Welcome to the Weizmann School of Science
Founded in 1958, the Weizmann School of Science (WSoS) is the academic arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. As a student at the Weizmann School of Science, you will be able to immerse yourself fully in research and study and work directly with research groups conducting groundbreaking and innovative research in their fields.
The Weizmann School of Science was chartered in New York State in 1967 as the Feinberg Graduate School. The School received endowment and capital funding from the late Abraham Feinberg LL.B. (USA), who served as the founding Chairman of its Board of Trustees. The First Dean of the Weizmann School of Science was Prof. Joseph Gillis.
The Graduate School’s goal is the advanced training of new generations of creative and original researchers in the natural sciences and mathematics ─ in other words, the education of future scientific leaders. All students at the Weizmann School of Science are directly involved in the research conducted at the Institute.
Study Tracks and Fields of Study
The Weizmann School of Science offers the following study tracks:
- Regular MSc Track About | Outline | Study Requirements | Admissions
- Non-thesis MSc Track in Science Teaching (The Rothschild-Weizmann Program)
- Direct PhD Track Information
- Regular PhD Track About | Outline | Study Requirements | Admissions
- MD-PhD About | Outline | Study Requirements | Admissions
- Teaching Certification Program Information
The main fields of study and research are: Physical Sciences | Chemical Sciences | Life Sciences | Mathematics and Computer Science | Science Teaching.
The Weizmann School of Science is accredited by the Council for Higher Education in Israel.
The official language of instruction at the Weizmann School of Science is English. This enables international students to benefit from its programs.
Non-discrimination Policy
The only criteria for admission to the Weizmann School of Science is academic excellence and integrity. The Weizmann School of Science admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, and ethnic origin to all the programs, privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. See How to Apply for MSc Studies.
All students at the Weizmann School of Science receive fellowships so that they can devote their time to research and study. For further information, see Fellowships and Aid.
All students at the Weizmann School of Science are exempted from paying tuition fees.
Areas of Study and Research
Physical Sciences
Astrophysics: High energy astr
ophysics | relativistic plasma astrophysics | supernova explosions | dynamics of stellar systems | observational astronomy | black holes | dark matter and dark energy | cosmic radiation | neutron stars and pulsars | astrophysics of neutrinos |
Condensed Matter Physics: Mesoscopic physics | semiconductors and submicron devices | high-temperature superconductivity | correlated electrons | quantum Hall effect | quantum phase transitions | ultra-cold gases | quantum computers |
Particle Physics: Statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics | hydrodynamics | classical and quantum chaos |
Physics of Complex Systems: Statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics | hydrodynamics | classical and quantum chaos |
Biological Physics: Physics of the cell | single molecule experiments | nanodosimetry and digital radiography |
Optics: Ultra-fast devices and nonlinear phenomena | laser cooling | quantum optics | nano-optics | laser physics | quantum information |
Chemical Sciences
Biological Physics and Soft Matter | Environmental Sciences | Materials & Bio-materials | Nano Sciences | Organic Chemistry | Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics | Structural and Molecular Biology |
Life Sciences
Our new Life Sciences program is divided into three exciting excellence tracks:
(1) ExCLS (Excellence Clusters in Life Sciences)
This new program enables each student to select a cluster of courses of their choice based on scientific fields of interest. Choice of cluster will only be required following admission and will not affect the laboratories that you may rotate or perform your MSc research in. Five clusters of courses are included in this program:
Structural and synthetic Biology: Proteomics/ Biochemistry/ Structural Biology/ Protein design/ Synthetic Biology/ Lipid Biology/ Lipidomics/ Glyco Biology/ Glycomics/ Metabolites/ Metabolomics/ Biophysics
Cell Biology: Epigenetic regulation of gene expression/ RNA Biology/ Transcriptomics and epigenomics/ Translation/ DNA replication and repair/Post translational modifications/ Cell cycle/ Senescence and cell death/ Organelle Biology/ Trafficking/ Cellular communication/ Protein degradation/ Metabolism/ Signaling/ Microbiology/ Virology/ Parasitology
Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy: Immunology/ Infectious diseases/ Host-pathogen interactions/ Microbiome/ Cancer Immunology
Development, regeneration and disease: Developmental Biology/ Stem Cells and organoids/ Regeneration/ Physiology/ Endocrinology/ Cancer and tumor Biology/ Genetic diseases/ Aging/ Gene therapy/ Translational science
Plant, Environment and Ecosystems: Marine sciences/ Plant Sciences/ Environmental microbiology/ Ecology/ Evolution/ Biodiversity and conservation/ Biogeochemistry/ Global change
(2) Brain Sciences and Neurobiology
Neuroscience and brain research: The study of Neuroscience is viewed by many as the ultimate frontier of science. It comprises of a diverse set of approaches, from the study of genes, to the study of neurons, synapses, circuits, behavior and cognition. Neuroscience in the Weizmann Institute embraces research in all of these aspects. The Institute has a large and vibrant community of Neuroscientists, and it is one of the leading centers of Neural and Brain Research worldwide. Using an extensive range of models and state-of-the-art techniques, Neuroscientists at Weizmann strive to understand neuronal function in health and disease. The Board of Studies in Life Sciences offers two competitive tracks for a limited number of excellent students who aim to study Neuroscience. The programs provide inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary training and education for the next generation of Neuroscientists.
