure to air pollution may be associated with increased risk for congenital malformations. Objectives: To evaluate the possible association between exposures to air pollution during pregnancy and congenital malformations among infants born following spontaneously conceived (SC) pregnancies and assisted reproductive technology (ART) pregnancies. Methods: This is an historical cohort study comprising 216,730 infants: 207,825 SC infants and 8905 ART conceived infants, during the periods 1997-2004. Air pollution data including sulfur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>), particulate matter
21(2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22412-22421Alkyl aminium sulfates have been postulated to constitute important components of nucleation and accumulation mode atmospheric aerosols. In this study we present laboratory data on the thermochemical, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity, and optical properties of selected aminium sulfate compounds of atmospheric relevance (monomethyl aminium sulfate (MMAS), dimethyaminium sulfate (DMAS), trimethylaminium sulfate, monoethylaminium sulfate (MEAS), diethylaminium sulfate (DEAS), and triethylaminium sulfate (TEAS)). We found that the vapor pressure of these aminium salts is 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of ammonium sulfate and as such they can contribute to new aerosols and secondary aerosols formation. We infer that these species have very high CCN activity, with hygroscopicity parameter that is similar to that ammonium sulfate. Finally, between 360 and 420 nm, these aminium sulfate salts scatter light less efficiently than ammonium sulfate, and do not absorb light. These derived parameters can contribute to the better understanding and characterization of the role that these compounds play in atmospheric chemical reactions, gas-solid partitioning and their possible contribution to the microphysical and radiative effects of atmospheric aerosols.
22(2013) Aerosol Science and Technology. 47, 8, p. 906-915Semi-arid forests are of growing importance due to expected ecosystem transformations following climatic changes. Dry deposition of atmospheric aerosols was measured for the first time in such an ecosystem, the Yatir forest in southern Israel. Size-segregated flux measurements for particles ranging between 0.25 μm and 0.65 μm were taken with an optical particle counter (OPC) using eddy covariance methodology. The averaged deposition velocity (V<sub>d</sub>) at this site was 3.8 ± 4.5 mm s<sup>-1</sup> for 0.25-0.28 μm particles, which is in agreement with deposition velocities measured in mid and northern latitude coniferous forests, and is most heavily influenced by the atmospheric stability and turbulence conditions, and to a lesser degree by the particle size. Both downward and upward fluxes were observed. Upward fluxes were not associated with a local particle source. The flux direction correlated strongly with wind direction, suggesting topographical effects. We hypothesize that a complex terrain and a patchy fetch affected the expected dependence of V<sub>d</sub> on particle size and caused the observed upward fluxes of particles. The effect of topography on the deposition velocity grows greater as particle size increases, as has been shown in modeling and laboratory studies but had not been demonstrated yet in field studies. This hypothesis is consistent with the observed relationship between V<sub>d</sub> and the friction velocity, the topography in the area of the flux tower, and the observed correlation of flux direction with wind direction. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Aerosol Science and Technology to view the free supplementary files.
23(2011) Physics of Fluids. 23, 4, 041905.Despite the recent upsurge of theoretical reduced models for vesicle shape dynamics, comparisons with experiments have not been accomplished. We review the implications of some of the recently proposed models for vesicle dynamics, especially the tumbling-trembling domain regions of the phase plane, and show that they all fail to capture the essential behavior of real vesicles for excess areas Δ greater than 0.4. We emphasize new observations of shape harmonics and the role of thermal fluctuations.
24(2010) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12, 1, p. 21-31Atmospheric aerosols scatter and absorb solar radiation leading to variable effects on Earth's radiative balance. Aerosols individually comprising mixtures of different components ("internally mixed") interact differently with light than mixtures of aerosols, each comprising a different single component ("externally mixed"), even if the relative fractions of the different components are equal. In climate models, the optical properties of internally mixed aerosols are generally calculated by using electromagnetic "mixing rules", which average the refractive indices of the individual components in different proportions, or by using coated-sphere Mie scattering codes, which solve the full light scattering problem assuming that the components are divided into two distinct layers. Because these calculation approaches are in common use, it is important to validate them experimentally. In this article, we present a broad perspective on the optical properties of internally mixed aerosols based on a series of laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations. The optical properties of homogenously mixed aerosols comprised of non-absorbing and weakly absorbing compounds, and of coated aerosols comprised of strongly absorbing, non-absorbing, and weakly absorbing compounds in different combinations are measured using pulsed and continuous wave cavity ring down aerosol spectrometry (CRD-AS). The success of electromagnetic mixing rules and Mie scattering codes in reproducing the measured aerosol extinction values is discussed.
