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    Tesi A., Segre E., Leardini S., Breskin A., Kapishnikov S., Moleri L., Vartsky D. & Bressler S. (2021) Journal of Instrumentation. 16, 9, P09003.  


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    Lavi A., Segre E., Gomez-Hernandez M., Zhang R. & Rudich Y. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119, 19, p. 4336-4346  
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    Lavi A., Bluvshtein N., Segre E., Segev L., Flores M. & Rudich Y. (2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22412-22421  
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    Lavi A., Farmer D. K., Segre E., Moise T., Rotenberg E., Jimenez J. L. & Rudich Y. (2013) Aerosol Science and Technology. 47, 8, p. 906-915  


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    Zabusky N. J., Segre E., Deschamps J., Kantsler V. & Steinberg V. (2011) Physics of Fluids. 23, 4, 041905.  


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    Burnishev Y., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2010) Physics of Fluids. 22, 3, p. 8-15 012003PHF.  


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    Deschamps J., Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 28, p. 11444-11447  
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    Lang-Yona M., Rudich Y., Segre E., Dinar E. & Abo-Riziq A. (2009) Analytical Chemistry. 81, 5, p. 1762-1769  


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    Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2008) EPL. 82, 5, 58005.  
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    Riziq A. A., Trainic M., Erlick C., Segre E. & Rudich Y. (2008) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8, 6, p. 1823-1833  
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    Latz M. I., Bovard M., Vandelinder V., Segre E., Rohr J. & Groisman A. (2008) Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 17, p. 2865-2875  
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    Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2008) Physical review letters. 101, 4, 048101.  
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    Stern M., Garmider V., Segre E., Rappaport M., Umansky V. Y., Levinson Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2008) Physical review letters. 101, 25, 257402.  


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    Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2007) Physics of Fluids. 19, 5, 053104.  
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    Burghelea T., Segre E., Bar-Joseph I., Groisman A. & Steinberg V. (2004) Physical Review E. 69, 6 , 066305.