(Applications will close on March 17, 2025)
Application and Admission Process
Stage 1: Registration
- Submission of academic qualifications and core course requirements.
- Submission of a Hebrew proficiency test (if applicable).
- Applicants meeting all the registration criteria will be invited for further qualification and admission tests (Stages 2-5).
Stage 2: Online Tests
Online tests will be held during the week of April 6th, 2025. For further information, please see the section “Qualification and Admission Tests by an External Service Provider” below.
The test is expected to take a few hours and includes four parts:
- Part 1: Analytical reasoning skills
- Part 2: Biological assignment assessing scientific thinking
- Part 3: Personality compatibility questionnaires
- Part 4: Biographical questionnaire
After the tests, a weighted average score will be calculated for all candidates based on parts 1-3. Part 4 will be scored only for candidates whose weighted average for parts 1-3 meets or exceeds a predetermined cut-off score. The total score will be given to all participants.
Stage 3: Knowledge Test
- Purpose: Evaluation of the foundational knowledge in the seven required core courses organized by Tel-Aviv University. Candidates can register for the test using this link.
Please note that this year, we will accept the grade from either round of the knowledge test (Moed A or Moed B).
- Exemptions: Students who have successfully completed the first three years of a six-year medical school program in Israel, or the first two years of a four-year medical school program in Israel, are exempt from the Knowledge Test.
- Minimum Requirement: A score of 300 or higher on the knowledge test.
- Scoring and Advancement: Invitations to Stage 4 will be determined by a weighted average score of Stage 2 (95%) and Stage 3 (5%). For students exempt from the Knowledge Test, only Stage 2 will be considered.
Letters of Recommendation: As detailed in the application form, letters of recommendation are mandatory for candidates advancing to Stage 4 and must be submitted before the beginning of this stage.pplication form, are mandatory for candidates advancing to Stage 4 and must be submitted before the beginning of this stage.
Only letters for candidates invited to advance to Stage 4 will be reviewed. We recommend identifying and securing recommenders in advance.
MSc holders must include their advisor as a recommender.
Applicants who studied at The Weizmann Institute of Science ("Weizmann") or participated in Weizmann programs must include their research advisor as a recommender.
Certificate of Non Criminal Record: A Certificate of Non Criminal record is mandatory for male applicants and must be submitted immediately upon acceptance into the program. We recommend obtaining the certificate well in advance to ensure timely submission. Please note that acceptance into the program cannot proceed without this certificate.
Stage 4: MD Interview and Analytical Assignment
- MD Interview: Candidates will participate in a 30–45-minute interview conducted on the Weizmann campus at the end of May and beginning of June 2025. Each interview team will include a physician and a psychologist.
- Analytical Assignment: Following the interview, candidates will complete a test designed to evaluate their ability to analyze data and derive meaningful insights. This test will be conducted while on Weizmann campus, using a computer provided by Weizmann, will last up to 90 minutes, and requires basic Excel skills. Specific details about the test and preparation guidelines will be shared with all candidates invited to this stage.
- Results and Next Steps: weighted results from Stage 4 and invitations to Stage 5 (Assessment Center) are expected to be sent within two weeks after all applicants have completed Stage 4.
- Advancement Rate: Success rate for being invited to the Assessment Center is estimated at approximately 40-50%.
Stage 5: Assessment Center
- Schedule: The assessment days will take place at the beginning of July 2025.
- Format: Candidates will be grouped into teams of eight and will spend a full day at Weizmann campus, participating in various individual and group tasks. A detailed description of the day’s activities will be provided to candidates invited to this stage.
- PhD Interview: Each candidate will also have a 30–45-minute PhD interview with two principal investigators from Weizmann as part of the assessment day.
The weighted results of the assessment day are expected to be shared with the participants by the end of July 2025. Success rate for being accepted into The Miriam and Aaron Gutwirth Medical School are estimated at approximately 25-30%.
Stage 6: Final Admission
Acceptance Notifications
Top-ranked candidates will receive acceptance notifications by the end of July 2025. Other qualified candidates may be placed on a waiting list. Accepted candidates will have five days to confirm their decision to join the program. After this period, any unfilled spots will be offered to waiting-list candidates according to their ranking. This process will continue weekly until all spots are filled.
After receiving notification of acceptance, each candidate is required to:
- Respond to the acceptance notification within 5 days
- Provide a Certificate of non Criminal Record from the police (male applicants only) within 5 days. We recommend obtaining the certificate well in advance to ensure timely submission. Please note that acceptance into the program cannot proceed without this certificate.
- Provide vaccination records and Mantoux test results
- Provide a Health Declaration
Preparatory Activities
To help students prepare for their academic and professional journey as part of the program, we offer accepted candidates several preparatory activities:
- Networking Day, held at the beginning of August 2025 (specific date – TBD).
- A Preparatory Programming Class covering Python and R programming, held between August 31 to September 18, 2025, ensuring all students have essential programming skills.
This class is compulsory for applicants who have not completed a Python and R programming course within the last three years or did not achieve a grade of 80 or higher in such courses. For other applicants attendance is optional but encouraged.
Please note that if the preparatory course is not mandatory for you, you will be required to complete an online Statistics course. The Medical School will provide you with a link to the course.
- Orientation activities, held on October 16, 2025 providing an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the program and its community.
Qualification and Admission Tests by an External Service Provider
Personal data
The qualification and admission tests will be conducted by an external service provider, as designated by Weizmann. The Medical School will invite examinees based on lists of candidates (name, I.D. number, and contact information) who applied and meet the admission requirements.
By registering and paying the exam fees (as detailed below), the examinee agrees and consents to the transfer of his/her personal data from the Medical School to the external service provider for evaluation. The examinee’s personal data, including any personal or other information provided by the examinee during the tests, will be held and processed by the external service provider or by the Medical School. For more information about how personal data is managed by the Medical School, please review the Weizmann's Privacy Policy.
Some of the tests will be held remotely. For supervision purposes the examinees will be required to keep their computer camera on. "Still" images of the examinees will be taken every 60 seconds during the test.
Please note that in addition to using the data to conduct the Medical School admission tests, the external service provider may also process anonymized data of the examinees for their internal statistics and accuracy of other tests. The examinees may refuse such use by the external provider, and it will not affect their ability to take the tests or their grades.
Please note that examinees have the right to access and correct their personal data.
Weighted average scores will be given without specifying the scores for each section of the relevant test/assignment. Examinees will not be given any information which may compromise the reliability of examinations or any information which may reveal commercial or confidential information of the Medical School or of the external service provider.
Test Fees
- Invitations for the tests will be sent by email. Examinees must ensure their email address is updated in the "Candidate Personal Information" section on the registration website and provide the correct email address.
- Payment for the tests must be completed promptly and by the date specified in the email. Only timely payment will guarantee the examinee’s right to take the tests.
- The tests' fees are 600 NIS and must be paid by credit card through the link provided.
- Tests' fees are non-refundable, even in the event of failure to take or complete the tests.
- Failure to take or complete the tests will be considered a waiver of candidacy.
- Accepted candidates who begin the MD-PhD program will be reimbursed for the test fees.
- Please notify Adi Kaszas-Zehavi at info.medschool@weizmann.ac.il if you do not intend to take the tests.
Examinations Under Adapted Conditions
If you have any physical disabilities or learning disabilities requiring accessibility accommodations, please contact us at info.medschool@weizmann.ac.il for assistance.