25(2010) Physics of Fluids. 22, 3, p. 8-15 012003PHF.Strong non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq (OB) effects in turbulent convection were investigated experimentally in SF<sub>6</sub> in the vicinity of its gas-liquid critical point (CP). The temperature density dependencies of the thermodynamic kinetic properties of SF<sub>6</sub> near its CP at the average critical density lead to strong but symmetric vertical variations of the main physical propertieswhich enter into the control parameters of turbulent convection. This produces an up-down symmetry in the temperature drops across the upper lower half of the cellwhile the temperature in the middle of the cell remains equal to the average value. Thusin spite of the strong variations of the fluid properties across the cell heightthe up-down symmetry remains like in the OB case. The distinctive feature of the symmetric non-OB turbulent convection is that the heat transport scales with the Rayleigh number Ra like in the OB turbulent convection. At the same timeit shows a much stronger dependence on the Prtl number Pr. We singled out the influence of the non-OB effect on the heat transport found thatfor the same Pran eightfold larger non-OB effect does not alter either the value of the Nusselt numberNunor its scaling with respect to the Rayleigh numberNu<sup>∝</sup>Ra<sup>γ</sup>. The conclusion is that the strong symmetric non-OB effect by itself is not responsible for the strong Pr dependence of the heat transport near CP. The possible source of this Pr dependence is the strongly enhanced isothermal compressibility in the vicinity of CPwhich can affect the dynamics of plumes so the heat transport close to the CP manifests itself in a dependence of Nu on Pr much steeper than in the OB case.
27(2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 28, p. 11444-11447An approach to quantitatively study vesicle dynamics as well as biologically-related micro-objects in a fluid flow, which is based on the combination of a dynamical trap and a control parameter, the ratio of the vorticity to the strain rate, is suggested. The flow is continuously varied between rotational, shearing, and elongational in a microfluidic 4-roll mill device, the dynamical trap, that allows scanning of the entire phase diagram of motions, i.e., tank-treading (TT), tumbling (TU), and trembling (TR), using a single vesicle even at λ = <sub>in</sub>/η<sub>out</sub> = 1, where η<sub>in</sub> and η<sub>out</sub> are the viscosities of the inner and outer fluids. This cannot be achieved in pure shear flow, where the transition between TT and either TU or TR is attained only at λ>1. As a result, it is found that the vesicle dynamical states in a general are presented by the phase diagram in a space of only 2 dimensionless control parameters. The findings are in semiquantitative accord with the recent theory made for a quasi-spherical vesicle, although vesicles with large deviations from spherical shape were studied experimentally. The physics of TR is also uncovered.
28(2009) Analytical Chemistry. 81, 5, p. 1762-1769The major uncertainties associated with the direct impact of aerosols on climate call for fast and accurate characterization of their optical properties. Cavity ring down (CRD) spectroscopy provides highly sensitive measurement of aerosols' extinction coefficients from which the complex refractive index (RI) of the aerosol may be retrieved accurately for spherical particles of known size and number density, thus it is possible to calculate the single scattering albedo and other atmospherically relevant optical parameters. We present a CRD system employing continuous wave (CW) single mode laser. The single mode laser and the high repetition rate obtained significantly improve the sensitivity and reliability of the system, compared to a pulsed laser CRD setup. The detection limit of the CW-CRD system is between 6.67 × 10<sup>-10</sup> cm <sup>-1</sup> for an empty cavity and 3.63 × 10<sup>-9</sup> cm <sup>-1</sup> for 1000 particles per cm<sup>3</sup> inside the cavity, at a 400 Hz sampling and averaging of 2000 shots for one sample measurement taken in 5 s. For typical pulsed-CRD, the detection limit for an empty cavity is less than 3.8 × 10<sup>-9</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> for 1000 shots averaged over 100 s at 10 Hz. The system was tested for stability, accuracy, and RI retrievals for scattering and absorbing laboratory-generated aerosols. Specifically, the retrieved extinction remains very stable for long measurement times (1 h) with an order of magnitude change in aerosol number concentration. In addition, the optical cross section (σ<sub>ext</sub>) of a 400 nm polystyrene latex sphere (PSL) was determined within 2% error compared to the calculated value based on Mie theory. The complex RI of PSL, nigrosin, and ammonium sulfate (AS) aerosols were determined by measuring the extinction efficiency (Q <sub>ext</sub>) as a function of the size parameter ((πD)/λ) and found to be in very good agreement with literature values. A mismatch in the retrieved RI of Suwannee River fulvic acid (SRFA) compared to a previous study was observed and is attributed to variation in the sample composition. The small system presented delivers high ability for fast measurements and accurate analysis, making it a good candidate for field aerosol optical properties studies.
