Visiting Students Program

The Weizmann Institute of Science extends an open invitation to international students to join one of our research groups for a few weeks or, for a few months, as visiting students – to share the special “Weizmann experience”, and be involved in cutting-edge research carried out here in basic science. Our scientific community is a fertile ground for professional networking. Our international students find here a happy home; enjoy the lush, green campus; have the best working condition possible and benefit from all the privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Weizmann School of Science.


The official procedure of obtaining a student visa might take several weeks (not including weekends and holidays). Therefore, in order to avoid potential delays, the application procedures described herein must be completed at least two months before the expected arrival of the prospective visitor.


A visiting student at the WIS is a full-time student associated with any accredited institution of higher learning or with any research institute somewhere in the world.


Visiting students may come to the WIS either for training and short-time research purposes, or as part of a scientific cooperation their mentor may have with one of the research groups at the WIS.

Time frame

Visiting students may be granted this status for a minimum period of one week to a maximum period of one year. 


The WIS welcomes international visiting students to its campus. Their contribution to the academic and scientific life at the Institute is highly valued.


The Weizmann School of Science (WSoS) is in charge of the admission procedures and other academic aspects of the program at the WIS. Visiting students have no legal status at the WIS without an official approval of the WSoS.

Tuition fees

Visiting students at the WIS are exempted from tuition fees.


Visiting students may take full advantage of all campus services and research facilities offered by the WIS to its full-time students.

Academic policy

The Weizmann Institute of Science does not award double degrees or joint degrees with other institutions of higher learning. Visiting students may not declare or state anywhere that they were awarded a degree by the Weizmann Institute of Science. This holds true even if part or all of the visitor’s research is done in one of the research groups at the Weizmann Institute, or if an Institute faculty member was officially recognized the visitor’s university as a thesis co-advisor.

Courses & transcripts

The WSoS offers over 130 courses every year in Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science. The language of instruction in these courses is English. Visiting students may register for these courses and take them free of charge. In addition, they are entitled to receive (free of charge) a transcript listing the courses they completed while at the WIS.

Certification of WSoS status

While at the WIS and following the completion of their stay, visiting students may ask the WSoS to issue for them a certification indicating their (current or past) WSoS status.

Application procedures

It is vital to remember that the official procedure of obtaining a student visa might take several weeks (not including weekends and holidays). Therefore, in order to avoid potential delays, the application procedures described herein must be completed at least two months before the expected arrival of the prospective visiting student.

Finding a host

The first step is to find a WIS principal investigator as a host for the duration of the desirable visit. Prospective visiting students must reach out independently to Heads of Research Groups at the WIS and make the necessary arrangements directly with them. The WSoS is not involved in this part of the process.

Filing an application

Visiting students do not apply directly to the WSoS. The hosting scientific departments do so on their behalf.

Guaranteed financial support

The hosting scientist at the WIS must provide the WSoS with a special form stating that the prospective visiting student will be adequately supported financially (at least at a level of a Master’s fellowship at the WSoS), and specify the relevant funding sources (e.g. their own research grants, the home institution's resources or a grant by a third party).

Israeli students studying in Israel cannot receive a scholarship or payment under the program.

Letter from the home university

Every visiting student must provide an official letter or certification from their home university stating its approval of the visit, and declaring that the visitor will continue to be a full-time student there during the planned visit. If the hosting scientist is one of the visitor’s co-advisors, the confirmation letter should state this explicitly.

Intellectual property form

  • All visiting students must sign the Weizmann Institute’s Intellectual Property Form (IP form).
  • This requierment does not apply to visiting students aho arrive for less than three weeks.
  • Please note, that in addition, all visiting students who are PhD students at their home universities must ask the authorized party at their university to add their signature to the IP form too. This requirement does not apply to undergraduate or MSc students.
  • Requests to waive one or both of the abovementioned requirements must be made, by the host scientist to the WIS VP for Technology Transfer through the WSoS.

Letter of confirmation

Upon completion of the application process (including the WSoS issues a letter of confirmation of the approved status.

WSoS Contact information

For further information about the application process, student visa etc., prospective visiting students may contact the relevant WSoS Faculty Coordinator:

  • Physical Sciences:
  • Chemical Sciences:
  • Life Sciences:
  • Math & CS:

Student Visa


When planning the visit, one should take into account that the official process of obtaining a student visa might take several weeks (not including weekends and holidays). Therefore, the application process must be completed at least two months before the expected arrival of the visitor.


All international visiting students must arrange for a student visa to Israel prior to their arrival at the border.


International visiting students whose planned stay in Israel is less than 90 days, AND citizens of their country are exempted from an entry visa to Israel (see below), may enter the country and visit the WIS without a student visa

Types of visa

Our International Office will provide you with detailed instructions regarding obtaining the required visa. You can find the relevant information on the International office website.


The WSoS assists prospective visiting students through the process of obtaining a student visa. The WSoS does not handle requests to issue student visas for visitors who declare a visit of less than 90 days, but wish to stay on for a longer period of time.


International visiting students may not engage in any kind of employment in Israel


Visa applications are subject to fees set by Ministry of the Interior.

Student Housing

International visiting students may reside in the Weizmann School of Science’s student housing facilities. The minimum stay is four weeks and the maximum allowed stay is one year.


The availability of student housing on campus is scarce. Therefore, it is highly advisable to book a room as much ahead of time as possible.


Booking is done through the WIS Housing Directorate by the hosting department.

Rent fees

Student housing is not free. It must be paid for by the visitor, unless the hosting scientist is willing to cover for the cost or subsidize it.

Medical Insurance


All international visiting students must hold a valid policy of medical insurance. There are no exceptions to the rule. Visiting students may purchase insurance in their home countries or do so in Israel.


Upon arrival visiting students are required to verify that their medical insurance policy meets the WSoS standards. It is important to keep in mind that insurance companies do not usually include pregnancy, pregnancy-related complications, childbirth and hospitalization as a result of childbirth, or childbirth-related complications.


Visiting students must be funded at least at the level of a Master’s fellowship at the WSoS. The funding may be provided by one source or more (see above). The hosting scientist is not obligated but may provide the visitor with additional financial support by reimbursing expenses such as flights, medical insurance, or housing. If one of the funding sources is the hosting scientist research grants, then the visitor is paid either monthly or in one payment (depending on the length of stay at the WIS).

Israeli students studying in Israel cannot receive a scholarship or payment under the program.

Funding Opportunities for International Visiting Students

The Government of Israel offers scholarships to international students and postdoctoral fellows as defined in the Cultural Agreements between Israel and certain countries.

Support is offered for a period of up to eight months.

The deadline for applications is November 30.

For further information concerning eligibility and application procedures, see the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs relevant webpage

You may also write to:

Faculty Coordinators