Brain Sciences track: Systems, Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience
The brain is the most complex known entity in the universe. It underlies everything that is human, including sensations, movements, emotions, memories, learning, language, planning, imagination and consciousness. As such, brain research involves a uniquely diverse set of disciplines, including Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Psychology, Engineering, and Biology. We welcome outstanding students from any of the above academic backgrounds to apply to this track. The track offers a wide selection of courses in the Brain Sciences, covering all aspects of brain research – from systems, behavioral and theoretical neuroscience.
Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience track
The molecular and cellular processes that govern the formation of the nervous system, those that are essential for its normal function, as well as the processes that promote its breakdown and degeneration in disease are at the frontier of neuroscience. The Weizmann Institute of Science has a large community of Molecular & Cellular Neuroscientists whose work focuses on precisely these topics. We welcome outstanding students from Life Sciences with strong background or interest in neuroscience to apply to this track. The program offers a wide selection of courses in the Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience, covering all aspects– from cellular processes, neurodevelopment to neurodegeneration.
(3) Computational and Systems Biology
This platform combines advanced and rich coursework in computational analyses, with a strong emphasis on learning the principles of programming and computational data analysis, and hands on experience in applying these to the biological areas of interest of each student. Students with computational background (e.g. computer science, mathematics or physics) will be considered, but knowledge in Life Sciences is required. Prior computational knowledge is NOT required.
Mathematics and Computer Science
Computability, Complexity and Algorithms | Cryptography | Combinatorics, Probability and Randomness in Computations | Semantics, Logic and Verification | Computer Vision, Robotics and Brain Research | Bioinformatics, Computational Biology | Algebra, Algebraic Geometry | Geometry and Representation Theory | Analysis (Classic and Modern) and its applications | Scientific Computations and Mathematical Models | Control, Optimization and Mathematical Economics | Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems | Stochastic Processes |
Science Teaching
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | Computer Science | Earth Sciences | Science and Technology for Middle School |
Medical School
The newly launched MD-PhD program in honor of Miriam and Aaron Gutwirth is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary journey that guides students from premedical studies through clinical rotations and groundbreaking medical research. Designed to train the next generation of physician-scientists, the program integrates rigorous medical education with innovative scientific exploration, equipping graduates with the skills to make meaningful contributions to both fields.
The Core Curriculum includes foundational coursework in computational biology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, epidemiology, pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, and pathology, alongside collaborative lab sessions within the Institute's diverse research groups. Students engage in continuous medical research education, professional development, and interdisciplinary training, ensuring they are prepared to bridge medicine and scientific discovery. Following the PhD stage, students transition to clinical clerkships across a range of key specialties, including Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Psychiatry, Surgery, Neurology, and Family Medicine, gaining hands-on experience in leading hospitals.
The Weizmann School of Science is headed by a Dean, who receives the assistance of the WSoS Academic Secretary and of a Steering Committee consisting of the directors of WSoS five Research Schools. The Graduate School Office, headed by a Director Operations, coordinates all the services, activities and duties for which the School is responsible.
Studies at WSoS are conducted within the framework of research schools. Each school is headed by a director appointed by the WSoS Dean. Each director is assisted by a Board of Studies. The director of each school coordinates all activities in the relevant field of study. These include guidelines for academic requirements, courses and laboratory work; admission of students; and evaluation of their progress in both research and studies. The instructors and mentors of students at the Weizmann School of Science are Weizmann Institute of Science faculty members, as are most of the lecturers teaching the courses offered by the WSoS.
Non-degree Undergraduate Programs
The Weizmann School of Science runs non-degree undergraduate programs designed to offer their participants an opportunity to experience science by becoming part of a research group at the Weizmann Institute. The goal is to support and cultivate the interest of undergraduate students in pursuing a career in the sciences and strengthen their curiosity and commitment through real laboratory experiences. The programs are:
Postdoctoral Training
The Weizmann School of Science is also responsible for the administrative and academic aspects of the postdoctoral training at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Applications to the PhD tracks and postdoctoral fellowships are accepted throughout the year, while applications to the MSc degree must be received before the end of February for the following academic year. See the Admissions section to find out how to apply to each of the study programs.