29(2008) EPL. 82, 5, 58005.We studied the dynamics of isolated vesicles as well as vesicle interactions in semi-dilute vesicle suspensions subjected to a shear flow. We found that the long-range hydrodynamic interactions between vesicles give rise to strong fluctuations of vesicle shape and inclination angle, , though the functional dependence of and the transition path to tumbling motion is preserved. The dependence of the suspension viscosity on the viscosity ratio between inner and outer fluids, λ, was found to be non-monotonic and surprisingly growing with λ at the fixed outer fluid viscosity for λ
30(2008) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8, 6, p. 1823-1833In this study, we measure the extinction efficiency at 532 nm of absorbing aerosol particles coated with a non-absorbing solid and liquid organic shell with coating thickness varying between 5 and 100 nm using cavity ring down aerosol spectrometry. For this purpose, we use nigrosin, an organic black dye, as a model absorbing core and two non-absorbing organic substances as shells, glutaric acid (GA) and Di-Ethyl-Hexyl-Sebacate (DEHS). The measured behavior of the coated particles is consistent with Mie calculations of core-shell particles. Errors between measured and calculated values for nigrosin coated with GA and DEHS are between 0.5% and 10.5% and between 0.5% and 9%, respectively. However, it is evident that the calculations are in better agreement with the measured results for thinner coatings. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed.
31(2008) Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 17, p. 2865-2875Dinoflagellate bioluminescence serves as a model system for examining mechanosensing by suspended motile unicellular organisms. The response latency, i.e. the delay time between the mechanical stimulus and luminescent response, provides information about the mechanotransduction and signaling process, and must be accurately known for dinoflagellate bioluminescence to be used as a flow visualization tool. This study used a novel microfluidic device to measure the response latency of a large number of individual dinoflagellates with a resolution of a few milliseconds. Suspended cells of several dinoflagellate species approximately 35μm in diameter were directed through a 200 μm deep channel to a barrier with a 15μm clearance impassable to the cells. Bioluminescence was stimulated when cells encountered the barrier and experienced an abrupt increase in hydrodynamic drag, and was imaged using high numerical aperture optics and a high-speed low-light video system. The average response latency for Lingulodinium polyedrum strain HJ was 15ms (N>300 cells) at the three highest flow rates tested, with a minimum latency of 12ms. Cells produced multiple flashes with an interval as short as 5ms between individual flashes, suggesting that repeat stimulation involved a subset of the entire intracellular signaling pathway. The mean response latency for the dinoflagellates Pyrodinium bahamense, Alexandrium monilatum and older and newer isolates of L. polyedrum ranged from 15 to 22ms, similar to the latencies previously determined for larger dinoflagellates with different morphologies, possibly reflecting optimization of dinoflagellate bioluminescence as a rapid anti-predation behavior.
32(2008) Physical review letters. 101, 4, 048101.We present results on the stretching of single tubular vesicles in an elongation flow toward dumbbell shapes, and on their relaxation. A critical strain rate ̇c exists; for strain rates ̇
33(2008) Physical review letters. 101, 25, 257402.In this Letter, we study the diffusion properties of photoexcited carriers in coupled quantum wells around the Mott transition. We find that the diffusion of unbound electrons and holes is ambipolar and is characterized by a large diffusion coefficient, similar to that found in p-i-n junctions. Correlation effects in the excitonic phase are found to significantly suppress the carriers' diffusion. We show that this difference in diffusion properties gives rise to the appearance of a photoluminescence ring pattern around the excitation spot at the Mott transition.
34(2007) Physics of Fluids. 19, 5, 053104.We discuss the role of elastic stress in the statistical properties of elastic turbulence, realized by the flow of a polymer solution between two disks. The dynamics of the elastic stress are analogous to those of a small-scale fast dynamo in magnetohydrodynamics, and to those of the turbulent advection of a passive scalar in the Batchelor regime. Both systems are theoretically studied in the literature, and this analogy is exploited to explain the statistical properties, the flow structure, and the scaling observed experimentally. The following features of elastic turbulence are confirmed experimentally and presented in this paper: (i) The rms of the vorticity (and that of velocity gradients) saturates in the bulk of the elastic turbulent flow, leading to the saturation of the elastic stress. (ii) The rms of the velocity gradients (and thus the elastic stress) grows linearly with Wi in the boundary layer, near the driving disk. The rms of the velocity gradients in the boundary layer is one to two orders of magnitude larger than in the bulk. (iii) The PDFs of the injected power at either constant angular speed or torque show skewness and exponential tails, which both indicate intermittent statistical behavior. Also the PDFs of the normalized accelerations, which can be related to the statistics of velocity gradients via the Taylor hypothesis, exhibit well-pronounced exponential tails. (iv) A new length scale, i.e., the thickness of the boundary layer, as measured from the profile of the rms of the velocity gradient, is found to be relevant for the boundary layer of the elastic stresses. The velocity boundary layer just reflects some of the features of the boundary layer of the elastic stresses (rms of the velocity gradients). This measured length scale is much smaller than the vessel size. (v) The scaling of the structure functions of the vorticity, velocity gradients, and injected power is found to be the same as that of a passive scalar advected by an elastic turbulent velocity field.
35(2007) Physical Review Letters. 99, 17,We present experimental results on the relaxation dynamics of vesicles subjected to a time-dependent elongation flow. We observed and characterized a new instability, which results in the formation of higher-order modes of the vesicle shape (wrinkles), after a switch in the direction of the velocity gradient. This surprising generation of membrane wrinkles can be explained by the appearance of a negative surface tension during the vesicle deflation, which tunes itself to alternating stress. Moreover, the formation of buds in the vesicle membrane was observed in the vicinity of the dynamical transition point.
36(2006) Physical review letters. 96, 21, 214502.The role of elastic stress in statistical and scaling properties of elastic turbulence in a polymer solution flow between two disks is discussed. The analogy with a small-scale magnetodynamics and a passive scalar turbulent advection in the Batchelor regime is used to explain the experimentally observed statistical properties, the flow structure, and the scaling of elastic turbulence. The emergence of a new length scale, namely, the boundary layer thickness, is observed and studied.
37(2005) Physics of Fluids. 17, 10, 103101.The validity of the Taylor frozen flow hypothesis in a chaotic flow of a dilute polymer solution in a regime of elastic turbulence is investigated experimentally. By accurate time-dependent measurements of the flow field we study the velocity coherence between pairs of points displaced both in time and space and quantify the degree of applicability of the Taylor hypothesis. Alternatively, the frozen flow assumption is assessed by comparison of the measured velocity structure functions with the ones derived by a frozen flow assumption. The breakdown of the Taylor hypothesis is further discussed in both the context of strong velocity fluctuations and long-range spatial correlations, which are the result of the flow smoothness and lack of scale separation. Different choices of the advection velocity are tested and discussed.
38(2004) Europhysics Letters. 68, 4, p. 529-535We investigate experimentally the statistics of a chaotic flow of a dilute polymer solution in a regime of clastic turbulence by using the Lagrangian coordinates approach. We show that due to flow smoothness at small scales the Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) technique can be successfully used to investigate the statistics of particle pair separations at different scales. We compare the measured FTLE with the characteristics of statistical description in the Eulerian coordinate presentation, namely the velocity correlation times and the average velocity gradients. We characterize the flow interrnittency by measuring high-order moments of the statistics of the particle pair separations.
39(2004) Physical Review Letters. 92, 16,By using high molecular weight fluorescent passive tracers with different diffusion coefficients and by changing the fluid velocity we study the dependence of a characteristic mixing length on the Peclet number, Pe, which controls the mixing efficiency. The mixing length is found to be related to Pe by a power law, L(mix)proportional toPe(0.26+/-0.01), and increases faster than expected for an unbounded chaotic flow. The role of the boundaries in the mixing length abnormal growth is clarified. The experimental findings are in good quantitative agreement with recent theoretical predictions.
40(2004) Physical Review E. 69, 6 , 066305.Chaotic flow was generated in a smooth microchannel of a uniform width at arbitrarily low Reynolds number with a polymer solution. The chaotic flow regime was characterized by randomly fluctuation three-dimensional velocity field and significant growth of the flow resistance. The chaotic flow leads to quite efficient mixing, which is almost diffusion independent. It is observed that for macromolecules, mixing time in this microscopic flow can be three to four orders of magnitude shorter than due to molecular diffusion.